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1) What are the purposes and roles of regression analysis in statistical modeling?

Also Explain the

core principles of linear regression and describe how it works. What are the steps in the
workflow of Predictive Analytics for generating marketing campaign proposals
2) Find linear regression equation for the following two sets of data:

x 2 4 6 8

y 3 7 5 10

Predict the value of Y for subject 6 from the given dataset that contains values for X1,
X2, and Y by using a Multiple Regression Model.

Subject Y X1 X2

1 -3.7 3 8

2 3.5 4 5
Subject Y X1 X2

3 2.5 5 7

4 11.5 6 3

5 5.7 2 1

6 ? 3 2

How can a manufacturing firm use linear regression-based forecasting models to predict future
product demand and enhance inventory management, and what are the specific applications and
benefits of these models in production planning?

4) How can a business analyst effectively use the Solver tool in Excel to optimize various methods
within the operational process of a business?
5) What is the essential role of data cleaning in maintaining the accuracy, reliability, and
effectiveness of data-driven decision-making processes? Also What are the applications of
predictive models, such as decision trees, neural networks, and support vector machines, in the
finance, healthcare, and e-commerce sectors?
6) Compare recent trends in data analytics, including AI-driven analytics, real-time data processing,
and predictive modeling, with traditional methodologies. Highlight their impact on
organizational strategies and competitive advantage, providing relevant examples. additionally
In the realm of Marketing Analytics, list the fundamental methods utilized to categorize and
analyze customer behavior data, aiming to refine targeted marketing strategies? Furthermore,
within Financial Analytics, how do various techniques diverge in categorizing and analyzing
financial data to support well-informed investment decisions?
7) Obtain regression equation of Y on X and estimate Y when X=55 from the

X 40 50 38 60 65 50 35
Y 38 60 55 70 60 48 30
(i) Regression coefficients of Y on X
(ii) Regression equation of Y on X

Y–51.57 = 0.942(X–48.29 )

Y = 0.942X–45.49+51.57=0.942 #–45.49+51.57

Y = 0.942X+6.08

The regression equation of Y on X is Y= 0.942X+6.08 Estimation of Y when X= 55

Y= 0.942(55)+6.08=57.89


How do predictive and prescriptive analytics work together to shape decision-making processes in retail
companies, especially given the rising competition and evolving consumer trends? Also Explain how the
array of perspectives on models in the realm of business analytics impacts decision-making processes
within organizations?
8) Discuss the significance of predictive and prescriptive analytics methodologies in enhancing
strategic decision-making within organizations. Evaluate their effectiveness in forecasting future
trends, identifying optimal actions, and fostering sustainable business growth. Also Evaluate the
efficacy of regression analysis in predicting future outcomes and unraveling intricate
relationships among variables within datasets. Take into account its ability to model complex
data patterns, its adaptability across diverse industries and contexts, the challenges inherent in
its implementation, and its potential implications for decision-making within organizations.
9) Consider the following set of points: {(-2 , -1) , (1 , 1) , (3 , 2)}
a) Find the least square regression line for the given data points.
b) Plot the given points and the regression line in the same rectangular
system of axes.
a =(nΣx y - ΣxΣy) / (nΣx2- (Σx)2)
b = (1/n)(Σy - a Σx)

10) List the typical types of errors encountered in linear regression analysis.
Furthermore, delineate and compare the prevalent techniques employed to
enhance the accuracy of a linear regression model. Also Compare predictive
analytics and prescriptive analytics, illustrating your explanation with an example.
11) Find linear regression equation for the following two sets of data:

x 2 4 6 8

y 3 7 5 10

Construct the following table:

x y x2 xy

2 3 4 6

4 7 16 28

6 5 36 30

8 10 64 80
∑� ∑� ∑�2 ∑��

= 20 = 25 = 120 = 144


b = 0.95

a = 1.5

Linear regression is given by:

y = a + bx

y = 1.5 + 0.95 x


How can a real estate firm improve the accuracy and reliability of its house price prediction
models by conducting surveys and analyzing factors such as location, property size, amenities,
and market trends? Also Contrast the distinct characteristics, implications, and applications of
positive regression and negative regression in statistical analysis, elucidating how each type of
regression model diverges in terms of their predictive abilities, the directionality of relationships
between variables, and their respective significance in understanding different phenomena across
various fields of research and decision-making contexts. list various Predictive analytics tools
and assess their applications in a retail industry scenario, highlighting how they can optimize
inventory management, forecast sales trends, and enhance customer segmentation and targeting

12) Examine how data visualization techniques impact the decision-making process within
organizations, and assess their effectiveness in facilitating strategic decision-making.
Examine the considerations regarding outliers in regression analysis and how they impact
the validity and reliability of the regression model's results.
13) The diameter of pizza(in inches) and price(in Dollars) given in the table .

