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Journal of Cultural Heritage 55 (2022) 228–236

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Original article

High frequency GPR in the diagnosis of the state of alteration of a

mural by Diego Rivera previous restoration
J. Ortega-Ramírez a,∗, M. Bano b, L.A. Villa Alvarado a
INAH, Lab. De Geofísica, Moneda No.16, Centro Histórico, CDMX, 06060
Strasbourg University, ITES UMR 7063, 5 rue René Descartes, Strasbourg, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The aim of this paper is to verify whether GPR surveys using high-frequencies allow estimating the state
Received 12 January 2022 of alteration of murals and, through the generation of three-dimensional images of the interior of the
Accepted 29 March 2022
wall at different depths, detect the arrangement of cracks, the texture and structure of the building ma-
Available online 8 April 2022
terials, and their relationship with the mural painting preservation. The results obtained are required to
Keywords: determine the causes of the recurrent damages, previous to its restoration of a mural painting by Diego
Mural painting Rivera located in a cultural heritage colonial building in Mexico City, where invasive or destructive tech-
Cultural heritage niques cannot be applied. Additionally, in order to refine results, synthetic modeling and comparison with
GPR real traces were used.
Restoration © 2022 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Diego Rivera

1. Introduction fresco technique on the walls lining the corridors facing inward to-
wards these two courtyards, which he divided thematically as the
The preservation and conservation of mural paintings on his- “Court of Labor” and the “Court of Fiestas” [1] (see also Fig. 1).
toric buildings require particular care because interventions should In the Court of Labor, Rivera painted 18 panels that depict activi-
alter or damage neither the painting itself, nor the style, struc- ties of the Mexican people mainly related to industrial and agricul-
ture or contents of the edifice. Mexico has had a muralist tradition tural production, among which, Entering the Mine and Leaving the
since pre-Hispanic times as exemplified by the murals of several Mine on the east wall. The latter, Leaving the Mine, shows a worker
pre-Hispanic archeological sites. They were mainly painted in re- being searched upon exiting the mine at the end of his work day
ligious buildings or other relevant public spaces. More recently, at with extended arms like the crucified Christ. In this scene Rivera
the beginning of the 20th century, after the revolution, this tra- made clear that capitalism requires the continual sacrifice of work-
dition revived, pushed by post-revolutionary governments (1910- ers. On the lower part of the mural, the artist transcribed some
1920) as a means to achieve the union of the Mexicans who had incendiary verses by Gutiérrez Cruz which gave rise to a violent
been divided by the war. The Secretary of State for Education, José controversy between the painter and the Secretary of State for Ed-
Vasconcelos, who envisioned that murals had a didactic vocation ucation. Diego Rivera agreed to erase the poem, but he wrote it on
to diffuse visual messages to an illiterate population (art for the a piece of paper, kept it in a glass bottle and concealed it inside
people), commissioned some of the greatest contemporary painters the wall where it is allegedly still preserved.
such as the renowned Diego Rivera and others like Roberto Mon- The mural shows a long fissure which was restored on multiple
tenegro, Jean Charlot, Xavier Guerrero and Amado de la Cueva to occasions without success because the fissure has appeared recur-
decorate the two courtyards of the “Secretaría de Educación Pub- rently over time. In order to achieve a lasting restoration of the
lica” (SEP), the federal building housing the Ministry of Public Edu- mural, a previous knowledge of the interior of the wall is required
cation. This three-story building [with 10,347.5 m2 of surface,] was to ascertain if it is a fissure or a fracture, and discover the probable
the former convent “Our Lady of the Incarnation” built between causes of the damage (Fig. 2).
1639 and 1648. From 1923 to 1928, Rivera painted 128 murals in Since both the murals and the historic building which hosts
them may be considered cultural heritage, the use of non-
destructive techniques to diagnose the causes of deterioration of

