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Original Article

Human and Experimental Toxicology

31(9) 877–886
Long-term ketamine and ketamine ª The Author(s) 2012
Reprints and permission:
plus alcohol treatments produced DOI: 10.1177/0960327112436404
damages in liver and kidney

MSM Wai1, WM Chan1, AQ Zhang2, Y Wu3 and DT Yew1

Ketamine is one of the common recreational drugs used in rave parties and it is frequently taken with alcohol.
In spite of this, the potential toxicity of ketamine in liver and kidney has not been fully documented. In this
study, ICR mice were treated for periods of 6, 16 and 28 weeks with 30 mg/kg ketamine injected daily intra-
peritoneally, and together with alcohol (0.5 ml of 10% alcohol for each mouse) during the last 4 weeks of the
treatment periods. Our experimental results showed significant damage in liver, including fatty degeneration of
liver cells, fibrosis and increase in liver glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, proliferative cell nuclear antigen and
lactate dehydrogenase after 16 weeks of treatment with ketamine. Hydropic degenerations of the kidney
tubules were observed as early as 6 weeks of treatment. Long-term ketamine administration (28 weeks) led
to atresia of glomeruli in the kidney. Proteinuria was confirmed in the 67% of the ketamine-treated animals
after 28 weeks of treatment. It was apparent that ketamine when taken chronically (16 weeks of treatment
and thereafter) affected both liver and kidney definitively. The damages in both liver and kidney of these mice
were more severe when the animals were treated with both ketamine and alcohol.

toxicology, ketamine, alcohol, liver, kidney, side effects

Introduction and alteration in hyperphosphorylated tau formation

as well as down regulation of sensory8,9 and cerebel-
Ketamine was discovered in 1960s. It was used as an
lar activities.10
anaesthetic for both human and animals.1 Several
Organs other than those of the nervous system
decades later, ketamine lost its favour largely because
might also be affected. For example, long-term keta-
of its association with psychic emergence reactions
mine treatment led to inflammation, muscular atrophy
such as hallucination.1 In the last two decades, it was
and eventually fibrosis of the urinary bladder11,12 and
used mainly (a) in paediatric surgery; (b) in surgery of
decreased motility of sperm in rodents.12 However,
high-risk patients; (c) in veterinary surgery; (d) for
ketamine effect on liver and kidney has never been
pain relief and analgesia; and (e) for opioid sparring
effects in abusers.1 Clinical usage of ketamine as
anaesthetic and for pain relief might be justified, as
harmful effects were minimal if not frequently Brain Research Centre, School of Biomedical Sciences, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
applied.2,3 2
Department of Anatomy, Capital Medical University, Beijing,
Unfortunately, in the last 10 years, ketamine has China
been used as an abusive agent by the younger gener- 3
Institute of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Chinese PLA General
ation in some Asian countries, with a high percentage Hospital, Beijing, China
of addiction for long term.4 This trend has in fact
Corresponding author:
begun to spread to America and Europe.5–7 Data from
David T Yew, Brain Research Centre, School of Biomedical
animal models had demonstrated adverse effects in Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New
the central nervous system due to the long-term keta- Territories, Hong Kong, China
mine treatment; these included neuronal apoptosis Email:

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878 Human and Experimental Toxicology 31(9)

