Assignment 05

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Programming Assignment Unit 6

Source Code (a):


1. Firstly, we need to define a list and add the names of the employees inside the list.

Because we have ten people in the company, we add ten names.

2. The second step is to divide our list into two parts. We do this by creating a new list and

adding only the names of the first five employees. To do this, we need to split the list

[:5]. This command prints the elements of the list until the fourth element (from 0 to 4).
To print the second half of the list [5], This command prints the list from the fifth

position until the end.

3. To add a new element to the list, we use append. It will add a new element to the end of

the list. We are adding this name at the end of the second list, following the instructions.

4. To delete an element from the list, we can use the del command, and it will delete the

element that we specify. First, we type del and the name of the list, and then the position

of the element. Here, we are deleting the second element from the first half of the list.

5. To merge two lists, we can use the “+” operator. To do this, we need to create a third list

and add the two existing lists. The third list will contain all the elements of the previous

two lists.

6. For the next step, we need to define another list that will contain the salaries of

employees. Since there are 10 people, we need to add 10 salaries for each employee. To

this, we declare a list and add all the salaries. Moreover, we also need a 4% raise for all

the employees and then calculate their salaries after the raise. 4% raised means 104%,

and mathematically, it means multiplying by 1.04.

7. The next step is to sort the list of salaries after the raise. To sort, we use the sort

command, and since we want to display them from biggest to smallest, we reverse them.

It will show the elements from the largest to the smallest.

8. Finally, to print the top 3 salaries, we need to create a new list, slice the original list, and

only store the three largest salaries. [:3] prints the first three elements since they are

already sorted; they will be the highest salaries.

9. To check if our code runs properly, we need to print the output and check if it is what we

wanted it to do.
10. Output (a):

Source Code (b):


1. First, we need to declare a string. It is called my_sentence, and it contains our sentence.

2. To convert our sentence to a list, we need to use split and also define how Python should

split our string. Here, we tell Python to split the string every time it encounters a space.

3. To reverse our list, we can use the reverse or [::1] command. This command prints all the

elements of the list, but in reverse order.

4. Finally, we have to print the output and see if it is working.

Output (b):

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