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Agricultural Development in the Lowlands:

Dynamics, Perspective and Time Frame – Highlights

Lesson Learned from STLD and the Way Forwards
 Food security in Indonesia and the global challenge
 Room for intensification of existing agriculture (rice, other
 The integration of the programme conducted to support the food food crops, tree crops etc, linked to the optimalisation of the
production in the lowlands schemes under the Strengthening lowlands schemes)
Tidal Lowlands Development (STLD) is only possible with the
support of related parties. i.e.: The Directorate General of Water  The Lesson learned from LWMTL/ STLD: Assessment needed
Resources, Ministry of Public Works; Rijskwaterstaat – Partner for Water Control Infrastructures, Operation and maintenance
Water of the Netherlands, Local government of South Sumatra with Water Users Association (WUA); Farming system
province, Banyuasin district, West Kalimantan province, Kubu technology with farming systems approach; Mechanized
Raya and Sambas districts, the support from the Ministry of operation and maintenance
Agriculture, the Republic of Indonesia; the Water Users  Multi stakeholders participation: Governments-Farmers/WUA-
Association/ Farmers Group, and the Community Organizers NGO-Academics-Private Sectors
 Capacity building and human resources development on the
lowlands issues
 The way forward to propagate the success stories in the
lowland for food production to other prospective existing
lowland schemes
Dr. Robiyanto H. Susanto, Sriwijaya University
 Closing remarks
Integrated Lowland Development Workshop, Jan 21, 2009, Jakarta, Indonesia

Achievement Level of Predicted Self Food Sufficiency, 2006-2025

Present and Future Population 2000-2025 (x 1000)
WORLD POPULATION Assumption : increase area 0,37%, increase productivity 0,48%

30.000-40.000 ha/year in Java to non-agric. uses

160.000,0 Sumatra 70,000
140.000,0 60,000
120.000,0 Java, Bali and Nusa 50,000
100.000,0 Tenggara 40,000
80.000,0 Kalimantan 30,000
40.000,0 Sulaw esi and Maluku 10,000
0,0 Papua Deficit
2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2006 2010 2015 2020 2025

Harvested area(000 ha) Productivity (ton GKG/ha) Yield (000 ton GKG) Demand (eq. 000 ton GKG) Balance (000 ton GKG)
Source: BPS, 2007 Source: Litbang Deptan, 2007

WORLD MARKET PRICES FOR RICE OVER THE LAST 10 YEARS Tidal-Lowland & Coastal Areas in Indonesia

Type of Lowlands
according to Ramsar
(Davies et al, 1995)


Price in US$/ton





Figure 1. Tidal Lowland Distribution in Indonesia
Jan Feb Mrt Apr

Lowland-Wetland Ecosystem – Biodiversity
Reclaimed Lowland Area in Indonesia Sponsored by Government:
Mainly for Transmigration and Food Production areas
Mangrove forest: ± 90.00 ha

(estuarine mangrove, with more
Developed Lowland Area
Area of Lowlands then 20 small rivers menadering Sources of fishery for
to be Cultivated Area within the areas)
Lokasi the nearby areas


Tidal (ha) Inland (ha) Total (ha) Tidal (ha) Total (ha)


Sumatra 6,604,000 2,766,000 9,370,000 691,704 110,176 801,880

Kalimantan 8,126,900 3,580,500 11,707,400 694,935 194,765 889,700

Sulawesi 1,148,950 644,500 1,793,450 65,930 18,780 84,710

AREAS Migratory birds nesting place

Papua 4,216,950 6,305,770 10,522,720 - 23,710 23,710

20,096,800 13,296,770 33,393,570 1,452,569 347,431 1,800,000 Areas for wildlife, such as: Sumatran
Tiger, Estruary crocodile, Tree tiger,
Note: In addition approx. 2.4 mil ha was reclaimed by spontaneous Source : Directorate of Lowlands and Coast,
settler and the private sector Directorate General of Water Resources 2007

Clay Soil vs Peat Surveying and Mapping

Pengeboran dititik 47, vegetasi dominan
Kondisi lahan rawa yang terbakar
kumpai&purun, kedalaman gambut 3,5 m,
Kondisi vegetasi rawa di lokasi
Desa Pedamaran.
karakteristik kematangan saprik-hemik

Pengeboran di titik 77, vegetasi dominan Lokasi survey yang ditanami padi sonor Perkampungan nelayan Jungkal
pakis&perpat, kedalaman 3,5 m,
karakteristik kematangan saprik-hemik

Paddy floating nursery

Aquaculture Consideration for the Development and Management of
Lowland-Coastal Areas

Geology and Physiography

Lowland Reclamation Schemes
Climate and Hydrology
Soil/ type of peat
Farming/ Cropping System
Socio-Cultural Issues
Economic Setting
Institutional Issues
Environmental issues


