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13 ‫الحصة‬ Health in Jordan: A report UNIT TWO

‫الفصل األول‬
‫تقرير عن الصحة في األردن‬

‫االفضل في الشرق األوسطالظـــروف الصحية في األردن‬ ‫بسبب‬

Health conditions in Jordan are among the best in the Middle East. This is largely due to
‫التــقدم‬ ‫الــــــتزام الدولة بجعل الرعاية الصــــحية‬ ‫األولوية القصوى‬
2 the country’s commitment to making healthcare for all a top priority. Advances in
‫االسكان جعلت‬ ‫الظروف االقتصادية الصرف الصحي الماء النقي الحمية‬ ‫التعليم‬
education, economic conditions, sanitation, clean water, diet and housing have made our
‫اكــثر صــــحة‬
community healthier.

A (Healthcare centres: ‫المراكز الصحية‬

‫زيادة‬ ‫خدمات‬ ‫عدد المراكز الصحية‬ ‫للتخطيط الحذر‬ ‫كنتيجة‬
As a result of careful planning, the number of healthcare services has been increasing
‫من مراكز الرعاية الصحية بسرعة‬ ‫انواع مختلفة‬
6 rapidly over the past years. More than 800 different kinds of healthcare centres have
‫أطفال األردنيين‬ ‫عيادات أسنان‬ ‫أيضا‬ ‫بنيت‬
been built, as well as 188 dental clinics. In 2014 CE, 98 per cent of Jordanian children
‫تجاه‬ ‫تعمل‬ ‫المناعة‬ ‫فرق‬ ‫محصن بالكامل‬
were fully immunised, thanks to immunisation teams that had been working towards this
‫مناطق نائية من الدولة‬ ‫بالرغم من أن هنالك‬ ‫منذ سنوات‬ ‫الهدف‬
goal for several years. Although there were remote areas of the country where people
‫ماء آمن‬ ‫الكهرباء‬ ‫الوصول المستمر‬ ‫من دون‬
1 had been without consistent access to electricity and safe water, almost 99 per cent of the
0 ‫تم تزويدهم‬ ‫سكان الدولة‬
country’s population now has access.

B) Hospitals: ‫المستشفيات‬
‫بالرغم‬ ‫الدولة‬ ‫تحسين بشكل اساسي تركز‬ ‫الرعاية الصحية األولية‬
Although the country has been focusing mainly on improving its primary healthcare
‫األردنيـــين‬ ‫سمعة‬ ‫لم تتجاهل مرافق طـــبية المتقدمـــة‬ ‫مرافق‬
facilities, it has not neglected its advanced medical facilities. The reputation of Jordanian
‫المرضى يأتون‬ ‫االن العديد‬ ‫في المنطقة‬ ‫انتشرت‬ ‫األطباء‬
doctors has spread in the region, and now many more patients come to Jordan for open
‫في األردن جراحة القلب المفتوح بدأت في عام‬ ‫جراحة القلب المفتوح‬
1 heart surgery. In Jordan, the open-heart surgery programme started in 1970 CE in
5 Amman.

C) Life expectancy: ‫متوسط العمر المتوقع‬
‫ناجح‬ ‫النظام الصحي األردني‬ ‫تظهر‬ ‫نسب‬ ‫توقعات الحياة‬
The life expectancy figures show that Jordan's healthcare system is successful. In 1965
‫هذا المعدل الحياة‬ ‫توقعات حياة األردنيين‬ ‫معدل‬
CE, the average Jordanian's life expectancy was age 50. In 2017 CE, this average life
‫مابين‬ ‫بناءا منظمة اليونيسف‬ ‫ارتفع‬ ‫توقعات‬
expectancy had risen to 74.6. According to UNICEF statistics, between 1981 CE and
‫أي مكان أخر‬ ‫بسرعة‬ ‫تناقص‬ ‫وفاة حديثي الوالدة‬
2 1991 CE, Jordan’s infant mortality rates declined more rapidly than anywhere else in the
0 ‫ والدة‬1000 ‫ وفاة لكل‬15 ‫الى‬ ‫ والدة‬1000 ‫ وفاة لكل‬70 ‫من‬
world – from 70 deaths per 1,000 births in 1981 CE to only 15 deaths per 1,000 births in
‫النـــظام الصحي الممتاز‬ ‫أيضا‬ ‫قلة وفيات األطفال‬
2017 CE. The low infant mortality rate, as well as the excellent healthcare system, have
‫ينتج عن ذلك‬ ‫نمو السكان الصحي في األردن‬ ‫عوامل ساهمت‬
been contributing factors to Jordan’s healthy population growth, which will result in a
‫لجميع الدولة‬ ‫فوائد اقتصادية‬ ‫قوى عاملة‬
strong work force with economic benefits for the whole country.

