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1 Sharuum, a Hegemônica

1 Aerial Toastmaster
1 Blurry Beeble
1 Border Guardian
1 Chipper Chopper
1 Chivalrous Chevalier
1 Clocknapper
1 Cogmentor
1 Defective Detective
1 Do-It-Yourself Seraph
1 Flavor Judge
1 Frankie Peanuts
1 Graveyard Busybody
1 Jackknight
1 Kindly Cognician
1 Knight of the Kitchen Sink
1 Knight of the Widget
1 Masterful Ninja
1 Old Guard
1 Overt Operative
1 Phoebe, Head of S.N.E.A.K.
1 Riveting Rigger
1 Rules Lawyer
1 S.N.E.A.K. Dispatcher
1 Sly Spy
1 Socketed Sprocketer
1 Spy Eye
1 Suspicious Nanny
1 Syr Cadian, Knight Owl
1 Wall of Fortune

1 Bronze Calendar
1 Everythingamajig
1 Insufferable Syphon
1 Kindslaver
1 Medalhão Azorius
1 Medalhão Dimir
1 Medalhão Orzhov
1 Optical Optimizer
1 Record Store
1 Split Screen
1 The Grand Calcutron

1 Disrupção Jwari // Ruínas Jwari
1 Renascimento de Malakir // Lodaçal de Malakir
1 Sacrifice Play
1 Spell Suck

1 Finders, Keepers
1 Five-Finger Discount
1 Hot Fix
1 Incite Insight
1 Inversão de Ondu // Ruínas Celestes de Ondu
1 Look at Me, I'm the DCI
1 Midlife Upgrade
1 Subcontract

1 Animate Library
1 By Gnome Means
1 Look at Me, I'm R&D
1 Magic Word
1 Over My Dead Bodies
1 Staying Power
1 Topsy Turvy

1 Angra Tranquila
1 Aqueduto Dimir
1 Basílica Orzhov
1 Cavernas de Koilos
1 Chancelaria Azorius
1 Desertos Calcinados
3 Ilha
1 Orla Krosana
1 Ossário Submerso
3 Planície
1 Portão da Guilda Azorius
1 Portão da Guilda Dimir
1 Portão da Guilda Orzhov
3 Pântano
1 Regiões Agrestes de Adarkar
1 Remanso Funesto
1 Rio Sinuoso
1 Rio Subterrâneo
1 Santuário Abandonado
1 Santuário Arcano
1 Secret Base
1 Templo da Iluminação
1 Templo do Engano
1 Templo do Silêncio
1 Terras em Desenvolvimento
1 Torre de Comando
1 Underdome
1 Watermarket

1 Faerie Spy
1 Gnome
1 Rogue

1 Accessories to Murder
1 Applied Aeronautics
1 Auto-Key
1 Bee-Bee Gun
1 Deadly Poison Sampler
1 Dictation Quillograph
1 Dispatch Dispensary
1 Dual Doomsuits
1 Duplication Device
1 Faerie Aerie
1 Gnomeball Machine
1 Hypnotic Swirly Disc
1 Insufferable Syphon
1 Optical Optimizer
1 Rapid Prototyper
1 Record Store
1 Tread Mill
1 Twiddlestick Charger
1 Widget Contraption

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