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Dietary Analysis Project - Part III

Student Name

Institutional Affiliation

Step 1

Estimated energy needs – 2400 kcal/d

Step 2

Completed on the attached PDF.

Step 3

MyPlate is a nutritional guide that provides a roadmap for the food groups that each

person needs to take to stay healthy. The five major food groups that the guide focuses on are

proteins, fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy ("Explore the MyPlate Food Groups", n.d.). In this

paper, I will delve into my checklist and explain whether I met or fell short of My Plate’s daily

recommendation for each food type.

The first food group is fruits, with the recommendation being 2 cups. I marked YES as I

hit the target, having taken 2 cups of papaya juice, 1 cup of pear juice, and 1 cup of sliced


The second food type is vegetables, with the recommendation being 3 cups. I marked NO

as I did not hit the target, having taken only 1 cup of cooked spinach. I need to take more

vegetables such as broccoli and lettuce.

The third food group is grains, with the recommendation being 8 ounces. I marked YES

as I met the target, having taken 16 ounces of rice. I feel rice is not the best choice for grains;

cereals would be better.

The fourth food type is proteins, with the recommendation being 6 ½ ounces. I marked

NO as I did not meet the target, having taken 6 ounces of beef. I need to take more proteins such

as fish and beans.

The last food type is dairy, with the recommendation being 3 cups. I marked NO as I did

not take any dairy products on that day. There are several dairy products such as milk, yogurt,

cheese, and more.

The limits for sodium, saturated fats, and added sugars are 2300 mg, 27 g, and 60 g

respectively. I did not exceed any of these limits as I took just enough amounts of these foods. I

plan to minimize saturated fats by minimizing my intake of processed foods such as pizza and


Performing a dietary analysis was greatly insightful. I have not only become aware of

what I eat but also knowledgeable in terms of choosing the right foods. I often take enough

fruits, but my portions for the rest of the food types My Plate highlights are usually not enough.

My target is to increase my intake of vegetables, proteins, and dairy, and to choose cereals and

brown rice instead of white rice.


Explore the MyPlate Food Groups. Retrieved 6 July 2021, from

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