Word Definition
sanitation the systems which supply water and deal with human waste. ‫الصرف الصحي‬
dental relating to teeth. ‫طب األسنان‬
work force People who are able to work. ‫قـــوى عاملة‬
decline to decrease in quantity or importance. ‫تناقص‬
mortality death, especially on a large scale (e.g. infant mortality); the rate of deaths
that occur. ‫معدل الوفيات‬
healthcare the prevention or treatment of illness by doctors, dentists, psychologists.
‫رعاية صحية‬
commitment a promise to do something or to behave in a particular way. ‫التزام‬
life expectancy the length of time that a person or animal is expected to live. ‫العمر المتوقع‬
immunisation the process by which an individual’s immune system becomes protected
against an illness. ‫مناعة‬

‫ أكتب اثنين من هذة العوامل‬.‫يقـــــــــــــر النـــــــــــــص عدة عوامل التي جعــــــــــلت مجتمعنا أكثر صحة‬
1. The text states many factors that make our community healthier. Write down two of
these factors.

‫اقتــــــــــبس الجــــــــــملة التي تبين سبب الزيادة الســـــــريعة في عدد المراكز الصحية خالل السنوات الماضية‬

2. Quote the sentence which shows the reason for the rapid increasing in healthcare centres
over the past years.
‫كم عدد الــــــــــمراكز الصــــــــــــحية التي تم بناؤها ؟‬
3. How many of healthcare centres have been built?
1965 ‫اقتبــــــــــــــس الجمـــــــــــــلة التي تبين نسبة توقعات الحياة في عام‬
4. Quote the sentence which shows Jordanian's life expectancy figure in 1965.
‫ من أطفال األردنيين‬%90 ‫اقــــــــــــتبس الجمــــــــــلة التي تبـــــــــــــين أن فريق المناعة قد حصن أكثر من‬
5. Quote the sentence which shows that immunisation team immunised more than 90% of
Jordanian children.

6. What do the underlined pronouns refer to: ‫على ماذا يعود الضمير المخطوط تحته‬

This(1)  Health conditions in Jordan are among the best in the Middle East it/its(12,
13) the country

where (9) remote areas of the country Which(23)  Jordan’s healthy population
‫ أكتب سببين‬.‫يأتـــــــــــــي المرضــــــــــــــى الى األردن لعــــــــــــــــــدة أسباب‬
7. Patients come to Jordan for many different reasons. Write down two of these reasons.

‫اقتــــــــــــــبس الجمــــــــــلة التي تبـــــــــــين بداية برنامج عمليات القلب المفتوح في األردن‬
8. Quote the sentence which shows the start of the open-heart surgery programme in
‫اقتــــــــــــــــــــبس الجمــــــــــلة التي تبين أن النـــــــــــظام الصحي ناجح في األردن‬
9. Quote the sentence which states that healthcare systems are successful in Jordan.
‫ فكر في هذة المقولة و في جملتين أعط رأيك‬.‫نسب توقعات الحياة تظهر بأن النظام الصحي في األردن ناجح‬
10. The life expectancy figures show that Jordan's healthcare system is successful. Think
of this statement and in two sentences write down your point of view.

