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JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL PQUATIONS 116, 338-404 (1995) Infinite Dimensional Dynamics Described by Ordinary Differential Equations ALEXANDRE N. CARVALHO* Center for Dynamical Systems and Nonlinear Studies, School of Mathematies, Georgia Institute of Technology, Attanta, Georgia 30332-0160; and Instituro de Ciencias Matematicas de Saw Carlos, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Situ Carlos, SP Brazil Received September 4, 1992; revised May 5, 1993 INTRODUCTION Due to the possible complexity of infinite dimensional dynamical systems, it is of great interest for mathematicians and applied scientists, to identify those problems that can be regarded as ordinary differential equations. The purpose of this work is to identify a class of reaction diffusion problems for which we are able to reduce the study of the large time dynamics to the study of the large time dynamics of an ordinary differential equation. An abstract theory is developed to include several reaction diffusion problems with large diffusion and some for which the diffusion coefficient is large in parts of the region and becomes small in some other parts of the region, The techniques are the invariant manifold theory, a detailed analysis of an cigenvalue problem, some a priori estimates, and the converse theory for Liapunov stability as in Yoshizawa (1966). This problem has been studied by several authors, among them we mention Conway er al. (1978), Hale (1986), Hale and Rocha (1987a, b), Carvalho and Hale (1991), Fusco (1987) and Carvalho and Pereira (1994). Most of these authors worked in spaces with topology stronger than the uniform topology. By working in energy spaces (the half fractional power space associated with the elliptic operator), we are able to derive conclu- sions about the global asymptotic dynamics of parabolic problems, As we will see throughout the text, there are several interesting parameters dependent reaction diffusion problems for which the associated elliptic operator has a finite number of eigenvalues that converge and the remaining diverges to — <0, as the parameter varies. This is an essential * Research partially supported by CNPq, Ministério da C 338 € Tecnologia, Brazil (0022-0396/95 $6.00 Copyright € 1995 by Academie Pres, In. Al rights of reproduction in tny form reserved, INFINITE DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICS, 339 ingredient in obtaining invariant manifolds that are graphs over a finite dimensional space and that become flat, as the parameter varies. The existence stability and smoothness of such invariant manifolds are established in Section 1.1, Theorem 1.2. This result is essential to the proof that, in some cases, the dynamics of the partial differential equation is equivalent to the dynamics of the ordinary differential equation. We are also concerned with identifying the ordinary differential equation that determines the asymptotic behavior (as seen in the previous works), To that end, we will also need to know what happens to the eigenfunctions associated to those eigenvalues that stay bounded. More specifically, these eigenfunctions must converge in some sense to a step function that is associated to an element of a Euclidean space. To carry out this project we must obtain some a priori estimates that are usually obtained through an energy functional. For this reason we choose to work in energy spaces, where a well known concept of dissipation is available, The usual method of obtaining a priori estimates for the attractors through energy functional is not essential in any way in these proofs. They are presented in this way only because it is a method that applies to a very wide class of problems. The results apply whatever method is used to obtain the a priori estimates. To emphasize how powerful such