Corresponding author: Dr. Jose Ortega Ramirez, geofisica, INAH: Instituto Na- the mural and properly plan its restoration-conservation is of great
cional de Antropologia e Historia, Moneda No.16, 06060 Ciudad de Mexico, CDMX,
importance, as mentioned in ICOMOS (International Council on
E-mail addresses: (J. Ortega-Ramírez),
Monuments and Sites) [2]. The use of high resolution geophysics
(M. Bano). may contribute to facilitate the restoration of artworks or historic
1296-2074/© 2022 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
J. Ortega-Ramírez, M. Bano and L.A. Villa Alvarado Journal of Cultural Heritage 55 (2022) 228–236

Fig. 1. a) Location of the Mexico Basin in a digital model; b) Geo-seismic zones (Modified from [23]); c) stratigraphic section of the basin of Mexico (Modified from [20]);
d) Google Earth aerial view of the former convent of “Santa María de la Encarnación del Divino Verbo”, white arrows indicate the “Court of Fiestas” (on the left) and the
“Court of Labor” (on the right).

building elements. The ground penetrating radar (GPR) is partic- Texcoco and Xochimilco-Chalco, which disappeared due to the ex-
ularly well adapted to this type of work as the method is non- traction of underground water and urbanization. The center of the
invasive, rapid and provides high-resolution images of contrasting basin contains silt-clayey sediments of lake origin with variable
subsurface materials. The GPR method has been proven to give thickness and high plasticity. These characteristics produce defor-
good and useful results in many applications related to cultural mations in the subsoil: subsidence and collapse due to the dissipa-
heritage [3–11], thus contributing to improve site management and tive pore pressure caused by the weight of the buildings and the
restoration plans [12–18]. In order to refine our GPR results, exam- extraction of water. In the peripheral part, the basin is underlain
ples of synthetic and real radar data acquired on the mural paint- by rocks and hard soils deposits [20].
ing “Leaving the Mine” will be shown. These subsoil differences result in different shear wave veloci-
ties ranging from 40 to 90 m/sec in the center [21] and from 450
2. Research aim m/s to 600 m/s in the peripheral part [22]. Based on the seis-
mic characteristics, the local Building code (RCDF, 2004) [23] has
The preservation of mural paintings in Mexico City is challeng- divided Mexico City into three main geo-seismic zones: Zone I
ing because they are recurrently submitted to seismic events which (Hills), Zone II (Transition), and Zone III (Lake). The historic build-
may affect the wall structures, as has been observed during the ing that houses Diego Rivera’s murals is located in Zone III (Fig. 1).
recent earthquake of magnitude Mw = 7.1 that occurred on 19 Throughout its history, the ex-convent “Our Lady of the Incar-
September 2017. This work aims to illustrate the usefulness of the nation” has been affected by recurring seismic and micro seismic
high-frequency electromagnetic waves (GPR method) through the movements which have caused significant damage to the building
generation of three-dimensional images of the interior of the wall and consequently to the murals. Some have even had to be de-
at different depths to detect the arrangement of cracks, the tex- tached from the wall by means of the “strap” technique to avoid
ture and structure of the building materials, and their relationship deterioration due to fracturing and/or moisture (salts).
with the mural painting preservation. Furthermore, it intends as far The research was carried out on the mural named “Leaving the
as possible to investigate whether the bottle with the poem men- Mine” of 9.0 m2 , a height of 4.50 m and a width of 2.0 m, located
tioned in the literature is history or legend. on the first level of the east wall of the Courtyard of labor. This
mural had to be restored several times due to recurring fissures
that continually appear at the same place along the surface (Fig. 2).
3. Site Description

