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801 Grand Ave

Des Moines, IA 50309

F&G Gold

Life Insurance
F&G Gold is a Flexible Premium Adjustable Death Benefit
Universal Life Insurance Policy with Index-Linked Interest

Wealth Transfer

Cash Value Accumulation

Living Benefits

Supplemental Riders

Prepared on October 20, 2021 for: Rogelio Pineda

Presented by: Please fill in name

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 1 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

Narrative Summary

F&G Gold
This illustration is provided to help you understand the life insurance policy. This illustration is based on information that you
provided and on certain assumptions, some of which are not guaranteed. This illustration assumes that the currently
illustrated Non-Guaranteed Elements will continue unchanged for all years shown. This is not likely to occur, and actual
results may be more or less favorable than those shown.

The F&G Gold is a Flexible Premium Adjustable Life Insurance policy. This Individual Life Insurance policy will provide a
Death Benefit if the insured dies while the policy is in force. The actual amount payable in the event of death will be
decreased by any indebtedness to the Company. Premium payments are flexible and the owner may change the amount
and frequency of premium payments.
This illustration, or any other illustration, is not considered a proper written request for policy changes, termination of
benefits or election of options to purchase additional insurance.
Monthly No-Lapse Premium
Monthly No-Lapse Premium is the minimum premium required during the No-Lapse Period to keep your policy in effect. The
Monthly No-Lapse Premium for the policy illustrated is $55.00. The Monthly No-Lapse Premium may change depending on
changes to your policy or riders. If the sum of the premium, less loans and withdrawals, equals or exceeds the sum of all
Monthly No-Lapse Premiums beginning with the policy date, your policy will not enter the grace period for the duration
shown. At the end of the No-Lapse Period, the guaranteed Policy Values may be insufficient to keep the policy in effect
unless additional premium is paid. If you pay the Monthly No-Lapse Premium, the guarantee period is to Age 60.

No-Lapse Period
No-Lapse Period is the period during which the policy will not terminate for insufficient surrender value if certain conditions
are met. The No-Lapse Period to keep your policy in effect is to Age 60.

Guideline Premium Limitation

The Guideline Premium Limitation is the maximum premium allowed by the Internal Revenue Code. The Guideline
Premium Limitation is the greater of the Guideline Single Premium or the sum of the annual Guideline Level Premiums as of
the date of the calculation.
Guideline Level Premium
The Guideline Level Premium for this illustration is $6,187.25.
Guideline Single Premium
The Guideline Single Premium for this illustration is $32,306.73.
Death Benefit
This life insurance policy initially provides a Death Benefit as described in the policy. The initial Death Benefit provided is
assumed to be $100,000. The actual amount payable at death may be decreased by policy withdrawals or
outstanding loans, or increased by additional insurance benefits purchased. In addition, you may change Death
Benefit Options at any time after the first policy year.

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 2 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

Death Benefit Options

Option A: The Death Benefit is the greater of the Face Amount or the Account Value multiplied by the Death Benefit ratio.
Option B: The Death Benefit is the greater of the Face Amount plus the Account Value or the Account Value multiplied by
the Death Benefit ratio.
Face Amount
The initial Face Amount is the amount on which the Death Benefit is determined. The owner may increase the Face
Amount after the first policy anniversary. An increase requires proof of insurability and must be requested prior to the
insured's Age 81. Face Amount decreases are allowed after the third policy year .

Monthly Deductions
Each Monthly Deduction consists of the monthly Cost of Insurance, the Expense Charges, any charges for additional
benefits provided by riders and any charges for substandard premium Class rating.
Partial Withdrawals
The owner may make partial withdrawals after the first policy year up to the available withdrawal amount. There is a $25
withdrawal fee for each withdrawal. The minimum withdrawal amount is $500.
Future Policy Changes
Please note: Policy illustrations may be designed to show changes to your policy in the future. This could include the
changing or stopping of premium payments, a change in the death benefit option or the use of policy loans. Generally, future
policy changes are not automatically made by the company and require a specific request from the policyowner, unless
otherwise specified in your policy pages. Future changes displayed in an illustrations are intended to show how you may
consider utilizing the policy, however for most policy design features, these changes will not occur without your request in
order to allow you to have flexibility to use the policy to meet your changing needs. Please consult your licensed F&G
insurance agent for additional guidance.

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 3 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

Definitions of Illustration Column Headings and Key Terms

Age Age represents the owner's Age at the end of the Contract Year.
Contract Year Year is measured from the date of issue.
Planned The Planned Premium Outlay is the amount of premium which is planned to be paid during
Premium Outlay the lifetime of this policy. The first year Planned Premium Outlay is $1,596.00. The amount,
timing and frequency of premium payments may be varied, subject to the Guideline
Premium Limitation, as determined by the Internal Revenue Code and Regulations. This
illustration assumes that all payments are made as planned. The amount, timing and
frequency of premium payments will affect the Account Value and length of coverage.

Withdrawals / This is the amount borrowed or withdrawn from the policy at the beginning of the Contract
Loans Year.
Account Value The Account Value is the amount of value, in this insurance policy, before the deduction of
Surrender Charges, if applicable.
Surrender Value The Surrender Value is equal to the Account Value less any unpaid loans and loan interest;
less any surrender charge.
Net Death The Net Death Benefit is the amount payable under the Death Benefit Option in effect plus
Benefit any additional benefit provided by riders; less any unpaid loans and loan interest; less any
amount required to cover the monthly deductions through the month in which the death
occurred, unless that monthly deduction was waived by a rider.
Guaranteed The values that would result assuming guaranteed interest rates, guaranteed Expense
Assumptions Charges and guaranteed Cost of Insurance rates.
Guaranteed The benefits, values, credits and charges that are guaranteed at issue.
Mid-Point The values that would result assuming interest rates, Expense Charges and Cost of
Assumptions Insurance rates that are the average of the current and guaranteed rates. These
assumptions are not guaranteed.
Current The values that would result assuming current interest rates, current Expense Charges and
Assumptions current Cost of Insurance rates. These assumptions are not guaranteed.
Non-Guaranteed The values that would be generated using current, specified or midpoint assumptions.
Assumptions These assumptions are not guaranteed.