studied. Abusers of ketamine usually consumed directly from the urinary bladder. Livers and kidneys
ketamine and alcohol together in ‘rave parties’, and were removed and processed as described below.
damages attributable to ketamine alone or combined
with alcohol were unclear. It was reported recently
that ketamine and alcohol might potentiate each oth-
Histological studies
er’s action and increase apoptosis in the cerebellum The kidneys from mice of different subgroups were
of treated mouse.10 This report is a new study on divided into midsagittal halves together with the
damages inflicted on the liver and kidney by treat- excised livers and were fixed in 4% paraformalde-
ment with ketamine alone or ketamine combined hyde, dehydrated in alcohol, cleared in xylene,
with alcohol. embedded in paraffin and sectioned at 5 mm thickness.
After sectioning, they were deparaffinized, rehy-
drated and immersed in Mayer’s haematoxylin for
5 min. After washing with water, the sections were
Animal studies dipped in 0.1% acid water and then immersed in
Approval for this study had been obtained from the Scott’s tap water for 1 min to develop a blue colour.
Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee of the They were then immersed in 1% eosin for 5–10 min
Chinese University of Hong Kong and the HKSAR to develop a red colour. The sections were then run
Government (License number: (10-17) in DH/ through in ascending alcohol series, cleared in xylene
HA&P/8/2/1 Pt.10). A total of 90 one-month-old male and mounted in Permount.
ICR mice of 30 g each were used. The animals were Sirius red study on the liver. Slides of livers from
randomly allotted into 3 study groups based on the control and experimental groups were stained with
treatment periods of 6, 16 and 28 weeks. Apart from Sirius red (Merck Chemicals, Darmstadt, Germany)
the control, each study group was further divided into for 1 h and further washed in 2 changes of acidified
two subgroups. One treatment subgroup was treated water to visualize collagen fibres of connective tissue.
with ketamine alone and the other with ketamine After this, the slides were further dehydrated in 3
together with alcohol. Daily intraperitoneal (i.p.) changes of 100% ethanol, cleared in xylene and
injection of 30 mg/kg ketamine was given to all mounted in Permount.
experimental group mice. The rationale for the dosage
was documented in a previous article.12 For the com- Immunostaining for lactate dehydrogenase. Kidney
bined ketamine and ethanol treatment subgroup, and liver sections were first dewaxed, rehydrated and
0.5 ml of 10% ethanol was given orally to each mouse permeabilized for 10 min with 1 phosphate-buffered
every day during the last 4 weeks of the study period. saline (PBS) supplemented with 0.1% Triton-X and
The amount of alcohol administered was based on the 0.05% Tween 20, followed by three rinses for 5 min
fact that (a) wine normally contained 12% of alcohol each in 1 PBS. The endogenous peroxidase activity
and (b) an average human of 50 kg weight would con- was blocked by 3% hydrogen peroxidase in methanol
sume 500 ml of wine per day. This meant that theore- for 45 min. After 3 more rinses in 1 PBS, nonspecific
tically an individual of 50 g weight should use 0.5 ml binding was suppressed with 1.5% normal blocking
alcohol. Since mouse had a much higher metabolic serum for 30 min. The sections were then incubated
rate than human,12 we used 0.5 ml for a 30 g mice. with primary antibodies lactate dehydrogenase-A
Saline was injected i.p. to the controls of the different (LDH-A (N-14) 1:200; Santa Cruz Biotechnology1,
study periods. In this experiment, alcohol was only Inc., Germany; sc-27230) overnight at 4 C. On the fol-
given for 4 weeks as the preliminary result indicated lowing day, sections were rinsed thrice with 1 PBS
that alcohol–ketamine interaction had drastic effects before incubation with respective diluted biotinylated
on organs as early as 2 weeks after combinational anti-goat secondary antibodies (1:500; Zymed1
usage. These data also indicated that longer-term Laboratories, Inc., USA; 61-1640) for 2 h and then
combinational treatment could lead to a much higher rinsed again. Subsequently, the sections were incu-
mortality. Thus, for this first study, we decided on a 4- bated with diluted streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase
week treatment. We might work on ketamine–alcohol (HRP)-conjugated solution (1:500; InvitrogenTM,
interaction for longer terms in future study. Upon USA, 43-4323) for 2 hours and rinsed again. The pos-
completion of treatments, all animals were killed by itive staining was then visualized by 0.05% 3,30 diami-
cervical dislocation and urine samples were collected nobenzidine tetrahydrochloride in 1 PBS containing

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Wai MSM et al. 879

0.01% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Then all sections

were dehydrated, cleared and mounted with Permount.

Immunostaining for proliferative cell nuclear antigen.

