Letter To My Lawyer

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Seeking Legal Counsel and Representation for Divorce Proceedings

Barrister Anthony Kevin

Head Attorney, Kevin & Co. Chambers
Brooklyn, NY

Monday, 10th June 2024

Dear Barr. Kevin,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to seek your legal counsel and representation
in a matter that is deeply personal and important to me.

After much consideration and reflection, I have come to the difficult decision to file for
divorce from my wife, Marisol Maldonaldo. Our relationship has faced numerous
challenges, and despite efforts to reconcile, it has become clear that this is the best course
of action for both of us.

I am reaching out to you because I trust your expertise and experience in family law. I
believe your guidance will be invaluable as I navigate the legal complexities of this
process. Furthermore, I respectfully request that you serve as my defendant in court
before the judge.

I understand that this is a significant undertaking, and I appreciate your willingness to

support me during this time. Please let me know at your earliest convenience if you are
able to represent me in this matter. I am eager to proceed with the necessary steps to
initiate the divorce proceedings.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, Barr. Kevin. I look forward to your guidance
and assistance as I move forward with this process.


Rob Thomas

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