Non-Guaranteed The premiums, benefits, values, credits or charges (Non-Guaranteed Cost of Insurance
Elements rates, Expense Charges, Premium) under the illustrated policy that are not guaranteed or
cannot be determined at issue. Expense Charges and current interest rates are subject to
change by the Company. Actual results may be more or less favorable.
Expense Charge An Expense Charge that will be deducted from the Account Value each month.
Benchmark Index As described in Actuarial Guideline 49.A section D, the Benchmark Index Account is based
Account on the S&P 500® Index with a floor of 0% and a 100% participation rate.

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 4 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

Bonus A non-guaranteed Bonus, if available, may result in additional interest being credited to the
policy's account value. Bonuses may be associated with policy persistency, specific index
crediting strategies, or riders that may be available.
Cost of The amount the Company charges for providing life insurance coverage under the base
Insurance policy. The Cost of Insurance rates may be changed by the Company, subject to the
guaranteed Cost of Insurance rates as stated in your policy. Any change in the Cost of
Insurance rates will be on a uniform basis for insureds of the same Class.
Class The risk Class of the proposed insured used in preparing this illustration. The actual Class
will be determined when the application is underwritten and may vary from the illustrated
Class. If so, a revised illustration will be delivered with the policy.
CAP Rate The CAP Rate represents the maximum percentage increase that may be credited to the
index Account Value segment. The CAP Rate is declared in advance and is guaranteed for
each segment for 12 months from the segment's buy date.
Spread This rate is subtracted from any positive index percentage change prior to applying the PAR
rate and CAP Rate.
PAR The Participation rate which is the maximum percentage of the annual increase in the index
that will be credited.
Premium A percentage of each premium payment that is deducted from the premium payment
Expense Charge resulting in the Net Premium.

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 5 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

Numeric Summary
Guaranteed Non-Guaranteed Assumptions
Assumptions Fixed Midpoint Current
Net Net Net Net
Premium Surrender Death Surrender Death Surrender Death Surrender Death
Year Outlay Value Benefit Value Benefit Value Benefit Value Benefit
5 1,596 1,371 103,573 3,048 105,250 2,299 104,502 3,343 105,545
10 1,596 4,896 106,811 9,220 111,135 7,469 109,384 10,773 112,689
20 1,596 11,062 111,062 28,092 128,092 21,167 121,167 37,848 137,848
Age 70 1,596 10,595 110,595 36,867 136,867 26,001 126,001 55,594 155,594
Based on Guaranteed Assumptions, the illustration terminates in year: 34
Based on Fixed Assumptions, the illustration terminates in year: 44
Based on Midpoint Assumptions, the illustration terminates in year: 40
Based on Current Assumptions, the illustration terminates in year: 59
The Guaranteed columns show values and benefits assuming minimum guaranteed interest of 0.25% and the maximum
guaranteed Cost of Insurance rates and Expense Charges.

The Fixed columns show values assuming an interest rate of 4.25%, and that current charges will remain in effect
throughout the life of the policy. The Midpoint columns show values assuming an interest rate of 3.60%, which is midway
between the guaranteed and current rate, and uses an average of the current and guaranteed charges. The Current
columns show values and benefits assuming current interest of 6.94%, applicable bonus interest and that current charges
will remain in effect throughout the life of the policy.

Signature Statement
This illustration assumes that the currently illustrated Non-Guaranteed Elements will continue unchanged for all years
shown. This is not likely to occur, and actual results may be more or less favorable than those shown. The benefits and
values are not guaranteed. The assumptions on which they are based are subject to change by F&G Annuities & Life

I have read the summary and understand: (1) the description of the F&G Gold, a fixed indexed universal life insurance
product; (2) that I am applying for a fixed indexed life insurance product whose values may be affected by an external
index, but does not participate in any stock, bond, or equity investments; (3) that neither F&G Annuities & Life Company
nor my agent has made any guarantees or promises regarding future index values, index changes, index credits, or
interest rate for this insurance product.

I have received a copy of this illustration, and understand that any Non-Guaranteed Elements illustrated are subject to
change and could be higher or lower. The agent has told me that they are not guaranteed.

___________________________________________________ ________________
Owner Date

I certify that this illustration has been presented to the applicant and that I have explained that any Non-Guaranteed
Elements illustrated are subject to change. I have made no statements that are inconsistent with the illustration.

___________________________________________________ ________________
Authorized Company Representative Date

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 6 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

Rider Description(s)
Over loan Protection Rider
This rider can prevent your life insurance policy from entering a lapse status as the result of outstanding loans that exceed your
Surrender Value. There is no Cost of Insurance charge for this rider. However, certain conditions must be met before the rider
can be exercised, and there is a one-time administrative fee when the rider is exercised. This rider may be exercised one time
during the lifetime of the life insurance contract to which it is attached.

Accelerated Benefit for Critical Illness Rider

This rider gives the policy owner access to 100% of the Death Benefit of the policy in which the rider is attached or $1,000,000,
whichever is less. The amount requested is called the Accelerated Amount. The amount paid, called the Accelerated Benefit is
less than the Accelerated Amount due to the amount being received before the death of the insured. The Accelerated Amount
is discounted to get a present value and future policy charges, a portion of the Loan Balance and a processing fee are
subtracted to determine the amount paid. The amount paid will vary based on the qualifying Covered Critical Illness and the
severity of the illness at time of claim. A higher severity will result in a higher Accelerated Benefit payment amount. There is no
Cost of Insurance charge for this rider. The Death Benefit, Surrender Value, any Loan Balance and Cost of Insurance charges
for the policy are reduced if you exercise this rider's benefit. The amount paid will never be less than the Surrender Value
associated with the Death Benefit that is requested to be accelerated. The accelerated benefit rider terminates when the policy
terminates, the benefit is paid or the owner request to have the rider cancelled. Sample calculations assume 100% of the policy
Death Benefit is accelerated up to the maximum. Certain conditions, as defined in the rider, must be met before the rider can be
exercised. For more information refer to the issued rider.