Similar to the steps described for immunostaining of
LDH, kidney and liver sections were first dewaxed,
rehydrated and permeabilized with 1 PBS, supple-
mented with 0.1% Triton-X and 0.05% Tween 20 for
10 min, followed by 3 rinses in 1 PBS (5 min each),
and subsequent immersion in methanol with 3%
hydrogen peroxidase for 45 min to block endogenous
peroxidase activity. After rinsing with 1 PBS for 3
times and treatment with 1.5% normal blocking serum
for 30 min to suppress nonspecific binding, the sec-
tions were incubated with diluted primary antibodies
against proliferative cell nuclear antigen (PCNA;
1:1000; Abcam1, USA; AB2916) overnight at 4 C.
On the following day, after rinsing thrice with 1
PBS, the sections were incubated with respective Figure 1. Microscopic study showing fatty degeneration in
diluted biotinylated anti-mouse secondary antibodies liver cells (arrow). Note also very active nucleoli in the
nuclei of these cells (400).
(1:1000; Zymed1 Laboratories, Inc.; 62-6540) for
2 h and then rinsed again. Subsequently, the sections
were incubated with diluted streptavidin-HRP- incubated at 37 C in a water bath for 20 min. Five
conjugated solution (1:1000; Invitrogen, 43-4323) for millilitres of 0.4 mol/L sodium hydroxide solution was
2 h and rinsed again. The positive staining was then added to provide an alkaline medium for the formation
visualized by 0.05% 3,30 -diaminobenzidine tetrahy- of a colour complex, the intensity of which was
drochloride in 1 PBS containing 0.01% H2O2. The detected at 505 nm by spectrophotometer (Shimadzu
sections were dehydrated, cleared and mounted with Corporation, Japan). The activity of the enzyme in each
Permount. The stained slides were then examined sample was then quantified and standardized against
under microscope with magnification at 100, and the protein contents in the sample.
the densities of PCNA-positive nuclei of different Protein assay paper test. To detect the presence
subgroups were also compared. of protein in urine, screening test strips for rapid
determination of protein (Medi-Test Combi 3A1,
Glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase test for liver Germany) were used. The test strip was dipped into
function. Glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), 2 ml of fresh urine for approximately 1 s. The test
an enzyme found in large amount in the liver, cata- strip was then compared with the reference colour
lyzes the reversible reaction of amino acids. It was scale after 30 s.
used as an indicator for liver functions of the mice.
The GOT kit (C010, Nanjing Jiancheng Bioengineer-
ing Institute, China) was used for assay. Ten milli- Results
grams of liver sampled from different subgroups Microscopic study of liver from the 6-week ketamine-
were weighed and prepared for 1% diluted tissue solu- treated mice exhibited fatty degeneration of liver
tions with 0.75% saline. The diluted solutions were cells. Many of these liver cells had active nuclei
then centrifuged at 3500 r/min. One hundred microli- with prominent nucleoli (Figure 1). By 16 weeks of
tres of supernatant was removed and added in 500 ml ketamine treatment, some fibrosis was observed at
of substrate solution and incubated at 37 C in a water the tips of liver lobes in ketamine-treated animals
bath for 30 min as instructed in the manual. Corre- (Figure 2(a)); while in the control, the corresponding
sponding references were also prepared. At the end areas of the livers were relatively clear (Figure 2(b)).
of the transamination reaction, pyruvate reacted with By 28 weeks of ketamine treatment, fibrosis spread
newly added dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPN) to form into the parenchyma of the liver in the ketamine-
the hydrazone complex. The mixture was further treated mouse (Figure 2(c)) and the extent of fibrosis

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880 Human and Experimental Toxicology 31(9)

Figure 2. (a) Fibrosis (arrows) was apparent in the 16-week ketamine-treated liver, particularly around the tips of lobules.
Sirius red staining was used for collagen fibres (50). (b) Control liver of equivalent region showed no fibrosis (50). (c)
Ketamine-treated liver in mouse after 28 weeks of treatment showed fibrosis extended into the liver parenchyma (arrow;
200). (d) Ketamine plus alcohol-treated liver of 28 weeks (alcohol treatment in the last 4 weeks) in the mouse showing
extensive fibrosis (arrow; 400). (e) Control liver with no fibrosis (400).

was more abundant in the livers of animals in the 28-week ketamine-treated and ketamine-plus-alcohol-
subgroup treated with ketamine plus alcohol, and with treatedsubgroups, the proliferative nuclei (PCNA-pos-
large bundles of collagen fibre reaching the centres of itive) were observed throughout the liver (Figure 3(b)).
lobules (Figure 2(d)). Very few collagen fibres were A semi-quantitative histogram depicting the densities
observed in the parenchyma of the liver of the control of PCNA-positive nuclei (n ¼ 30 fields of 1500 mm2
(Figure 2(e)). Immunocytochemistry of PCNA (indi- sizes from each group with magnification at 100) was
cating proliferative nuclei) in the control liver illustrated in Figure 3(c). It was clear from this figure
had very few positive sites (Figure 3(a)), but in the that ketamine plus alcohol treatment induced more

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Figure 3. (a) Control liver shows no significant proliferative cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-positive proliferating nuclei
(100). (b) Increase in number of PCNA-positive proliferating nuclei (arrow) was observed throughout the livers of the
16-week and 28-week ketamine-treated animals, in this case, the 28-week ketamine-treated mouse liver (200). (c) A
histogram showing the number of proliferative nuclei in the liver of 28-week control, ketamine- and ketamine-plus-
alcohol-treated subgroups (*p < 0.001).