1) slope

2) Intercept ,


predict the prize of pizza if the pizza diameter is 20 inches

14) How do organizations harness data-driven insights, leverage emerging technologies, and
adapt to evolving market dynamics to create resilient business strategies that foster
sustainable growth, enhance operational efficiency, and drive innovation? Also Discuss
the diverse applications of regression analytics in fields such as finance, marketing,
healthcare, and supply chain management from an analytics perspective. Justify the
significance of identifying intricate relationships, predicting outcomes accurately, and
improving decision-making processes across different organizational functions.
15) Consider the five weeks sales data in thousand given in the table:

with the help of Linear regtression technique predict the 7th and 12th week sales

X(Weeks) Y(sales in thousand)

1 1.2
2 1.8
3 2.6
4 3.2
5 3.8


You are a HR analytics in a mid sized company where company is experinceing higher than
desired turnover. The management is concerned about losing valuable talent and want to address
this issue stategically, justify your role in shaping the organizational strategy through HR
analytics. 1) Determine the linear regression equation for the given data in the figure.

2) evaluate the intercept of linear regression line if ∑x = 25, ∑y = 20, ∑x2 = 90, ∑xy = 150 and
n = 5.
3 8
9 6
5 4
3 2


Determine the linear regression equation for the following two sets of data given in the image.

X 2 4 6 8

Y 3 7 5 10

18) Consider yourself a senior leader within a retail corporation aiming to revolutionize its
operations through advanced business analytics. Given the dynamic nature of the retail industry
and the ever-changing consumer landscape. discuss the steps, methodologies, and best practices
you would adopt to develop and integrate robust analytics capabilities into the company's
operations, taking into account factors such as customer behavior, inventory management, sales
forecasting, and personalized marketing initiatives. Also Estimate the value of Y given by
question mark in the given table (equation Y=mx+b)by using intercept (b) and slope (m) by the
given data set in the table

43 99

21 65

25 79

42 75

57 87

59 81

55 ?

19) Considering the pivotal role of business analytics in guiding strategic decision-making
and enhancing organizational performance, it is crucial to explore its contributions
comprehensively. Reflecting on this, discuss the methodologies, metrics, and approaches used to
assess the effectiveness and impact of business analytics initiatives within an organization.
Additionally Imagine you're a data scientist at a retail corporation tasked with overhauling its
sales forecasting model. Given the company's expansive operations across various product
categories and geographic locations, precise predictions are essential for efficient inventory
management and meeting customer demands. Discuss the criteria that would guide your
selection process for identifying relevant features. Additionally, propose a methodology for
validating the chosen features within this context."

20) Let's consider a scenario where you're studying the factors influencing students' exam
scores. You've collected data on the following variables given in the dataset of a table, build a
multiple regression variable model to predict a student's exam score based on these variables..

Student Exam Score Study Time (hours) Previous Exam Score Attendance (%) Sleep Hours

1 85 30 80 90 7
Student Exam Score Study Time (hours) Previous Exam Score Attendance (%) Sleep Hours

2 70 20 75 85 6

3 95 40 90 95 8

4 75 25 70 80 6.5

5 80 35 85 88 7.5

21) Suppose we have the following dataset with

one response variable y and two predictor
variables X1 and X2:

Use the following steps to fit a multiple linear

regression model to this dataset.
Step 1: Calculate X12, X22, X1y, X2y and X1X2.
Step 2: Calculate Regression Sums.

Next, make the following regression sum


 Σx12 = ΣX12 – (ΣX1)2 / n = 38,767 – (555)2 / 8

= 263.875
 Σx22 = ΣX22 – (ΣX2)2 / n = 2,823 – (145)2 / 8 = 194.875
 Σx1y = ΣX1y – (ΣX1Σy) / n = 101,895 – (555*1,452) /
8 = 1,162.5
 Σx2y = ΣX2y – (ΣX2Σy) / n = 25,364 – (145*1,452) /
8 = -953.5
 Σx1x2 = ΣX1X2 – (ΣX1ΣX2) / n = 9,859 – (555*145) /
8 = -200.375
Step 3: Calculate b0, b1, and b2.
The formula to calculate b1 is: [(Σx22)(Σx1y) – (Σx1x2)
(Σx2y)] / [(Σx12) (Σx22) – (Σx1x2)2]
Thus, b1 = [(194.875)(1162.5) – (-200.375)(-953.5)]
/ [(263.875) (194.875) – (-200.375)2] = 3.148
The formula to calculate b2 is: [(Σx12)(Σx2y) – (Σx1x2)
(Σx1y)] / [(Σx12) (Σx22) – (Σx1x2)2]
Thus, b2 = [(263.875)(-953.5) – (-200.375)(1152.5)]
/ [(263.875) (194.875) – (-200.375)2] = -1.656
The formula to calculate b0 is: y – b1X1 – b2X2
Thus, b0 = 181.5 – 3.148(69.375) – (-1.656)(18.125)
= -6.867
Step 5: Place b0, b1, and b2 in the estimated linear regression
The estimated linear regression equation is: ŷ
= b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2
In our example, it is ŷ = -6.867 + 3.148x1 – 1.656x2