Accelerated Benefit for Terminal Illness Rider

This rider gives the policy owner access to 100% of the Death Benefit of the policy in which the rider is attached or $1,000,000,
whichever is less. The amount requested is called the Accelerated Amount. The amount paid, called the Accelerated Benefit is
less than the Accelerated Amount due to the amount being received before the death of the insured. The Accelerated Amount
is discounted with interest for 18 months and policy charges for next 18 months and a processing fee are subtracted to
determine the amount paid. To qualify, the insured must be diagnosed with a Terminal Illness such that a doctor certifies that
the insured is expected to live twenty-four months or less. There is no Cost of Insurance charge for this rider. The Death
Benefit and Cost of Insurance charges for the policy are reduced if you exercise this rider's benefit. The accelerated benefit
rider terminates when the policy terminates, the benefit is paid or the owner request to have the rider cancelled. Illustrated
calculations assume 100% of the policy Death Benefit is accelerated up to the maximum. Certain conditions, as defined in the
rider, must be met before the rider can be exercised. For more information refer to the issued rider.

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 7 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

Tabular Detail
Guaranteed ¹ Non-Guaranteed ² Non-Guaranteed ²
Assumptions Assumptions - Fixed Assumptions - Current
0.25% EOY Interest 4.25% EOY Interest 6.94% EOY
Premium Withdrawals/ Account Surrender Net Death Account Surrender Net Death Account Surrender Net Death
Age Year Outlay Loans Value Value Benefit Value Value Benefit Value Value Benefit
46 1 1,596 0 728 0 100,728 1,002 0 101,002 1,002 0 101,002
47 2 1,596 0 1,449 0 101,449 2,028 0 102,028 2,055 0 102,055
48 3 1,596 0 2,165 0 102,165 3,076 762 103,076 3,159 845 103,159
49 4 1,596 0 2,873 623 102,873 4,146 1,895 104,146 4,317 2,067 104,317
50 5 1,596 0 3,573 1,371 103,573 5,250 3,048 105,250 5,545 3,343 105,545
51 6 1,596 0 4,263 2,124 104,263 6,384 4,246 106,384 6,840 4,702 106,840
52 7 1,596 0 4,935 2,844 104,935 7,540 5,450 107,540 8,199 6,108 108,199
53 8 1,596 0 5,584 3,557 105,584 8,717 6,690 108,717 9,623 7,596 109,623
54 9 1,596 0 6,210 4,247 106,210 9,916 7,953 109,916 11,118 9,155 111,118
55 10 1,596 0 6,811 4,896 106,811 11,135 9,220 111,135 12,689 10,773 112,689
15,960 0
56 11 1,596 0 7,389 5,538 107,389 12,699 10,847 112,699 14,665 12,814 114,665
57 12 1,596 0 7,945 6,461 107,945 14,289 12,805 114,289 16,740 15,255 116,740
58 13 1,596 0 8,479 7,361 108,479 15,900 14,782 115,900 18,914 17,796 118,914
59 14 1,596 0 8,988 8,238 108,988 17,554 16,804 117,554 21,216 20,466 121,216
60 15 1,596 0 9,466 9,083 109,466 19,249 18,866 119,249 23,652 23,269 123,652
61 16 1,596 0 9,906 9,906 109,906 20,981 20,981 120,981 26,223 26,223 126,223
62 17 1,596 0 10,294 10,294 110,294 22,738 22,738 122,738 28,927 28,927 128,927
63 18 1,596 0 10,622 10,622 110,622 24,514 24,514 124,514 31,764 31,764 131,764
64 19 1,596 0 10,879 10,879 110,879 26,300 26,300 126,300 34,737 34,737 134,737
65 20 1,596 0 11,062 11,062 111,062 28,092 28,092 128,092 37,848 37,848 137,848
31,920 0
66 21 1,596 0 11,164 11,164 111,164 29,882 29,882 129,882 41,101 41,101 141,101
67 22 1,596 0 11,180 11,180 111,180 31,665 31,665 131,665 44,502 44,502 144,502
68 23 1,596 0 11,099 11,099 111,099 33,433 33,433 133,433 48,052 48,052 148,052
69 24 1,596 0 10,910 10,910 110,910 35,173 35,173 135,173 51,751 51,751 151,751
70 25 1,596 0 10,595 10,595 110,595 36,867 36,867 136,867 55,594 55,594 155,594
71 26 1,596 0 10,134 10,134 110,134 38,490 38,490 138,490 59,565 59,565 159,565
72 27 1,596 0 9,497 9,497 109,497 40,011 40,011 140,011 63,648 63,648 163,648
73 28 1,596 0 8,652 8,652 108,652 41,395 41,395 141,395 67,819 67,819 167,819
74 29 1,596 0 7,571 7,571 107,571 42,604 42,604 142,604 72,054 72,054 172,054
75 30 1,596 0 6,219 6,219 106,219 43,599 43,599 143,599 76,326 76,326 176,326
47,880 0
1 The Guaranteed columns show values and benefits assuming minimum guaranteed interest of 0.25% and the maximum guaranteed Cost of Insurance
rates and Expense Charges.
2 The Non-Guaranteed columns assume current Cost of Insurance rates, Expense Charges and bonus interest if applicable.

