Inserting Hyperlinks Into Text Documents

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Inserting Hyperlinks into Text Documents

What is a Hyperlink?
• A hyperlink is a shortcut that connects you to a section, either in
the same document or somewhere else on the internet.

• A hyperlink is like a click-able connection in a document or on a


• It is a word, phrase, or image that you can click on to jump to a

new document or a new section within the current document.

Easy Navigation:
Hyperlinks make it easy for users to move around a document or go
from one webpage to another.

To connect Information:
On the internet, hyperlinks link different web pages, helping to connect
information across websites.

For references and Credibility:

Hyperlinks allow creators to reference external sources, adding
credibility and more information to what's being discussed.
For organizing Content:
They help organize content, linking related information and making it
more structured.
For prompting Actions:
Hyperlinks can prompt users to take specific actions, like making a
purchase or downloading a file.

For cross-Referencing:
Within a document, hyperlinks help readers jump to relevant sections

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

In websites, hyperlinks impact how well a site performs on search

For multimedia Integration:

They can also link to images, videos, and other media, making content
more engaging.
Select the Text or Object:

Highlight the text or select the object (like an image) that you want to
turn into a hyperlink.
Insert Hyperlink:

In the toolbar, go to the "Insert" tab and click on "Hyperlink."

Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + K (Windows) or Command + K
Enter the Link Address:

In the dialog box that appears, enter the URL or web address you want
to link to. Click "OK" to apply.

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