‫ أكتبهما‬. ‫خاصـــــــــــــييتين سلــــــــــــبيتين للمـــــــــــناطق النائية‬

11.Remote areas have two specific negative points . Write these two points down.

‫أوجـــــــــــد كلـــــــــــمة من النــــــــــص و التي تعني‬

12. Find a word from the text which means" people who are able to work".

‫ أكتب عاملين‬.‫عــــــــــــدة عوامـــــــــــــل ســــــــــــــــــاهمت في نمو السكان الصحي في األردن‬

13. Many factors contributing to Jordan's healthy population growth. Write down two of
these factors.

14. Health conditions in Jordan are among the best in the Middle East. Suggest three
reasons why Jordan has this reputation.
.‫ اقترح ثالثة اسباب لهذة السمعة‬.‫الظروف الصحية في األردن من أفضل الظروف في الشرق األوسط‬
‫يـــــــــــــــقر النـــــــــــــص أن األردن تحـــــــــــــــــسن نوعين من الوحدات (المرافق) األردنية‬
15. The text states that Jordan improves two types of Jordanian facilities. Write these two
facilities down.
‫ أكتب الشكلين‬.‫تــــــزايد عــــــــدد الخــــــــــدمات الصحية بسرعه خالل السنوات الماضية بعدة أشكال‬
16. The number of healthcare services has been increasing rapidly over the past years in
two aspects. Write these two aspects down.


1. 1. Advances in education 2. economic conditions 3. Sanitation 4. clean water

5. Diet 6. housing
2. As a result of careful planning, the number of healthcare services has been
increasing rapidly over the past years.
3. More than 800 different kinds of healthcare centres have been built
4. In 1965 CE, the average Jordanian's life expectancy was age 50.

5. In 2014 CE, 98 per cent of Jordanian children were fully immunised, thanks to
immunisation teams that had been working towards this goal for several years.

6. "pronouns”

7. 1.The reputation of Jordanian doctors has spread in the region.

2. many more patients come to Jordan for open heart surgery.
8. In Jordan, the open heart surgery programme started in 1970 CE in Amman

9. The life expectancy figures show that Jordan's healthcare system is successful.
10. I agree with the statement above because the life expectancy figures had risen
clearly in the recent years and Jordan’s infant mortality rates declined more rapidly than
anywhere else in the world.

11. without consistent access to electricity and safe water .

12. work force
13. 1. The low infant mortality rate 2. the excellent healthcare
14. 1.Due to the country's commitment to making healthcare a top priority. 2.
3. The reputation of Jordanian doctors.
15. 1. primary healthcare facilities 2. advanced medical facilities

16. 1. More than 800 different kinds of healthcare centres have been built. 2.
188 dental clinic
‫دواء منزلي‬ ‫التهاب مرض عرضي‬/‫هشاشة‬ ‫تطعيم‬/‫مناعة‬ ‫تحسس‬ ‫صداع‬/ ‫شقيقة‬
homoeopathy ailment arthritis immunisation allergies migraine

 My grandfather has arthritis in his fingers, so he sometimes finds it difficult to

 Allergies to nuts and milk are becoming more common.
 Many serious diseases can be prevented by immunisation, which helps the
body to build antibodies.
 Headaches and colds are common ailments, especially in winter.
 If you have a migraine, the best thing to do is take some medicine and rest
somewhere quiet.
This  ‫امس اشارة يدل عىل مجهل أو تعبري ما قبةل‬
‫ناجح‬ ‫غريب‬ ‫طب تقليدي‬ ‫متشكك‬ ‫طب بديل‬
Viable alien conventional sceptical complementary

 I don’t really believe that story – I’m very sceptical.

 Doctors often treat infections with antibiotics; that is the conventional approach
 Medicines that are not the normal, traditionally accepted treatments are known as
 Another way of saying that something could be successful is to say it is viable.
 If something seems very strange, we sometimes say it is alien.


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