The mural is situated in the east side of the ex-convent “la En- 4. Material and Method
carnación” located in the center of Mexico City, at an altitude of
2252 meters a.s.l. (above sea level), between the geographic coor- 4.1. GPR
dinates 19 ° 26 13.10 ”N and 99 ° 07 53.81 ”W, with an average
annual temperature of 15.9°C and 625 mm of precipitation con- The ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a high-resolution non-
centrated in summer. destructive and non-invasive geophysical technique with a wide
Geologically, Mexico City is located within a tectonically ac- variety of applications ranging from demining [24] to planetary
tive basin that is part of a volcanic arc known as the Trans- explorations [25], glaciology [26], archaeology [27] and several
Mexican Volcanic Belt, product of the subduction of two indepen- engineering branches [28–29]. This technique uses short high-
dent oceanic plates, Cocos and Rivera, which converge against the frequency electromagnetic (EM) pulses (from 10 MHz to 2.6 GHz)
North American Plate [19]. The basin includes the extinct lakes of to detect the presence of discontinuities in the near surface caused

J. Ortega-Ramírez, M. Bano and L.A. Villa Alvarado Journal of Cultural Heritage 55 (2022) 228–236

Fig. 2. a) Diego Rivera’s mural “Leaving the Mine”; b) Color change below the foreman’s left boot, indicated by red arrow; c) Apparition of a fissure in the upper part of the
mural above the central figure (see red arrows).

by the contact of layers or bodies of different electric properties. the magnetic permeability in most soils is assumed to be equal to
The electrical properties of geological materials are mainly con- that of free space (μ0 ). The change in conductivity (σ ) affects the
trolled by the presence of the water content in the soil: the higher absorption of the radar signal whilst the variation in relative per-
the humidity, the lower the velocity of GPR waves. The main elec- mittivity (dielectric constant: ε r = ε/ε0 ) determines variations in
trical parameters of any medium are permittivity (ε ), conductivity the velocity of the medium [30]. The reflection occurs when the
(σ ) and magnetic permeability (μ). In most GPR applications, vari- EM waves impinge upon a dielectric boundary, some energy is re-
ation in permittivity and conductivity are most important, while flected and the remainder is transmitted into the second medium.

J. Ortega-Ramírez, M. Bano and L.A. Villa Alvarado Journal of Cultural Heritage 55 (2022) 228–236

Fig. 3. a) Protecting and preparing the mural; b) GPR data acquisition with the antenna of 2600 MHz on the mural painting “Leaving the Mine”.

In the case of normal incidence, the reflection and transmission by higher frequency signals whereas big objects require low fre-
coefficient are given as quencies. Moreover, the higher the frequency of the antenna used,
√ √ the higher the vertical resolution and the lower the investigation
εr1 − εr2
R= √ √ and T = 1−R depth. GPR data were recorded in automatic mode using a sur-
εr1 + εr2 vey wheel operating in ‘distance’ to trigger the measurements in
where R is the reflection coefficient and T is the transmission coef- equally spaced intervals. The mural painting “Leaving the Mine”
ficient and ε r1 and ε r2 are the dielectric constants of the first and was covered with a 2 mm thick plastic cover in contact with the
second media respectively. mural in order to protect it from any damage that might be caused
The GPR system is generally composed of a control unit, a when passing the antenna (Fig. 3). An orthogonal grid with 0.1m
transmitting and receiving antenna, and a computer. The central spacing between lines (profiles) was designed, acquiring scans in
unit produces a signal with a fixed frequency range, by generating both X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) directions. The GPR measure-
very short EM impulses that are radiated to the ground through ments were conducted on the entire surface of 2 m x 4.5 m of
the transmitting antenna and then recorded back to the receiving the mural. For 3D acquisition, 21 parallel 4.5 m long profiles ori-
antenna. entated vertically (from bottom to top; Y direction) and 46 parallel
2 m long profiles orientated horizontally (from left to right; X di-
4.2. Data collection and processing rection) were surveyed. The trace interval and time window were
0.005 m and 9.0 ns, respectively.
The data acquisition was performed using the impulse GPR For the processing of the GPR data, we used the software pack-
system SIR-30 0 0 (GSSI) equipped with a monostatic shielded an- age of Radlab (written in Matlab) developed at ‘Institut Terre et En-
tenna of 2600 MHz nominal frequency (fd ). We chose this fre- vironnement de Strasbourg’ ([31] Dujardin, 2014), as well as Radan
quency because it is known that smaller objects can be detected software for Windows of the GSSI.

