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MIP S1 -section 2 – hind salek

Presentation about algorithm

In today’s modern world we can live easily by using programmed machines that
help us in our daily activities as robots and computers etc ,because they can do
anything we want and apply all of our instructions and this thanks to algorithm
that every program based on .additionally not to forget that algorithm is not
mainly for machines or something like that but also it’s the basis of our life
because every action we do follows a particular what’s an
algorithm? and what’s its origin? and how does our life depend on the
The word algorithm comes from the name of a Persian mathematician Al
Khwarizmi who contributes with the Al-Khwarizmi principle which states that all
complex problems of science must be and can be solved by means of five steps.
therefore algorithm can be defined as a sequence of instructions or a set of rules
that are followed to solve a problem or accomplish a task, Especially by a
To answer this question how our life depends on an algorithm i have chosen
some examples for symplifying the concept of algorithm.
Example 1 :
You can think of an algorithm as similar to a food recipe. If you make a sandwich,
you follow a set of steps to put the different ingredients together. You bring
ingredients together, assemble them as you like, and produce a final product -
the sandwich. If you were asked to write down instructions to make a sandwich,
you could create a written algorithm.

Within your sandwich algorithm you would need to specify:

inputs - ingredients and quantities
the process - recipe or method
output - what the finished sandwich will be like

Example 2 :
Here is an algorithm for making a smoothie:
1. Add fruit to the blender.
2. Add milk to the blender.
3. Put the lid on the blender.
4. Switch the blender on.
Imagine if we missed out one of the steps or reversed the order. We could end
up switching on the blender with nothing in it. Or there could just be milk in the
blender and no fruit.

The uses of algorithm :

Algorithms are used in all areas of computing. Examples include:
PageRank- Google's search engine uses a highly effective algorithm called
PageRank to find the best matches for search terms. PageRank decides which
pages are listed first when you search for something. This algorithm is highly
sophisticated and played an important role in Google Search's success.
Weather forecasting- the Met Office uses weather forecasting algorithms to
model weather patterns and make predictions.

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