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User configurations hierarchy

The User Configurations hierarchy is represented by the icon in Device Explorer.

The User Configurations hierarchy has a single level made up of User Configurations
folders. There are three kinds of User Configurations folders:

l Standard Configurations folder - contains standard user configurations supplied

by Emerson. This folder is read-only.

l Migrated Configurations folder - displayed when user configurations are

imported from AMS Device Manager 13.0 or lower. This folder cannot be renamed and
is not displayed when empty.

l User Configurations folder - created and named by a user and can contain any
kind of user configuration.

A user configuration is a set of HART, FOUNDATION fieldbus, or conventional device

configuration parameters that you can customize and reuse. For example, user
configurations can store:

l Configurations from devices that you want to save as models for other device
l HART device configurations that you want to copy from the database into a Field
l HART device configurations loaded from a Field Communicator that you want to
examine and modify before applying to connected devices

The source of this user configuration may be:

l A configuration in a registered device

l A standard configuration
l A copy of an existing User Configuration
l A device template
l A Field Communicator user configuration or Field Communicator device configuration

The AMS Device Manager system stores user configurations in the User Configurations

To illustrate how you can make use of user configurations, suppose a HART device contains
configuration parameter settings that you want to use in several other devices. You can
store that configuration as a user configuration in a User Configurations folder, and later
apply that configuration to other HART devices. You can apply the user configuration to a
single device by dragging and dropping it onto the device icon, or to multiple devices by
running the Bulk Transfer Utility.

Related information
User Configurations icon
User Configurations folders

How user configurations differ from device templates

A user configuration for a device differs from a device template for a device in the Device

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Templates window, in that:

l A device template is a set of complete and default configuration parameters for a

device provided by a device manufacturer. In contrast, a user configuration can be
any set of configuration parameters derived from any device or device configuration in
your plant.
l A device template contains a complete set of configuration parameters for a device. In
contrast, a user configuration can be a partial configuration, or a subset of the
complete device configuration parameters for a particular device type.

For conventional devices, user configurations and device templates have the same
characteristics. Either can have a partial configuration, and all parameters in either can be
edited. Device templates are used to apply existing configurations to new devices that you
add to the database.

Related information
User configurations hierarchy
Using device templates and user configurations

Using device templates and user configurations

Use user configurations:

l To transfer device parameters to multiple devices using Bulk Transfer

l To save a portion or all of the parameters for a HART, FOUNDATION fieldbus, or
conventional device configuration for later use. For example, you can save units and
range values in a user configuration that you may want to reuse later in another
device configuration.
l To store partial configurations copied from a Field Communicator.
l To examine and modify configurations loaded from a Field Communicator before
applying to connected devices. Parameters marked for Bulk Transfer are not
applicable to Field Communicator device configurations; all parameters are
transferred to a Field Communicator.

Use device templates:

l When configuring HART or FOUNDATION fieldbus devices and setting up your Plant
Locations hierarchy.
l When you need to reset a HART or FOUNDATION fieldbus device to the default values
contained in a device template. For example, if you have applied several configuration
changes to a device and it experiences problems when operating under the new
settings, you can reset the device to the defaults in the device template by re-
applying a device template to the device. If your device is not connected to the
process, you can also choose to perform a master reset on the device.
l To apply conventional device configurations to new conventional devices you add to
the database.

Device templates and user configurations are not available for PROFIBUS DPV1,
PROFIBUS PA, and future devices.

Related information
User configurations hierarchy

Bulk Transfer Utility overview

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The Bulk Transfer Utility allows you to create mappings between user configurations and
multiple devices in a plant, and then transfer parameter values to the devices based on
those mappings. It minimizes the time needed to configure and commission a large number
of devices.

To use the Bulk Transfer Utility, you must have Microsoft Excel version 2010 or later
installed on your AMS Device Manager station. Microsoft Office versions 2010 and later
include compatible versions of Excel.

Supported devices
The Bulk Transfer Utility supports live FOUNDATION fieldbus and HART devices. These
devices may be on any supported network component or system interface. The Bulk
Transfer Utility also supports FOUNDATION fieldbus placeholders on DeltaV Systems.

The Bulk Transfer Utility does not support conventional, HART future devices, PROFIBUS
DPV1 devices, or PROFIBUS PA devices.

How the Bulk Transfer Utility works

The Bulk Transfer Utility reads and processes an Excel file (.xlsx) that you create to assign
a user configuration to each unique device tag.

The resulting mappings are stored in the database and entered into a log file (.txt).
Applicable configuration events are also recorded in the Audit Trail.

For live devices and FOUNDATION fieldbus placeholders, the parameter values are
immediately transferred from the user configuration to the device or placeholder. For
devices not yet identified in AMS Device Manager, the mapping is stored in the database
but parameter values are not transferred until you subsequently perform a Bulk Configure
operation, which involves both device identification and mapping-based configuration. New
devices are configured when they are detected (auto-sensed or commissioned in DeltaV).
This pertains to any tag assignments that are included in the mapping; Plant Location
and/or Alert Monitor List device group assignments. Tag assignments are not performed for
Foundation fieldbus placeholders.

