Certiprof Scrum Foundation Professional Certificate Exam Answers2 PDF

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Format: Multiple choice

Questions: 40
Language: English
Pass Score: 28/40 or 70%
Duration: 60 minutes maximum
Supervised: It will be at the Partner’s discretion

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Question 1: How many principles form the foundation of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development?

Question 2: Scrum users should frequently inspect Scrum artifacts and progress towards a target for unwanted


Question 3: A Sprint can be cancelled before the Sprint time-box is over.


Question 4: Which Scrum meeting is focused on getting feedback on the product from users and other stakeholders?

Sprint Review
Sprint Demo
Sprint Retrospective

Question 5: The Scrum Master serves the Product Owner in several ways, including:

• Finding techniques for effective Product Backlog management.

• Helping the Scrum Team understand the need for clear and concise Product Backlog items.

• Understanding product planning in an empirical environment.


Question 6: The Scrum Master serves the Product Owner in several ways, including:

• Coaching the Development Team in self-organization and cross-functionality.

• Helping the Development Team to create high-value products.

• Removing impediments to the Development Team’s progress.


Question 7: Regarding the cancellation of Sprint, which of the following statements is false.

Only the Product Owner has the authority to cancel the Sprint.
A Sprint would be cancelled if the Sprint Target becomes obsolete.
A Sprint can be cancelled before the time block is over.
When you cancel a Sprint, if a part of the job is potentially deliverable, the Product Owner usually rejects it.
When a Sprint is cancelled, all completed and “Finished” Product List Items are reviewed.

Question 8: Scrum is based on the theory of constraints.


Question 9: Each new Sprint starts immediately after the completion of the previous Sprint.

Question 10: A line in the Agile Manifesto reads, “ over following a plan”. Please select which option best
completes the statement.

Completing requirements.
Asking the customer.
Soliciting input.
Responding to change.

Question 11: Which of the following is the main purpose of the Daily Scrum?

To raise impediments with the Scrum Master.

To make sure everyone has enough work to keep them busy for the day.
For the team to assess where they are on their sprint commitment and take action.
To let the Product Owner know what has been finished.

Question 12: Sprint Planning is time-boxed to a maximum of eight hours for a one-month Sprint.


Question 13: Which of the following are artifacts in Scrum?

Cumulative Work Chart.

Product Increment.
List of Sprint Pending’s (Sprint Backlog).
Pending Work Chart.
Product Element List (Product Backlog).
Question 14: Scrum Team is self-empowered to do whatever is necessary to achieve the sprint goal within the
organization guidelines.


Question 15: A chart is a graphical representation of work left to do versus time.

Burn Down

Question 16: Scrum teams may include cross-functional teams?


Question 17: Where are the customer requirements stored?

In a Product Requirement
Specification. In the Sprint Backlog.
In a database.
In the Product Backlog.

Question 18: The sprint planning is a one-day time boxed meeting divided into two 4-hour sessions?

Question 19: Scrum users must frequently inspect Scrum artifacts and progress toward a Sprint Goal to detect
undesirable variances.


Question 20: The Daily Scrum is a 30 -minute time-boxed event for the Development Team to synchronize activities and
create a plan for the next 24 hours.


Question 21: Which of the following are good characteristics of a Product Backlog?

Updated regularly as priorities and understand changes.

Owned and maintained by the Scrum Master.
A static, comprehensive, detailed list of everything that will be built in the next year.

Question 22: What is the purpose of backlog refinement?

For the Product Owner to present the requirements specification.

To design the solution for user requirements.
To decide when the requirements will be completed.
To understand requirements, split product backlog items (stories) and to estimate them.

Question 23: Scrum is a framework for developing and sustaining complex products.

Question 24: The Scrum Master is most like which of the following roles

A manager responsible for employees’ individual performance.

A team lead responsible for allocating work to junior team members.
A project manager responsible for delivery.
A coach responsible for the long term health and growth of the team.

Question 25: At the end of the Planning, the Development Team should not be able to explain to the Product Owner and
Scrum Master how they intend to work as a self-organized team to achieve the Sprint Goal and create the expected


Question 26: What is defined by the Scrum Framework?