J. Ortega-Ramírez, M. Bano and L.A. Villa Alvarado Journal of Cultural Heritage 55 (2022) 228–236

Fig. 4. Horizontal depth slices depicting the envelope of the vertical GPR profiles (Y direction). a) At a depth of 8 cm in the Y direction, a strong reflection produced from
an object that looks like a pipe is present. b) At a depth of 15 cm, two reflective anomalies are observed on the right side of the mural, the main or most reflective one is
located between 1.1-1.2 m in the Y direction, indicated in the figure by the red arrow. The origin of the grid is at the top left of the figure.

The processing sequence is composed of the following steps: crosses vertically the mural from the bottom to the top. At a depth
correcting zero-time position ([32] Yelf, 2004), low-frequency noise of 15 cm, two reflective anomalies are presented on the right side
removal (DC filter or dewow), band-pass filtering of 130 0-40 0 0 of Fig. 4b; the most reflective one is located between 1.1-1.2 m in
MHz. By fitting hyperbolas to diffractions present in the section, the Y direction (see red arrow).
we determined a mean electromagnetic wave (EM) velocity (V) of Fig. 5 shows the profile 14Y (1.3 m on the right of the origin
0.145 m/ns which corresponds to a dielectric constant of 4.27 indi- parallel to Y axis) just above the elongated object. Graphically, we
cating a dry mural painting (wall). This value of velocity was uti- assign the color yellow to positive amplitudes, and blue to negative
lized for 2-D f-k migration and finally, a constant amplitude gain amplitudes, while green colors are related to low amplitudes. The
was applied. Time-depth conversion was done by using this mean profile 14Y displays a strong negative reflection (nearly at 1.15 ns)
velocity value. The wavelength (λ= V/fd ) is about 5.6 cm and verti- coming from this object (see red arrow). According to the hyperbo-
cal resolution following the wavelength 1/4 criterion is around 1.4 las that it produces along the profiles in X direction (see Fig. 6 be-
cm. The processed data of the surveyed lines were then interpo- low), it might correspond to a pipe or something similar in metal
lated by using bilinear orthogonal directions (x and y directions) of or wood (plastic pipes were not yet invented in 1927). The white
the GPR profiles. Close parallel profiles allowed producing a pseudo arrow points to multiple reflections (almost at 2.3 ns) produced by
3-D image of the interior of the wall at different depth/time slices. the same elongated object that has positive polarity.
For the 3D presentation of GPR volume, we used ReflexW ([33] In Fig. 6 we show the profile 13X before and after migration.
Sandmeier, 2012) and Radan software. We observe the diffraction from the elongated object that crosses
the mural painting vertically, the flat part of the top of the diffrac-
tion is about 8-9 cm wide and is 1.3 m to the right of the grid
5. GPR Results
origin (Fig. 6a). It is the first Fresnel zone that defines the lateral
resolution ([34] Claerbout, 1985). After migration with the veloc-
Each GPR section of the grid underwent the aforementioned
ity V = 0.145 m/ns the diffraction is very well collapsed and the
procedure and the result of the proposed methodology is high-
Fresnel zone is reduced to 4 cm (see white arrow). Therefore, as
lighted by selected envelope depth slices. The color red on GPR
expected, the migration significantly improves the lateral resolu-
depth slices shown in Fig. 4 is related to high amplitudes (strong
tion by decreasing the width of the Fresnel zone. At 1.9 m, at the
reflections) whereas yellow colors are related to low amplitudes.
right end of the profile, there is also a strong horizontal reflection
Fig. 4a shows a depth slice at 8 cm where a highly reflective line
anomaly which, after migration (Fig. 6b), is about 12-13 cm long.
is presented, confirming the presence of an elongated object that