You do not have to transfer all parameter values defined in the user configuration. The
Configure for Bulk Transfer view, available from the context menu for a user configuration,
allows you to mark parameters for download, or not for download, during a bulk transfer.
Only parameters marked for download have their values transferred. Some devices will not
provide all necessary parameters for transfer unless the device is in Out of Service mode.

You can assign AMS tags to Plant Locations and Alert Monitor device groups. You can also
define projects in Bulk Transfer. A project is a container for a set of devices that are in the
process of being changed outside the production environment. You can use projects to
track startups, turnarounds, or outages. You assign devices to projects in the Bulk Transfer
spreadsheet, mark their status (done) in AMS Device Manager, and track projects and their
associated devices using AMS Device View.

AMS Device Manager User Manager permissions are required for some operations related to
AMS Device View projects.

Operation Permission required

Rename, delete, or complete a project in AMS System > System Settings > Write
Device View

Mark a device as complete in a project in AMS Device Write or SIS Device Write

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Device Manager (or move a completed project to

active by importing from Bulk Transfer)

Remove a device from a project or add a device Device Write or SIS Device Write
to a project in Bulk Transfer

Reporting tools
You can generate two types of reports to track how devices are being managed through the
Bulk Transfer Utility.

A mappings report shows each user-configuration-to-device mapping currently in the

database. It does not show the current configuration of the device, or any project
information, but can be generated faster than a device configuration report.

A user configuration report shows all the scanned devices that are mapped to a user
configuration in the database, and compares the parameter values in each device to the
user configuration. This allows you to correct any configuration errors or inconsistencies
across devices. Generating a user configuration report can take a long time depending on
the number of devices to which the user configuration has been applied.

Related information
Run the Bulk Transfer Utility
AMS Device Manager Bulk Transfer dialog
Checklist for valid Bulk Transfer spreadsheet data
Configure for Bulk Transfer view
Bulk Configure overview

Checklist for valid Bulk Transfer spreadsheet data

Bulk Transfer allows you to create mappings between AMS Tags and:

l User Configurations. By setting this mapping, you are planning to assign User
Configurations (or a Standard Configuration copied to a User Configuration folder) to
particular tags, and setting up the ability to Bulk Configure them in preparation for
being associated with a live device. In addition to a User Configuration association,
you can also associate several HART device parameters with the User Configuration,
so that the appropriate column value is written to the AMS tag. Ensure the User
Configuration names are entered in the spreadsheet exactly as they appear in AMS
Device Manager.
l Plant Locations. By setting this mapping, you will be assigning the AMS tag to a
certain Plant Location specified in the column. If those Plant Locations exist in AMS
Device Manager, ensure the spreadsheet value matches exactly. If they do not exist,
Bulk Transfer will create them in AMS Device Manager, and assign AMS tags to them.
Each Plant Location name (Area, Unit, Equipment Module, and Control Module) is
limited to 32 characters.
l Device Groups. By setting this mapping, you will be associating the AMS tag with a
numbered Device Group in the Device Monitor List in Alert Monitor. The AMS tag must
be assigned to a Plant Location. If the group number does not exist in AMS Device
Manager, Bulk Transfer will create it, and add the AMS tag to the Alert Monitor Device
Monitor List. For this reason, Plant Location assignments are performed before Device
Group assignments.
l Project Names. By setting this mapping, you will be associating the AMS tag with a
Project in AMS Device View. Projects help establish a workflow or checklist if you are
commissioning devices. If those Projects already exist in AMS Device View, ensure the
spreadsheet value matches exactly. If they do not exist, Bulk Transfer will create
them in AMS Device View.

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Follow these additional guidelines to avoid errors during processing:

l Make sure that each tag listed is one of the following:
¡ A known AMS tag for a live device (HART or FOUNDATION fieldbus)
¡ The host tag for a FOUNDATION fieldbus placeholder in the DeltaV software
¡ The anticipated AMS tag for a device not yet identified in AMS Device Manager
for which you wish to create a mapping that can be used later in a Bulk
Configure operation
l List each AMS tag only once in the Excel file. Duplicate AMS tags result in an error,
even when paired with the same user configuration each time.
l Be sure to enter a user configuration that is based on the same device description
(DD) as the device you want to configure. Otherwise, an error results, even if most
parameters are in common.
l Ensure the user configuration cell is not blank by accident. AMS tags that exist in AMS
Device Manager that have blank user configurations will cause Bulk Transfer to delete
the mapping for that AMS tag.
l For FOUNDATION fieldbus placeholders, enter the host tag into the AMS tag column
exactly as it appears in DeltaV. Host tag names are case-sensitive. You cannot map
FOUNDATION fieldbus parameters to AMS tags using Bulk Transfer.
l Know the AMS tag assignment scheme for newly identified devices in AMS Device
Manager, especially if you are running the Bulk Transfer Utility in preparation for a
Bulk Configure operation. The AMS tag is automatically assigned during the Scan New
Devices and Bulk Configure operations. Refer to the links in System interfaces
overview for information on how AMS tags are assigned to devices on various
compatible system interfaces.
l Import tags if available, and then edit the spreadsheet to add the associated user
configurations, any HART device parameters, Plant Locations, Device Monitor List
device groups, and project names as appropriate.

