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Sse ne, education Pe MPUMALANGA PROVINCE Be x REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA MATHEMATICS GRADE 12 REVISION PACK Paper 1 Purpose: To assist learners to obtain a minimum mark of 50 % in Mathematics in NSC Examinations. Focus: Knowledge and Routine Procedures cognitive levels questions. QUESTION 1 11 Solve for ae x?-x-20=0 11.2 2x? -11x+7=0 (comect to TWO decimal places) 1.13 5x? 44> 21x 14 2* ~6.2" =16 1.2 Solve for x and y simultaneously: ytl=2x Baayty? 13 The roots of a quadratic equation are given by x= See where k © {-3;-2;-1;051;2;3}. 13.1 Writedown TWO values of & for which the roots will be rational 13.2 Write down ONE value of & for which the roots will be non-real 14 Cateulate a and b if JI = 2 a{?*) and a is nota makiple of 7. QUESTION 1 11 Solve forx: LL =x-12=0 112 x{x+3)-1=0 (Leave your answer in simplest surd form.) 113, a(4—x)<0 14 wetted if a= 888 888 888 888 12 Solve the following equations simultaneously: yr7=2x and x?-xp4+3y?=15 1.3. Determine the range of the function y seek, x#0 and x isreal. @) @) (6) @) (6) Q) wo ® by @) @) 8) @ © ©) [23] QUESTION 1 il Solve for x: —3Kx+D=0 Liz ve 2512 12 121 — Solvefor x if f(x)=0 1.22 For which values of ¢ will f(x)=e have no real roots? 13 Solve for x and y: xe 2y+2 x? -2xy +3y? 14 Calculate the maximum value of $ if S QUESTION 1 11 Solve for x: Lill x*-6x-16=0 11.2 2x*+7x~-1=0 (comect to TWO decimal places) 12 List all the integers that are solutions to x7-25<0. 13 Solvefor x and y: -2ytx=-1 and x?-7-¥? 14 Evaluate: ee Ls. Given: r(x} Hes 1.5.1 For which values of x will as be real? 15.2 Solve for x if ¢(x)=1. @ @) Q) @) @) © @ 22] @) @ @® © @) 8) a QUESTION 1 11 Solve for x: LLL Gx-D@e+4)=0 112 2x?+9x—-14=0 (comect to TWO decimal places) 113 V3-26x =3x 1.14 (2-Ia—-4)> xi 12 Simplify fully: Vi6x" — y25%7 vx 13 Solve simultaneously for x and y: ay=9 and x~2y-3=0 14 Prove that x*+2xy-+2y? cannot be negative for x,yeR. Q) @ @ (3) 8) o) @ (27) QUESTION 2 2.1 Given the following quadratic sequence: -2;0:337;.. 2.1.1 Write down the value of the next term of this sequence. 21.2 Determine an expression for the "* term of this sequence. 213 Which term of the sequence will be equal to 322? 22 Consider an arithmetic sequence which has the second term equal to 8 and the fifth term equal to 10. : 22.1 Determine the common difference of this sequence, 2.2.2 Write down the sum of the first 50 terms of this sequence, using sigma notation. 223 Determine the sum of the first 50 terms of this sequence. QUESTION 2 Given the geometric sequence: — i 21 Calculate the possible values of b. 22 If bak, calculate the 19" term (7) of the sequence. 23 If b=, write the sum of the first 20 positive terms of the sequence in sigma notation. 24 Is the geometric series formed in QUESTION 2.3 convergent? Give reasons for your answer. @ (6) @ @) @ @) (18) @ @) w 2) (2] QUESTION 2 21 Prove that in any arithmetic series in which the first term is @ and whose constant difference is d, the sum of the first » terms is S, == [2a+(n-1)d], 0, 22 Calculate the value of )°(100~ 3k) a 23 A quadratic sequence is defined with the following properties: Write down the value of: @® G-T (&) Ty -Tey 2.3.2 Caleulate the value of 7, if Ty = 23594. QUESTION 3 Consider the infinite geometric series: 45 + 40,5 + 36,45 +... 3A Calenlate the value of the TWELFTH term of the series (correct to TWO decimal places). 3.2 Explain why this series converges. 33 Calculate the sum to infinity of the series. 34 ‘What is the smallest value of 1 for which S, ~S, <1? @ ay @) 6) 17] 8) a @ 6) (uy QUESTION 2 10 24 Given the following geometric sequence: 30 5 10 5 > j~. * i 10 211 Determine n ifthe ” term of the sequence is equal to 7° 212 Caleulate: 304104704... 2.2 Derive a formula for the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic sequence if the first term of the sequence is a and the common difference is d QUESTION 2 2.1 Given the quadratic pattern: 5; 10;17;26;... 