Journal Unit 04

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Learning Journal Unit 5

1. My nearly two years of employment as a librarian at a small library is an example of my

extrinsic motivation. I did not enjoy working there, particularly because my desk was

where there was no natural light, and due to the lack of vitamin D, my bones got weaker

and I had to take vitamin D supplements. I used to work six days a week, from 8 a.m.

until 4:30 p.m. My goal was to make a living because the pay was relatively good and to

support myself and my family, which kept me there for nearly two years. If I did not have

financial challenges, I would not have worked there.

2. Reading books is an example of my intrinsic motivation, and I read because I enjoy

reading and find it valuable. My motivation to read comes from my fascination with

knowledge and learning. Moreover, learning new ideas and things makes me a better

person and helps me understand myself and the world better. My goal is to acquire

knowledge, expand my imagination and creativity, and improve my thinking abilities

regarding various topics.

3. According to the preceding example, the distinction between extrinsic and intrinsic

motivation is that when someone is extrinsically motivated to do something, it is

primarily to earn a reward or avoid punishment. Intrinsic motivation, on the other hand,

refers to the desire to perform an action solely for its own sake or for personal rewards. I

think both of them can be effective; however, it mostly depends on the situation. When

someone, like me, is not particularly excited about performing a task, extrinsic

motivation can be useful because it can spur one on to complete it in exchange for a

reward. However, intrinsic motivation can be extremely effective because when someone

enjoys doing something, they complete the task with pleasure. When I was extrinsically
motivated, I did not like my job; however, the thought that I could earn a living for

myself and my family made me feel good and motivated me. However, even though

reading books doesn't benefit me financially, I still enjoy it and find it calming. When I'm

doing something I enjoy, I work better than when I'm doing something else that needs

external motivation.

4. I learn for both internal and external motivations. My intrinsic motivation is to acquire

new skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and technical

expertise. Since these skills are important to building competence, confidence, and self-

esteem, On the other hand, to get a good job, one needs to have a degree and have

studied. In today's world, having a good degree comes with many benefits and privileges.

As a result, my primary motivation for learning and studying at the university is to pursue

a successful future career.

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