All permissions required for successful use of the Bulk Transfer Utility are managed by plant
location in the User Manager utility. Permission requirements are enforced on a case-by-
case basis for each AMS tag included in your Excel file.

l For a live device that has already been assigned to a plant location, you must have
the appropriate Device Write permission (Device Write permission or SIS Device Write
permission, depending on the device) at that plant location in order to map and
update the device through the Bulk Transfer Utility. For a live device that has not
been assigned a plant location, you must have the appropriate Device Write
permission at either the Site-wide or Unassigned levels in order to map and update
the device through the Bulk Transfer Utility.
l If you are assigning an AMS tag to a Plant Location, you need Assign Plant Hierarchy
Location permission.
l If you are associating an AMS tag with a device group in the Alert Monitor Device
Monitor List, you need Manage Alert Configurations permission
l If you are associating an AMS tag with a Project Name for AMS Device View, you must
have (Device Write permission or SIS Device Write permission.
l For a FOUNDATION fieldbus placeholder or a device that is not yet connected, you
must haveDevice Write permission or SIS Device Write permission at either the Site-
wide or Unassigned locations in order to map the associated AMS tag to a user
configuration in the database through the Bulk Transfer Utility.

Bulk Configure overview

The Bulk Configure operations (see descriptions below) allow you to configure multiple live

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devices based on user configuration mappings that already exist in the database as a result
of previous use of the Bulk Transfer Utility. It also allows user configurations to be applied
to DeltaV FOUNDATION Fieldbus placeholders for devices that will be connected in the

Supported devices
The Bulk Configure operations support live FOUNDATION fieldbus and HART devices. These
devices may be on any supported network component or system interface, with the
exception of PROVOX, RS3, and HART modems.

The Bulk Configure operations do not support HART future devices, PROFIBUS DPV1
devices, or PROFIBUS PA devices.

Advantages of Bulk Configure operations

When the desired configuration mappings already exist in the database, the Bulk Configure
operations provide two main advantages over running the Bulk Transfer Utility a second
time. First, these operations allow you to skip the configuration mapping portion of the Bulk
Transfer Utility, and run just the device identification and parameter transfer portions. This
device identification is a prerequisite for correct operation of Bulk Configure, and includes
identifying (Rebuild or Rebuild and Identify) and scanning the new device. Bulk Transfer
Utility does not perform device identification. This makes these operations faster.

Secondly, because the Bulk Configure operations are available through the context menu at
different levels under the Physical Networks hierarchy, you can target only those parts of
the network that include devices requiring updates from a user configuration. This again
leads to a more efficient operation, particularly when the database (or the original Excel file
used by the Bulk Transfer Utility) contains configuration mappings for widely distributed

Bulk Configure New Devices, and Bulk Configure All Devices

There are two Bulk Configure operations: Bulk Configure New Devices, and Bulk Configure
All Devices.

The Bulk Configure All Devices operation identifies all live devices below the point at which
it is initiated, and transfers parameter values to any device included in a user configuration
mapping within the database. The Bulk Configure New Devices operation performs the
same device identification function, but transfers parameter values only to new (not
previously identified) devices included in a user configuration mapping. In each operation,
only parameter values marked for download on the Configure for Bulk Transfer view of the
user configuration have their values transferred. The parameter values transferred are
taken from the current version of the user configuration, not the version at the time the
Bulk Transfer Utility was run.

Depending on the number of mapped devices in the affected plant area, and the number of
new devices added since the last Rebuild Hierarchy operation, the Bulk Configure All
Devices operation may be significantly more time-consuming than the Bulk Configure New
Devices operation. Therefore, it is recommended that you initiate it only when necessary
and at the lowest level in the hierarchy possible.

Each Bulk Configure operation is available at the same locations in the Physical Networks
hierarchy in Device Explorer as the Scan New and Scan All operations. This includes:
l On the various levels of a network hierarchy
l On all the networks on a local station (from the AMS Device Manager icon in Device
Connection View)
l On all the networks on another station in the distributed system (from a station icon
in Device Explorer)

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Examples of when to perform Bulk Configure operations

Here is an example of a common situation in which the Bulk Configure New Devices can be

l You are preparing to connect many new devices in an area of the plant. You have
already run the Bulk Transfer Utility to create user configuration mappings for the
anticipated AMS device tags, which will be assigned automatically upon device
connection. The new devices are now available and connected. Because the
configuration mappings already exist, you can now perform the Bulk Configure New
Devices operation at the appropriate location in the Physical Networks hierarchy to
prepare the new devices for operation.