241 Write down the next TWO terms of the pattern. 21.2 Determine the formula for the n® term of the pattern. 2.13 Which term of the pattern will have a value of 1765? 2.2 The first 24 terms of an arithmetic series are: 35-+42+49-+... + 196. Calculate the sum of ALL natural numbers from 35 to 196 that are NOT divisible by 7. @ @ @ [10] @ @) @ 6) U5] QUESTION 3 3.1 636595 15 5... are the first four terms of a quadratic number pattern. 3.11 Write down the value of the fifth term (T,) of the pattern. 3.1.2 Determine a formula to represent the general term of the pattem. 3.13 Which term of the pattern has a value of 3 249? QUESTION 3 The first three terms of an arithmetic sequence are —1 ; 2 and 5. 3.1 Determine the n” term, T,, of the sequence. 32 Calculate Tis. 33 Evaluate }°7, in terms of x. @ ® @) QUESTION 4 5 6 Given: g(x)=—2-1 iven: g(x) = 4.1 Write down the equations of the asymptotes of g. Q) 42 Caloulate: 421 The y-intercept of g qa) 422 Thex-intercept of g : Q 43 Draw the graph of g, showing clearly the asymptotes and the intercepts with the axes 6) 44 Determine the equation of the line of symmetry that has a negative gradient, in the form y=. 6) 45 Determine the value(s) of x for which —°_-12-x—3 x42 Q) SEE Eee eee ee eee EEE Eee 13) QUESTION 4 Given: f(x)=2* +1 ; ‘ wo 4l Determine the coordinates of the y-intercept o! f a ith the axes as well as any 42 ‘Sketch the graph off, clearly indicating ALL intercepts with the @ 8) asymptotes. : ints on the graph where x = ; 43. Caloulate the average gradient of between the points 0 grap 0 and x= 1. , uation of the asymptote of A. @ 44 If Hx)=3f(), write down an ai (8) QUESTION 5 Given: f(x)=x? ~Sx-14 and g(x)=2x-14 5.1 On the same set of axes, sketch the graphs of f and g. Clearly indicate all intercepts with the axes and tuming points. (6) 5.2 Determine the equation of the tangent to f at x=: 3. 2 QUESTION 5 The graph of f(x)=a*,a>1 is shown below. T(2 ; 9) lies on 5.1 Calculate the value of a 5.2 Determine the equation of g(x) if (x)= (Cx). 5.3 Determine the value(s) of x for which f""(x) 22. 5.4 Isthe inverse of fa function? Explain your answer. QUESTION 6 Given: f(a)=ts" 250 61 Determine the equation of f~ inthe form f(x)=... 62 On the same system of axes, sketch the graphs of f and f Indicate clesrly the intercepts with the axes, as well as another point on the graph of each of f and 7. 63 Is f~ a function? Give a reason for your answer. @ Q) @) @ 1 8 @ Q) (8) QUESTION 4 Below are the graphs of f(x) =(x—4)'-9 anda straight line g. 41 42 43 44 45 And B are the x-intercepts of f and E is the turning point of f Cis the y-intercept of both f and g. The x-intercept of g is D. DE is parallel to the y-axis, ‘Write down the coordinates of E. Calculate the coordinates of A. M is the reflection of C in the axis of symmetry of f° Write down the coordinates of M. Determine the equation of g inthe form y =mx+e. Write down the equation of g™ inthe form y=... Q) 6) @) @) @) QUESTION 4 The sketch below shows the graphs of f(x)=log,x and g(x) = 41 42 44 4.5 4.6 47 T and U are the x-intercepts of g and f respectively. The line y= intersects the asymptotes of g at R, and the graph of g at V. Write down the coordinates of U. Write down the equations of the asymptotes of Determine the coordinates of T. ‘Write down the equation of A, the reflection of f in the line y= x, in the form Yeon Write down the equation of the asymptote of (x3) Calculate the coordinates of V. Determine the coordinates of T’ the point which is symmetrical to T about the point R. oO @ 2 Q) @) Q) fa) QUESTION 5 5.1 ‘The sketch below shows the graphs of /(x)=x°-2x-3 and g(x)=x~-3. © A and B arethe x-intercepts of f © The graphs of f and g intersect at C and B. D is the turning point of /. y + 5.1.1 Determine the coordinates of C. 5.1.2 Calculate the length of AB. 5.13 Determine the coordinates of D. 5.14 Calculate the average gradient of f between C and D. 515 Calculate the size of OCB 5.1.6 Determine the values of for which f(x)=x will have two unequal positive real roots. 