Rules & Roles.

Document guidelines.
Artifacts and events.

Question 27: What is the maximum time that Scrum recommends the team spends in the daily scrum (daily standup)?

Fifteen minutes.
Thirty minutes.
One hour.
Four Hours.

Question 28: Which of the following are roles in Scrum?

Development Team.
Self-Managing Team.
Scrum Team.
Cross-Functional Team.

Question 29: Scrum is not a process or a technique for building products.


Question 30: For Adaptation, Scrum prescribes only one formal event which is the Daily Meeting.


Question 31: Which of the following are artifacts associated with Scrum?

Product specification.
Effort chart.
Sprint backlog.
Product owner list.

Question 32: Which of the following is not a Scrum Value?

Question 33: A line in the Agile Manifesto reads, “ and over processes and tools”.

People; Relationships
Individuals; Interactions
Customer; Individuals
Customers; Employees

Question 34: Scrum is:

Simple to understand
Difficult to master
All of the above

Question 35: Which of the following are roles in Scrum?

Scrum Team
Scrum Master
Product Owner
Graphic Interface Specialist
Development Team

Question 36: Which topics should be discussed in the Sprint Review?

Sprint results.
Coding practices.
All of the above.
The process.

Question 37: Which of the following statements about the retrospective are TRUE. Select THREE statements.
Safety is important for this meeting.
This meeting is timeboxed to 15 minutes.
In this meeting the team discuss their process and decide on how what they will do different in future.
The team should come up with a concrete, specific action that everyone in the team can take part.

Question 38: The term Agile Development was first introduced in:

An addendum called Project Management Principles.

Lean Process Improvement.
The Agile Manifesto.
The Scrum Framework.

Question 39: During the sprint review the project is assessed against the .

Sprint Planning.
Sprint Goal.
Sprint Review.
Sprint retrospective.

Question 40: Which ones of the following main events are defined by Scrum Framework?

Sprint Planning Meeting.

Sprint Retrospective Meeting.
Sprint Review Meeting.
Mid-Sprint Status Review Meeting
Daily Scrum Meeting.

Question 41: The Scrum Teams are self-organizing and cross-functional


Question 42: What is important in all Scrum projects?

Clear hierarchies in the company.


Question 43: The pillars of Scrum are:

Transparency, Trust and Adaptation.

Inspection, Adaptation and Continuous
Improvement. Delivering Value, Inspection and
Trust, Reflection and Continuous Improvement.
Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation.

Question 44: Scrum employs an iterative, incremental approach to optimize predictability and control risk.


Question 45: The Product Owner is not in charge of optimizing the value of the work that the Development Team does,
instead this is done by the Scrum Master.


Question 46: Which of the following is NOT a Scrum Role?

Scrum Master
Agile Project Manager
Product Owner
Development Team

Question 47: The Scrum Master is a servant-leader for the Scrum Team.


Question 48: Scrum is a collaborative effort involving developers and customers in an ongoing dialog?


Question 49: During the Sprint:

• Changes are made that would endanger the Sprint Goal.

• Scope may be clarified.

• Quality goals don’t decrease.


Question 50: Scrum defines 3 roles, 5 events and 3 artifacts.

Question 51: The Scrum Team consists of a Product Owner, the Development Team, and a Scrum Master.


Question 52: Which of the following is not a task for the Scrum Master?

Finding techniques to effectively manage the Product List.

Helping the Development Team create high-value
products. Planning Scrum implementations in the
Ensure that the Development Team understands the elements of the Product List at the required level.
Ensure that the objectives, scope, and mastery of the product are understood by everyone on the Scrum team to the
best of their ability.

Question 53: Which of the following is a role in the Scrum framework?

System Administrator.
Scrum Developer.
Software Tester.

Question 54: During the sprint review the project is assessed against the .

Sprint Goal.
Sprint Review.
Sprint retrospective.
Sprint Planning.

Question 55: Scrum users must frequently inspect Scrum artifacts and progress toward a Sprint Goal to detect
undesirable variances.

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