Here is an example of a common situation in which the Bulk Configure All Devices can be

l Previously, many devices in a particular area of the plant were configured using the
Bulk Transfer Utility. It was later discovered that those devices were not performing
optimally. Offline testing resulted in several optimized parameter values that have
now been incorporated into the user configuration that was used during the original
bulk transfer. Because the configuration mappings already exist, you can now perform
the Bulk Configure All Devices operation at the appropriate location in the Physical
Networks hierarchy to transfer the optimized values from the updated user
configuration to the devices.

Using Bulk Configure via DeltaV Auto-sense for HART devices

For HART devices, Bulk Configure is integrated with the Auto-sense operation in DeltaV.
Therefore, when you auto-sense a HART device in DeltaV, you automatically call up the
Bulk Configure New Devices operation for that device in AMS Device Manager. If a
configuration mapping is found in the database for the device, the parameter values from
the user configuration are automatically transferred to that device without the need for
operator action. You can view the results in a mapping report accessible from the Reports
menu on the AMS Device Manager Bulk Transfer dialog.

Permissions required
All permissions required for successful use of the Bulk Configure operations are managed
by plant location in the User Manager utility utility. Permission requirements are enforced
on a case-by-case basis for each device potentially impacted by a Bulk Configure operation.

For a live device that has been assigned to a plant location, you must have the appropriate
Device Write permission (Device Write permission or SIS Device Write permission,
depending on the device) at that plant location in order to configure the device through the
Bulk Configure All Devices operation.

For a device included in a user configuration mapping in the database but not yet identified
in AMS Device Manager, you must have the appropriate Device Write permission (Device
Write permission or SIS Device Write permission, depending on the device) at either the
Site-wide or Unassigned locations in order to configure the device through either the Bulk
Configure New Devices operation or the Bulk Configure All Devices operation.

Related information
Bulk Configure devices
Bulk Transfer Utility overview
AMS Device Manager Bulk Transfer dialog

User Configurations

User Configurations can be used as placeholders for HART, FOUNDATION fieldbus, or

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conventional device configurations that you need to copy, modify, move, or save as models
for other device configurations.

Right-click a user configuration to display the context menu. Selections on the context
menu include the following:

l Configure/Setup - Displays the Configure/Setup view.

l Configure for Bulk Transfer - Displays the Configure For Bulk Transfer view.
l Rename - Selects the name of the user configuration for editing.
l Delete - Deletes the selected user configuration.

To modify, rename, or delete user configurations, you must have User Configuration
Write permission.

Related information
Create a user configuration from an existing configuration
Create a new user configuration

Configure for Bulk Transfer view

The Configure for Bulk Transfer view is displayed when you right-click a user configuration
and select Configure for Bulk Transfer. This view shows a list of all the writable
parameters in the device description with values from the user configuration and a column
to display and configure each parameter that can be downloaded to a device (HART or
FOUNDATION fieldbus) or to a FOUNDATION fieldbus placeholder.

Selecting a block item in the left pane, displays parameters from that block in the device

description. Next to each parameter is a clickable button to enable or disable

download of the parameter to a device and placeholder.

The download button represents a parameter that you want to download to both a
device and a placeholder. The value of the parameter is the value defined in the user

When you click the download button, it changes to the do not download button which
represents either a parameter that will not be downloaded or an empty parameter that
cannot be downloaded. This parameter is the device description default parameter value
unless it is defined in the user configuration. If the value is defined in the user
configuration, when you click the do not download button, it changes to the download

Clicking the Save button updates the user configuration.

Clicking the Close button gives you the option of updating the user configuration or closing
without saving.

Parameters with an additional write dependency will not be displayed until the
dependency is met. To refresh the screen, view another block and then return to the
original block.

Related information

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Bulk Transfer Utility overview

Bulk Configure overview
Run the Bulk Transfer Utility
Bulk Configure devices
AMS Device Manager Bulk Transfer dialog

AMS Device Manager Bulk Transfer dialog

This dialog is displayed when you launch the Bulk Transfer Utility from the AMS Device
Manager Tools menu. Use it to generate reports and identify the Excel file that maps user
configurations to unique device tags, and specify how the file should be read.

Reports menu
Use the Reports menu to select either Mappings Report or User Configuration Report.
The Mappings Report runs a report that shows each user-configuration-to-device mapping
currently in the database. The DeviceState column shows the current state of the device:
Live indicates AMS Device Manager can communicate with the device, Virtual if it cannot.
Live does not guarantee the user configuration has been transferred to the device.

