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CA Zunaid Hingora
January 18, 2020 | 10 minute read

LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA –

Simple Steps.
 32  75  100,083

In ECC, LSMW was the tool to upload Data in the system. It consists of
 Like Master/Transaction Data. In S/4 Hana, LSMW is redundant and should not be
used anymore. Instead, LTMC functionality have been Introduced. LTMC is Legacy
Transfer Migration Cockpit. Ready-made templates are available to upload the
 RSS Feed data. Nearly all Master/Transaction scenarios are covered in LTMC.

For videos of all my blogs, please click on below link.

Bene�ts of LTMC are as below:

• Easier Processing and uploading data in the system.

• Recording step is eliminated.

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

• No more Consultant dependency to upload data. End user can also use this
• Functionality can be used through Fiori app.
• User friendly navigation.
• Ease in �lling the templates.
• Reusability

In this blog, focus will be on using LTMC for uploading the data in the system.

Note: For Changing the object data, there are no templates in LTMC. LSMW not
recommended to be used in S/4 Hana. SAP Note 2287723 – LSMW in SAP
S/4HANA on-premise

Process E�ciency Table

Below table list out the Process E�ciency of LSMW vs LTMC. This is very
subjective and may vary from person to person or organization to organization

Following are the steps to use the LTMC.

A De t a i l S te ps

1. Create
2. Download Template.
3. Upload �le.
4. Activate

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

5. Transfer
6. Validate Values
7. Convert Values
8. Simulate Values
9. Finish

B. Other Features

1. Reusing existing LTMC

2. Uploaded Data Veri�cation
3. Transfer data from Stagging Tables.
4. Activating LTMC link
5. Import/Export of Object
6. Important SAP Notes
7. Sap Considerations.
8. Material Master .

1. Create

In S/4 Hana when LTMC transaction code is entered, it will take you to below
screen. In below screen, there is Create button.

Once you click on create button in above screen, below window will appear. Enter
name of the object you wish to upload. Mass Transfer ID is populated
automatically. Here we will focus on “Transfer Data from File” scenario.

Data retention �le will decide number of days one can retain upload history. Say
you uploaded 3 �les today and 5 days are mentioned below, after 5 days those 3
�les history will disappear. so give maximum number of days in below screen.

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

After entering the details above, below screen will appear. Complete list of objects
that can be uploaded will be displayed. Search for the object that need to be
uploaded. In our case, it will be Pro�t Center.

When object is double clicked, below message will appear. Click on OK.

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

2.Download Template.

After pressing on OK, below screen will appear. If you see, there is no �le as of
now. Click on Download Template to download the �le.

Once you open the �le, �rst sheet is for introduction of the �le. Please read this if
you are �rst time user.

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

In Second sheet, all the �elds are speci�ed. This will provide which �elds are
mandatory and which are not.

In below screen, entries must be �lled. Field with * marks are mandatory.

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

3. Upload �le.

In below screen, there is upload �le button. Click on that button.

Below screen will appear. Browse and select the �le. Enter Description and
Comments, if any. Click on upload button.

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

One line item will be created as shown in below screenshot. It means �le is ready
to be uploaded.

4 Activate

Click on Activate button. Once activate button is clicked, it will be grayed out as
shown in below screenshot. Click on Start Transfer button.

5 Transfer

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

Once transfer starts, below screen will appear. Click on OK button.

Below screen will show you the progress. Click on close if it reaches 100%.

6 Validate Values

In below screen we are on Step 1, i.e. Validate Data. Click the Next button in below
right-hand corner. Messages re�ected below are Information messages.

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7 Convert Values

If you see below screen, we need to map the �elds for each line. This will be one-
time activity. Double click on �rst line.

Below screen will appear. If Customizing �eld is blank, enter the value. Click on
Check button and con�rm. Click on save.

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

Carry out similar activity for all lines. All should be green.

Click on Next button. Below window will pop up. Progress should be 100%.

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

8 Simulate Values

Information message will appear. Click on next button.

Below pop up will appear. Once progress is 100%, click on close button.

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

9 Finish

Now you are on last step. Click on �nish button.

Data is uploaded in the system.

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

B. Other Features

1. Reusing existing LTMC object.

Here we will use existing LTMC for further uploads. We will take Cost Center
example which is already in Finished status. It means we have uploaded the Cost
Center before.

Upon double click on the object, it will take you to next screen as below. Click on
Edit button to proceed further.

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

If you see below screen, already cost centres are uploaded with this programme.

Click on upload �le. Try to upload the same �le again. Here I tried to upload
EN_Cost center1.xml again and it throwed error. It means if you want to retain
your upload history, every time you need to upload the �le with unique name.

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

Now in below screen if you observe, �le is renamed to EN_Cost centre2.xml. If you
adopt renaming approach, upload history can be maintained. Now Activate and
initiate the transfer of �le. Rest all steps are similar as mentioned in above part of

2. Uploaded Data Veri�cation

Once �le is uploaded, you want to verify as what is uploaded than double click in
EN_Cost center3.xml. (Screenshots may di�er from above post as steps are
carried out at di�erent time).

