Relations Phrasal Verbs-1

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Como xa sabes, os “phrasal verbs” son verbos que están formados por unha ou dúas
partículas, preposicións ou adverbios, que fan que os verbos cambien o seu significado
primario. Por exemplo: LOOK significa “mirar” They looked at her and smiled
pero LOOK AFTER quer dicir “coidar” They looked after her while her parents were at work.

Aquí tes algúns Phrasal Verbs que podes utilizar en contextos de relacións persoais.

Phrasal Verb Definition Meaning Example

She was brought up by her

grandparents because her
Take care of a child Educar, criar parents were working
someone up

Mary is quite tall. She

Take after Look like someone in the certainly takes after her
someone family mum

Many children really look up

Look up to Respect or admire Respectar,
to famous footballers
someone someone admirar
I grew up in a small town
Grow up Become an adult medrar before I moved to Santiago

We tried to get on with each

Get on with Levarse ben con
Be friends with someone other but it didn’t work out
someone alguén
Have an argument or
Enfadarse con He fell out with his best
Fall out with disagreement with
alguén e deixar friend and now they don’t
someone someone and stop being
de ser amigos even talk to each other
friends with him/her
Since all my sisters did so
well at school, I had to live
Reach an expected
Live up to Estar a altura up to from the first day I
went there

After years of being treated

badly by her husband, she
Stand up to Refuse to accept unfair Enfrentarse a
stood up to him and made
someone treatment or behaviour alguén
him change his ways

Looking back on our

Look back Mirar atrás,
Remember something childhoods usually brings a
on recordar o
that happened in the past smile to our faces
something pasado
Talk to someone severely
Tell His parents told him off for
for doing something Berrar
someone off his school results.

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