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Consent Form for Parent/Guardians of Student

Title of Research Study: The Shadow Education System of Reproducing Elite Status

Investigator: Nisma Elias

Why am I being asked to take part in this research study?

We are asking you and your child to take part in this research study because you are the parent of
a child from VH who has expressed interest in participating.

What should I know about being in a research study?

❖ Whether or not your child takes part is up to you and your child.
❖ You can choose not to have your child take part.
❖ You can agree to take part and later change your mind.
❖ Your decision will not be held against you, or be communicated to the tutoring center or
anyone working there
❖ You can ask all the questions you want before you decide.

More information on the above points are provided below.

Who can I talk to if I have questions?

The researcher conducting this study is Nisma Elias. You may ask her any questions you have at
any point of the research process, or if you have questions later, you are encouraged to contact
her by phone/Whatsapp/Viber/IMO or Signal at +1-612-423-5369 or over email at You may also contact her supervisor and the principal investigator of this
study, Dr. Joan Dejaeghere, at if you have other questions or concerns.

This research has been reviewed and approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) within
the Human Research Protections Program (HRPP). If you have any questions or concerns
regarding the study and would like to talk to someone other than the researcher, or to share
feedback privately with the HRPP about your or your child’s research experience, you can call
the Research Participants’ Advocate Line at +1-612-625-1650 (toll free: 1-888-224-8636) or

You are encouraged to contact the HRPP if:

❖ Your questions, concerns, or complaints are not being answered by the research team.
❖ You cannot reach the research team.
❖ You want to talk to someone besides the research team.
❖ You have questions about your or your child’s rights as a research participant.
❖ You want to get information or provide input about this research.

Why is this research being done?

The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of private tutoring, who participates in it, for
what purpose, and what that means for the education system in Bangladesh. I am interested in
learning more about your child’s experience with the tutoring center, what he/she feels like they
gain from it, how it contrasts with their mainstream school and so forth. This topic is of interest
to me to examine as a Bangladeshi researcher who also went to an English medium school and
concurrently engaged in tutoring. I am hoping to learn from this qualitative study the different
ways students, tutors and administrators interact in these tutoring spaces and learn to be with
each other as members of a close-knit community. I will also be speaking with select tutors and
administrators across the tutoring center.

What are the components of this research study?

If you agree to be in this study, you will be asked to provide consent for three components: 1)
questionnaire over a software called Qualtrics, 2) a video and audio-recorded semi- structured
interview of your child over Zoom, where their name and face will be visible, and c) a review of
your child’s personal social media channels — Facebook and Instagram — as it pertains to their
tutoring activities. Specifically if your child is chosen for the interview, it will take about 1-1.5
hours. If you or your child prefer not to be recorded, I will just take notes during our interview.

How long will the research last?

We expect that your child’s active participation in this research study will last no more than three
hours, including a questionnaire and possibly two interviews. The researcher will continue to
observe your child’s tutoring classes, as well as their social media platforms, for a total duration
of September to December 2021.

How many children will be studied?

We expect about 9 to 15 children will be in this research study, from different classes and cohorts
across VH.

Will interviews be recorded?

I will ask your child if they would like to have their interview recorded, or if they would prefer
that I take notes only.

How will my child’s social media content be used?

This component of the research is only intended to provide an understanding of the
socialization practices occurring within the tutoring site. Although there may be specific
references to the content on your child’s social media, your child’s anonymity will be ensured.
Please refer to the section below on what happens to the information after the study.

What happens if I do not want to be in this research?

You and your child may decline to participate and it will not be held against you.

What happens if I say “Yes” now, but I change my mind later?

You and your child can leave the research at any time and it will not be held against you.
If you decide to leave the research, kindly contact the investigator (by email or SMS) so that the
investigator can ask your child to stop participating. Choosing not to be in this study or to stop
being in this study will not result in any penalty to you or loss of benefit to which your child is
entitled. At any time, you or your child may decide to withdraw from the study. If you withdraw,
no more information will be collected from you or your child. When you indicate that you wish
to withdraw, the information already collected from your child will be used in the study because
the research team will not be able to remove it from the information they have gathered.

What are the risks? Is there any way being in this study could be bad for me or my child?
There is minimum risk for participating in this study. Your child will be asked to speak to their
educational journey, their experiences at the VH tutoring center, and their thoughts about engaging
in private tutoring. Participation in this study for your child involves no more risk than what they
may normally encounter during a conversation with a tutor or administrative member at VH. More
information on potential risks are detailed in the table below:

Type of risk Description

Psychological risks Students may experience discomfort in discussions regarding their privilege,
especially in comparison to others around them who have not had that same
privilege. In this case, the researcher will direct them to the appropriate online
support resources, or those available at the tutoring center (such as guidance
counselors, or other support staff) if and when needed.

Further, participants can skip or not answer any interview questions that makes them
uncomfortable, and that they can opt out of participating in the study, or interviews
at any point without any consequences.
Privacy risks To ensure participants’ privacy, all participant names, demographic information,
interview transcripts, and documents will be kept confidential.
Social risks All interview participants will be continually reminded that the data will be
anonymous, there are no correct answers, their responses will be kept confidential,
and that their participation in this study will in no way influence their standing in the
tutoring center, or with their tutors.
Group or Participants will be clearly reminded that their responses will be kept confidential,
community risks and that they can opt out of participating in the study or interviews at any point
without any consequences to them or their standing in the tutoring center.
Economic risks Students may experience discomfort in discussions regarding their privilege,
especially in comparison to others around them who have not had that same
privilege. In this case, the researcher will direct them to the appropriate online
support resources or those available at the tutoring center (such as guidance
counselors, or other support staff) if and when needed.

What happens to the information collected for the research?

Efforts will be made to ensure the security, anonymity, and confidentiality of your child’s
personal information, including research study records. Data will be stored in a secure location,
and shown only to the research team who have a need to review this information. We cannot
promise complete confidentiality, but children who participate will have their data saved under
pseudonyms. Organizations that may inspect and copy your information include the research
ethics board (IRB) of the University of Minnesota and other representatives of this institution.
Your child’s personal social media content is for data analysis only. It will not be used in any
presentations or publications.
Will I have a chance to provide feedback after the study is over?
After the study, you might be asked to complete a survey about your child’s experience
as a research participant. You do not have to complete the survey if you do not want to. If
you do choose to complete the survey, your responses will be anonymous. If you are not
asked to complete a survey after the study is over, but you would like to share feedback,
please contact the study team or the UMN Human Research Protection Program (HRPP).
See the “Who Can I Talk To?” section of this form above for study team and HRPP contact

What else do I need to know?

You also have the right to review a copy of the questions asked of or materials that will be used
with your children. If you would like to do so, you should contact Nisma Elias to obtain a copy
of the questions or materials.

Signature of Consent
I have read the above information. I have asked questions and received answers. I give consent
for my child to participate in the study components ticked below. I am demonstrating my
consent by signing my name below.

Social media use (Facebook and Instagram)

Your signature documents your permission for the named child to take part in this research and the
components ticked above.

Printed name of child participant

Printed name of parent or guardian to consent for the

child to participate

Signature of parent or guardian to consent for the child

to participate Date

Printed name of person obtaining consent and assent Date

Signature of person obtaining consent and assent

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