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The Impact of AI Technology on the writing skill development of

English Students at UIN Salatiga

Di susun oleh :

Madanial Najmul Falah 23030210078


TAHUN 2023
A. Background of Study
Artificial Intelligence (AI), a branch of computer science, aims to enable machines to
mimic human intelligence and behavior. According to Kerr (2017), AI is defined as
the intelligence displayed by systems, machines, or programs. It empowers computers
to process large amounts of data quickly and efficiently.

This technology has become a hallmark of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

characterized by automation, data exchange, and widespread internet access to
information. Society 5.0, a concept emphasizing a human-centered approach,
integrates cyberspace and physical space using technological and economic
advancements to solve social issues.

In the field of education, the utilization of AI represents a key aspect of the Fourth
Industrial Revolution. Fahimirad and Kotamjani (2018) highlight the transformative
impact of innovative educational technology, particularly AI, on teaching and learning
methodologies in universities. To succeed in Society 5.0 during the Fourth Industrial
Revolution era, students need skills in utilizing automated systems, analyzing data,
and problem-solving.

The integration of AI in educational settings has seen significant growth and

exploration. Specifically, in English language learning, AI tools have been
increasingly used as aids to improve students' writing skills. These tools offer students
the opportunity to enhance their written communication abilities through personalized
feedback and guidance. With the evolving landscape of education and the potential
influence of AI on educational practices, it is important to explore the impact of AI
technology on the writing skills of English students at UIN Salatiga.

Research into the effect of AI technology on the development of writing skills among
English students at UIN Salatiga is crucial. Understanding how AI tools influence
learning outcomes can assist in more effectively integrating technology into
educational strategies. This research may uncover more information about student
engagement, their performance, and the effectiveness of AI-based writing assistance.
Ultimately, research of this kind can contribute to refining educational approaches,
ensuring that students are prepared for the demands of Society 5.0 and the Fourth
Industrial Revolution.

B. Research Question
1. How does the utilization of AI technology affect the writing proficiency of
English students at UIN Salatiga?
2. What are the perceptions and experiences of students regarding the use of AI
tools in enhancing their writing skills?
3. What specific AI tools are predominantly utilized, and how do they contribute
to the learning process of writing in the English language?
4. What are the impacts after students use AI tools in their writing skills?
C. Research Objectives
1. To assess the impact of AI technology on the writing skill development of
English students at UIN Salatiga.
2. To explore the perceptions and experiences of students regarding the use of AI
tools in improving their writing abilities.
3. To identify and analyze the effectiveness of various AI tools utilized in the
context of English writing skill enhancement.
4. To identify the post-utilization impacts of AI tools on the writing skills of
English students at UIN Salatiga.

D. Significant of Study
This study aims to provide information about the effectiveness of AI technology in
enhancing writing skills development among English language students at UIN
Salatiga. Understanding the impact of AI in education can provide valuable
implications for educators, curriculum developers, and policymakers to optimize the
use of technology in improving language learning processes.

E. Limitation of Study
1. Difficulty in Participant Recruitment: Finding participants who fit the research
criteria, such as actively using AI technology in developing writing skills,
could be challenging.
2. Data Collection Challenges: The data collection process, whether through
surveys, interviews, or observations, might face hurdles such as low response
rates or complexities in obtaining the required data.
3. Time Constraints: Limited time can also be a barrier, especially in completing
all research stages accurately and within the designated timeframe.
F. Organization of Study
This study comprises the following sections:

1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Methodology
4. Findings and Analysis
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion and Recommendations
7. References
Each section aims to systematically address the research questions and objectives,
providing a comprehensive understanding of the impact of AI technology on the
writing skill development of English students at UIN Salatiga.

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