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Stsuure o Atom and Wwei .

Diffeene betuoeen:
q) What is the Binding
mass defet ?

short Ansuoer /Defniton laos Jo) What is the

(Dehination, EquationiNuleat fission Ssion.

decay? and eKample)

> What is Ruther ford's atomte
Puther fogd's atmic
model ) Whatis alpha
2) Wbat is peka decay?(oefinaton,
imitaion ot
2) What is and enample)
atomic spetsum
3) What is
postulates with al 3 fomuda.
eneigy of eleutron 13) het tsgamma decay
*5) Define Tonization ot 4) What ts fadioactive deeasy
6) What is
s) What is ano of Padioatre
of Bohy afomic model 9 uotth Fquation.
) What is imitation
tones withnexampke
exompl ) What is Activity wth &uaton
8) Define: isotupes , isobat, i[o
) What is holf IRG,
i otth
with fornda
19) What is averoge dit (mean ife) wth fomula
Dual naie of Ladiatiorn and Mattet.
5) What is Einstein's photoelectie eauaton
(KEmax = h-)
/Definiton lauos
) kg short Ansuer
) whatdebrglie
is debrogieoaveegt Pelation:
DWhat î6 photoeletic
a)hreshold freyng
b) Thseswold oon lengt
)d) Staping prtentie
SauTation ursent

3) What is Work uction of metal .on

which qatos it depend.

4) bhat is Einstein's postulate ot Quanlizati.

AC cirits:
Diffetenw Between:
and phasor diagiam of
6) Cisut diagruit ) Resistane an!
/Definiton Leus oith formuda.
) erg short Ansoer ) Define Trnpendance )Tn dutive leactane and
et emf and in Lee itit
factoswith Capaitive Peactance
"4) hat is avetage Vale Ac iruits ?frsmula ) Defne Powes fomua.
Cutelt in with sesonance and
3) SeriCS parallel Pesonane.
is ams Value of emf formula)
a) WhatCurrent 9)Definaton of Le dagram
in AC tN its
Resonana 7 formuda o4 sesonant
of A1 thsee iiutts 1o) What is series
) Phaser diagan(Resistor utuit) with Diagranm
(Tndutt èTait) Rsonane?fotmuda ot
What is parallel
(apacitor iTuit) oth diogra.
formla Freng
4) Define Tndutive Reactonu wHh formula. 1e) What is qfactor (Shatpnass) with formula.
5) Define Capaitive Peactane oit 13) Whet is hoke oil?
Supperpositon et wave Diffetene Between
) What is ) frogresive
short Ansuwer/Definitiog lauos State
9) Very end corsecion9 and fo Ced vibahon
1o) What is te fomula a) Fsee and
ReAecion et tansverse wave 3) Hasmonic and ovestone
a) Keftecton ot lorgtudinal ) ass ot string.
progsesve Jas o Jugh
3) Stake te propertiea ot
aw ot tension
supeiposition of wave ’lausot inert densihy
)Stat te waNe Honue define aning
2) What is beats,
5) What is
propcitiey of statoai

6) statWare B) Define doudness ,Ptch , Qusity o sound.
what is node and
hatonic and ovcrtone
8) What is
hWave opttcS defne Differene Betuseu,
s) What i6 Tnterference, Hene destruutive
construetive inte fesenu and Lnerfesence. and diffraution
intesferene 9
short Ansuwer /Definiton lauws condition for perfect
intesferen diffaution and
9) What are thepattesn9 (6 point) )fraunhofer fieSnel diffracion
) Hygei's Rinciple
and s eLondar
a) what is psimaiy souste
Souie et ight ) what is diffacion ot dight ?
3) petine Wovefront n) wnat is fraunhofes
fesnel dfraton?
of oovetront fot point Soutce12) what is usidth ot Tnterfeinea
Parallel Soute of ight, dine ourie What is fringe
) alsotade foma
5) What is polarizahion?wilh explanation Critetion for imit
) state te malus lauw
and esoluthon
) Explain Brewster's ao oith diagçtam
forima 5) Explain Roving poan dt mictosope
19) Explain Resolig poaer ot
Eleciromagnatie Tndution
Trdes with al Ditferene Betwee:
S9Defna coeffient
Cases. fosme and
)steop löansdown
uos Tsansfotmex
)kry short Ansoer / Definiton 9) What is tsans
fosmer aud wnkig pinaplk
Qaus with foimuda
la oith
a) stte lenz's
oorking priniple.
3) What is Generatosand
emf ?
4) What is Bauk it.
urent? Applicationo
5) What is Eday
) Define self Tndutance. formula.
Induetane. fotmuda sTunits
) Deine Mutual

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