The User Configuration Report shows all the scanned devices that are mapped to a user
configuration in the database, and compares the parameter values in each device to the
user configuration. Use the result of the compare to correct any configuration errors or
inconsistencies across devices.


Generating a user configuration report can take a long time depending on the number of
devices receiving a user configuration.


Field Description
File Name Click to browse to the Excel file you set up
to transfer parameter values. After you select
your Excel file, the dialog displays additional

Worksheet Name The Excel file worksheet tab that contains your

Starting Row The row where the Bulk Transfer Utility should
begin reading the data. For example, row 1 may
contain column headings (instead of user
configurations and device tags) which produce
errors if read.

Required Columns

(AMS Tag) The column that contains AMS Tags (default is


Optional Bulk Transfer Columns

User Configuration The column that contains user configuration


HART Short Tag The column that contains alternative HART Short
Tags to those specified in the user

HART Long Tag The column that contains alternative HART Long

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Tags to those specified in the user


Device Descriptor The column that contains alternative Device

Descriptors to those specified in the user

Device Message The column that contains alternative Device

Messages to those specified in the user

Primary Upper Range Value The column that contains alternative Primary
Upper Range Values to those specified in the
user configurations.

Primary Lower Range Value The column that contains alternative Primary
Lower Range Values to those specified in the
user configurations.

Optional AMS Tag Assignment Columns

Plant Location The column that contains the Plant Location.

Device Monitor List Group The column that contains the Device Monitor List

Optional Project Assignment Columns

Project Name The column that contains the project name to

which the corresponding AMS tag will be applied
(AMS Device View)

Clear/Preset Optional Columns button

Removes the column assignments for all optional columns, or populates them with default
column letters.

Begin button
Initiates reading of the Excel file, and displays the Bulk Transfer Utility Processing
Information dialog.

Cancel button
Cancels reading of the Excel file.

Related information
Bulk Transfer Utility overview
Run the Bulk Transfer Utility
Checklist for valid Bulk Transfer spreadsheet data

Process Information dialog - Bulk Transfer

This dialog is displayed after you define how your Excel file should be read by the Bulk
Transfer Utility. It provides a pre-processing summary of how each device will be affected if
you continue with the bulk transfer process.

The following devices will not be processed

Any device listed in this field will not be affected if you continue with the bulk transfer. The
reason is listed for each device. Common reasons include:
l DeviceA: Device disconnected. The device was previously connected, but is now
disconnected and therefore cannot receive new parameter values.
l DeviceB: Matching User Configuration not defined. A user configuration is listed for
the device in your Excel file, but the user configuration cannot be found. This error

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may be caused by incorrect data entry in the Excel file or deletion of a previous user
l DeviceC: Device listed more than once. The device is duplicated in the Excel file, and
is therefore automatically excluded from processing. Each device tag in the Excel file
must be unique.
l DeviceD: User Configuration type does not match Device Type. The device is paired
with a user configuration in the Excel file that is based on a different device
description (DD). The DDs must match.

The following mappings will be deleted

Any device listed in this field was found in the Excel file where the specified User
Configuration column's cell in that row was blank. If you are only identifying an AMS tag
not currently in AMS Device Manager to be assigned to a Project in AMS Device View
without mapping a user configuration, your AMS tag will appear here.

The following devices are live and will be changed and/or assigned
Devices appearing in this field are connected and will have parameter values, plant
locations, and Device Monitor List groups downloaded to them, and/or will be assigned to
projects. Parameter values are downloaded if they are marked for download on the
Configure for Bulk Transfer view of the User Configurations window.

This operation COULD change the device output. Ensure all safety precautions and work
procedures have been followed. Failure to do so COULD result in property damage,
death, or serious injury.

All user configurations in the Excel file must include safe, tested parameter values, and be
properly set up on the Configure for Bulk Transfer view of the User Configurations window.

Perform Bulk Transfers

If this check box is not enabled, bulk transfers will not be performed. Mappings will be
saved (or deleted). This check box is enabled by default. The following actions will be done
if the check box is enabled:

l The Bulk Transfer Utility will configure multiple devices at the same time. This
includes performing any tag assignments to Plant Locations and/or Alert Monitor List
device groups.
l If a user configuration was changed after the mappings were created and before it
was transferred to a device with an AMS tag, all device parameters defined in the
updated user configuration will be transferred. However, optional alternative HART
parameters that were mapped will take precedence over those device parameters in
the user configurations.
l If Bulk Transfer considers a device unconfigured, then all device parameters defined
in the user configuration marked for download will be transferred. However, optional
alternative that were mapped will take precedence over those device parameters in
the user configurations.
l If Bulk Transfer considers a device configured (i.e. the mapped user configuration has
been transferred to this device and hasn't changed since), the device parameters will
not be transferred.
l If Bulk Transfer determines that a device is already assigned to the Plant Location
and/or Alert Monitor List device groups that were mapped, these tag assignments will
not be performed.