5.17 For which values of x will f'(x) .f"(x) >0? The graph of a parabola f has x-intercepts at x= 1 and x=5. g(x)=4 is atangent to f at P, the tuming point of f. Sketch the graph of f, clearly showing the intercepts with the axes and the coordinates of the tuning point. ay 4) 2 Q) @ @) @) (5) [22] QUESTION 5 . The graphs of f(x) ae and parabola g are drawn below. x 5 5.2 53 54 55 5.6 , the tuming point of g, lies on the horizontal asymptote of f. The graph of g passes through the origin. B (4) isapoint on such that BC is parallel to the y-axis. ‘Write down the domain of f Determine the x-intercept of f: Caloulate the value of k ‘Write down the coordinates of C. Determine the equation of g inthe form y=a(x+p)’+q. : 1 £2 For which value(s) of x will “<0? iat a) @Q) Q) @ Q) 8) @ QUESTION 5 ‘The graph of g(x)=a™ is drawn in the sketch below. The point S(2 ; 9) lies on g. T is the y-intercept of g. 51 Write down the coordinates of T. Q) 5.2 Calculate the value of a. 2) 5.3 The graph h is obtained by reflecting g in the y-axis. Write down the equation of h. 2 QUESTION 6 61 On the 2" day of January 2015.a company bought a new printer for R150-000. * The value of the printer decreases by 20% annually on the reducing-balance method, + When the book value of the printer is R49 152, the company will replace the printer. 6.11 Caloulate'the book valve of the printer on the 2” day of January 2017. @ 612 At the beginning of which year will the company have to replace the printer? Show ALL calculations. @) QUESTION 6 6.1 Caleulate how many years it will take forthe value of a truck 4 ae Fy to decrease to 50% of its ation is ; rina value if deprecation is calculated at 15% per annum using the reducing- a QUESTION 7 7.1 A company bought a new machine for R500 000. After 3 years, the machine has a book value of R331 527. Calculate the yearly rate of depreciation ifthe machine was ® depreciated according to the reducing-balance method. QUESTION 7 7 Diane invests a lump sum of RS 000 in a savings account for exactly 2 years. The investment earns interest at 10% p.2., compounded quarterly. | 7.1.1 Whatis the quarterly intorest rate for Diane's investment? Calcutate the amount in Diane's savings account at the end of the 2 years. nnn On TAD QUESTION 8 xh 5x? 4 4y Given: f(2) a1 Calculate the coordinates of the turning points of the graph of f- 8.2 Prove that the equation 2x*-Sx?44x=0 has only one real root. 83 Sketch the graph of f, clearly indicating the intercepts with the tuming points. 84 Forwhich values of x will the graph of f be concave up? (5) @) axes and the G) 8) f14) al 8.2 83 QUESTION 8 Determine the derivative of f(z) =2x? +4 from first principles. Differentiate: 82.1 S@)=-3x? 45Ve > 822 ple (3 +45} z The sketch below shows the graph of A(x)=x?~7x? +14x-8. The x-coordinate of point Ais 1. C isanother x-intercept of 83.1 Determine (x). 83.2 Determine the x-coordinate of the turing point B. 8.3.3 Calculate the coordinates of C. @) @) a) @) @ QUESTION 8 81 Determine f'(x) from first principles if f(x)=4x?. 6) 82 Determine: 82.1 ed @) 8.22 I" (x) if fO)=Ve @) {11] QUESTION 9 The sketch below represents the curve of f(x)=2'+bx*+cx+d. The solutions of the equation f(x)=0 are -2 ; Land 4. 9.1 Calculate the values of B, ¢ and d. 3) 9.2 Calculate the x-coordinate of B, the maximum tuming point of 7. « 9.3 Determine an equation for the tangent to the graph of f at x=—I. 4 94 In the ANSWER BOOK, sketch the graph of f”(x). Clearly indicate the x- and y-intercepts on your sketch. 8) 9.5 For which value(s) of x is f(x) concave upwards? 2 a7 QUESTION 8 The graph of f(z) =—x’ +13x+12 is sketched below. A, B and D150) are the x-intercepts of 7: C is the y-intercept of f ‘Write down the coordinates of C. Calculate the coordinates of A and B. Determine the point of inflection of g if tis given that g(x) =x). 