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 8 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

Tabular Detail
Guaranteed ¹ Non-Guaranteed ² Non-Guaranteed ²
Assumptions Assumptions - Fixed Assumptions - Current
0.25% EOY Interest 4.25% EOY Interest 6.94% EOY
Premium Withdrawals/ Account Surrender Net Death Account Surrender Net Death Account Surrender Net Death
Age Year Outlay Loans Value Value Benefit Value Value Benefit Value Value Benefit
76 31 1,596 0 4,569 4,569 104,569 44,343 44,343 144,343 80,610 80,610 180,610
77 32 1,596 0 2,591 2,591 102,591 44,796 44,796 144,796 84,878 84,878 184,878
78 33 1,596 0 251 251 100,251 44,911 44,911 144,911 89,094 89,094 189,094
79 34 1,596 0 0 0 0 44,627 44,627 144,627 93,210 93,210 193,210
80 35 1,596 0 0 0 0 43,867 43,867 143,867 97,160 97,160 197,160
81 36 1,596 0 0 0 0 42,536 42,536 142,536 100,857 100,857 200,857
82 37 1,596 0 0 0 0 40,531 40,531 140,531 104,206 104,206 204,206
83 38 1,596 0 0 0 0 37,733 37,733 137,733 107,094 107,094 207,094
84 39 1,596 0 0 0 0 33,996 33,996 133,996 109,375 109,375 209,375
85 40 1,596 0 0 0 0 29,144 29,144 129,144 110,872 110,872 210,872
63,840 0
86 41 1,596 0 0 0 0 22,978 22,978 122,978 111,380 111,380 211,380
87 42 1,596 0 0 0 0 15,270 15,270 115,270 110,660 110,660 210,660
88 43 1,596 0 0 0 0 5,775 5,775 105,775 108,446 108,446 208,446
89 44 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 104,476 104,476 204,476
90 45 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,123 100,123 200,123
91 46 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95,456 95,456 195,456
92 47 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90,452 90,452 190,452
93 48 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85,086 85,086 185,086
94 49 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 79,332 79,332 179,332
95 50 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73,163 73,163 173,163
79,800 0
96 51 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66,548 66,548 166,548
97 52 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59,456 59,456 159,456
98 53 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51,850 51,850 151,850
99 54 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43,696 43,696 143,696
100 55 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34,953 34,953 134,953
101 56 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,578 25,578 125,578
102 57 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,526 15,526 115,526
103 58 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,747 4,747 104,747
104 59 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 The Guaranteed columns show values and benefits assuming minimum guaranteed interest of 0.25% and the maximum guaranteed Cost of Insurance
rates and Expense Charges.
2 The Non-Guaranteed columns assume current Cost of Insurance rates, Expense Charges and bonus interest if applicable.

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 9 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

Additional Information
Interest Crediting Options
Premium payments may be allocated between any of the following Interest Crediting Options:

Minimum Maximum Current Maximum

Interest Crediting Options 25-Year 25-Year Cap/Spread Illustrated
Allocation Average Average Rate Rate

S&P 500® Fixed Index Account 100% 4.39% 8.76% 11.50% 6.94% ¹

Gold Price Option 0% 3.73% 7.91% 15.00% 5.96% ¹

DJ US Real Estate Daily Risk Control 10% USD 1.50% ¹

0% N/A N/A 7.16%
Total Return Index
Barclays Trailblazer Sectors 5 PtP w/ Spread And 0% N/A N/A 0.00% 7.16%
165% PAR

Fixed Rate 0% N/A N/A N/A 4.25%

¹ This rate is less than or equal to the average performance of the S&P 500® Index from all of the 25 year rolling periods over the last 65 years
when subjected to the current CAP Rates noted above and a 0.25% minimum.

The current values in this illustration assume an overall crediting rate of 6.94% which is the weighted average of the
assumed rates for each Account. The illustrated value for each Account Value segment may be capped at the
benchmark rate.
A Prospective Annual Interest Bonus credits an additional 0.25% to account value after 10 years; guaranteed as long
as current declared credited rates exceed guaranteed minimum. The bonus is credited to the declared rate and
indexed account value. The Prospective Annual Interest Bonus rate is not credited to the collateral account backing a
loan under the Fixed Loan option. We reserve the right not to pay this bonus.
The benchmark index account is a S&P 500® One-Year Annual PtP with 100% PAR w/ CAP Rate and a 0% floor. The
maximum illustrated rate for an available index cannot exceed the interest generated from the excess option budget
above the allowance generated by the lesser of 1) benchmark index account historical returns and 2) 145% of F&G
Annuities and Life’s portfolio rate net of investment expense and default risk charges.
The "S&P 500 Index" is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, a division of S&P Global, or its affiliates (“SPDJI”)
and has been licensed for use by F&G Annuities & Life Company. Standard & Poor’s® and S&P® are registered
trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC, a division of S&P Global (“S&P”); Dow Jones® is a
registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC (“Dow Jones”); These trademarks have been licensed
for use by SPDJI and sublicensed for certain purposes by F&G Annuities & Life Company. This Life Insurance product
is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by SPDJI, Dow Jones, S&P, their respective affiliates, and none of such
parties make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in such product(s) nor do they have any liability
for any errors, omissions, or interruptions of the S&P 500 Index.
It is important to note the DJ US Real Estate Daily Risk Control 10% USD Total Return Index was first calculated on
June 2, 2013. All index value information presented prior to this date for this index is created through back-testing.
Back-tested performance is not actual performance; it is hypothetical.
This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 10 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

The "DJ US Real Estate Daily Risk Control 10% USD Total Return Index" is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC,
a division of S&P Global, or its affiliates (“SPDJI”) and has been licensed for use by Fidelity & Guaranty Life Insurance
Company. Standard & Poor’s® and S&P® are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC, a
division of S&P Global (“S&P”); Dow Jones® is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC (“Dow
Jones”); These trademarks have been licensed for use by SPDJI and sublicensed for certain purposes by Fidelity &
Guaranty Life Insurance Company. This Life Insurance product is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by SPDJI,
Dow Jones, S&P, their respective affiliates, and none of such parties make any representation regarding the
advisability of investing in such product(s) nor do they have any liability for any errors, omissions, or interruptions of the
DJ US Real Estate Daily Risk Control 10% USD Total Return Index.
It is important to note the Barclays Trailblazer Sectors 5 Index was first calculated on July 5, 2016. All index value
information presented prior to this date for this index is created through back-testing. Back-tested performance is not
actual performance; it is hypothetical.
Barclays Bank PLC and its affiliates ("Barclays") is not the issuer or producer of Index-Linked Universal Life Policies
and Barclays has no responsibilities, obligations or duties to contract owners of Index-Linked Universal Life Policies.
The Index is a trademark owned by Barclays Bank PLC and licensed for use by F&G Annuities & Life Company as the
Issuer of Index-Linked Universal Life Policies.
Additionally, with respect to the Gold Price, daily values are not available prior to 1968. All Gold Price information
presented prior to 1968 is based on annual back-tested information. Back-tested performance is not actual
performance; it is hypothetical.
Account Allocation Dates
Net premiums (total premium less applicable charges and expenses) will earn interest in a short-term Fixed Rate
Account until the next available account allocation date. Currently, this short-term account is crediting 4.25%.