Project assignments, changes, and deletions will be performed whether this box is checked
or not.

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Allow Foundation Fieldbus device block modes to change during the bulk
configuration process
When this box is checked, any live FOUNDATION fieldbus devices listed in the Excel file will
be put into Out of Service (OOS) mode before having parameter values downloaded to
them. By default, this box is checked in case you have any concerns about changing the
configuration of live FOUNDATION fieldbus devices in your plant, and on the basis that little
can be changed on a live FOUNDATION fieldbus device without it first being taken out of

If you do take FOUNDATION fieldbus devices out of service for the bulk transfer, the final
state of the device is determined not by your check box selection but by the Target Mode
defined in the user configuration.

Related information
Bulk Transfer Utility overview
Run the Bulk Transfer Utility
Checklist for valid Bulk Transfer spreadsheet data
Configure for Bulk Transfer view

Processing/Done dialog - Bulk Transfer

This dialog is displayed while the Bulk Transfer Utility processes the Excel file that you
created to map user configurations to device tags.

User Configuration Progress bar

This bar shows the progress made toward completing an individual row in the Excel file,
which represents an individual mapping between a user configuration and device tag. The
User Configuration Progress bar resets at least twice for each row, because multiple task
sets are typically required. When progress is complete for the current row in the Excel file,
this bar represents progress on the next row.

Application Progress bar

This bar shows the overall progress toward completing the device configuration process
using the Bulk Transfer Utility. The total number of items corresponds to all configuration
tasks required for all devices, and each individual item represents a row in the Excel file
being used for bulk transfer.

Status box (scrollable)

This box shows a list of entries being added in real time to the Bulk Transfer Utility log.
Each entry represents completion of a task or a status update. When the device
configuration process is complete, the Done button is displayed and a final entry is made
that shows where the finished Bulk Transfer Utility log has been saved.

Cancel and Done buttons

Clicking the Cancel button stops the device configuration process after the current row in
the Excel file has been processed.

The Done button is displayed after the device configuration process is complete. Click it to
close the dialog.
User Configuration Reports overview

The User Configuration Reports tool provides you a way to verify that multiple devices are
configured according to a specified user configuration. You can create a user configuration
report for any user configuration that has been applied to devices through the Bulk
Transfer Utility.

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The User Configuration Reports tool is installed with AMS Device Manager, and requires
SQL Server 2014 Express with Advanced Services (provided with AMS Device Manager).
Refer to the Installation Guide for instructions. Generating reports requires Active Scripting
to be enabled in your browser. See your browser documentation for details.

How to use User Configuration Reports

After running the Bulk Transfer Utility, you may at some point need to ensure consistency
across the configured devices. The User Configuration Reports tool lets you identify devices
with values or settings that do not match the user configuration. If inconsistencies appear
in a report, you can either manually correct them in the affected devices, or run a Bulk
Configure operation to bring the devices back into alignment with the user configuration.

The User Configuration Reports tool uses the AMS Generic Export function to retrieve
device parameter data to compare to user configurations.

Additional information
Before creating a report for a user configuration, you must always run the Bulk Transfer
Utility to apply the user configuration to devices. You cannot create a report for a user
configuration that has only been manually applied to devices through drag-and-drop.

Only devices that have been scanned to the AMS Device Manager database appear in a
user configuration report. FOUNDATION fieldbus placeholders and anticipated AMS tags for
devices not yet identified in AMS Device Manager do not appear in the report, even if the
user configuration was applied to them through the Bulk Transfer Utility.

Related information
Create user configuration reports
Bulk Configure overview

Create a new user configuration


User Configuration Write permission


1. In Device Explorer, double-click User Configurations.

2. Right-click a User Configuration folder, and select Add User Configuration.
3. Select a HART, FOUNDATION fieldbus, or conventional device template in the New
dialog and click OK.
4. Enter a name for the new user configuration.
5. Configure as desired using Configure/Setup. You can also select Configure for Bulk
Transfer to set up the parameters you will transfer.
6. If not using Bulk Transfer, drag the User Configuration onto a device to compare the
two configurations, and send the changes to the device.

Related information
User configurations hierarchy

Create a user configuration from an existing configuration

Some devices will not provide all necessary parameters for transfer unless the device is
in Out of Service mode.

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User Configuration Write permission


1. In Device Explorer, double-click User Configurations.

2. Select the User Configurations folder containing the user configuration you want to
3. Do one of the following:
¡ If you are copying from the Standard Configurations folder, select the user
configuration and drag it to the desired folder.
¡ If you are copying from other user configurations folders, right-click and drag
the user configuration to the desired folder and select Copy Here from the
context menu.
4. Enter a name for the new user configuration.
5. Right-click the user configuration and select Configure for Bulk Transfer to
customize parameter values and download state.

