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‫الـجــزء الثاني‬ Get moving!

12 ‫الحصة‬
A- A growing problem: ‫مشكلة متزايدة‬
‫في العديد من الدول‬ ‫عدد متــــــــــزايد من الشــبــــــــــاب و البالغين‬ ‫فوق الوزن‬
In many countries, an increasing number of young people and adults are overweight or
‫سمنة‬ ‫سبب أحـد‬ ‫شهــرة الطعام السريع‬ ‫زيادة‬
2 even obese. One reason for this is the growing popularity of fast food, which didn’t use
‫لم يكن شائعا‬ ‫عامل مهم آخر‬ ‫قـــلة التمرين‬ ‫غالــبا ما كان النـــاس‬
to be as common as it is now. Another big factor is lack of exercise. People would often
‫يمشي‬ ‫للعمل‬ ‫هذة األيام‬ ‫يسوق‬ ‫التكنولوجيا الحديثة‬
walk to school or work, but these days many more of us drive. Modern technology has
‫لعبت دورها أيضا‬ ‫نمضي وقت أكثر و أكثر‬ ‫يركز‬ ‫شاشات الكمبيوتر‬
also played its part; we spend more and more time focusing on computer screens.
‫قبل أن يخترع االنترنت‬ ‫الأحد‬ ‫حلــــم‬ ‫لكن األن‬ ‫التسوق االلكتروني‬
6 Before the Internet was invented, nobody had dreamt of online shopping, but now we
‫يشتري‬ ‫مغادرة‬ ‫الكنبة أي شيء‬
can buy almost anything without leaving the sofa.

B- Time to listen: ‫وقت االستماع‬

‫خبراء الصحة‬ ‫هذا الموضوع يحذرون‬ ‫واضحة‬ ‫نصيحتهم‬
Health experts have been warning about this trend for years, and their advice is clear.
‫الشباب‬ ‫يتمرن‬ ‫على األقل‬ ‫ساعتان و نـــصف كل أسبوع‬ ‫االطفال‬
Adults should aim to exercise for at least two and a half hours every week; for children
‫المراهقين‬ ‫الهدف‬ ‫على األقل ساعة يوميا‬ ‫هذا اليبدو كثيرا‬
1 and teenagers the target should be at least an hour a day. This might not sound very
0 ‫بحث حديث‬ ‫يبين‬ ‫أقل من‬ ‫سكان بريطانيا‬
much. However, recent research shows that less than 50% of the British population
‫يقومون بذلك‬ ‫طــلبة المدارس‬ ‫اقل نشاط جسدي‬ ‫مما كانوا عليه سابقا‬ ‫الفتيات‬
manages this. School children are less physically active than they used to be. Girls in
‫بالتحديد‬ ‫التحب‬ ‫هذا يقـــود الى‬ ‫مشاكل صحية حقيقية‬
particular often dislike PE. This can lead to serious health problems.

C- It’s good for you!‫ من الجيد لك‬:

‫يوصي الخبراء‬ ‫خليط من‬ ‫النشاطات‬ ‫تشمل‬ ‫التمارين المتوسطة‬
Experts recommend a mixture of activities. These should include moderate exercise,
‫المشي السريع‬ ‫التمارين المجهدة‬ ‫الركض‬ ‫ينصحون‬
15 such as fast walking, and more strenuous exercise, like running. They also advise
‫تمارين تقوي العضالت‬ ‫الضغط‬ ‫العضالت يبني‬
exercise that strengthens the muscles, for example sit-ups. The more muscle we build,
‫دهون‬ ‫يحرق‬ ‫نصبح لياقة‬ ‫طريقة ممتازة التمرين عالوة على ذلك‬
the more calories we burn, and the fitter we become. In addition, exercise is a great way
‫للتعامل مع‬ ‫التوتر‬ ‫في دراسة حديثة‬ ‫المرضى‬ ‫يعانون‬ ‫الكآبة‬
to cope with stress. In a recent study, patients who had been suffering from depression
‫سجلوا‬ ‫تطور عظيم‬ ‫زيادة‬ ‫نشاط جسدي‬
reported a great improvement after increased physical activity.