reductions can be, we remark that the question of finding equilibrium points (or even determining their number) for a parabolic problem with a polynomial non linearity may be very hard or even untouchable. However. if this problem can be associated with an ordinary differential equation this question has a much better chance of being answered, This paper is divided into three main parts, each of them containing several sections. In Part I we introduce the basic results that will be used throughout the text and a few simple immediate applications of these results. The examples considered in this part are reaction diffusion equations in a bounded smooth domain of R", <3 for which the associated eigenvalue problem has been studied or it is a simple consequence of a known problem. In such examples, the only technical difficulty is to set up the problem in the correct space so that the abstract results can be applied, In Part II we study an eigenvalue problem for a strictly elliptic sym- metric second order differential operator in a two-dimensional domain and use this result to verify the spectral assumptions of the abstract results in LA In Part III we present some generalizations of the results in Parts I and II we also make some comments on the interesting features observed for the limiting differential equations. 340 ALEXANDRE N, CARVALHO Recall (see Hale (1988), for example) that, if T(z): XX, 120, is a semigroup of transformations on a Banach space X, then a set of is an attractor if it is a compact invariant set that attracts a neighborhood ¢ of itself; that is, f is compact, T(1).o/=./ for 1>0 and there is a neighborhood © of «/ such that dist(7(1)©, «f) +0 as 1+ 00. The set of is a global attractor if it is an attractor that attracts each bounded set of X. A family of subsets {.0/,, 420} is said to be upper semi-continuous at 1.=0 if distl.of,, 4) +0 as 40. I. THE STATEMENT OF THE RESULTS AND SOME APPLICATIONS This section is divided into two subsections. In L1 we introduce the abstract results that will be used throughout the text and in 1.2 we deal with a few simple examples. 1. Upper Semicontinuity of Attractors for Abstract Parabolic Equations In this section we introduce the basic abstract results that will be used throughout this paper. We start by defining invariant manifolds. Let X and ¥ be a Banach spaces and 4: D(A)< XX be a sectorial operator. Denote by 4% the fractional powers of 4 and by X%, the associated fractional power spaces (see Henry (1981)). DerINiTion LI. Let f: *« ¥+X, g: X*x ¥— ¥ be locally Lipschitz continuous functions. A set ScX*x ¥ is an invariant manifold for a differential equation t= Ax t f(x,y) Foal, y), if there exists : ¥-+X* such that S= {(x, y)eX*x ¥:x=o(y)} and, for any (xo, ¥)€S, there exists a solution (x(-), »(-)) of the differential equation on R such that (x(1), y(7))€S Vee R. An invariant manifold S is said to be exponentially attracting if there are positive constants 7 and K such that [x)= o( y(2))Ilae < Ke |1x(0) ~ (0) xx whenever (x(r), y(t) is a solution of the differential equation. This is the definition that will be used throughout the text. Much more general definitions appear in the literature, see for example Henry (1981). INFINITE DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICS 341 Let d>0 be a positive parameter, X, be a Banach space and Ay: D(Ay) X4— X, be a sectorial operator. Denote by 4%, the fractional powers of 4, and by X%, the associated fractional power spaces. Our first result is concerned with existence, stability and smoothness of invariant manifolds. The proof of this result follows the proofs in Henry (1981). Some extra attention is required since the spaces change with a parameter, but the proof is significantly different and we omit it Lema 1.2. Let fy: XG YX, and gy: X4x ¥— Y satisfving: W Fax ¥)— fal2, Wl xy Lx — Wal ray? Vaal ¥)— gale wll y SL )x— Zi xy t ly wll yds Ig + yw). Heals vil SNe for every (x, ») w) in Xx Y. Assume that le “why Me” whys, 120 € Mw Mt te MM Nwlyy, 10, for any weX%, where B(d)—+ % as dx. Consider the weakly coupled system P= AGX+ LAX Y, ee (4) F=ealx, y). Then, for d large enough, there is an exponentially attracting invariant manifold for (1.1) Sy= {xy yi x=oyly), ve Y}, where og: ¥ +X} satisfies (d= sup lou y Illa ou) — gl) x3 x. If fas 8 are smooth; then, 64 is smooth and its derivative Da, satisfy sup [Dou VM cy. xy Sd). 