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1. Introduction
2. Importance of women
3. Position of wo men in Islam
4. Role of women in different fields
5. Conclusion
“Lucky is the women,
Whose first child is daughter”
(Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W))

In the past, women were considered inferior to men. Their role was limited
to four walls of the house. They were considered physically and mentally week.
They were not allowed to participate in social, cultural, political and literary ac-
tivities. They were considered fit for producing and bringing up their children.
Before the advent of Islam, parents were ashamed of having female child. The
girls were buried alive. In the present, women are no longer the slave of man.
She has got the position and stats as human being in society. Now women have
equal as men. Both men and women have equal importance according to is-
lam. The Holy Quran says:

“And we have crated you in pairs”

Women and men are the two wheels of the same carriage. They are com-
plementary to each other. The existence of one without the other would be

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