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TO: Dr.

Edward Matthews
FROM: Brando Evbodaghe
DATE: 14th January 2024
SUBJECT: Creating Good Communication Skill for Organizational Sucess
To Everyone,
I hope you’re doing well, and I hope this email reaches you on time. In preparation for our next meeting with
our business partners, I would like to suggest a scenario that would notably better our engagement and boost
more effective communication is something I’d like to talk about as we plan for the next meeting. The previous
meeting with our colleague may have given us an awful feeling and left some of us feeling a bit disjointed and
hesitant but being aware of these cultural differences can greatly improve the way we communicate for our
next meeting.
After giving our last meeting some evaluation, it's clear that various gestures by our partner may have been
misinterpreted, creating bitterness or misunderstanding. Having said that, it's possible that some of our
actions were perceived differently by our colleges. The reason for this email is to shed light on cultural
differences and offer a better way to communicate effectively.
Sometimes our effective and honest communication can come across as excessively direct and might
sometimes come as overbearing to colleges. On the other hand, their quiet personality or reserved way of life
may come across as nonchalant or cold to us, in order to show more respect lets exercise more patience with
our colleges and giving them the freedom to regulate the tempo of the conversation just to fill the gap.
Furthermore, when our colleges feel doubtful about inquiring about details into business matters, it's not
because they are uninterested in engaging in business issues it might be because of our rapid delve into the
business matter we should learn to foster relationship before engaging into business discussions so instead of
going straight into details during the next meeting we can invest time into relationship development and small
talk as to gain rapport before jumping into main aim of the meeting.
Most of the time our colleges may express themselves through faint, indirect ingenious oral cues, which may
be overlooked by us, in our company we are accustomed to a straightforward way of engaging in
conversations they may misinterpret these or find it hard to read. Let's try and encourage and understand this
verbal cue or expression. Doing this will lead to more effective communication and stronger connections. We
should do well to understand these behaviors as their cultural norms and if we misinterpret these behaviors, it
can hinder effective communication. By understanding these differences, we can create an environment that
better understands our colleges and have a successful partnership.
I advise you to take a moment and enlighten yourself about the cultural differences of our business colleges.
Understanding the exclusive differences of their culture will greatly improve our communication and also
strengthen the business relationship.
I motivate us to come to the next meeting with a friendly attitude and a genuine desire to learn and improve
our conversational and build a good relationship with our business partner. Let's learn to accept all cultural
differences in order to create a better work environment for us and our colleges, furthermore lets create an
atmosphere that encourages cultural differences so we can improve our relationship and create a successful
working environment. All this above i mentioned are ways we can build a better connection to help future
ventures with our colleges.
Warm regards,
Brando Evbodaghe
Executive Director
Venture Co.

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