342 ALEXANDRE N. CARVALHO Assume that g: Y= Y is Lipschitz continuous in bounded sets of ¥ and that ay) (1.2) has a global attractor .«/. Assume also that there exists a constant ./ > 0, independent of d, such that the set B= (wEN4X Ys full ype yp SM} [H] attracts bounded sets of X4x ¥ under the flow defined by (1.1). This hypothesis says that if the problem (1.1) has an attractor .9/,, then it must be contained in #. The ball # is not independent of d, since the space and its norm change with the parameter. However, the fact that the radius of 2 is fixed will prove essential in the proof of our next result and can be usually be obtained by using energy estimates. Remark. To simplify the notation, we also denote by .o/ the set {0} x. oX4x ¥, Suppose that fy: ¥jx YN and g,:¥}x YY are Lipschitz con- tinuous in bounded sets of X3x ¥ and that for any r > 0 there exist positive constants M,, L,, depending only on r, such that LAS IM eS Ly Mtl My Pals Py SL (a) fly t Mpld), (1.3) for all (x, ENFXY, WO lager Sr where Pyox, ¥)=K40% 9) — 80) and M,(d), L,(d) +0 as d—> x, Assume also that one of the following conditions is satisfied: (a) The flow defined by (1.1) is asymptotically smooth, (b) M, smooth, (c) M,=0and M, and the flow defined by j'=2,(0, ») is asymptotically TuroREM 1.3. Suppose that [H] and (1.3) are satisfied and that either (a), (b), of (c) above is satisfied. Then, there exists a dy>O such that, for d>dy, the problem (1.1) has a global attractor oly and the family of attractors, {hy do dy. Proof. Since (1.2) has a global attractor .«/ there is a locally Lipschitz continuous function X: ¥+R* such that for any Oc Y, INFINITE DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICS 343 (i) 3(0)=0if Oe, (ii) a(d(O, of) < (@) 0 if r>0, a(r) > 20 as r+ 00 and B(r) is continuous with (0) =0. (ii) 2,12(@)< — £(@), where X,,., is the righthand derivative of 5 along the solutions of (1.2). This result is classical in converse theory of Liapunov stability and we refer the reader to Yoshizawa (1966). For any c>0, let @. = {@€ ¥: 3(6) 0 and 9 >0, let d)>0 be such that, for all d>do, c~LL,(d)n- LM,(d) > 0, where L is the Lipschitz constant of E on &, Let (x(1), y(¢)) be the solution of (1.4), (1.5) with initial data (xo, yo). If y(s)eB, and |\x(s)| xg<7 for O 00. Therefore, M a Cr My pe") and M (Blay2yr IeOllag <7 ML,y Cl*ellagye +M,y) Assume that dy is chosen such that, for d>d), 1—ML,y7>}3 and M,) such that, for all d0. Therefore, one can cut the nonlinearities f,, g, to satisfy the hypothesis of Lemma 1.2 and a local version of Corollary 1.4 holds COROLLARY 1.6. Assume that (1.2) has a global attractor of and [H], (1.3), (b) are satisfied. Assume also that, for some ¢>0, M >0 independent of d, the semigroup generated by A, satisfies lle~*"wllys< Me" |wlly, 120 fella MI te" lie, 10, 346 ALEXANDRE N. CARVALHO for any weX%, Then, there exists dy>O such that (1.1) has a global attractor of, and limy...,, yc. Furthermore, if M,(d)=0, there exists d,>0 such that sf,= sf for d>d, 2. Applications to Parabolic Partial Differential Equations Suppose @ is a bounded smooth domain in R", <3. Consider the scalar parabolic partial differential equation u,=dLut flu), in (2.1) (2.2) (2.3) (24) and ff is the outward normal. We assume that L is strictly elliptic in Q; that is, there exists a positive number @ such that Y auld 20 18? wie for