Related information
Move a user configuration

Edit a user configuration


User Configuration Write permission


1. In Device Explorer, double-click User Configurations.

2. Select the User Configurations folder containing the user configuration you want to
3. Right-click a User Configuration and select Configure/Setup or Configure for
Bulk Transfer.
4. Click the tabs to view different sets of parameters. Depending on whether the user
configuration is a complete or partial configuration, the fields on the tabs may be
filled in or blank.
5. Change the desired parameters on the tabs. Changing a parameter changes its field
and label to yellow.
6. Click Save.

Related information
User configurations hierarchy

Move a user configuration


User Configuration Write permission


1. In Device Explorer, double-click User Configurations.

2. Select the User Configurations folder containing the user configuration you want to

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3. Select a user configuration and drag it to the desired folder.

You cannot move a user configuration from the Standard Configurations folder to
another folder but you can copy it. See Create a user configuration from an
existing configuration under the Related information section for more details.

4. Right-click the user configuration and select Configure for Bulk Transfer to
customize parameter values and download state.

Related information
Create a user configuration from an existing configuration

Rename a user configuration


User Configuration Write permission


1. In Device Explorer, double-click User Configurations.

2. Select the User Configurations folder containing the user configuration you want to
3. Right-click a user configuration and select Rename.
4. Enter a new name for the user configuration.
5. If the name already exists, click OK and enter a different name for the user

Related information
User configurations hierarchy

Delete a user configuration


User Configuration Write permission


1. In Device Explorer, double-click User Configurations.

2. Select the User Configurations folder containing the user configuration you want to
3. Right-click a User Configuration and select Delete.
4. Click OK.

Related information
User configurations hierarchy

Apply a user configuration


User Configuration Write permission

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You can create as many user configurations as you want, save them, and subsequently
apply them to connected devices or to devices in the Device List or the Plant Locations
hierarchy. The device to which you apply the user configuration must be the same device
type as the one from which you created the user configuration.


1. In Device Explorer, double-click In Device Explorer, double-click User


2. Select the User Configurations folder containing the user configuration you want to

3. Drag the user configuration onto a similar device in Device Explorer or Device
Connection View.
The Compare view opens, showing the parameters of the target device on one side
and the parameters of the user configuration on the other side.

4. Select Current in the Time field.

5. Transfer the parameters between the user configuration and the target device as

6. Click Send to apply the configuration.

Related information
User configurations hierarchy
Create a user configuration from an existing configuration

Run the Bulk Transfer Utility


Device Write permission or SIS Device Write permission. In addition, if your Bulk Transfer
spreadsheet includes assigning AMS tags to Plant Locations, you need Assign Plant
Hierarchy Location permission. If you are specifying AMS Tags with Device Monitor List
device groups, you need Manage Alert Configurations permission.

Ensure your Bulk Transfer spreadsheet is not open when starting Bulk Transfer.


1. Make sure that:

¡ You have created one or more user configurations that can be used for bulk
¡ The user configurations have been properly configured for bulk transfer on the
Configure for Bulk Transfer view of the User Configurations window.

2. Create a Microsoft Excel file (.xlsx) that maps each user configuration to one or
more unique device tags (one user configuration allowed per device tag). A sample
spreadsheet is provided in the AMS/BulkTransferMappings folder.

A user configuration and device tag must appear in the same row in adjacent
columns to be mapped. Refer to Checklist for valid Bulk Transfer spreadsheet
data for additional guidelines.

A typical Excel map file would be formatted similar to this:

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3. In AMS Device Manager, select Tools → Bulk Transfer Utility from the main menu.

4. Click to browse to the Excel file you created.

5. Select your file and click Open.

The AMS Device Manager Bulk Transfer dialog displays additional fields.

6. Complete the remaining fields to describe how the Bulk Transfer Utility should read
your Excel workbook. See AMS Device Manager Bulk Transfer dialog under the
Related information section for more information.

7. Click Begin.
The Process Information dialog is displayed, summarizing the impact on each device
listed in your Excel file.

8. Review the impact on each device.

This operation COULD change the device output. Ensure all safety precautions
and work procedures have been followed. Failure to do so COULD result in
property damage, death, or serious injury.

It is important to read and understand this warning. All user configurations in the
Excel file must include safe, tested parameter values, and be properly set up on the
Configure for Bulk Transfer view of the User Configurations window.

9. Leave the box checked (default) for Perform Bulk Transfers unless you only want to
save/delete mappings. Alternative HART parameters and tag assignments will be
included as part of the mappings that are saved/deleted. Project assignments,
changes, and deletions will be performed whether this box is checked or not.

