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1) Think about the inventions that we have nowadays, in your personal opinion

which is the most important invention of all the time?

I think internet is the most important invention.

2) Watch the video about “The top 10 inventions of all the time” and answer the
next questions:

A) When was the internet invented? 1969.

B) Who was the penicillin discovered by ? Alexander Fleming.
C) Where was the steam engine invented? In Scotland.
D) Where was the printing press invented? In Germany.

Write 3 paragraphs description about an invention of all the time; add a picture
about it.

A wonderful discover is the X ray. They were discovered in 1985 by Wilhelm Roentgen.
this invention considerably improved the practice of medicine.
One of the disadvantages that was discovered from its use was that it could cause
cancer, cataracts and skin burns.
I believe that the invention of X-rays has helped humanity a lot because this way it is
possible to have a correct and precise assessment of fractures and other diseases.

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