D- Useful tips‫ خطوات مفيدة‬:

‫بالطبع هذا يطرح سؤال‬ ‫كيــف يمكنني تنسيق‬ ‫تمارين اضافية‬
2 Of course this raises a question: how can I manage to fit in all this extra exercise? The
0 ‫أفضل طريقة‬ ‫بنائها في حياتنا اليومية‬ ‫لتصبح‬ ‫ليس بالضرورة‬ ‫روتين‬
best way is to build it into our daily lives so that it becomes a routine. It doesn’t have to
‫أن تأخذ وقتا طويال‬ ‫يمكنك النزول من الباص في نقطة قبل المعتادة‬ ‫توقف‬
take much extra time. You could get off the bus one stop earlier than usual, or stand up
‫عند التحدث على الهــــــاتف‬ ‫األهم‬ ‫يجــــــب أن نجد رياضة‬ ‫يستمتع‬
when you’re on the phone! Most importantly, we should find a sport that we enjoy
‫نصبح اكثر رشاقة اكثر صحة اكثر سعادة‬ ‫بتلك الطريقة‬
doing. That way, we will all become fitter, healthier and happier.

Word Meaning
obese extremely fat, in a way that is dangerous to your health. ‫سمنة‬
strenuous using or needing a lot of effort. ‫مجهد‬
cope with to deal successfully with, or handle, a situation. ‫( يتعامل مع‬phrasal verb)

‫جـــــــــد كلـــــمة من الــــــــــنص و التي تعني‬

1. Find a word from the text which means "extremely fat, in a way that is dangerous to
your health".
‫ اكتب سببين‬. ‫يقر النـــــــــــص العديد من أســــــــباب السمــــــــــنة المرتفعة‬
2. The text states many reasons for higher rates of obesity. Write down two of them.
‫اقتــــــــــبس الجـــــــملة التي تبـــــــــين أقل كمـــــية تمرين موصــــــــى بها للمراهقين و البالغين‬
3. Quote the sentence which shows the minimum amount of exercise recommended for
teenagers and adults.

‫اقتـــــــــبس الجـــــــــملة الـــــتي تبـــــــــين أن أغـــــــلب البريــــــــطانين ال يقــــــــومون بتمارين اضافية‬

4. Quote the sentence which shows that most British people don’t do much extra exercise.
‫جــــــــــد كلمــــــــة من النــــــــــص و التي تعني‬
5. Find a word from the text which means "requiring a lot of effort".

‫ أكتب مثالين‬.‫يـــــقترح الكــــــــــاتب بعض األمثـــــلة لشـــــــمل التمـــــــارين في حياتنا الــــــــيومية‬

6. The author suggests some examples of including exercises in our normal lives. Write
down two of these examples.

‫اقــــــــــــتبس الجمـــــــلة التي توضح كيـــــف أن التكنولوجيــــــــــا الحديـــــــثة تلعب دورهــــــــــــا في السمنة‬
7. Quote the sentence which explains how modern technology plays its part in obesity.
‫اقتــــــــــــــبس الجـــــــــملة التي توضح أفضـــــــل طريقة لتنســـــيق التمارين في حياتنا اليومية‬
8. Quote the sentence which explains the best way for managing exercises in our daily
‫ أكتــــب ثالثة أنشطة‬.‫يوصــــــــــي خبــــــــــراء الصحة بخلـــــــيط من النشــــــــــاطات‬
9. Health experts recommend a mixture of activities. Write down three of these activities
‫ أذكر ثالثة رياضات‬.‫يــــقر النـــــــــص أن هنالك عـــــــــدة رياضــــات كأمـــــــثلة على مختلف النشاطات‬
10. The article states three different types of sports as an example of different activities.
Write these three sports down.

11. It is said that increasing physical activities reduces depression and stress in a positive
way. Think of this statement and in two sentences write down your point of view.
‫ فكــــــــر في هــذه الجملــة و أعطي رأيــك‬.‫قيل بأن الزيادة في النشاطات الجسدية يقلل من التوتر و الكأبــه بطريقــة ايجابــة‬
12. What does the underlined pronoun refer to? ‫على ماذا يعود الضمير المخطوط تحتة‬
This(8/2)  obesity their(8)  health experts they (12) school children
they(15)  Experts it(3)  popularity of fast food its (5) modern technology
It (21) extra exercise who (18) patients

1. Obese / obesity

2. 1. the growing popularity of fast food 2. Another big factor is lack of exercise.
3. Modern technology

3. Adults should aim to exercise for at least two and a half hours every week; for
children and teenagers the target should be at least an hour a day.
4. However, recent research shows that less than 50% of the British population
manages this.

5. Strenuous

6. 1. You could get off the bus one stop earlier than usual 2. stand up when you’re
on the phone!
3. we should find a sport that we enjoy doing.
7. Modern technology has also played its part; we spend more and more time
focusing on computer screens.
8. The best way is to build it into our daily lives so that it becomes a routine.

9. 1. moderate exercise 2. more strenuous exercise 3.exercise that

strengthens the muscles

10. 1. fast walking 2. running 3. sit-ups

11. I agree with the sentence above because when people do physical activities he/she
converts negative energy that causes depression and stress into positive energy.

12. “pronouns”

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