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Arterial Blood Gas Sampling Peer Feedback

Peer review sheets can be used to: observe your peers’ performance; listen to them present or write up their findings. Either
way the sheet is intended as a guide for you to follow when giving them feedback.
Element OK Any Comments
Patient Safety Unwell?
Introduction (your full name and status)
Checks patient details (against notes/ name band)
Explains the procedure (checks previous experience, explains
adequately including the reasons for ABG sampling)
Informed consent (using professional and appropriate
Obtains relevant patient information, is the patient unwell?
On oxygen, how much? On anticoagulation medication or
have any bleeding disorders? Temperature?
Washes hands appropriately (immediately after cleaning the
tray, does not contaminate hands once washed (can rewash)
Performs modified Allen’s test explains procedure, washes
hands before touching patient, performs test and interprets
Understands ANTT (cleans tray prior to putting equipment in,
doesn’t contaminate ‘key parts’ at any point, cleans skin
appropriately with Chlorhexidine Gluconate, (for 30 sec) does
not touch insertion site after cleaned, unless using sterile
Uses equipment correctly, wears gloves according to trust
policy. Prepares equipment, checking expiry dates - syringe
(checks if self-filling), skin prep, gauze and sharps bin.
Wash hands appropriately
Wears appropriate PPE Minimum apron and non-sterile
gloves/sterile gloves depending on trust policies.
Obtains ABG sample appropriately (in appropriate location),
Allows skin to dry prior to insertion, palpates for radial artery,
inserts needle at @ 45 degrees into the radial artery, obtains
sample, withdraws needle and places gauze with pressure
over insertion site for minimum 5 min.
Safe handling of needles (unsheathes safely, does not
resheath needle), immediate disposal of needle into sharps
bin after activating needle safe device.
Disposal of waste (including sharps) appropriately. Clinical
waste and non-clinical waste in appropriate bins
Administrative tasks
Administrative tasks Documents consent, results of modified
Allen’s test, time ABG was taken, percentage of inspired O2,
temperature of patient and any complications of procedure.

You may see variations in examinations or procedures in clinical practice. This may be for many reasons, including the patient’s
history and comfort, the equipment available, clinician’s preferences, short cuts used by experienced clinicians’ or trust policy.

© Clinical Skills Teaching and Learning Centre, School of Medicine, Institute of Life Course & Medical Sciences, University of Liverpool
Arterial Blood Gas Sampling Peer Feedback

Peer review sheets can be used to: observe your peers’ performance; listen to them present or write up their findings. Either
way the sheet is intended as a guide for you to follow when giving them feedback.
Element OK Any Comments
Maintains the patient’s dignity & did not cause any
My peer would have made the patient feel...........

You may see variations in examinations or procedures in clinical practice. This may be for many reasons, including the patient’s
history and comfort, the equipment available, clinician’s preferences, short cuts used by experienced clinicians’ or trust policy.

© Clinical Skills Teaching and Learning Centre, School of Medicine, Institute of Life Course & Medical Sciences, University of Liverpool

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