J. Ortega-Ramírez, M. Bano and L.A. Villa Alvarado Journal of Cultural Heritage 55 (2022) 228–236

Fig. 5. Profile 14Y in the Y direction just above the elongated object shown in Fig. 4a. The red arrow indicates the strong negative reflection at nearly 1.15 ns coming from
this object (shown in Fig. 4a), while the white arrow is pointing the multiple reflections (nearly at 2.3 ns) produced by the same object that has positive polarity. The white
line shows the intersection of this profile with 13X shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6. GPR profile 13X in X direction crossing profile 14Y at 1.2 m (see white line in Fig. 5). a) Time GPR section showing the top of the diffraction from the “pipe” at 1.3
m horizontally. The Fresnel zone that defines the lateral resolution is approximately 8-9 cm wide. White line shows the intersection of this profile with profile 20Y in the
Y direction (see Fig. 7); b) Migrated GPR section with V = 0.145 m/ns, the diffraction is very well focused (see white arrow) and its size is about 4 cm. Red arrows indicate
the reflections coming from the contact between the wall and the mortar layers situated approximately at a depth of 11-12 cm. A reflective anomaly of 12-13 cm long is
observed between 1.8 and 2.0 m horizontally.

Fig. 7. GPR profile 20Y in the Y direction crossing the profile 13X profile at 1.9 m (see white line in Fig. 6a). a) Time GPR section showing some reflection anomalies.
We observe a reflection between 1.0 and 1.2 m horizontally that crosses the profile 13X, indicated by the white line; b) Migrated GPR section with V = 0.145 m/ns, the
diffractions are very well focused. Red arrows indicate the reflections coming from the contact between the wall and the mortar layers situated nearly at 11-12 cm depth.

J. Ortega-Ramírez, M. Bano and L.A. Villa Alvarado Journal of Cultural Heritage 55 (2022) 228–236

Fig. 8. a) and b) two traces at 0.5 and 0.6 m, respectively, from the profile 14Y (see Fig. 5), the green arrows indicate a negative polarity signal reflected from the “elongated
object”. c) A synthetic trace showing a strong reflection from a “metallic tube” (green arrow), blue arrows show the multiples from the “metallic tube”. Remark the reverse
polarities between the reflections and the multiples. d) The trace from the top of the strong reflection anomaly at 1.87 m from the profile 13X (see white line in Fig. 6a).
e) Synthetic trace showing the reflection (red arrow) and the multiple (blue arrow) from the top of the “bottle”. f) Synthetic trace showing the interfered reflections from
the top and bottom of the “bottle” (red arrow) and the multiple (blue arrow) from the top of the “bottle” The red arrows show the strong positive reflections from the
“bottle”, while the blue ones indicate the multiple reflections from the top of the “bottle”. Remark the same positive polarities between the reflections and the multiples.
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 7 shows the previously reported anomalies corresponding domain the radar source shown in Fig. 9 and add the results. Fi-
to line 20Y, there are several reflective anomalies, the largest of nally, by applying an inverse Fourier transform (TF), we find the
which is between 1.0 and 1.2 m (see white line) and is very well synthetic radar trace in the time domain which is compared to the
observed in Figs. 6a and 6b. After migration with V = 0.145 m/ns real radar traces [35–36].
the diffractions are very well focused (Fig. 7b). Fig. 8 depicts the six traces, the traces in (a) and (b) are from
profile 14Y at 0.5 and 0.6 m, respectively (Fig. 5). They show a
6. 1D modeling and Discussions strong reflection with a negative polarity (green arrows) coming
from the “elongated object” (at 0.5 and 0.6 m) pointed out in
In order to identify the type of material that causes the diffrac- Figs. 4a, 5 and 6a. Fig. 8c presents a synthetic trace obtained by
tions along the profiles in X direction (see Figs. 5 and 6a) as well modeling the reflections and multiples from a “metallic tube”, the
as the one that produces the main reflective anomaly indicated in value of the reflection coefficient for the “metallic tube” is sup-
Figs. 4b, 6a,b, 7a and 7b, we selected from line 14Y (Fig. 5) two posed to be -1. The green arrows are pointing a strong reflection
traces at 0.5 and 0.6 m, respectively, and from line 13X (Fig. 6a, which has a negative polarity, the blue arrows in Figs. 8a, b and c
see white line) one trace at 1.87 m. The three real traces were show the multiple reflections coming from the “metallic tube” and
complemented by three other traces produced by a 1D synthetic have reverse polarities compared to the first reflections from the
modeling performed in frequency domain (see Fig. 8). Using 2D tube (green arrows).
ray tracing, we calculate the two way travel time (TWTT) for each Fig. 8d shows one trace at 1.87 m from the main reflective
arrival considering a distance (offset) between the antennas of 4 anomaly indicated in line 13X (see white line in Fig. 6a). Since the
cm. Then, for each calculated TWTT, we propagate in frequency reflection (red arrow) and its first multiple (blue arrows) have the