Figure 4. Quantitative analysis of liver enzyme (glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase: GOT) in the control, ketamine- and
ketamine-plus-alcohol-treated mice after 28 weeks of treatment (*p ¼ 0.048; **p < 0.001; ***p ¼ 0.001).

proliferation of nuclei in the liver than ketamine after 6 weeks of ketamine treatment (Figure 5(a))
treatment alone. The elevation of liver enzyme GOT when compared with the control (Figure 5(b)). LDH
was also recorded, with the highest level in the keta- activity in the treated group was spotty and mostly
mine-plus-alcohol-treated subgroup (Figure 4). in scattered droplets (Figure 5(a)). The most intense
Immunohistochemical studies of the liver in addi- activity of LDH was observed in livers from the
tion reflected an increase in LDH activity in animals 28-week ketamine treatment combined with 4-week

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882 Human and Experimental Toxicology 31(9)

Figure 5. (a) Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) immunohistochemistry in the liver of the 6-week ketamine-treated mouse
showing spotty activities in some cells (100). (b) No activity of LDH was observed in the control mouse (100). (c)
Immunohistochemistry of lactic acid dehydrogenase in the liver of 28-week ketamine-plus-alcohol-treated (4 weeks) mice.
Note high activity inside whole cells (arrow) surrounded by fibrous tissue (T; 100). (d) Immunohistochemistry of lactic
acid dehydrogenase in the liver of 28-week ketamine-treated mouse (arrow). Though many cells had activities, the activity
was not as high as those in Figure c and were spotty in the cells (100).

alcohol subgroup (Figure 5(c)), compared with those treatment, atresia of glomeruli in the kidney
treated with ketamine alone (Figure 5(d)). In the cases was observed in both ketamine-treated and ketamine
of ketamine–alcohol interaction, LDH activity was plus alcohol-treated animals (Figure 6(b)). A rough
seen inside the whole cytoplasm of cells (Figure estimate showed that the ketamine subgroup had
5(c)), while those of ketamine-treated mice were still glomerular atresia of less than 10%, while in the keta-
spotty and scattered droplet-like (Figure 5(d)). An mine-plus-alcohol-treated subgroup, it was as much
estimation of the number of LDH-positive cells as 20%. Empty space originally occupied by glomer-
showed that liver after 6 weeks of ketamine treat- ulus was seen in the kidneys from the ketamine-plus-
ment had an average of 100 positive cells per alcohol-treated subgroup (Figure 6(c)).
1500 mm2, 130/1500 mm2 after 28 weeks of ketamine Immunocytochemistry of PCNA (proliferating
treatment, while in the control, it was 5/1500 mm2. In nuclei) showed positive sites in a few of the kidney
the liver of combined ketamine plus alcohol treat- tubules of the control. Some tubules of the 28-week
ment group, there were about 160 LDH-positive ketamine-treated mice and most of the tubules from the
cells per 1500 mm2. ketamine-plus-alcohol-treated subgroup (Figures 7(a, b
With regard to the kidney, histological changes in and c)) had the highest number of PCNA-positive sites,
the 6- and 16-week ketamine-treated animals demon- followed by the ketamine-treated and then the control.
strated hydropic degenerations in many of the kidney Figure 7(d) showed the semiquantitation of PCNA
tubules (Figure 6(a)). By 28 weeks of ketamine nuclei per field in the kidney (n ¼ 30 per group, size

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Figure 6. (a) Hydropic degeneration of kidney tubules (arrow) in the 16-week ketamine-treated mouse (400). (b) Atresia
of glomerulus in the 28-week ketamine-treated mouse (400). (c) Degenerated glomerulus with space (arrow) in the kidney
of the 28-week ketamine-plus-alcohol-treated mouse (400).