Account Value allocation dates occur on the 15th of each month. Premiums received less than two business days
before the 15th will remain in the short-term Fixed Rate Account until the 15th of the following month. On the Account
Value allocation date, the net premium plus interest earned in the short-term Fixed Rate Account will be allocated
among the Fixed Rate Account, S&P 500® Fixed Indexed Account, Gold Price Option, DJ US Real Estate Daily Risk
Control 10% USD Total Return Index Account and Barclays Trailblazer Sectors 5 Point to Point with a Spread and PAR
option per your request.
Notification of any requested allocation changes must be provided at least 30 days prior to the Account Value
allocation anniversary date.

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 11 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

How the Interest Crediting Works

Unless specified differently in the interest crediting strategy descriptions, interest is credited daily at a rate of 0.25%.
Additional interest may be credited on each segment anniversary date. The interest rate for the Fixed Rate Account will
be declared at the beginning of each 12-month crediting period. Interest is credited daily in the Fixed Rate Account at
a rate of 0.25%. The additional interest credited on the segment anniversary is equal to the declared annual rate less
the 0.25% that had been credited throughout the 12-month crediting period. The current rate for the Fixed Rate
Account is 4.25%.

The additional interest that may be credited to the indexed accounts is based on formulas linked to changes in an
external index over a 12-month period. Note that the 12-month crediting period is based upon the date the account
value is moved into an indexed account, not the calendar year or the policy year.
For the Barclays Trailblazer Sectors 5 Point to Point with a Spread and a PAR Account , interest is credited
daily at a rate of 0.25%. The additional interest is calculated by multiplying the end of crediting period Account Value by
the percentage change in the Barclays Trailblazer Sectors 5 Index over the same period of time, subject to a Spread
Rate, a Participation Rate and a minimum rate of 0.25%, less the 0.25% that had been credited throughout the
12-month crediting period. The Spread Rate and Participation Rate are set on each monthly account allocation date
and will be applied in the calculation of the interest credit at the end of the 12-month period. The current Spread Rate is
0.00% and the current Participation Rate is 165% meaning that this Account would earn interest equal to the
corresponding change in the Barclays Trailblazer Sectors 5 Index less the Spread Rate of 0.00% times by the
Participation Rate of 165%. If Barclays Trailblazer Sectors 5 Index experiences a decline over the 12-month crediting
period, no additional interest will be credited beyond the 0.25% that had been credited daily throughout the 12-month
crediting period. It is important to note that when the declared Participation Rate is greater than 100% and the Index
Change percentage at the end of the Index Crediting Period is zero or negative, no index interest credits will be applied
to the Account Value. Volatility control seeks to provide smoother returns and mitigate sharp market fluctuations. While
this type of strategy can lessen the impact of market downturns, it can also lessen the impact of market upturns,
potentially limiting upside potential.
For the DJ US Real Estate Daily Risk Control 10% USD Total Return Index Account, interest is credited daily at
a rate of 0.25%. The additional interest is calculated by multiplying the end of crediting period Account Value by the
percentage change in the DJ U.S. Real Estate Daily Risk Control 10% TR Index over the same period of time, subject
to an Index Interest Credit Adjustment Rate (Spread Rate) and a minimum rate of 0.25%, less the 0.25% that had been
credited throughout the 12-month crediting period. The Spread Rate is set on each monthly account allocation date
and will be applied in the calculation of the interest credit at the end of the 12-month period. The current Spread Rate is
1.50% meaning that this Account would earn interest equal to the corresponding change in the DJ U.S. Real Estate
Daily Risk Control 10% TR Index less the Spread Rate of 1.50%. If the DJ U.S. Real Estate Daily Risk Control 10% TR
Index experiences a decline over the 12-month crediting period, no additional interest will be credited beyond the
0.25% that had been credited daily throughout the 12-month crediting period. Volatility control seeks to provide
smoother returns and mitigate sharp market fluctuations. While this type of strategy can lessen the impact of market
downturns, it can also lessen the impact of market upturns, potentially limiting upside potential.

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 12 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

For the S&P 500® Fixed Indexed Account, interest is credited daily at a rate of 0.25%. The additional interest is
calculated by multiplying the end of crediting year Account Value by the percentage change in the S&P 500® Index over
the same period of time, subject to a maximum rate (CAP Rate) and a minimum rate of 0.25%, less the 0.25% that had
been credited throughout the 12-month crediting period. The CAP Rate, guaranteed not to be less than 1.00%, is set
on each monthly segment crediting period. The current CAP Rate is 11.50%, meaning that this segment would earn
interest equal to the corresponding change in the S&P 500® Index up to a maximum of 11.50%. If the S&P 500® Index
experiences a decline over the 12-month crediting period, no additional interest will be credited beyond the 0.25% that
had been credited daily throughout the 12-month crediting period.

For the Gold Price Option, interest is credited daily at a rate of 0.25%. The additional interest is calculated by
multiplying the end of crediting year Account Value by the percentage change in the Gold Price over the same period of
time, subject to a maximum rate (CAP Rate) and a minimum rate of 0.25%, less the 0.25% that had been credited
throughout the 12-month crediting period. The CAP Rate, guaranteed not to be less than 1.00%, is set on each monthly
account allocation date and will be applied in the calculation of the interest credit at the end of the 12-month period.
The current CAP Rate is 15.00%, meaning that this Account would earn interest equal to the corresponding change in
the Gold Price up to a maximum of 15.00%. If the Gold Price experiences a decline over the 12-month crediting
period, no additional interest will be credited beyond the 0.25% that had been credited daily throughout the 12-month
crediting period.

