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Tic Tac Toe: A

Pyt o Project
Welcome to the world of tic-tac-toe, a classic game of strategy and
skill. This project will guide you through creating a functional tic-tac-
toe game in Python, covering everything from the basics of the game
to implementing a computer player.

by Shivam Singh
Pyt o Ba ic : T e Buildi g Block

1 Variable 2 Data Structure

Variables are used to store data, like the Data structures like lists and
current player or the state of the game dictionaries will be essential for
board. managing the game board and player

3 Loop a d Co ditio al 4 Fu ctio

Loops allow for repetitive actions, while Functions help you organize your code
conditionals let you make decisions and create reusable blocks of logic.
based on the game's state.
Buildi g t e Ga e Board: T e
Fou datio
Repre e tatio Di play I itializatio
Represent the game board Write a function to print the Initialize the board with
as a list of lists, where each board to the console, using empty spaces before the
inner list represents a row. symbols like 'X', 'O', and ' ' for game starts. This ensures a
empty spaces. clean slate for each round.
board = [[" " for _ in
range(3)] for _ in range(3)]
Player I put a d Validatio :
E uri g Legality
Pro pt
1 Prompt the player for their desired move using a clear message.

I put
2 Use input() to get the player's chosen row and column.

3 Check if the chosen cell is empty and within the board's boundaries.
Reject invalid moves.
Ga e Logic a d Wi i g Co ditio :
Deter i i g Victory
Check for 3 in a row (horizontally, vertically, Iterate through rows, columns, and
and diagonally) diagonals, checking if they contain the
same symbol.

Check for a draw If all cells are filled and no winner is found,
declare a draw.

Update the game state After each turn, update the board, check
for a win, and switch players.
I ple e ti g Co puter Player:
T e AI Oppo e t
1 Ra do Move
Start with a simple AI that makes random moves on the board.

2 Mi i ax Algorit
Implement a more advanced AI using the minimax algorithm to evaluate
possible moves and choose the best strategy.

3 Difficulty Level
Offer different difficulty levels by adjusting the depth of the minimax
search. This allows players to choose a challenge.
Grap ical U er I terface (GUI): A Vi ual
Experie ce

Butto Widget Label Widget Wi dow Ma age e t

Use button widgets to Display game information like Structure the GUI with
represent each cell on the the current player, turn appropriate layout for the
game board. Click a button to counter, and win or draw game board, player
make a move. status using label widgets. information, and control
Co clu io a d Next Step : Expa di g
t e Ga e
Furt er Differe t Ga e AI Opti izatio
E a ce e t Mode Continue to improve the
Add features like a Explore variations of tic- computer player's AI by
scoring system, player tac-toe, such as larger incorporating more
profiles, or online boards or 3D versions, for advanced strategies and
multiplayer capabilities. a more complex learning algorithms.

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