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Ultimately, what motivates customers to interact with your brand and purchase your goods or

services are their fundamental needs and desires. When a customer's need isn't met, there's a
disconnect between their current situation and their desires, whether it be physically or
psychologically (Nakaishi Tess, 2022). As a college student. Since we don't have enough money
to make big purchases, marketing has influenced my needs in many of aspects as a college
student and has also given me major deals and discounts. Some of the major areas where
marketing makes more impact in my life as student are,
Choosing a right University: My primary concerns when deciding to attend college were
related to which university would be the best fit for me. After doing extensive study, I found that
all universities use three main strategies to market their courses and degrees: structure,
affordability, and quality. Moreover, plenty of websites provide a precise comparison between
them. I'm looking for a college that fits my needs in terms of annual budget and offers courses
that will enable me to learn about industry management strategies in connection to my
background as an industrial engineer. Trine meets all my requirements.
Resources and study material: Every semester, for us to grasp new concepts and be successful
as students, we require materials and resources. Currently, marketing has a significant impact in
the pricing of these resources, as many websites provide discounts and deals on study materials
and allow users to rent reference books rather than purchase them, such as Amazon Rentals.
Also, lot of online sites offer student discount or free services for few months on online available
resources and courses.
Technical Gadgets/software: As a student we are always looking for offers, promotions and
specification required for any electronic devices. Several company websites offer discounts to
students on necessary gadgets like laptops, headphones, and other items. For instance, Dell gives
students a discount on laptop purchases made by students and some of the telecom companies
provide mobile phones with services in discount prices (Locked Phones).
Connect to job market/professional worlds: Students need certain subscriptions to discuss
their learning on professional media and get ready for the job market. This is where LinkedIn
comes into play, offering a student discount on LinkedIn Premium so that students can connect
with professionals, look up internship opportunities, and assess how well they fit into the
Entertainment: Being students, we are unable to focus solely on our studies; we also require
downtime for relaxation. Marketing provides several events or entertainment media that are
accessible to students at reasonable costs and with a wide range of content. Amazon prime
provides student discount with six-month free trial.
Personal needs: We have certain personal demands as students, such as clothing, food, housing,
and other necessities for survival. A marketing strategy offers students various incentives, meal
plans, and affordable food delivery right to their door. In addition, a lot of marketing for apparel
and accessories like shoes is done through social media, and you can sign up for websites that
send you emails with deals and discounts. For Example, Students can get discounts on Uber and
Uber Eats with Uber One.
Different marketing strategies, such as the 4P and value approaches, make it clear how marketing
experts modify these strategies to draw in students. College students are digital natives who react
better to digital marketing tactics. Because price consciousness is a major trait of college
students, brands target them with marketing that uses various advertising mediums like social
media, promotional emails, etc. to offer high-quality products at reasonable prices. (Ellis Bryan,
2023). Providing a student discount can give brand an edge over your competitors for the student
market, who may not have recognized the value of tapping into the student demographic (Haider
Alexander, 2023)

Nakaishi Tess (Oct 28, 2022) - Marketing to College Students Decoded -
Ellis Bryan (Oct 26, 2023) - How New Brands Can Successfully Market To College Students -
Haider Alexander (Dec 5, 2023) - 7 Reasons Why Your Brand Should Offer A Student Discount

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