Conditionals 0 J1 J2

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1. If you _______ (not water) the plants, they will die.

2. If it _______ (snow) tomorrow, we’ll build a snowman.

3. If I _______ (win) the lottery, I would buy a mansion.
4. If she _______ (practice) more, she could become a professional dancer.
5. If they _______ (not hurry), they will miss the bus.
6. If you _______ (not eat) breakfast, you will feel hungry later.
7. If he _______ (not arrive) soon, we’ll start the meeting without him.
8. If we _______ (save) enough money, we could go on a trip around the world.
9. If the sun _______ (shine), we’ll have a picnic in the park.
10. If they _______ (not fix) the roof, it will leak when it rains.
11. If I _______ (know) the answer, I would tell you.
12. If she _______ (ask) nicely, I might lend her my bike.
13. If he _______ (not stop) eating junk food, he will gain weight.
14. If you _______ (study) hard, you will pass the exam.
15. If they _______ (not arrive) on time, the concert will start without them.
16. If it _______ (not be) so cold, we could go for a swim.
17. If she _______ (not leave) now, she will miss her train.
18. If they _______ (not call) soon, I’ll go to bed.
19. If we _______ (not finish) the project today, we’ll have to work over the weekend.
20. If you _______ (not exercise) regularly, you may not stay healthy.

1. If it _______ (snow) tomorrow, we’ll build a snowman.

2. If she _______ (study) harder, she would pass the test.
3. If they _______ (not hurry), they will miss the train.
4. If he _______ (have) more time, he could learn a new language.
5. If it _______ (rain), the streets get wet.
6. If you _______ (call) me, I will answer.
7. If she _______ (not forget) her keys, she wouldn’t be locked out.
8. If we _______ (not finish) the project today, we’ll have to work overtime.
9. If they _______ (not arrive) on time, the concert will start without them.
10. If it _______ (be) sunny tomorrow, we’ll go for a hike.
11. If he _______ (not lose) his job, he could afford a vacation.
12. If she _______ (ask) nicely, I might lend her my car.
13. If they _______ (not spend) so much money, they would have more savings.
14. If it _______ (not be) so hot, we could enjoy the outdoor concert.
15. If you _______ (study) harder, you would improve your grades.
16. If he _______ (have) a car, he could drive to work.
18. If she _______ (not forget) her umbrella, she wouldn’t get wet.
20. If it _______ (not snow) last night, the roads wouldn’t be icy today.
24. If it _______ (be) cold, I wear a jacket.
27. If they _______ (not eat) so much junk food, they would feel better.
28. If it _______ (rain), we usually stay indoors.
29. If he _______ (not miss) the train, he would be here by now.
30. If she _______ (not twist) her ankle, she would be dancing with us.

1. If it _______ (rain) tomorrow, we’ll bring umbrellas.

2. If she _______ (study) harder, she will pass the exam.
3. If they _______ (not hurry), they will miss the bus.
4. If he _______ (have) enough money, he would buy a new car.
5. If it _______ (snow), we’ll build a snowman.
6. If you _______ (call) me, I’ll answer.
7. If she _______ (not forget) her keys, she wouldn’t be locked out.
8. If we _______ (not finish) the project today, we’ll have to work overtime.
9. If they _______ (not arrive) on time, the concert will start without them.
10. If it _______ (be) sunny tomorrow, we’ll have a picnic.
11. If he _______ (not lose) his job, he could afford a vacation.
12. If she _______ (ask) nicely, I might lend her my car.
14. If it _______ (be) cold, I’ll wear a jacket.
15. If you _______ (study) harder, you’ll improve your grades.
16. If he _______ (have) a car, he could drive to work.
18. If she _______ (not forget) her umbrella, she wouldn’t get wet.
20. If it _______ (not snow) last night, the roads wouldn’t be icy today.
22. If he _______ (not miss) the bus, he’d be here by now.
24. If it _______ (be) hot, we’ll go to the beach.
25. If she _______ (not forget) her lines, the play would be flawless.
26. If he _______ (call) me earlier, I’d have picked up.
27. If they _______ (not eat) so much junk food, they’d feel better.
28. If it _______ (rain), we’ll stay indoors.
30. If she _______ (not twist) her ankle, she’d be dancing with us.

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