10. Leave the box checked (default) for Allow Foundation Fieldbus device block modes to
change during the bulk configuration process, unless you have a reason to uncheck

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Most FOUNDATION fieldbus devices must be taken out of service before being
changed. It is generally not recommended to attempt to change these devices
while in service. The final state of the device is determined by the Target Mode
defined in the Configure for Bulk Transfer view of the user configuration.

11. Do one of the following:

¡ Click Yes to start the bulk transfer.
¡ Click No to cancel.
If you click Yes, the Processing dialog is displayed to show the progress of the bulk
transfer. This includes performing any project assignments/changes/deletions and/or
tag assignments.

12. Monitor the progress of the bulk transfer.

13. Click Done when processing is completed.

You can review Bulk Transfer operations in files stored in the /AMS/Log directory.

Related information
Bulk Transfer Utility overview
AMS Device Manager Bulk Transfer dialog
Checklist for valid Bulk Transfer spreadsheet data
Configure for Bulk Transfer view

Bulk Configure devices


For each device you want to transfer, you need Device Write permission or SIS Device
Write permission. In addition, if your Bulk Transfer spreadsheet includes assigning AMS
tags to Plant Locations, you need Assign Plant Hierarchy Location permission. If you are
specifying AMS Tags with Device Monitor List device groups, you need Manage Alert
Configurations permission.

The Bulk Configure operations do not support HART future devices, PROFIBUS DPV1
devices, or PROFIBUS PA devices.


1. Make sure that the database already contains configuration mappings for all devices
you wish to Bulk Configure.

You create the mappings by running the Bulk Transfer Utility.

2. Right-click the icon that represents the level at which you want to perform the Bulk
Configure operation. Select the lowest level in a hierarchy that is necessary. You can
perform a Bulk Configure operation:
¡ On a modem
¡ On the various levels of a system interface network hierarchy
¡ On all the networks on a local station (from the AMS Device Manager icon in
Device Connection View)
¡ On all the networks on another station in the distributed system (from a station
icon in Device Explorer)

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3. Select a Bulk Configure operation from the context menu. You may select either the
Bulk Configure New Devices operation or the Bulk Configure All Devices operation.
AMS Device Manager begins scanning devices, and a dialog indicates the scanning
progress. Scanning is only performed on devices never scanned before. Any newly
identified devices are assigned an AMS tag. If a configuration mapping is found in
the database for any device that is affected by the operation (only newly identified
devices, or all identified devices), the Process Information dialog is displayed,
summarizing the impact on each device.

4. Review the impact on each device.

This operation COULD change the device output. Ensure all safety precautions
and work procedures have been followed. Failure to do so COULD result in
property damage, death, or serious injury.

It is important to read and understand this warning. All user configurations mapped
to devices in the database must include safe, tested parameter values, and be
properly set up on the Configure for Bulk Transfer view of the User Configurations

5. Leave the box checked (default) for Take Foundation Fieldbus devices out of service
before processing, unless you have a reason to uncheck it.

Most FOUNDATION fieldbus devices must be taken out of service before being
changed. It is generally not recommended to attempt to change these devices
while in service. The final state of the device is determined by the Target Mode
defined in the Configure for Bulk Transfer view of the user configuration.

6. Do one of the following:

¡ Click Yes to start the bulk transfer.
¡ Click No to cancel.
If you click Yes, the Processing dialog is displayed to show the progress of the bulk

7. Monitor the progress of the bulk transfer.

8. Click Done when processing is completed.

Related information
Bulk Configure overview
Bulk Transfer Utility overview

Create a mappings report


1. Select Tools → Bulk Transfer Utility from the main menu.

The AMS Device Manager Bulk Transfer dialog is displayed.

2. Select Reports → Mappings Report.

Data is gathered for each user-configuration-to-device mapping in the database, and
is displayed as a report. The DeviceState column shows how the mapping was last
used: Live indicates AMS Device Manager can communicate with the device,
Virtual if it cannot. Live does not guarantee the user configuration has been
transferred to the device.

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Create user configuration reports


Device Read permission OR SIS Device Read permission


1. Make sure that you have run the Bulk Transfer Utility at least once.

2. Select Bulk Transfer Utility from the Tools menu in AMS Device Manager.

3. On the Reports menu, select User Configuration Report.

4. Select one or more user configurations from the displayed list.

5. Click Create.
Data retrieval begins. This may take a long time depending on the number of user
configurations selected and the number of devices to which they have been applied.
Report generation begins for each selected user configuration when all data is
retrieved for that user configuration.

6. Wait approximately 1-2 minutes per report being generated. The Reports area auto-
refreshes regularly, but you can also click Refresh to refresh the list of reports

7. Select a report and click View All or View Differences.

8. In the result, the parameter values that differ from the user configuration are

9. If necessary, change any incorrect configuration settings on devices and then

recreate the report.


Either manually change incorrect settings on individual devices, or run a Bulk

Configure operation to bring multiple devices back into alignment with the user

Related information
User Configuration Reports overview
Bulk Configure overview

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