Writing Examples Based On Assignment-Tiara Poli

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Advanced Data Science

Week 5, Individual Task 4

Tiara Putri Ananta Poli - 1906431853

Individually, please choose three examples of Text and Image as Data material from Week 5.
Provide two paragraph (around150-200 words) for each example that demonstrate your analysis
on the objective, perspective, and depth of the data. Within each group, every individual should
pick different examples. Provide a 100 word reflection in the end of your analysis regarding the use
of text and image as data in architectural research.

Text and Image

Photographic documentation, aim: collective ways of doing

1. Data 8 – Mitsoula, 2016. Photo essay of buildings and workplaces in a marble craft industry
This data instrument is photographic documentation that explain about buildings and workplaces
in a marble craft industry. The objective of the data is making sense of the context, in this case
the marble craft industry. This photo essay makes people understand about the building and
workplace of the industry, but also people will know about the process of making the marble. It
shows that the workplace is in a wide building and they have the machine to construct the marble.
It also shows the operator of the machine and people who makes the set of the marble. The
workplace is in the building, but the material is everywhere around the building. From this
objective, I can say that the data can make understanding, clarifying and evaluating what, where,
when, why and how things evolve in the context. Also, this is an interactive data, because it needs
the connection between researcher and participant so the researcher can gain the data directly
from the workplace.

The perspective of this data is researcher. Even if the perspective is from the researcher, but
he/she needs the connection to the participant. The data shows that researcher wants to tell the
reader about what he/she gets from the industry, such as the condition of the building and
workplace, the material that they use, the process making of marble craft, and the people who
work there. The depth information is about content-specific, because the researcher shows the
steps or process making of marble craft industry.

2. Data 9 – King, 2016. Incremental addition of informal dwelling over the years
This data is about incremental addition of informal dwelling over the years. It consists of two
pictures, that seems like showing the differences between them. This data is a non-interactive
data, because it produced by researcher only without direct interaction to another participant.
The objective of the data is making sense of the context, because it makes us understand,
clarifying and evaluating about what’s the different from the two pictures in the data. From both
pictures show 4 boxes, that consist the different. Previously, in box 1, there are personal things
from the residents such as gallon, toys, and etc. In front of their door, there’s no line or boundaries
between door and the lane. In box 2, there is a bird cage in front of their house that previously
they don’t have. In box 3, it marks that the lane in front of the resident’s door/house is already
have boundaries with cement. In box 4, it seems like a sewage pipe in each house is provided. In
first picture, the sewage pipe doesn’t provide. The surrounding of the dwelling is already in order
and looks clean.

The perspective of the data is from the researcher. The researcher’s taking the pictures from
different time and condition and they both speak to themselves about the differences but from
the researcher perspective. The depth of information is content-specific because the researcher
is focused on delivering the differences of the informal dwelling over the years.

3. Data 13 – Tang, 2014. Children drawing workshop: Drawing Policeman.

This data shows the drawing workshop of a child. She makes drawings and one of them is
policeman. This data is an interactive data because it produced by interaction between researcher
and participants. The participant here is the girl who draws. The objective of the data is to enable
active engagement in context, means that researcher build the relationship to the participant and
allowing the researcher to gain entry. Besides that, the drawings from the workshop can invite
reimagination from the researcher and the reader. It generates position in context. The
reimagination not only allowed on policeman drawing but also in every drawing that the
participant produced.

The perspective of the data is from the individual, in this context is the girl. Why? Because she
generates position that she knows about the policeman and other drawing, and reimagining them
and then she draws it. The depth of information is content-specific, because it’s telling the
researcher or reader about the reimagination of the drawings.


In my opinion, regarding the data that I choose, it’s easier to understand rather than the other image data.
First, it’s because I can see the visualization about the data through photos and drawings so I can imagine
the situation there. Second, text data is sometimes hard to understand because it consists of multiple
variables, instead of direct content or content specific. In the future, I need to get more understanding
about both text and image data, so I can easily understand what I will do in my thesis research and how
to translate it into writings. Also, I still need more explanation about the data material and how it use in
my specialization.

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