Lowland Development in South Sumatera

(Income of 500 US$/year/family: OKI, Muba, Banyuasin )

Water table profile under

modified rooting zone condition
(with surface or subsurface
Soil moisture
drainage systems)
distribution under
(Skaggs, 1990c)
Lowland different water table/
soil surface condition
(Skaggs, 1990a)
in West

Rooting zone under shallow Consideration on topography

and deep water table (right,
and natural layout for the
30 cm below soil surface;
and left 60 cm below soil
drainage systems
surface) (Skaggs, 1990b) development (contour)
(Skaggs, 1990d)

Drainage flapgate + sliding gate

Secondary canal Pintu klep + pintu sorong Bridges, gates, canals within
Saluran sekunder
the lowland scheme

Agricultural fields
Drainage development Lahan pertanian
Public and Primary canal
under the help of economic
facilities, Saluran primer
government: home yards
Telang I, Banyuasin, Fasilitas Before upgrading
South Sumatra umum dan
Tertiaries ekonomi,
Saluran tersier lahan

Movable flap gates Pintu klep yang dapat dipindahkan After upgrading

Land and Water Management Tidal Lowlands – Paddy field based reclamation condition in Telang - Saleh – 2008
The Lesson learned from LWMTL/ STLD: LWMTL (Community based development)
Strengthening Tidal Lowlands Development -
 Assessment needed Water Control STLD
June 2004 – July 2008
 Operation and Maintenance with Water Users
Association (WUA);
 Farming system technology with farming
systems approach;
 Mechanized operation and maintenance

Farmers meeting in Tekarang, Sambas,

West Kalimantan, July 8 & Nov 20, 2007 Farm machineries

Structure with flapgate that can be operated for irrigation or drainage (high
tide/low tide) by changing flapgate position. Design recommended by
STLD project; inputs from Indonesian Government


Yield in ton/ha
6 2004
Februari 5
Maret 4
3 2006
Trials in Sumber Mulyo, P6 2 2007
Mechanized canal Hand-over of granted equipments: 1
Mei Bupati, DGWR, Prof. Schultz - Holland
maintenance survey. 0
Juni rice rice rice rice rice rice
Pilot area 1 Pilot area 2 Pilot area 3
First and second crops

Total yield for first and second crop in tons/ha for the example tertiary blocks of
the three pilot areas in South Sumatra (LWMTL-STLD, 2004-2008)
Flail Mower trial. Mowing Bucket trial Dredging Bucket trial.

P8-12S Telang Banyuasin: Farmers Participation Desember

An example of integrated lowland development in
Banyuasin district, South Sumatra Province CONSTRAINTS ON LOWLAND-COASTAL AREAS
Kemitraan PUSRI
Pilot Area Indonesia-
Belanda 750 ha
Darmaga Air
Simpang PU
Darmaga Air di P8,
Telang I  Single use vs Multiple uses – Spatial Planning
Bank BRI
 Data availability
 Misconception – wrong way of thinking – Lack of knowledge
Lumbung Desa Modern
Deptan, P17 Telang II Puskesmas Terapung
 In appropriate site or program selection
 Sectoral egoism
 Coordination – Sustainability
Perbaikan Tata Air

 Transportation and Accessibility

Perum Bulog-
Rice Estate
Peran Pupuk Organik
 Water supply and Sanitation
Air Bersih & Sanitasi
 Environmental Issues – Conservation of Natural Resources
High rice yield in West Kalimantan after introduction of new water control Darmaga Air di Gasing  Socio-Cultural (local people, transmigrant)
Agropolitan DepTrans
infrastructure and proper agronomic inputs. All inputs from farmers and di Muara Padang  Funding
Kemitraan Swasta di P10-
local government; only assistance from STLD Telang I, 700 ha

Dissemination of

GIS - Support Data & Information

MIS, Management Information ► Seminar

►Multistakeholders participation:

► Field trip

Governments-Farmers/ WUA-NGO-
► Journal
► Prosiding

Lectures Notes Academics-Private Sectors-Banks
► Brosur
► Leaflet
► Websites
► Research & Development
for undergraduate,
Master, Doctor programs

Visit of BI - Banks to the lowland Banyuasin, January 9, 2009

Batan Balit Padi INS PolyAgro

Pemkab Banyuasin PERUM BULOG Dep. PU
partisipation on
Komisi II DPR-RI Komisi III DPR-RI Universitas Sriwijaya Institut Pertanian Development in

district, South
BPTP Sumsel- Deptan Malaysia Jepang Belanda

Australia & Korea Jerman China

Advisory committee (1993-2008)
 Task-Concept : Tim Pendamping terdiri dari tenaga ahli dan
tenaga lapangan mengerjakan sendiri hal-hal yang
Capacity building and human UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA
dianggap perlu demi kelancaram kegiatan
resources development on the
 Technical Assistance: Tim Pendamping memberikan
lowlands related issues bantuan teknis kepada pihak lain yang melakukan kegiatan
terkait dengan sistim usaha yang dilakukan