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

Below screenshots re�ects the data uploaded in the system. Some screens are
cropped due to con�dentiality factor. As of now excel download feature is not

3.Transfer data from Stagging Tables.

This functionality supports to fetch data from Sap or other system without
uploading the excel �le in the system.There are details steps to use this
functionality. Many blogs are written for this and it can be searched on forum.
Here i am mentioning one blog which could be very useful to all of you.

4. Activating LTMC link

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

Sometimes it may happen we have last minute surprises. You click on LTMC Tcode
and below message appear. In spite of full authorization, below screen appears. To
get rid of this, you can try steps mentioned in below steps. If it does not help than
contact you basis team.

Copy below part from above link. Go to Tcode SICF and paste as shown in below
screenshot. Click on execute.


Right click on below inactive option and Activate the function. Try again and it may
launch the screen.

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

5. Import/Export of Object

LTMC allows import/export of Migration object from one system to another.

Object tested in Development can be imported in Quality. Identical Mass Transfer
ID is the prerequisite to import the object.

Enter the object you wish to export. Click on export button.

Click on execute button and zip �le will be downloaded.

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

Below is the screenshot of zip �le.

Click on import button in System you wish to import the object. Click on execute
button. Object will be imported.

I could not �nd any signi�cant advantage of this Import/Export process as LTMC
provides ready made templates and there is no need to record the screen as we
use to do in LSMW. Only one bene�t I observed is system does not require
mapping of �elds after import.

6. Important SAP Notes

2287723 – LSMW in SAP S/4HANA on-premise

2537549 – Collective SAP Note and FAQ for SAP S/4HANA Migration cockpit (on
2550904 – LSMW: Presentation server �le could not be read/found

7. SAP Consideration

Note the following considerations when deciding on the most suitable approach
for your project:

Consideration Files Staging Tables

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

Size Limit 200MB limit for SAP No Limit.

S/4HANA Migration
Cockpit .*

System Considerations None. Staging system uses an

SAP HANA database.

Data Provisioning Enter data manually in Fill tables manually or

each Microsoft Excel by using preferred tools
XML �le. (for example SAP Agile
Data Preparation).

8 Material Master

• In 1909, Material Master still cannot be created with Internal Number range.
• For Cloud edition there was recently a new object released called “Product”,
which is replacing the old “Material” object, which will support internal
numbering. This object will be released for customers using on premise
solution with the next release (2020) expected to be introduced this

Alert Moderator
Important Note : At this moment i am Leading Data Migration Team in ECC. We
have to develop Programs, identify LSMWs for Reusing, Write LSMW, Modify
LSMW, Create Template and Many more things. After carrying out above task, i
Assigned Tags feel LTMC is the most important tool o�ered by S/4HANA.

SAP S/4HANA Finance Tips – If you are working on ECC Data Migration, kindly download all required
templates from LTMC and identify important �elds �rst. Share this identi�ed �eld
FIN (Finance)
templates to User for data �ling. Post this you can create LSMW/Program. In this
SAP Financial Closing cockpit way, Data Migration will be Fast.

SAP General Ledger MigrationI hope you liked the document. Also if anything is missed out, please highlight. It

SAP S/4HANA would be learning for all of us.

SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit

#ltmc #ltmcsap #Datamigration #dataupload

All the best.

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Hi Ganesh, Data Migration Learning

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Tim De Bock
March 2, 2020 at 12:04 pm


Since LTMC is only supporting object creation, what will be the way forward regarding changes?

There are still a lot of lists that don't support 'Mass Change' or when it is available, several �elds are

Users change their mind, realise mistakes after a certain period of time, etc.

TL.DR: how to handle changes in the future?

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CA Zunaid Hingora | Blog Post Author

March 3, 2020 at 5:51 am

Hi Tim,

Good morning.

LTMC cannot be used for changing the object. We can use the Mass functionality. Also will get back
to you after doing more research for Changing the object.

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs



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Chandan Bellamkonda
March 14, 2020 at 7:12 pm

Hi Zunaid,

Could you please tell me how we can create material master record through LTMC by assigning internal


Vk Rao

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CA Zunaid Hingora | Blog Post Author

March 17, 2020 at 12:47 pm

Need to check this. Will let you know.

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Chandan Bellamkonda
March 27, 2020 at 6:57 pm

Hi Zunaid,

Thank you, any clue ,have you got for that


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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

Vk Rao

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CA Zunaid Hingora | Blog Post Author

March 28, 2020 at 3:12 pm

Hi Chandan,

Recently our MM team have uploaded Material master (last Week) through LTMC. 1909 version do
not support Internal number range. Workaround is to Create Internal number range as external and
create the internal order. This will have same impact but need to track.

I hope this clears your doubt.



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CA Zunaid Hingora | Blog Post Author

March 28, 2020 at 7:31 pm

Sorry for typo error in above comment. I meant material master and not internal order.

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Ahmed Abdallah
April 8, 2020 at 5:58 pm

Great blog ! Very useful and detailed indeed ??