every xe Q, EER". Due to homogeneous Neumann boundary condition, the above problem can be reduced to the ordinary differential equation (e), (2.5) when restricted to the subspace of constant functions. We will use the results of previous section to give information about the global dynamics of (2.1), (2.2); that is, we prove that equation (2.5) dictates the asymptotic behavior of (2.1), (2.2). Results of this kind have been studied by many authors (see, for example, Conway et al. (1978), Hale (1986), Hale and Rocha (1987a, b) and Carvalho and Hale (1991). However, as a consequence of their choice of space, these authors only give information about the local dynamics of the INFINITE DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICS. 347 problem. Working in the energy spaces X}/? we intend to provide some information about the global dynamics of (2.1), (2.2). To better describe the results, some additional notation is needed. Let X= L°(Q); then the operator 4g: D(A,)< X +X, defined by 4,y = — dLg, where Dida~ {oe Hay 2 Oon aah, is a sectorial operator. We borrow the notation of the previous section for the fractional powers of A and the associated fractional power spaces. It is assumed throughout that «= 3, unless stated otherwise. It is well known that, XYPclL(Q) Vq2l, if n=2, (2.6), Ze). i no. (2.6)4 with continuous inclusion (see Friedman (1983), Theorem 10.1). It is easy to see that for d> 1 the embedding constant in (2.6), is independent of d, since (439,46) > (A7¢,6) for d>1. Let 4 be the first positive eigenvalue of —Z with boundary condition (2.2) and assume that 2d>1. Then, for any 2,>0,>0 and $eX7, we have KATO.) 2 (AGOOD and if ¢L1 KAZ, GD BH dG, >. To use the results in the previous section the class of nonlinearities in consideration is restricted to those that satisfy some dissipativeness condi- tion and for which the above problem is locally well posed. Suppose that Jf: RR is a Lipschitz continuous function satisfying flu) = fey 0. 348 ALEXANDRE N. CARVALHO We will concentrate on the case when n= 2, since the case n= 3 is much simpler and its proof can be easily carried out from the proof for the case n=2. Lemma 2.1. Let #=[a,6] [a, 6]. For any p>1 we have HYR)S LA), with embedding constant proportional to p; that is, there exists a constant R>0 such that VOU cocer SRP 1A tees for all $e HW). Proof. Let $e CA); then, <[ lolx), 42) = ds = fal%2) [Biwwras , oe, cd x, (5,2) and in the same way Wer xis” Lowa ds Therefore, Horr x)? 2. Choose 2r=q'(1— 1). Then, t= 4'/(q’ —2) and gu J? | au pt? Null sart0 4 Sy 5 s : we ay 2 | BiH anny 1X2 ena INFINITE DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICS 349 Since 19) zy) l we have H\(Q)0 such that (Plana) < Kp lll aay for all $e HQ) Proof. Let # be a rectangle such that Qc A. Then, there exists a linear operator E: HQ) HY) such that E4jq=4, and NEO yay Se Wl areays for all ¢e H'(Q) and for some e> 0. This implies that, for all ge H (Q), Ibll ena < NEON aren) < RP VEN yey < Rep I ay and the result is proved. LemMA 2.3. Under the previous growth assumption on f, the function 2X1? +X, given by SUN) = AGA) is Lipschitz continuous in bounded sets of X¥?; that is, for any r>0, there exists a constant L,= Lr) such that WFb)- SC x SL lO — Wil ey whenever Ill yp0 and ¢, eX! be such that Ill yy2, independent of d, such that lull ya for every we Cy, d> dy >0. Once above constant is found, by Theorem 1.3, the following result follows. THEOREM 2.4. There exists dy >0 such that, for any d> do, the attractor of (2.5) considered as a subset of the space of constant functions in X}? is a global attractor for the problem (2.1), (2.2) To prove that the constant M can be chosen independently of d> dy the standard proof that the semigroup associated to (2.1), (2.2) is bounded dissipative is repeated, keeping track of the constants involved. For con- vinience, we only prove the case L=4. The general case can be easily reproduced from it. Consider the Liapunov functional, E: X1/?