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 13 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

Life Insurance Cost Information

Net Payment Cost Index at 5% Surrender Cost Index at 5%

Year Guaranteed Non-Guaranteed Guaranteed Non-Guaranteed

10 15.41 15.07 11.83 7.37
20 15.09 14.13 12.08 4.48

Projected annual cost indices are based upon assumed interest and current Cost of Insurance rates and are not
guaranteed. There are two types of cost indices: 1) Net Payment Cost Index which helps you compare your costs if you
don't give up your policy before its coverage ends; 2) Surrender Cost Index which helps you compare the costs
between two policies if you give up the policy and take out the Surrender Value.

Favorable Tax Treatment

In order to receive favorable federal tax treatments on distributions (including loans), a life insurance policy must satisfy
a 7-Pay Premium limitation during the first seven policy years. A new 7-year limitation will be imposed after certain
policy changes. Failure to satisfy this limitation would cause your policy to be considered a Modified Endowment
Contract (MEC). Distributions under a MEC are taxable to the extent there is a gain in the contract. In addition, with
certain exceptions, there is a non-deductible penalty tax equal to 10% of the taxable distribution, if a policy distribution
is made before Age 59 1/2. In any case, a gain in the contract is taxable upon full surrender of the policy. Based on the
initial 7-Pay Premium, the premiums illustrated during the first 7 policy years are within the limitation for favorable
In order to receive favorable federal income tax treatment on the policy Death Benefit, the premium paid on a life
insurance policy must not exceed the maximum Guideline Premium Limitation. The limitation is equal to the greater of
(a) the Guideline Single Premium or (b) the cumulative sum of the Guideline Level Premiums paid annually. If the
maximum guideline premium limitation is exceeded, the policy will no longer be considered life insurance. The policy
owner will be taxed on the gain in the policy each year even if a cash distribution is not made. However, the policy
Death Benefit will generally be income tax-free when paid to the beneficiary.

The policy values displayed below reflect the assumptions at the date of issue and do not reflect any policy changes.

Target: $1,596.00 GL Single: $32,306.73

7-Pay: $7,370.89 GL Annual: $6,187.25
Monthly Min No-Lapse: $55.00

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 14 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

Historical Performance Summary

The index account rates shown in this illustration are subject to a maximum regulatory rate, which is
based on the Benchmark Index Account as defined in Actuarial Guideline 49.A. The maximum
illustrated increase for all illustrated indices is the supplemental option budget plus the lesser of the 1)
Benchmark Index Account average from all of the 25 year rolling periods over the last 65 years when
subject to the current CAP Rates, PAR rates and Spread rates, and 2) 145% of F&G Annuities and
Life's portfolio rate less investment expense and default risk.

The following table shows the actual historical index price changes and corresponding hypothetical
index account increases using the guaranteed minimum rates and the current index CAP Rates, PAR
rates and Spread rates for the most recent 20-year period.

S&P 500® Gold Price Dow Jones Dow Jones Barclays Annual
Annual Point Annual Point to U.S. Annual Point to Barclays Point to Point
to Point Point 100% Real Estate Point 100% PAR Trailblazer with 0.00%
S&P 500® 100% PAR Gold PAR with Daily Risk with 1.50% Sectors 5 Spread and
Start Year End Year Index with 11.50% Price 15.00% CAP Control Spread Index 165% PAR

12/15/2000 12/15/2001 -13.55% 0.25% 2.74% 2.74% 9.85% 8.35% N/A N/A
12/15/2001 12/15/2002 -19.74% 0.25% 19.89% 15.00% 4.41% 2.91% N/A N/A
12/15/2002 12/15/2003 17.32% 11.50% 22.37% 15.00% 26.81% 25.31% N/A N/A
12/15/2003 12/15/2004 12.89% 11.50% 7.73% 7.73% 23.97% 22.47% N/A N/A
12/15/2004 12/15/2005 5.41% 5.41% 15.32% 15.00% 7.82% 6.32% 0.18% 0.30%
12/15/2005 12/15/2006 12.29% 11.50% 23.21% 15.00% 26.50% 25.00% 4.39% 7.25%
12/15/2006 12/15/2007 1.32% 1.32% 26.77% 15.00% -4.25% 0.25% -0.51% 0.25%
12/15/2007 12/15/2008 -39.93% 0.25% 4.46% 4.46% -2.53% 0.25% -5.60% 0.25%
12/15/2008 12/15/2009 27.56% 11.50% 35.84% 15.00% 11.04% 9.54% 2.66% 4.39%
12/15/2009 12/15/2010 11.49% 11.49% 23.77% 15.00% 10.25% 8.75% 7.42% 12.24%
12/15/2010 12/15/2011 -1.58% 0.25% 13.34% 13.34% 2.18% 0.68% 10.28% 16.97%
12/15/2011 12/15/2012 17.65% 11.50% 7.74% 7.74% 8.16% 6.66% 9.01% 14.86%
12/15/2012 12/15/2013 24.90% 11.50% -27.19% 0.25% 4.50% 3.00% 6.02% 9.94%
12/15/2013 12/15/2014 11.37% 11.37% -2.07% 0.25% 20.91% 19.41% 14.31% 23.61%
12/15/2014 12/15/2015 2.70% 2.70% -12.22% 0.25% 0.81% 0.25% -3.97% 0.25%
12/15/2015 12/15/2016 10.70% 10.70% 6.17% 6.17% 2.35% 0.85% 7.06% 11.65%
12/15/2016 12/15/2017 18.29% 11.50% 11.33% 11.33% 11.79% 10.29% 12.30% 20.30%
12/15/2017 12/15/2018 -4.85% 0.25% -1.03% 0.25% -4.34% 0.25% -7.53% 0.25%
12/15/2018 12/15/2019 25.35% 11.50% 19.03% 15.00% 13.00% 11.50% 15.78% 26.04%
12/15/2019 12/15/2020 15.77% 11.50% 25.22% 15.00% 1.73% 0.25% -0.11% 0.25%
10 Year Average 11.58% 8.17% 2.91% 6.78% 5.88% 5.14% 6.05% 12.03%
20 Year Average 5.31% 7.27% 10.10% 9.31% 8.36% 7.80% N/A N/A

