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Lesson 1 Documents on history of atoms Scientist The Greeks Dalton Thomson

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The Greeks (in particular Democrite Vth BC) were the first people to put
forward the idea that all matter was made up from particles. But it wasn’t
until the early 1800s that theories about atoms were really developped
and taken seriously.

It was John Dalton (1766-1844) who first tried to explain the great variety
of substance by thinking of different combinations of atoms. The word
atoms came from the Greeks word meaning something that could not be
split up. He thought of atoms as solid sphere, a bit like tiny snooker balls

At the end of the century, another scientist called J.J. Thomson (1856-
1940) was investigating the effects of hight voltage on gases. Thomson
put forward a new model of the atom. He said that the negative particles
3) A new theorie :Ernest Rutherford experiment
were electrons. He knew that atom were neutral. He suggested the
electron were embedded in a cloud of positive charge. Put the following labels in the right order to explain what Rutherford’s
experiment consists in
Extract from advanced chemstry for you, Lawrie Ryan and Nelson Thornes
an experiment Rutherford, Geiger and Mardsen
alpha particles
1) Who were the first scientist to study
in which carried out of a thin
atoms ?...................................................................
foil of gold atoms
emitted by a radioactive source was used as target
2) Fill in the table by writting the concept of each scientist about
atoms :
Propose a description of Rutherford’s atom…………………………………………… Conclusion

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… By using an arrow associate a definition with a diagram :

Rutherford’s model 1909
Rutherford states that an atom
What is the flaw of this model ? has a dense positively charged
nucleus. Electrons move a
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ramdomly in the space around
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. the nucleus
What is the solution proposed by Niels Bohr ?
Thomson’s plum pudding
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… model
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1897 JJ Thomson discovers the
electron, leadind to his « plum
pudding »model. His pictures
electrons embedded in a
sphere of positive electric
Dalton’s model 1805
John Dalton pictures atoms as
tiny, indestructible particles
with no internal structure

Niels’s model 1913

The electrons can only orbit
the nucleus in certain specials
orbits at different energy levels
around the nucleus
Correction terms the weak spread out postive charge should not be strong enough to
affect them.

For the Greek atoms cannot be split up and are separated, from each
other by empty space

For Dalton atoms are solids sphere and importantly (plus important) he
suggested that different types of spheres might make up the different

For Rutherford electrons orbit around the nucleus on random paths

For Niels Bohr to avoid collapsing electron must orbit the nucleus in a
similar way to how the planets orbit the sun.

If JJ Thomson was right the Particles would not have deflected : In other

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