— R, defined by E(0)=| if IV6(x)I? + $60) raw] dx, a where F(u)= fi f(s) ds and b> 0. From the dissipativeness condition it follows that Fis) < —(6/2)s? + ¢5,2 for all seR and from the growth condition that |F{(s)|0. This implies that, d b+b £46) 25 NOI +2 Mol? Ca 12 2k, lblliey? — C5 IAI and EMG) < CUO 140) < CUA xy? where C(.):R* + R* is a continuous and increasing function. Also, if u(s) is the solution of (2.1), (2.2) satisfying u(0)=uo¢ X17, d GE allt) 7 = Wallis bd WWulis +f uf(u) dx é < — bd |Vult, MI i2—b 5 hula + bes2 121 bes2 |. < — bk, lull iy ‘The above inequalities imply the following result. 352 ALEXANDRE N. CARVALHO Lemma 2.5. There exists a constant M>0, independent of d, such that for any d>0 and bounded set B in X'? 3ty= told, B) such that for > to. Moe B u(t, Uy) e {we X47: Well ye 0. Suppose that u(t,-) is a solution of (2.1), (2.2) and decompose the equation according to (2.9); that is, u(t, -)=0(0) + w(t), (2.12) v(N)EZ, w(t, -)EZ fy. Then, $= art u(t, x) dx = |Q|-! [, (dLu(t, x) + Sluts, x))) de =121-' | flott) + ws, x)) dx, or dv GT Pew) (2.13) with Pee, w= 121] fo+w) de. (2.14) lo ‘The variable w satisfy w,=dLw + Q(v, w) (2.15) where Ole, w{x))= flow) = |Q)*f flo wv) dy Let Q*: XY? + ¥ be defined by Q*(v, wx) = O(v, w(x), (2.16) The following results can be easily proved using the embeddings (2.6), and the growth assumptions on f, as in Lemma 2.1. 354 ALEXANDRE N, CARVALHO Lemma 2.7. The function Q*: Z@Z {.. +> X defined by (2.16) is Lipschitz continuous in bounded sets of Z® Z }:3; that is, givenr>0(v, w)EZOZ jo, there exists a constant Lo = Lo(r) such that IO", Whe SFB hats for We, Wlizez8S0 Lemma 2.8. If P is given by (2.14), the function P: Z®Z}1—+ B defined by Piv,w)=P(v, w)—f(v) is Lipschitz continuous in bounded sets of Z@®Ziai that is, given r>O0 (v,w)eZ@Z jy, there exists a constant Lp=Lplr) such that 3 L. [Ple, whl n <5 ll zis for \(e WY ze26,50 Remark 1. It has been shown (see Moser (1971)) that f* is a bounded operator from H'! into L? for p<2. The proof of this result is very hard, therefore the contribution in this section is the simplicity of its proof. Indeed, it has been shown (see Hale and Raugel (1992)) that the operator J is a bounded operator from H' into W'* for s<2, but their proof strongly uses the results of Moser (1971) Remark 2. One also can consider systems of weakly coupled parabolic partial differential equations. Some additional hypotheses are necessary to guarantee that the system is gradient and bounded dissipative, Assume that f:R* > B® is a C!-function satisfying tim sup2 2) < —6, eee for 10. Assume that the Jacobian matrix of f is symmetric; that is, x ax, for 1 0. By Theorem 244, for values of 2 and ff large enough, this system has a global attractor which consists of the attractor for = flu, vju glu, w)e when considered as a subset of the constant functions in H!(Q). 356 ALEXANDRE N, CARVALHO Remark 3, The results in Carvalho and Hale (1991) can also be considered as an application of the results in Section 1. More specifically, under some conditions on the nonlinearity, one can obtain results similar to the ones in this section, for reaction diffusion equations with dispersion, using Corollary 1.5. 3. Spectral Assumptions and Upper Semicontinuity Let @ be a bounded smooth domain in R", n<3 and d>0. Let L, be a symmetric, strictly elliptic, second order differential operator given by (2.3), where the coefficients a4)(x, d) = a(x, d) are real valued continuously differentiable in @, for each d. Let ¥ = L7(Q) and consider the self-adjoint operator Ay: DAQeX>X defined by DiAd= {4200 Lid WV be D(Ay), where e(x, d) is real valued and continuous in 4@ and éu/év is defined by (24). Let / be a positive integer and Q,, .., @, be disjoint open subdomains of Q satisfying Qc U/_, ,. Assume that the Lebesgue measure of U/_, 2,/ is zero. Denote by 2, 2+ R the characteristic function of Q). Let 4,(d) be the jth eigenvalue of A, and ¢,(d) be a corresponding normalized eigenfunction, Assume that there are real numbers €, < --- <é, (without loss of generality, ,=0) such that Aidt, is ji0, Bry Bad. Assume also that the corresponding eigenfunctions ¢,, ... 