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 15 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

Charges & Expense

Non-Guaranteed Assumptions Current Interest of 6.94% End of Year

Planned Premium Rider

Premium Expense Cost of Expense Cost of Interest Account Surrender Net Death
Age Year Outlay Charge Insurance Charge Insurance Earned Value Value Benefit
46 1 1,596 120 58 420 0 3 1,002 0 101,002
47 2 1,596 120 76 420 0 73 2,055 0 102,055
48 3 1,596 120 99 420 0 147 3,159 845 103,159
49 4 1,596 120 121 420 0 223 4,317 2,067 104,317
50 5 1,596 120 132 420 0 304 5,545 3,343 105,545
51 6 1,596 120 150 420 0 389 6,840 4,702 106,840
52 7 1,596 120 176 420 0 478 8,199 6,108 108,199
53 8 1,596 120 205 420 0 572 9,623 7,596 109,623
54 9 1,596 120 232 420 0 672 11,118 9,155 111,118
55 10 1,596 120 263 420 0 776 12,689 10,773 112,689
56 11 1,596 120 300 120 0 921 14,665 12,814 114,665
57 12 1,596 120 345 120 0 1,063 16,740 15,255 116,740
58 13 1,596 120 396 120 0 1,214 18,914 17,796 118,914
59 14 1,596 120 425 120 0 1,371 21,216 20,466 121,216
60 15 1,596 120 457 120 0 1,537 23,652 23,269 123,652
61 16 1,596 120 497 120 0 1,712 26,223 26,223 126,223
62 17 1,596 120 550 120 0 1,897 28,927 28,927 128,927
63 18 1,596 120 611 120 0 2,093 31,764 31,764 131,764
64 19 1,596 120 681 120 0 2,297 34,737 34,737 134,737
65 20 1,596 120 757 120 0 2,511 37,848 37,848 137,848
66 21 1,596 120 839 120 0 2,737 41,101 41,101 141,101
67 22 1,596 120 926 120 0 2,970 44,502 44,502 144,502
68 23 1,596 120 1,022 120 0 3,216 48,052 48,052 148,052
69 24 1,596 120 1,129 120 0 3,472 51,751 51,751 151,751
70 25 1,596 120 1,253 120 0 3,739 55,594 55,594 155,594
71 26 1,596 120 1,400 120 0 4,015 59,565 59,565 159,565
72 27 1,596 120 1,574 120 0 4,300 63,648 63,648 163,648
73 28 1,596 120 1,779 120 0 4,593 67,819 67,819 167,819
74 29 1,596 120 2,015 120 0 4,894 72,054 72,054 172,054
75 30 1,596 120 2,282 120 0 5,197 76,326 76,326 176,326
76 31 1,596 120 2,576 120 0 5,503 80,610 80,610 180,610
77 32 1,596 120 2,898 120 0 5,810 84,878 84,878 184,878
78 33 1,596 120 3,255 120 0 6,115 89,094 89,094 189,094
79 34 1,596 120 3,656 120 0 6,416 93,210 93,210 193,210
80 35 1,596 120 4,116 120 0 6,710 97,160 97,160 197,160

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 16 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

Charges & Expense

Non-Guaranteed Assumptions Current Interest of 6.94% End of Year

Planned Premium Rider

Premium Expense Cost of Expense Cost of Interest Account Surrender Net Death
Age Year Outlay Charge Insurance Charge Insurance Earned Value Value Benefit
81 36 1,596 120 4,650 120 0 6,991 100,857 100,857 200,857
82 37 1,596 120 5,260 120 0 7,253 104,206 104,206 204,206
83 38 1,596 120 5,958 120 0 7,489 107,094 107,094 207,094
84 39 1,596 120 6,767 120 0 7,691 109,375 109,375 209,375
85 40 1,596 120 7,706 120 0 7,848 110,872 110,872 210,872
86 41 1,596 120 8,795 120 0 7,947 111,380 111,380 211,380
87 42 1,596 120 10,050 120 0 7,973 110,660 110,660 210,660
88 43 1,596 120 11,480 120 0 7,909 108,446 108,446 208,446
89 44 1,596 120 13,062 120 0 7,737 104,476 104,476 204,476
90 45 1,596 120 13,158 120 0 7,449 100,123 100,123 200,123
91 46 1,596 120 13,158 120 0 7,135 95,456 95,456 195,456
92 47 1,596 120 13,158 120 0 6,797 90,452 90,452 190,452
93 48 1,596 120 13,158 120 0 6,436 85,086 85,086 185,086
94 49 1,596 120 13,158 120 0 6,048 79,332 79,332 179,332
95 50 1,596 120 13,158 120 0 5,633 73,163 73,163 173,163
96 51 1,596 120 13,158 120 0 5,187 66,548 66,548 166,548
97 52 1,596 120 13,158 120 0 4,709 59,456 59,456 159,456
98 53 1,596 120 13,158 120 0 4,196 51,850 51,850 151,850
99 54 1,596 120 13,158 120 0 3,647 43,696 43,696 143,696
100 55 1,596 120 13,158 120 0 3,058 34,953 34,953 134,953
101 56 1,596 120 13,158 120 0 2,427 25,578 25,578 125,578
102 57 1,596 120 13,158 120 0 1,750 15,526 15,526 115,526
103 58 1,596 120 13,158 120 0 1,023 4,747 4,747 104,747
104 59 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 17 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