The following data gives the age and blood pressure (BP) of 10 sports persons
Age (x) 42 36 55 58 35 65 60 50 48 51
BP(y) 98 93 110 85 105 108 82 102 118 99

i)The regression equation of Y on X and X on Y ( Use the method of deviation from arithmetic
ii)Find the correlation coefficient (r) using the regression coefficient iii)Estimate the blood
pressure of the sport person whose age is 45.


Least Square Method Formula

Least-square method is the curve that best fits a set of observations with a
minimum sum of squared residuals or errors. Let us assume that the given
points of data are (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), …, (xn, yn) in which all x’s are
independent variables, while all y’s are dependent ones. This method is used
to find a linear line of the form y = mx + b, where y and x are variables, m is
the slope, and b is the y-intercept. The formula to calculate slope m and the
value of b is given by:
m = (n∑xy - ∑y∑x)/[n∑x2 - (∑x)2]

b = (∑y - m∑x)/n

Here, n is the number of data points.

Following are the steps to calculate the least square using the above

 Step 1: Draw a table with 4 columns where the first two columns are for x and y points.
 Step 2: In the next two columns, find xy and (x)2.
 Step 3: Find ∑x, ∑y, ∑xy, and ∑(x)2.
 Step 4: Find the value of slope m using the above formula.
 Step 5: Calculate the value of b using the above formula.
 Step 6: Substitute the value of m and b in the equation y = mx + b

Let us look at an example to understand this better.

Example: Let's say we have data as shown below.

x 1 2 3 4 5
y 2 5 3 8 7

Solution: We will follow the steps to find the linear line.

x y xy x2

1 2 2 1

2 5 10 4

3 3 9 9

4 8 32 16

5 7 35 25

∑x =15 ∑y = 25 ∑xy = 88 ∑x2 = 55

Find the value of m by using the formula,

m = (n∑xy - ∑y∑x)/[n∑x2 - (∑x)2]

m = [(5×88) - (15×25)]/[(5×55) - (15)2]

m = (440 - 375)/(275 - 225)

m = 65/50 = 13/10

Find the value of b by using the formula,

b = (∑y - m∑x)/n

b = (25 - 1.3×15)/5
b = (25 - 19.5)/5

b = 5.5/5

So, the required equation of least squares is y = mx + b = 13/10x + 5.5/5.

The following table shows the sales and advertisement expenditure of a form

Coefficient of correlation r= 0.9. Estimate the likely sales for a proposed

advertisement expenditure of Rs. 10 crores.

There are two series of index numbers P for price index and S for stock of the
commodity. The mean and standard deviation of P are 100 and 8 and of S are 103
and 4 respectively. The correlation coefficient between the two series is 0.4. With
these data obtain the regression lines of P on S and S on P.


Let us consider X for price P and Y for stock S. Then the mean and SD for P is
considered as X-Bar = 100 and σx=8. respectively and the mean and SD of S is
considered as Y-Bar =103 and σy=4. The correlation coefficient between the series
is r(X,Y)=0.4

Let the regression line X on Y be


For 5 pairs of observations the following results are obtained ∑X=15, ∑Y=25, ∑X2
=55, ∑Y2 =135, ∑XY=83 Find the equation of the lines of regression and estimate
the value of X on the first line when Y=12 and value of Y on the second line if X=8.

Y–5 = 0.8(X–3)

= 0.8X+2.6

When X=8 the value of Y is estimated as

= 0.8(8)+2.6


For the given lines of regression 3X–2Y=5and X–4Y=7. Find

(i) Regression coefficients

(ii) Coefficient of correlation


(i) First convert the given equations Y on X and X on Y in standard form and find
their regression coefficients respectively.

Given regression lines are

3X–2Y = 5 ... (1)

X–4Y = 7 ... (2)

Let the line of regression of X on Y is

3X–2Y = 5

3X = 2Y+5
Coefficient of correlation

Since the two regression coefficients are positive then the correlation coefficient is
also positive and it is given by

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