4, satisfy 18() ~ Fl aa) 0 asd ©, where each 2; is associated with a vector k,€ R in the following way G=X kiko, From the requirements above and from |9,(4)|:.0,=1, we clearly have that | axas= 1 INFINITE DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICS 357 Consider the following parabolic partial differential equation w= Lut flu), xe a Gul) =e(x,d)u, xeE6Q a Due to technical difficulties that arise in the proofs of Lemmas 3.2 and 3.3, we assume that f:R—+R globally Lipschitz continuous. Then, SEXP + defined by f(4\(x)=f(lx))xeQ, is globally Lipschitz continuous and takes bounded sets of X? into bounded sets of X. This implies that for any u)€ X'}?, there exists a unique solution u(s, wo) of (3.1) in some maximal interval [0, ¢,), satisfying u(0, vo) =o, and either 1, or [u(t Wolly? © as ty. Assume that the nonlinearity f satisfy the dissipativeness condition (2.8) with —6 replaced by ,—6. The a priori estimates necessary to guarantee that [H] is satisfied can be obtained, as in the previous section, by considering the Liapunov Functional, V: X'/? + R, defined by Aa Me wer=3[f, 3 aust os 5 agra, OX, Oxy ot F(g(x)) dx, + f, eg? dS + i, xP a] ~ where Flu) = f(s) ds. That is, the following results holds. There exists a constant M >, independent of v, such that > 0 and bounded set B in X\? there is a ty =to(v, B) such that, for u(t, uo)e {we XY? fl xy2< M}, where u(t, uo) is the solution of (3.1) satisfying u(0, uo) = uo. Let v= (0), 4 0, )ER, By=(G4(d), --, GAd)) and Oy-v=L/_, $(d)v,. Consider the following decomposition of ¥})?, WOWii> (3.2) where Wespanlbrndh Wiis >=] AL HOO) de (EX): (4, By-v) =0, vER |, 358 ALEXANDRE N, CARVALHO If u(z, x) is a solution of (3.1) in X47, it can be written as u(t, x) = B(x) v(t) + w(t, x) (3.3) where o(s)e RY and w(1,-)e Wi 12. Using the decomposition (3.2) the equation (3.1) can be rewritten as dv He iB ow Adu +f AO) + w(t, 9) diag’ds(, 6) ds, aw + f(GAx)-v + w(t, x))— Oy(x) (3.4) [Pals L460) 0+ wl 2) by, From the hypotheses on the eigenvalues of 4, one expects that the com- ponent w does not play much role in the asymptotic behavior of (3.1). Therefore, jr Alot] F(Z vddor)ourdn — 1sise. From the assumptions on the eigenfunctions ¢,(d), one expects that ~ Alaa E [, 1(E vd ) C99 ~ eX L(Z ane ; , ~ Hsu Da F(Z kn)en rere Therefore, the following limiting ordinary differential equation is associated to (3.1) B= vt hry 00, LS ji aki) kj H a ae = [FC eater we 9) a oray “a kad =f {, [y (z uk) kK “ r( DY vale) bel y) + wt, ») | ay rot 360 ALEXANDRE N. CARVALHO LL (3,.4)5-1(Z, noone] 6 [7(E saon)anr(E sein) 409] + = LU, vids) 609 - (3, vuln dubs) wte9)) 660) |: Let M= {sup;.¢q) [J”(s}}, Then a [P(x wim Y | Fi /a, o ‘ © veh YL vebaly) we kj dy HE] BLIP A+ Y | Mw, 01 ay 7 in 0 such that, for d>do, the problem (3.1), has a global attractor of,. Furthermore, the family of attractors {oly A> do} is upper-semicontinuous at infinity, where of, = of. From Corollary 1.5 and the remarks following it we obtain the result. THEOREM 3.5. There exists an exponentially attracting local invariant manifold S, given by the graph of 04: B/ +X? such that the attractor sf, is contained in S,. The flow in Sy is given by (v(t), (0) = (0(t), 74(0())), where v(t) is the solution of Sie) = diag(2,,.., 20+ + Pale, calv)), (38) Sie), where P,(v, 6) = (P,(0, W)y on Pav wT I f is smooth and the flow defined by (3.5) is structurally stable, for d large enough, the flow defined by (38) is structurally stable they are topologically equivalent; in addition, the family of attractors {.2l,, 4> do} is continuous at infinity. 