 Dissemination of Info: Keterlibatan Tim pendamping pada

kegiatan Lokal, Regional, Nasional, dan Internasional
STRATEGIC PLAN membantu penyebaran informasi

National Training on Lowland Management for

State University Lectures – year of 2002 and 2003 Students Lowland Soil Judging Contest, Dec 2008, Telang, Banyuasin,
Capacity Building & Human Resources Development on conducted by Sriwijaya University & Ministry of Education, HRD project South Sumatra
Lowlands-Coastal areas Management 15 groups of
3 stdns
• Unpad
Participants : • UNS
First Group 2002

Research for Undergrad-Master-Doctorate Training & Extention

• Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh • Unila
• Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), Medan,
• Universitas Andalas, Padang, Sumatera Barat • Unja
• Univeritas Riau (UNRI) Pekanbaru, Riau • Usu
• Universitas Jambi (UNJA) Jambi
• Universitas Bengkulu, Bengkulu • Unri
• Universitas Lampung, Lampung Second Group
2003 • Unlam
• Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (UNLAM) Banjarmasin
• Universitas Palangkaraya (UNPAR) Kalteng
• Universitas Tanjung Pura, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat
• Universitas Syam Ratulangi (UNSRAT) Menado, Sulut
• Universitas Hasanuddin (UNHAS) Sulsel
• Universitas Mataram (UNRAM) NTB

DEGREE & NON DEGREE program Media Response on the Double Degree Program on
collaboration Integrated Lowland Management
National Planning Agency – Local Governments – Sriwijaya University

NON – DEGREE program:

• Development Planning
• Monitoring and Evaluation
• Program and Project Management
• Investment Planning
• Management of Grant and Overseas Loan
• Performance based Budget Planning
• Planning of Coastal Areas

DEGREE program : MSi - MSc

Double Degree on Integrated Lowland Lowland Development Workshop
Development and Management Delft, Netherland, February 27 – March 3, 2006

City Drainage Systems, DD-ILDM Students,
Class 1st Group in the Netherlands,
2nd group at Sriwijaya University

Meeting of Prof. Bart Schultz with Bappenas Directors

Jakarta, August 28, 2006


climate change and coastal lowland
Visit of the Iranian ICID delegation to
development in (sub)-tropical environments Palembang and Telang, August 24-26, 2008
Palembang, Indonesia, July 21-25, 2008
Tjg Api-Api

The way forwards to propagate

the success stories in the
lowland for food production to
other prospective existing
40 Unesco-IHE alumni
P8-Telang I
lowland schemes
from 9 South East Asia

South Kalimantan Existing Schemes

South Kalimantan - Lowlands South Kalimantan Scheme: Danda Besar
Belawang Barambai

Sei Seluang

Danda Besar

Sei Muhur

Terantang Jejangkit




Gambar Saluran dan Bangunan Di Danda

Provinsi Riau
Visit of Bappeda-Agric-Water Resources Riau province to Jambi Interest of Lowlands Development – Visit to Telang - December 2008
Telang 5 Desember 2008

Examples of process for yield

increases in Tidal Lowlands
Rolling Train
Areas now bush land (acids,/
Yield: stagnant water or peat soil.
1-2 ton/ha Application of land

In order to get an idea of the work to be done

Also not yet reclaimed areas
(GKP) preparation system TOT
with potential for
(no plowing)
Traditional rice varieties
development including

and the approach to be followed it has to be

Mechanical land Inventory by Rapid Rural realised that it concerns 4 million ha existing
areas where P3As will have to be established
Training of local NGO/ preparation, HYV, Appraisal (RRA)
Consultant. Manpower Assessment of needed

Required time period 2-3 years

Capacity Building local
fertilizers, additional infrastructure in
government by PDTL team herbicides/ relation to potential for yield

and legalised, water control structures will

pesticides increases.

