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Here are just some useful tips on Thermoregulation:

-Thermoregulation is a process which enables an animal to keep its body temperature


Vasoconstriction: This is the narrowing of the blood vessels. The consequences are:

-Less blood flow through the skin

-Less heat loss by radiation from the sun.

Vasodilation: This is the widening of the blood vessels, this is the opposite of
Vasoconstriction so the factors are:

-Increase of blood flow through skin

-More heat is lost through skin

Hypothalamus: This is the part of the brain which contains the thermoregulatory centre.
This acts like a thermostat. It monitors and regulates body temperature.

Sweat Glands: if body temperature goes above 37 degrees,

the hypothalamus detects this and causes sweating. As sweat
evaporates it transfers heat energy from the skin to the
surroundings, so the skin cools down. the hypothalamus also
increases blood flow to the nearer surface of the skin, making us
look pinker. This makes it easier for the blood to lose heat to the air,
so we cool down. If the body temperature goes above 37 degrees,
the brain detects this and causes sweating. As sweat evaporates it
absorbs heat energy from the skin and cools it.
Negative Feedback: Negative Feedback allows control
mechanisms to fluctuate and self adjust around a normal value, so
keeping the body's internal environment constant.
Hope this helps! Please continue coming to this page for the advice
you need! :)

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