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◦ Hello, everyone. My name is John Smith, and I'm pleased to meet you all.
◦ I was born on May 15th, 1985, making me 39 years old. I hail from the
vibrant city of New York, where I've spent most of my life.
◦ I come from a loving family of four. My parents, Robert and Emily, have
been a constant source of support and guidance throughout my life. I also
have a younger sister named Jessica, who never fails to bring laughter and
joy into our home.
◦ If you need to reach me, you can always reach me on my cellphone at (555)
123-4567. As for my address, I reside at 123 Main Street, New York City.
Feel free to drop by for a visit anytime!
◦ For those of you who prefer digital communication, you can reach me via
email at I'm always happy to connect with new
friends and colleagues.
◦ Now, onto some fun facts about me. My favorite color is blue – there's just
something about the calming hue that resonates with me.
◦ When it comes to food, I'm a big fan of Italian cuisine. Give me a plate of
spaghetti carbonara any day, and I'll be one happy camper!
◦ In terms of animals, I've always had a soft spot for dogs. There's nothing
quite like the unconditional love and loyalty of a furry friend.
◦ As for movies, I'm a sucker for classic comedies. "The Big Lebowski" never
fails to crack me up, no matter how many times I've seen it.
◦ Finally, in terms of my job, I work as a graphic designer at a local advertising
agency. I'm passionate about using my creativity to bring ideas to life and
make an impact in the world of marketing and design.
◦ Well, that's a little bit about me. I'm looking forward to getting to know all
of you better and forging new connections. Thanks for having me!
Just a young gun with a quick fuse
I was uptight, wanna let loose
I was dreaming of bigger things
And wanna leave my own life behind

Not a: Yes sir, not a follower

Fit the box, fit the mold
Have a seat in the foyer, take a number
I was lightning before the thunder

Thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun-, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun-, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder

Thunder, feel the thunder

Lightning then the thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning then the thunder
Thunder, thunder

Kids were laughing in my classes

While I was scheming for the masses
Who do you think you are?
Dreaming 'bout being a big star

They say you're basic, they say you're easy

You're always riding in the back seat
Now I'm smiling from the stage while
You were clapping in the nosebleeds

Thunder, thun-, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun-, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder

Thunder, feel the thunder

Lightning then the thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning then the thunder, thunder

Thunder, feel the thunder

Lightning then the thunder, thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning then the thunder, thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning then the thunder, thunder

Thunder, feel the thunder (feel the)

Lightning then the thunder, thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder (feel the)
Lightning then the thunder, thunder

Thunder, thunder, thun-, thunder

Thun-thun-thunder, thunder
Thunder, thunder, thun-, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder

Thunder, thunder, thun-, thunder

Thun-thun-thunder, thunder
Thunder, thunder, thun-, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder
Here's a dialogue between two people, where one person is asking questions to
get to know the other person better:
Person A: Hi there! I'm so glad we finally get to meet. My name is Sarah. What's
your name?
Person B: Hi Sarah! Nice to meet you too. My name is John.
Person A: It's a pleasure to meet you, John. Where are you originally from?
Person B: I'm originally from Chicago. How about you, Sarah?
Person A: Oh, I'm from Los Angeles. It's quite different from Chicago! So, John,
what's your last name?
Person B: My last name is Smith. And yours?
Person A: Mine is Johnson. So, where do you live now, John?
Person B: I currently live in Seattle. What about you, Sarah?
Person A: I live in San Francisco. Oh, by the way, do you mind sharing your
Person B: Not at all. I live at 123 Maple Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101.
Person A: Thanks, John. Now, could you also share your telephone number?
Person B: Sure, it's (555) 123-4567. And yours?
Person A: Mine is (555) 987-6543. So, John, how old are you?
Person B: I'm 35 years old. And you, Sarah?
Person A: I'm 28. John, do you have an email address?
Person B: Yes, it's And yours?
Person A: Mine is Hey, when were you born, John?
Person B: I was born on June 15th, 1986. And you?
Person A: I was born on September 10th, 1993. Oh, speaking of birthdays, when
is your birthday?
Person B: My birthday is coming up next month, on July 20th. And yours?
Person A: Mine is in November, on the 5th. John, are you married?
Person B: No, I'm single. And you, Sarah?
Person A: I'm single too. So, John, what do you do for a living?
Person B: I'm a software engineer. How about you, Sarah?
Person A: I'm a teacher. Well, it's been great getting to know you, John.
Person B: Likewise, Sarah. Let's keep in touch!

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