Priority Development
have to be improved, or newly installed and
the TAM programme will have to be applied.
Upgrading present
Legalization P3A/Gapoktan Planning Water
water management

Required time period 5 years

including PUSRI fertilizer Management
supplier/storage facility system. Special Budget
Need for extra or improved
Empowerment of UPJA Planning. (DAK) Need of
Tertiary structures
Government Budgets for Dikes, extra canals,
Need for TAM (on-farm
hand tractors, workshop, secondary structures
water management) Budget
milling facilities, rice storage TB and Regular

 If this would have to be done in say twenty
years, it would mean about 200,000 ha per
4-6 ton/ha
Training of farmers for Implementation of improvement

year. This is an enormous challenge and can

proper water management/ water management control system at
land preparation, farming secondary at Flooding type C/D and
system technology. at tertiary level for
O&M inputs by P3A/ Flooding type A/B/C

Required time period 2-3 years

only be realised when really a ‘rolling train’

Training farmers for proper

can be established.
farming system technology, Established O&M, Rice
Enforcements of UPJA and milling, rice storage,
P3A/Gapoktan and their workshops, fertilizer

(Pamusiran, Jambi)
yearly budgets including storage and supply. Inventory / investment
those for O&M and HYV planning. Ownership model:
ALSINTAN/SAPRODI Community based or
Yield: Industry based
6-8 ton/ha
(GKP) or double
Needed inputs for higher rice production
(STLD 2008)

improvements in reclaimed areas. Related to the  environmental considerations and sustainability. Until
improvement options in reclaimed areas quite some some twenty years ago, ecological data were not
In formulating future developments and directions in the tidal experiences are available now (Hartoyo Suprianto, et often used in reaching a decision on lowland
lowlands a distinction will have to be made in the al., 2006). Based on these experiences the first development projects. This has led to various
improvements in reclaimed areas, new reclamations and the priority would have to be to make better use of the
developed infrastructure by a better operation and unforeseen consequences. Increasingly ecological
conservation of areas not to be reclaimed (Schultz, 2006) maintenance, both at on-farm and main system data are used in all decisions on future lowland
level. The experiences as outlined above may serve development projects. In the tidal lowland areas
as a guidance; especially the deep peat areas are basically unsuitable
– improvements in reclaimed areas. for development and would have to be preserved;
new tidal lowland reclamation projects. In general
– new tidal lowland reclamation projects. terms the areas that have a potential for reclamation
have been identified in the Nation wide study of 1984  first generation problems. In newly reclaimed areas,
– environmental considerations and (Ministry of Public Works, 1984). It may be expected several problems can be regarded as first generation
sustainability. that sooner, or later the remaining potential tidal
lowland areas (about 4 million ha) will be reclaimed. problems.
– first generation problems. This is still a very substantial area compared to the
present total cultivated area with paddy rice in the
country of about 8.5 million ha;

I. General inventory of the conditions in potential area/scheme, based on rapid rural assessment (RA) approach.
Consultation with Kepala Desa(s) on application
The steps taken would be:
II. Application to the District Government for integrated improvement at tidal lowland scheme, or the secondary
block level by the Kepala Desa
 to work out the proposed approach in such a detail that decisions
can be taken;
III. Participatory planning on improvement needs in the concerned arena in close consultation with the Water
Management Agencies and the District Agricultural Service (TAM) and the Preparation of a draft improvement plan,
 Integration (vertical, horizontal, area)
including operation rules for the water control structures at tertiary and if required at secondary levels
to explore for some selected areas the willingness of farmers,
 The technology – know – how to have

provincial and district authorities to enter in such an approach (I)
better lowlands development under
IV. Presentation of draft improvement plan to the Kepala Desa and the farmers.
 to prepare standard formats for: application forms (II), Reactivation/establishment/training/legalization of P3A/Kelompok Tani at secondary block level
participatory planning (III); draft improvement plans (IV),
finalization of the improvement plan (V); operation rules at
tertiary (VIa) and secondary level (VIb), required maintenance at
V. Finalization of improvement plan and approval by the P3As/Kelompok Tani that in the mean time would have been
legalized. Also approval by the concerned Government Agencies
existing scheme for food crops is there
secondary (VIIa) and tertiary level (VIIb); and maintenance
VIa. Submission TAM provisions and materials for the tertiary VIb Clearing of secondary canals, if possible by
 Food security is critical in the coming
water control structure, construction by the farmers under P2As under contract with the District PU, otherwise
 to specify the facilitation activities for which the Netherlands has supervision of District staff, Clearing of tertiary canals by the P3A,
by contractors. If required construction of
indicated its willingness to give support. The actual facilitation Improved supply of farm inputs, improvement of farming systems
technologies and post harvest processing. secondary water control structures by contractors.
would have to be implemented by local NGOs or specialised local
consultants. VIIb If secondary water control structures have
 How to propagate development tidal
VIIa. Operation of tertiary water control structures by
determination of the indicative cost per ha for facilitation at a lowlands
been installed, operation of theses structures by
 the P3A, based on the agreed operation rule.
District staff, or subcontracted to P3A, based on
declining basis, related to the gradual development of this Monitoring and evaluation functioning of TAM, farming
the agreed operation rule
systems, agricultural practices and water management
activities on a routine basis.
 The answer is with us
VIIIa. Maintenance of tertiary canal and tertiary
water control structures by the P3As

Figure 2. Proposed development for integrated improvement of the reclaimed tidal lowlands (PDTL Proposal 2008)

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