ISP Final Report Guidance - Resit Autumn 2021

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University of Central Lancashire

BSc (Hons) Business Computing and Information


Information Systems Project

Final Report - Resit
Autumn 2021

Words: 6500
Module Weighting: 65%
Level: Level 6
Submission date: 17 December 2021 (11.59pm UK time)
Important notes
• It is the students’ responsibility to familiarise themselves with the NCC Academic
Misconduct policy.

• Any thoughts, ideas or quotations which don’t belong to you must be fully
attributed to their sources using the Harvard Referencing System. Authors’ work
that is used in your assignment and not referenced is plagiarism.

• All students must sign the Student Declaration as detailed in the ‘Statement and
Confirmation of Own Work’ found at the back of every NCC Education
assignment. You must attach the signed and completed form to your assignment.

• Students gaining an unfair advantage or colluding in any way whatsoever (other

than on joint assignments) are liable to be disqualified. Plagiarism is an offence.

• You could lose marks if you exceed the recommended word count by more than
10%. Additional words may not be marked.

• Students should submit via NCC Education’s VLE platform as per instructions
within the learning materials.

Submission Requirements

All candidates must read and understand NCC Education’s policy on

‘Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism’ and complete the attached form
‘Statement and Confirmation of Own Work’. You must attach the completed
form to your assignment.
University of Central Lancashire
BSc (Hons) Business Computing and Information

Assignment Guidance – Final Report – Report Structure


A summary of the whole report in 100 words – write this last.


Chapter 1 – Introduction, Aims and Objectives

A brief introductory chapter setting out the background and justification of the project.
This should include a clear statement of the intended aims and objectives as stated in the
Interim Report. It should also include a summary of each chapter with a paragraph
explaining the contents of each.

Chapter 2 – Research
This should describe the findings of your research. It is not just a statement of what you
did, it is actually an explanation of what you found out. It should also provide some
evaluation of your research methods.

Chapter 3 – Analysis (may be part of research chapter)

This is a detailed analysis of the problem you are working on and should include the initial
Use Case diagrams (with description in an appendix) and other supporting diagrams that
help explain what you are trying to achieve. It may be combined with the research

Chapter 4 - Design
This should explain how you decided to solve the problem, using appropriate and
standard design notations. You should include justification for your design decisions. It
should include, where appropriate, details on System/Architectural Design, Data Design,
GUI Design, Program/Algorithm Design.

Chapter 5 - Implementation
This should explain what you did to implement the system, including populating
databases, writing code and implementing screen layouts/web pages. It should cover any
problems encountered during implementation.

Chapter 6 – Testing and Results

Once your project is complete it will be tested, and the results analysed. This chapter
describes the tests you have carried out and the results of those tests.

Chapter 7 – Conclusions and Future Work

This chapter analyses the outcome of the project against the original intended aims and
objectives. It should demonstrate whether or not you have achieved the objectives and
give an explanation as to why some of them were not achieved. It should also explain
how well the objectives were achieved. A good depth of analysis is required in this
chapter to receive a good grade for the project.
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Information Systems Project – Final Report © NCC Education Limited 2021
University of Central Lancashire
BSc (Hons) Business Computing and Information

All references used should be cited correctly and listed here using the Harvard
Referencing System.

This should include any supporting information such as diagrams, large code
segments (do not include the whole source code), feedback questionnaires etc. –
anything that is referred to in the report but is too big to fit into the main body.

• Each chapter should start with a brief introduction and end with a brief

• The word count for the report is 6,500 words (not including appendices).
This is not a strict count but more a guideline. If you write much more or
less than this then it may affect your mark as you have either not been
clear enough with your writing or have not written enough about your work.

Formatting Guidelines

The project report is a formal report. It should have the structure given above and
the pages should be formatted as detailed here. They should appear as
successive pages in a document, with A4 size paper, portrait layout.

Each page should have left and right margins of 1 inch or 2.5 centimetres, and
top and bottom margins of 1 inch or 2.5 centimetres. All pages should be
numbered in the footer.

Text in the main body of the report should be in an 11-point sans serif font
(Helvetica, Arial, or close equivalent) with single line spacing. There should be at
least 6 pt spacing between paragraphs, with a maximum of 12 pt. Whichever
size of font and spacing you use should be applied consistently throughout the

You may use the headers or footers for chapter and section information, and
page numbers: use an 8- or 9-point sans serif font. These should be used

Do not use coloured text except in diagrams and do not use ornamentation. This
is a technical document, not an advertisement. The paragraphs should be either
fully justified or left justified (this should be consistent throughout the report).

Diagrams and code snippets should be easily readable – the minimum equivalent
font size for diagrams is 8pt. Diagrams, tables and code snippets should be
appropriately labelled with either ‘Fig x’ or ‘Table x’. You should leave adequate
space above and below pictures and tables (usually 6pt or 12pt will be fine) and
they should be centred on the page with no text on either side.
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Information Systems Project – Final Report © NCC Education Limited 2021
University of Central Lancashire
BSc (Hons) Business Computing and Information

Paragraph numbering is permissible but not necessary – but this must be applied
consistently if used. Do not use a number depth of more than 3 (e.g. 1.2.1). Also, try
to avoid leaving single lines of text at the top or bottom of a page.

These are guidelines and not rules, but you should adhere to them in order to
make your report as readable as possible. If we cannot read your work, then
we cannot award marks for it.

Along with your report, you need to submit a zip/archive file containing all of your
source code (or your database files), with instructions on how to install and
run the application. You should also give clear minimum system specifications
for running the application. This should be tested so that you know it works. If it
does not run then it cannot be marked.

Presentation/ Demonstration
You are also required to provide a presentation/demonstration of your
application. This should last for 10 minutes and give a brief overview of the
project and a description of the product. This may be submitted as a PowerPoint
presentation with voice-over, a video, or a screencast with voice over. The
purpose of this is to demonstrate that you understand what you have built and
how it works.

In some cases, we may ask you to be available for a brief viva/interview, which will be
conducted over Skype or similar technology at a mutually convenient time. This will only
be used in special circumstances and you will be given plenty of notice if you are required
for a viva.

If you have any questions, then please email them well in advance of the submission date.
My email address is

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Information Systems Project – Final Report © NCC Education Limited 2021
University of Central Lancashire
BSc (Hons) Business Computing and Information

Statement and Confirmation of Own Work

Programme/Qualification name:

All NCC Education assessed assignments submitted by students must have this statement as the
cover page or it will not be accepted for marking. Please ensure that this statement is either firmly
attached to the cover of the assignment or electronically inserted into the front of the assignment.

Student declaration

I have read and understood NCC Education’s Policy on Academic Dishonesty and

I can confirm the following details:

Student ID/Registration number:


Centre Name:

Module Name:

Module Leader:

Number of words:

I confirm that this is my own work and that I have not plagiarised any part of it. I have also
noted the assessment criteria and pass mark for assignments.

Due Date:

Student Signature:

Submitted Date:

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Information Systems Project – Final Report © NCC Education Limited 2021

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