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CA Zunaid Hingora | Blog Post Author

April 8, 2020 at 6:03 pm


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26 of 32 30/12/2023, 13:10
LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

Gabriela Gratarolli
May 12, 2020 at 1:51 pm

Great Post, thank you so much for sharing!

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CA Zunaid Hingora | Blog Post Author

May 12, 2020 at 4:17 pm


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Rodrigo Arai
May 15, 2020 at 11:04 am

Dear Zunaid. Excellent Post.

I have a question: the SAP S/4 HANA Migration Cockpit (LTMC) functionally has any option for migration of
DMS (Document Management System)?

If is not possible: do you have any SAP Note that have any mention about it: DMS is not support at LTMC

Thanks in advance.

Have a nice weekend

Best Regards from Brazil.

Rodrigo Arai

If you preferred, I created a Question:

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CA Zunaid Hingora | Blog Post Author

May 15, 2020 at 6:31 pm

Dear Rodrigo,

27 of 32 30/12/2023, 13:10
LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

Thank you for your message. As far as i am aware, LTMC does not support DMS. If got chance, will
connect to SAP for this and convey you the response.



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Marcelo García
July 24, 2020 at 2:32 pm

Nice work CA Zunaid Hingora !

On a past post, you told you can't modify/update an object from Migration Cockpit. Can you do it by
creating a Z migration object from LTMOM?

Thanks in advance!

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CA Zunaid Hingora | Blog Post Author

July 25, 2020 at 4:49 pm

Hi Garcia,

Thank you for your comments.

I haven't got a chance to work on LTMOM. So have no idea about this.

I consulted SAP for changing object. I was asked to use mass functionality. You can refer my blog
on this.



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Sachin Arora
November 19, 2020 at 7:18 am

Hello Zunaid,

28 of 32 30/12/2023, 13:10
LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

How is Transaction/Master data is transferred in case of ECC conversion to S/4 HANA ?

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Rivert Torres
July 29, 2020 at 9:52 pm

As far I know this is possible in version S/4 HANA 1909, it is possible to add
or modify/update an object (LTMC) in the segment Event-Based Rules .

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C N Shivappa
October 6, 2020 at 10:14 am

Good one, Thanks for sharing .

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CA Zunaid Hingora | Blog Post Author

November 19, 2020 at 8:39 am

My Pleasure

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February 11, 2021 at 11:57 am

Hi Zunaid Hingora,

Thank you for wonderful blog about LTMC.

I have read about LTMC for the �rst time in this blog and I understand very clearly about LTMC.

I hope it will be the same process for data migration of all master data & line items right?

Please con�rm on the above, so it will help out me in my present project.

29 of 32 30/12/2023, 13:10
LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

Once again Thank you for such a great blog.



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CA Zunaid Hingora | Blog Post Author

February 11, 2021 at 12:30 pm

Yes. It will be same.

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Mark Kirkup
May 20, 2021 at 9:57 am

I was thinking of writing a blog on this topic but I think you covered everything for the new tools.

Great e�ort and contribution.

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CA Zunaid Hingora | Blog Post Author

May 20, 2021 at 10:46 am

Thank you Mark.

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December 8, 2021 at 5:46 am

Hi Zunaid,

Thanks for the wonderful blog. it really helps.

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs



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CA Zunaid Hingora | Blog Post Author

December 8, 2021 at 6:56 am

My Pleasure

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November 10, 2022 at 12:12 am

Hi Zunaid,

Thanks for this very useful article. First time I read this, and I �nd it useful.

I have a query, you mentioned for now you haven't attempted 'changing existing objects' via LTMC.

We are in 1709 version, and I need to modify Internal Order settlement rules specially adding additional
rows with revised validity, having modi�ed Pro�t Segment and COPA derivation based on customer speci�c
attributes. Is there any prede�ned template as a mass change available?

I tried using our custom-developed mass change program, however, I observed we can add new rows with
new From/To Year/Period only, without any changes to Pro�t Segment at each IO level.

After uploading the new row, we are obliged to manually edit the pro�t segment for fresh derivation, where
not all key �elds are derived, certain �elds are left out.

Any clue how to go about it? I thought of enhancing the existing custom-program, but meanwhile, trying to
see if there is an alternate workaround.

Please advise from your experience.

Regards, Sivasankaran S

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LTMC Process SAP S/4HANA – Simple Steps. | SAP Blogs

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CA Zunaid Hingora | Blog Post Author

November 10, 2022 at 6:17 am

Hi Sivsankaran,

I do not have system to check this but i have posted your comment here in below link. please follow


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Dave Wolles
January 17, 2023 at 9:04 am

I truly hope LSMW remains in S/4, as there are still lots of missing core functionalities in LTMC. The biggest
is, for me, the complete lack of HCM scenarios (so I disagree that it has 'nearly all processes included'; for
HCM it's useless out-the-box). Compared to theFind
ease us on that LSMW is (and that it can be used directly
of use
in production), while HCM scenario's require custom development, makes it a no-go and a hard pass.

Dynamic actions are obsolete anyway when doing SFSF EC integration, so this is not a valid argument
against LSMW. Privacy Terms of Use

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