Charges & Expense

Guaranteed Assumptions Interest of 0.25% End of Year

Planned Premium Rider

Premium Expense Cost of Expense Cost of Interest Account Surrender Net Death
Age Year Outlay Charge Insurance Charge Insurance Earned Value Value Benefit
46 1 1,596 144 187 540 0 3 728 0 100,728
47 2 1,596 144 194 540 0 3 1,449 0 101,449
48 3 1,596 144 201 540 0 4 2,165 0 102,165
49 4 1,596 144 210 540 0 6 2,873 623 102,873
50 5 1,596 144 220 540 0 7 3,573 1,371 103,573
51 6 1,596 144 233 540 0 10 4,263 2,124 104,263
52 7 1,596 144 252 540 0 12 4,935 2,844 104,935
53 8 1,596 144 276 540 0 13 5,584 3,557 105,584
54 9 1,596 144 301 540 0 15 6,210 4,247 106,210
55 10 1,596 144 327 540 0 16 6,811 4,896 106,811
56 11 1,596 144 352 540 0 17 7,389 5,538 107,389
57 12 1,596 144 375 540 0 19 7,945 6,461 107,945
58 13 1,596 144 399 540 0 20 8,479 7,361 108,479
59 14 1,596 144 425 540 0 22 8,988 8,238 108,988
60 15 1,596 144 457 540 0 23 9,466 9,083 109,466
61 16 1,596 144 497 540 0 24 9,906 9,906 109,906
62 17 1,596 144 550 540 0 26 10,294 10,294 110,294
63 18 1,596 144 611 540 0 26 10,622 10,622 110,622
64 19 1,596 144 681 540 0 26 10,879 10,879 110,879
65 20 1,596 144 757 540 0 27 11,062 11,062 111,062
66 21 1,596 144 839 540 0 29 11,164 11,164 111,164
67 22 1,596 144 926 540 0 29 11,180 11,180 111,180
68 23 1,596 144 1,022 540 0 29 11,099 11,099 111,099
69 24 1,596 144 1,129 540 0 27 10,910 10,910 110,910
70 25 1,596 144 1,253 540 0 26 10,595 10,595 110,595
71 26 1,596 144 1,400 540 0 26 10,134 10,134 110,134
72 27 1,596 144 1,574 540 0 24 9,497 9,497 109,497
73 28 1,596 144 1,779 540 0 22 8,652 8,652 108,652
74 29 1,596 144 2,015 540 0 21 7,571 7,571 107,571
75 30 1,596 144 2,282 540 0 17 6,219 6,219 106,219
76 31 1,596 144 2,576 540 0 13 4,569 4,569 104,569
77 32 1,596 144 2,898 540 0 8 2,591 2,591 102,591
78 33 1,596 144 3,255 540 0 3 251 251 100,251
79 34 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 18 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

Wealth Transfer
Life Insurance Tax-Free Death Benefit
Initial Face Amount: $100,000

Cash Value Accumulation

Tax-Deferred Accumulation Policy has the potential to accumulate tax-deferred cash value that may
provide tax-free income distributions through the use of policy loans and
withdrawals for retirement income, college expenses or help with life's
At Age 70: $55,594 At Age 90: $100,123²

Living Benefits
Accelerated Death Benefits for: Critical Illness Amount available at age 70 (Minor): $55,594
Terminal Illness Amount available at age 70: $143,609
Critical Illness Rider
Terminal Illness Rider
The use of one benefit may reduce or eliminate other policy and rider benefits

Supplemental Riders
Added Benefits Included Rider
∙ OPR - Overloan Protection Rider
Optional Riders ³
∙ STR - Spousal Term Rider
∙ LTR - Primary Insured Level Term Life Insurance Rider
∙ CTR - Child Term Rider
∙ WMD - Waiver of Monthly Deduction
∙ ABR - Accidental Benefit Rider
Please refer to the basic illustration for guaranteed elements and other information.
¹ IRC §101(a)(1). There are some exceptions to this rule. Please consult a qualified tax professional for advice concerning your individual situation. Policy
loans and withdrawals reduce the policy's cash value and death benefit and may result in a taxable event. Withdrawals up to basis paid into the contract
and loans thereafter will not create an immediate taxable event, but substantial tax ramifications could result upon contract lapse or surrender.
Surrender charges will reduce the policy's cash values in early years. Policy loans and withdrawals reduce the policy's cash value and death benefit and
may result in a taxable event.
² These values assume current charges and interest. Benefits and values are not guaranteed. The assumptions on which they are based, are subject to
change by the insurer and actual results may be more or less favorable than those shown.
³ Riders are optional and may require additional premium.
This presentation is not valid unless accompanied by a complete insurance company illustration. Please see the Ledger for guaranteed values and other
important information.

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

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October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)
Summary of Coverages Product: F&G Gold Face Amount: $100,000
Prepared for: State: CA Death Benefit Option: B (Increasing)
Rogelio Pineda Male, Age 45, Nontobacco Initial Premium: $133.00 Monthly

The Accelerated Benefit Riders (ABR)¹ offer you flexibility to access your
death benefit if you have a qualifying Terminal or Critical Illness.² The
non-guaranteed projected values are based on Rogelio Pineda.
Terminal Illness
As an example, if the full, available death benefit is accelerated, the discounted benefit for Rogelio Pineda would
be about $143,609 at age 70.

Critical Illness
The table below projects the approximate net amount paid if the full available death benefit is accelerated through the
Critical Illness Rider.

Attained Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Age Minor Moderate Severe Critical
50 16,026 26,710 51,010 76,791

60 23,269 44,769 73,822 96,418

70 55,594 71,091 97,183 124,531

80 97,160 97,160 113,291 152,183

The use of one benefit may reduce or eliminate other policy and rider benefits.

The sample benefits shown assume current accelerated benefits mortality tables, projected illustrated rate of 4.50% and an acceleration discount rate of
5.50%. The benefits and values shown above are not guaranteed. The assumptions on which they are based are subject to change by the insurer. Actual
results may be more or less favorable. This presentation is not valid unless accompanied by a complete insurance company illustration.

¹ Accelerated Benefit Riders are included, available with no additional premium, and may not be available in all states. Please refer to the Narrative
Summary for details regarding the Accelerated Benefit Riders available in the state selected for this presentation.

² The Terminal and Critical Illness riders are not available on policies approved with an underwriting rating greater than Table 4. The Terminal Illness and
Critical Illness riders are not available on any policies having temporary or permanent flat extra rating charges.

Option B contracts include the acceleration of death benefit and the pro-rata portion of the account value released upon request.

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 20 pages.

Agent: Please fill in name Page 20 of 20 10-

October 20, 2021 ADV 2325 (Nov-2019) 19-1335 Form number: LPI-2003(1-19), ICC19-2003(1-19)

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