J. Ortega-Ramírez, M. Bano and L.A. Villa Alvarado Journal of Cultural Heritage 55 (2022) 228–236

Fig. 9. a) Forth order Ricker wavelet, of 2600 MHz nominal frequency, shifted by a constant phase of ϕ = 25°. b) Its spectrum.

Fig. 10. The juxtaposition on the mural of the time slices at 8 cm depth (a) and at 15 cm depth (b). The reflective anomaly coming from the pipe-like object is probably a
‘metallic tube’. The main anomaly that could correspond to a “glass bottle” appears in white on the right side and is indicated by the red arrow.

same positive polarity (Fig. 8d), we infer that the “object” is com- of the mural, above the central figure and by the color changes
posed of another material than a metallic one: it might be a “glass below the foreman’s left boot shown in Fig. 2. At 15 cm depth,
bottle”. Two synthetic traces, to compare with the real trace at Fig. 10b shows the main anomaly that could correspond to a “glass
1.87 m, are also shown in e) and f). In Fig. 8e we show the reflec- bottle”. The positive polarities, corresponding to areas with high
tion (red arrow) and the multiple (blue arrow) from the top of the reflectivity, appear in white (see red arrow) on the right side of
“bottle”, the “bottle” is considered to be empty (dielectric constant the painting below the foreman.
εr = 1). The trace in Fig. 8f is generated from a synthetic model by
modeling the interfered reflections from the top and the bottom
of a 4.6 cm thick “glass bottle”. Due to the small delay in time 7. Conclusions
between both reflections (from the top and the bottom), they in-
terfere giving a single signal (red arrow) corresponding to our GPR The present study assessed the applicability of high frequency
source which is a 4th order Ricker wavelet of dominant frequency GPR to identify the origin of mural painting deterioration. An in-
fd = 2600. The zero-phase Ricker wavelet is shifted by a constant novative 1D synthetic method for interpreting the type of material
phase of ϕ = 25°giving a mixed-phase GPR source wavelet shown that causes the anomalies within the wall was also studied. The re-
in Fig. 9. The multiple reflections modeled from the top of the bot- sult of the practical investigations in this study demonstrated the
tle (blue arrows in Figs. 8e and 8f) have the same positive polarity potential use of GPR imagery for non-invasive and non-destructive
as in Fig. 8d. In all cases (Figs. 8d, 8e and 8f) the reflections (red mural painting inspections.
arrows) and multiples (blue arrows) have the same positive polar- The GPR results show that high-frequency (2.6 GHz) ground-
ity. coupled antennas can be used for investigation of walls, providing
Fig. 10 illustrates the juxtaposition on the mural of the time fast and efficient evaluation of frescoed walls in a UNESCO World
slices at 8 cm depth (the pipe-like object or “metallic tube”) and at Heritage colonial building where it is impossible to apply inva-
15 cm. At a depth of 8 cm, Fig. 10a presents the reflective anomaly sive techniques. This study has extended our understanding of the
that crosses the wall painting "Leaving the Mine". This can be val- causes of the recurrent alteration of the mural painted by Diego
idated on the surface by the fissure that appears in the upper part Rivera.

J. Ortega-Ramírez, M. Bano and L.A. Villa Alvarado Journal of Cultural Heritage 55 (2022) 228–236

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