of the field was 1500 mm2 and magnification of our laboratory showed that when GOT levels in a
observation was 100) of the three groups. 28-week ketamine-treated liver were compared with
Proteinuria was observed in 0% of urine samples those treated with alcohol alone for 28 weeks, they
from the control, 15% in ketamine-treated and were equivalent (135 + 18 karmen units versus
27% in ketamine-plus-alcohol-treated animals in the 137 + 15 karmen units), while the GOT level in the
6-week treatment period groups. After 16 weeks of liver upon combined treatment of ketamine and alco-
treatment, proteinuria was detected in 0% of the con- hol (for only 4 weeks) were higher (185 + 22 karmen
trol, 40% of the ketamine-treated and 60% in the keta- units). Damages of cells in both organs led to cell
mine-plus-alcohol-treated subgroups. By 28 weeks of death and fibrosis as well as physiological derange-
treatment, proteinuria was present in 67% of the ments. Our liver studies indicated very high activity
ketamine-treated animals and 70% of the animals of LDH after both ketamine and ketamine plus alco-
with combined ketamine–alcohol treatment while that hol treatment. Since increase in LDH has been linked
of the control remained at 0%. to necrosis,13,14 the mode of cell death was probably
by necrosis. Our previous study reported necrotic
cells were also in the kidney.15 This could explain our
Discussion observation of the absence of apoptosis (unpublished
Our results showed definitive pathological and data) by the TUNEL technique on the liver cells after
biochemical changes in both the liver and the kidney ketamine or ketamine plus alcohol treatment. This
after long-term ketamine treatment and damages result appeared to have differed from our past report
could be aggravated when ketamine was admini- that ketamine induced apoptosis in the prefrontal cor-
strated together with alcohol. Preliminary studies in tices, hippocampi of monkey and mice and that

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884 Human and Experimental Toxicology 31(9)

Figure 7. (a) Proliferative cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-positive sites (arrows) in control mouse kidney (200). (b)
Increase of PCNA-positive sites in the kidney of mouse after 28 weeks of ketamine treatment (arrows; 200). (c) Further
increase in PCNA-positive sites (arrows) in the kidney of mouse that had 28 weeks of ketamine plus alcohol (4 weeks)
treatment (200). (d) Histogram of PCNA-positive sites in kidney of control, ketamine-treated and ketamine-plus-
alcohol-treated (4 weeks) mice after receiving 28 weeks of ketamine treatment (*p < 0.001).

hypertau-positive cells were present in the prefrontal treatment alone. This increased toxicity affects not
cortices of the monkey and mice.8,10 In fact, the mode only the liver and kidney but also the central nervous
of ketamine- and ketamine-plus-alcohol-induced cell system, including peripheral sensory sites.23 Working
death in the internal organs could differ from organ on rodents, we observed an exponential increase in
to organ. apoptosis and down regulation of blood oxygen images
One of our present findings that ketamine up regu- of functional magnetic resonance imaging activities in
lates liver enzyme levels agrees with results from the cerebellum after combined ketamine and alcohol
studies on the human.16 Our long-treatment study fur- treatment when compared with those that received
ther indicated that liver damage caused by ketamine ketamine alone. It could be due to the fact that both
(alone or with alcohol) led to cirrhosis. Chan et al.17 ketamine and alcohol acted on the N-methyl-D-aspar-
observed expression of multiple forms of P450 rat liver tate (NMDA) receptors24,25 which could account for
microsomes after 4 days of ketamine treatment at a much greater extent of damage than a mere additive
1080 mg/kg. When ketamine was given in combination effect. Apart from the NMDA receptors, ketamine
with cocaine or tetrachloromethane, increased oxidative could act on other receptors like GABA, glutamate and
metabolism or even mortality was documented.17,18 On NO as well.25,26 Finally ketamine by itself could cause
the other hand, acute injection of high dose of ketamine severe damages as one of its metabolites, hydroqui-
(70 mg/kg) could afford hepatoprotection mediated by none, would directly fragment the DNA of cells.25
up regulation of haeme-oxygenase 1 and its end The aim of this study was to evaluate whether long-
product was carbon monoxide19,20 and down regula- term treatment of ketamine could lead to damages in
tion of inducible nitric oxide synthase.21 There was, liver and kidney, in addition to other organs like the
however, difference between short duration treat- brain and bladder reported earlier.8–12,15 The results
ment and long duration treatment.22 clearly revealed cirrhosis of liver as well as glomeru-
Increase in toxicity upon ketamine–alcohol cotreat- lar damage and tubular necrosis in the kidney.
ment could be detected after only a short period of
treatment such as 4 weeks of alcohol in our study. As Acknowledgements
we have presently demonstrated, the extent of damage We are grateful to Prof. Chow PH for her English
could be quite alarming when compared with ketamine corrections.

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