84 Calculate the value(s) of x for which the tangent to f is parallel to the line ya-l4e+e. QUESTION 9 te Given: f(@)= xtl 9.1 Write down the coordinates of the y-intercept of f @ 92 Calculate the coordinates of the x-intercepts of f. () 9.3 Calculate the coordinates of the turning points of f © 9.4 Sketch the graph of f in your ANSWER BOOK. Clearly indicate all intercepts with the axes and the turning points 8) 9.5 Write down the values of x for which f"(x) <0 @ a) © 4 @). {14 QUESTION 8 81 Determine /'(x) from first principles if /() 8.2 Determine the derivative of: 8.2.1 y= 3x? +10x 8.2.2 J@)= (-2) 83 Given: f(x) = 2x’ —23x? + 80x -84 83.1 Prove that (x-2) isa factor of f 832 Hence, or otherwise, factorise f(x) fully. 83.3 Determine the 3-coordinates of the turning points of 7. 83.4 Sketch the graph of clearly labelling ALL turning points and intercepts with the axes. 6) Q 8) QUESTION 10 10,1 Each passenger on a certain Banana Airways flight chose exactly one beverage from tea, coffee or fruit juice. The results are shown in the table below. MALE FEMALE TOTAL Tea, 20 40 60 Coffee é ¢ 80 Fruit juice d e 20 TOTAL 60. 100 L a Z| 10.1.1 Write down the value of a 10.1.2 What is the probability that a randomly selected passenger is male? 10.1.3. Given that the event of a passenger choosing cofiee is independent of being a male, calculate the value of 6. QUESTION 10 10.1 The events $ and T are independent. 10.2 © P@ and Dat + 6) Zt 4 10.1.1 Calculate P(T). 10.1.2 Hence, calculate P(S or T). AFIVE-digit code is created from the digits 2:3; 55739 How many different codes can be created if 10.2.1 Repetition of digits is NOT allowed in the code 10.2.2 Repetition of digits IS allowed in the code ay @Q) @) Q cc) @) @) QUESTION 10 a 10.1 Research was conducted about driving under the influence of alcohol. Information ‘obtained from traffic authorities in 54 countries on the methods that are used to measure alcohol levels in a person, are summarised below: 4 countries use all three methods (A, B and C). 12 countries use the alcohol content of breath (A) and blood-alcohol concentration (B). ‘+ 9 countries use blood-alcohol concentration (B) and certificates issued by doctors (C). © 8 countries use the alcohol content of breath (A) and certificates issued by doctors (C). 21 countries use the aleohol content of breath (A). 32 countries use blood-aleohol concentration (B).. 20 countries use certificates issued by doctors (C). 6 countries use none of these methods, Below is a partially completed Venn diagram representing the above information. 10.1.1 Use the given information and the Venn diagram to determine the values of d, e, fand g. 10.1.2 Fora randomly selected country, calculate: (@) P(A end Band C) @) P(AorBorC) (©) Plonly C) (@ P(that a country uses exactly two methods) @) a a) ay ay i | QUESTION 11 a The letters of the word EQUATION are randomly used to form a new word consist ing of five letters. How many of these words are possible if letters may not be repeated? t Q) 1.2 Itis given that two events, A , A and B, are independent, P(A)= 2 ey Calculate P(A or B). (A)== and P(B)=0335. — — ese @ 11.2 Tae cards below are placed from left to right in a z0W. 5 Fi ® a+ we] bee | Feye jwell ae + 3 i wag} Laai] Le eg 112.1 In how many different ways ean these 6 cards be randomly arranged in a row? @) 112.2 Im how many different wayg can these cards be arranged in a row if the diamonds and hearts are placed in alternating positions? @ 11.23 If these cards are randomly arranged in @ rows calculate the probability ‘that ALL the hearts will be next to one another. ® INFORMATION SHEET: MATHEMATICS pub yb? —4a0 2a A= P(+ni) A=P(-ni) 4=P0-i)" A=PU+i" T,=a+(n-Nd 8, ==a+(n-Dd] T, =ar™ 5,8!) gral a patty =1 p-sizt+a) P= f= LE) G d= -%) +0, -1) yr Sate +2) aM, yemrte Py =mMe—x) m m=tand 27% (c= af 4-6) =r? inaape: 4 =? _,_¢ sind sinB sinC @ =? +c ~2be.cosA area asc =1 ab sinc sin(a + 8) = sina.cosf + cose.sinB sin(a—B) = sina. cosB - cosc.sinB cos(a+ £)=cosa.cosf -sina.sin B cos(a~ A) =cosa.cos# +sina.sing [cos asin? c082@ = 41-2sin? @ sin2o = 2sina.coso. 2e0s? a—1 = 24) PUA) a) Saath b=

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