Group 7 - Research Proposal - Social Media

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Research Report Proposal: Harnessing the Potential of Social Media in Marketing

Team Members:
Brando Evbodaghe
Gbolahan Oluwatosin Olawuyi
Alexander de Hoog
Ginalyn E Lagrisola

This proposal outlines a research report focused on examining the utilization of social
media for marketing purposes. Our Team (Brando, Ola, Ginalyn and Alexander) aims to
explore how businesses can effectively leverage social media platforms to enhance
their marketing strategies, emphasizing the impact on brand awareness, customer
engagement, and overall business success.

Background/Topic Overview:
Social media has become a formidable marketing tool, influencing consumer behaviour,
shaping brand perceptions, and providing a direct avenue for businesses to interact with
their target audience. A profound understanding of the dynamics of social media
marketing is essential for organizations looking to optimize their online presence and
utilize these platforms strategically.

In the construction/building science field, the significance of social media in marketing

cannot be overstated. It provides a unique opportunity for construction companies,
suppliers, and professionals to showcase projects, share industry insights, and engage
with clients and stakeholders. The ability to effectively harness the power of social
media can significantly impact brand visibility, and community engagement, and
contribute to the success of construction-related ventures.

Preliminary Outline:
1. Introduction to Social Media Marketing
- Defining the Scope
- Evolution of Social Media in Marketing
2. Benefits and Importance
- Influence on Brand Awareness
- Cultivating Customer Relationships

3. Major Platforms and Their Features

- Examination of Popular Social Media Platforms
- Distinct Features and Marketing Opportunities

4. Effective Social Media Marketing Strategies

- Planning and Creating Content
- Engaging with the Target Audience

5. Evaluation of Social Media ROI

- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Assessing Campaign Effectiveness

6. Case Studies
- Successful Social Media Marketing Campaigns
- Extracting Lessons and Best Practices

7. Challenges and Resolutions

- Common Pitfalls in Social Media Marketing
- Strategies for Overcoming Challenges

8. Anticipated Trends in Social Media Marketing

- Emerging Technologies and Strategies
- Expected Developments

Research & Potential Sources:

The research will involve a thorough review of academic literature, industry reports case
studies, and expert opinions on social media marketing. Additionally, primary sources,
such as interviews with marketing professionals and analyses of successful campaigns,
will be considered.

Project Schedule:
In the proposed project, the division of tasks and responsibilities among team members
is carefully structured to ensure efficient progress and high-quality outcomes. The
project spans over five weeks, with each week dedicated to specific milestones, as
outlined in the work schedule. This section of the report will elaborate on how tasks are
divided among team members Brando, Ola, "Cass" Ginalyn, and Alexander, and
describe the methods for reviewing each other’s work to maintain coherence and quality
throughout the project.

In the first week, Brando and Ola are responsible for gathering information, setting a
solid foundation for the research by collecting relevant data and sources. Concurrently,
"Cass" Ginalyn begins analyzing this information, ensuring that the team has a deep
understanding of the subject matter from the outset. This early division allows for a
focused approach to the initial stages of the project, with Brando and Ola leveraging
their research skills and "Cass" Ginalyn applying analytical expertise to interpret the
By the second week, the project moves into the planning and outlining phase. Brando
takes on the task of preparing a progress report due by March 8, 2024, which will
document the team's findings and analysis thus far. Meanwhile, Ola organizes the
information collected, structuring it in a way that will guide the drafting process. This
stage is critical for ensuring that the research is proceeding according to plan and that
the team is ready to begin drafting the report.
The third week sees "Cass" Ginalyn leading the effort to write the initial draft of the
report, synthesizing the research and analysis into a coherent document. This task
demands a high level of writing skill and the ability to convey complex ideas clearly and
In the fourth week, the focus shifts to revising the draft, a responsibility that remains with
"Cass" Ginalyn, who, having written the draft, is well-placed to refine it. During this
week, Brando and Ola work together to prepare visuals that will enhance the report,
adding clarity and impact to the presentation of the research findings. The editing of the
draft also falls to "Cass" Ginalyn, ensuring consistency in style and argumentation
throughout the document.

The project culminates in the fifth week with Alexander proofreading the report, a crucial
final step that guarantees the elimination of errors and the polishing of the document for
submission. The entire team is responsible for the final delivery of the report, marking
the completion of the project on March 29, 2024.

Throughout the project, team members will review each other’s work through a
combination of one-on-one meetings and group discussions. This approach allows for
detailed feedback and the opportunity to address any issues or discrepancies in the
content. Additionally, email will be used for sharing documents and providing written
feedback, ensuring that all team members have access to the latest versions of the
work and can contribute to the review process efficiently. This collaborative approach to
reviewing work ensures that the final report is of the highest quality, reflecting the
collective expertise and effort of the team.
Week Milestones Charge Due Date Date
1 Completing Research End of Week 1
Gathering information Brando and Ola March 1,
Analyzing information "Cass" Ginalyn 2024
2 Planning & Outlining End of Week 2
Preparing progress
Brando March 8,
Organizing information Ola
3 Writing draft "Cass" Ginalyn End of Week 3 March 15,
4 Revising draft "Cass" Ginalyn End of Week 4 2024
Preparing visuals Brando and Ola March 22,
Editing draft "Cass" Ginalyn 2024
Preparing Final
5 End of Week 5
Proofreading report Alexander
March 29,
Delivering report/Due 2024

In conclusion, the investigation into the potential of social media in marketing is highly
relevant in the construction/building science field. The insights gathered from this report
can significantly contribute to the strategic utilization of social media platforms within the
industry. We seek approval to proceed with this comprehensive exploration and
welcome any inquiries from the readers.

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