4, Applications to the Results of Carvatho and Pereira (1994) It happens in some applications that the diffusion coefficient is large in part of the region and becomes small in another part of the region. In this section we consider a class of diffusion coefficients ae C1((0, 1], R*) that are large except in a neighborhood of a finite number of points where they become small. This problem has been studied previously by Fusco (1987) and Carvalho and Pereira (1994). We obtain that the global asymptotic dynamics is described by an ordinary differential equation that as in 1.3 can be given explicitly. In what follows we describe, more precisely, the diffusion coefficients a. Let "= R" be defined by = (2), & JER" Ce, >0, 10 (4.2) pu—(1—p)au,=0, x=0, 1>0 (43) out (l—a)au,=0, x=h, 1>0, (44) where O L7(0, 1) defined by D(A,) = {we H7(0, 1): pu(0)— (1 — p) a(0, v) u.(0) Soul) + (1a) all. vy) u(I)=0}, A,Uu=(AX, VU) ue D(A,), where 0 > EOL, for every 6€ X'". If (p, a) = (0,0); then, for every eX"? such that ¢L1 we have (Ab, O> > E lid ll2. Next we use Theorem 4.1 and Theorem 1.3 to obtain the results of Carvalho and Pereira (1994) Assume that the function f is locally Lipschitz continuous and that it satisfies the dissipativeness condition (2.8) Lemma 4.3. The function f*:X'?+L7(Q) defined by f*(b\(x)= S(G(x)), is Lipschitz continuous in bounded sets of X}? Consider the Liapunov Functional ¥: 1? +R defined by o re vee)=5[ [ater dsr as + ott? 2. + 4007+] aos as- [' Feds) ds, i 1—p Jo where Flu) = f(s) ds. Proceeding as in Section 3, we can prove the following result: Lema 4.4, There exists a constant M >0, independent of v, such that for any ¥>0 and bounded set B in X'? there is a tg = tolv, B) such that, for 12 tg, UE B u(t, uo) {we XY? Nulise =0, Woe W}. Then if we. X!” it can be decomposed as SZ ebtw where “Woy alxids, sien wau- 5 0b. 1 This decomposition of the space induces a decomposition in the Eqs. (4.2), (4.3), (4.4) as follows. Suppose u(z, x) is a solution of (4.2), (4.3), (4.4); then, ut, x)= ¥ wilt) 6x) + (t,x) and BAt)= —A,v,+ Pv, ns Wy l0 such that the problem (4.2), (4.3), (44) has a global attractor f,. Furthermore, the family of attractors {of,, O0 (4.7) éu (x, y)e2Q, 1>0, (48) where ae Cie", a", ¥, v) and beCHe? 1”, B, Fy). We expect that the solutions of this problem converge to a constant on each of the rectangles Ry = (Xi. ¥.41)* (Np Yyeuds & J= 1 2. We prove that this is indeed the case. Using Theorem 4.1 we can prove the following theorem THEOREM 4.9. Let A be the operator A: D(A)c LQ) > LQ) defined by D(A)= {uewanS 0inea in Aus — (a(x). ((Y)Uy)y Denote by Ay=AttAb, AyadstHh, Aydt tah, Ana Ast Ts. dss Jose the sequence of eigenvalues of A and $.=449', bn= 986", $2 = 648%, $22 = 00%, 5, Gas. @ corresponding sequence of normalized eigenfunctions. Then 24;=0, 412 (az/2l$)(1fxa(1 — x2), day > (62/219) (Iya = 93) and 255» (a/203)(1/x( 1 = X9)) + (2/213) /ya(1 = y2)) as INFINITE DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICS 369 y—+0. Also, there exists u>O such that, 4,2 u/v. Furthermore, we can choose 1 and $12, 8215 $22 10 satisfy +o(1), (xs poe Ley Fel = WT & £0, 1 (x, pe [0, 1] x (0, 1] (x, ye xz tS, xy ~ 9] x £0, 1], (x rye [0,1] x Ly, +f, re 0t2) (x, se [0,1] x [0,1] (x, ye £0, Fx Cyr tf, py — 047 and (xs yERn (x, ye Ris GrlX, Y= (% ye [0,17 (x YE Ra (4 ye Rn, where Ry=([x, +02, Xr Ux Cytol, yi Bsa 2, With this information we proceed to guess the ordinary differential equation that carries the asymptotic behavior. Let 4? denote the fractional power of 4 and X* denote D(A”) endowed with the graph norm, Consider the following decomposition of X*, 224. Let W= span[ $11, $12, 621, $22] and Wits orthogonal complement in X%, Then if we X* it can be written as UH dy FEO 12+ Vadas t+ P2222 + Hy (4.9)

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