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Philippine Clinical

Practice Guidelines for the

Management of Gout

Philippine Rheumatology Association

Rm 1408 Cathedral Heights Bldg Complex, St. Luke’s Medical Center
E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, Quezon City 1002
Telephone No: (+632) 726 8875
Email: pra@pacific.net.ph
Website: http://www.philippinerheumatology.org
Philippine Rheumatology Association
Rm 1408 Cathedral Heights Bldg Complex, St. Luke’s Medical Center
E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, Quezon City 1002
Telephone No: (+632) 726 8875
Email: pra@pacific.net.ph
Website: http://www.philippinerheumatology.org

Officers and Board of Directors (2008-2010)

President Caroline G. Arroyo, MD
Vice-President Inocencio P. Alejandro, MD
Secretary Bernadette Heizel M. Reyes, MD
Treasurer Eric Jason B. Amante, MD

Board of Directors Leonila F. Dans, MD

Manuel Emerson Donaldo, MD
Jose Paulo P. Lorenzo, MD

Immediate Past President Evelyn O. Salido

Algorithm on the management of a patient with uncomplicated gout

Panel A:
Patient with
Males >7 mg/dl (0.42 mmol/L)
Females >6 mg/dl (0.36 mmol/L)

2 3 4 5

Any joint pain and Y Y Is there acute Y Go to Panel B

Is it Gout1? arthritis?* (Acute Gouty Arthritis)


6 7
Treat as asymptomatic
hyperuricemia Diagnose cause
Go to Panel C
• Correct modifiable risk of joint pains /
(Intercritical and
factors2 swelling and treat
Chronic Gout)
• Do not routinely start accordingly

1977 American College of Rheumatology Criteria for Acute Arthritis of Gout*
A. Monosodium urate (MSU) monohydrate microcrystals in joint fluid during attack, or
B. Tophus proved to contain urate crystals by chemical means or polarized light microscopy, or
C. The presence of 6 of the following 12 clinical, laboratory, and x-ray findings:
1. More than one attack of acute arthritis
2. Maximum inflammation developed within 1 day
3. Monoarthritis attack
4. Redness observed over joints
5. First metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint painful or swollen
6. Unilateral first metatarsophalangeal joint attack
7. Unilateral tarsal joint attack
8. Suspected tophus
9. Hyperuricemia
10. Asymmetric swelling within a joint on x ray
11. Subcortical cysts without erosions on x ray
12. Joint fluid culture negative for microorganisms during attack

*Bacterial arthritis should always be considered as differential diagnosis in acute monoarthritis. In cases
where bacterial arthritis and acute gout co-exist, treatment should therefore be directed to both.


Patient with
acute gouty arthritis Panel B:
Acute Gouty Arthritis

• Identify and treat precipitants3 of gout flare.
• Do NOT start allopurinol .
• If the patient is already taking allopurinol,
do not change its dose.
• Ice compress (20 mins 4x/day up to one

10 11
• Refer to rheumatologist
Any contraindications • Start Prednisone 30 mg single dose
to colchicine/ NSAID/ on day 1, reduce dose by 5 mg daily
COX-2 selective and discontinue by day 7
inhibitor? • Intravenous or intra-muscular
steroids are options

12 13 14
• Discontinue NSAID/
Colchicine 0.5 mg/tab COX-2 Inhibitor/
1 tab TID –QID ± On Day 7, Is arthritis Y Steroids
NSAID/COX-2 selective resolving? • Start or adjust
Inhibitor ± analgesic Colchicine 0.5 mg/tab
1 tab BID6


• Review adherence to meds 8

• Recheck if precipitants Go to Panel C
have been adequately (Intercritical and
treated Chronic Gout)
• Refer to rheumatologist

Learn to access drug info on your cellphone. Send PPD to 2600 for Globe/Smart/Sun users. 77

Patient with
Intercritical and
Chronic Gouty Arthritis
• Start Colchicine 0.5 mg/tab
1 tablet BID
• Prescribe lifestyle
• Correct modifiable risk

17 18 19

Is there an Y Is crea Y REFER TO

INDICATION5 to clearance
start Allopurinol? <80 mL/minute?

20 21

• Instruct patient on • Baseline crea, uric acid

colchicine use to avert every 1-3 months & ALT
flare (SGPT) every 6 months
• Monitor/ observe for • Start Allopurinol at 50-
indications to start 100 mg once daily, to
allopurinol be titrated by 50-100 mg
every 2-4 weeks

22 23 24

On periodic • Maintain on allopurinol

monitoring, is Y Any flare in Y and colchicine
SUA between visits? • Check lifestyle
<6 mg/dl? • Check adherence to
Risk Factors frequently found in medications
association with hyperuricemia
A. Dyslipidemia • REFER TO
C. Metabolic Syndrome
D. Congestive Heart Failure 25
E. Psoriasis
F. Malignancies • Maintain allopurinol
N • May discontinue
Known precipitants of gout flares colchicine
Hospital admission or surgery • Continue periodic
Infection monitoring of SUA,
Dehydration crea
Drugs/ Medication (aspirin <1 g/day,
pyrazinamide, ethambutol, diuretics,
Irregular intake of urate lowering 26 27
Lifestyle modifications that • Review the diagnosis
should be prescribed to all Has allopurinol Y of GOUT
patients with gout 300 mg/day • REFER TO
A. Low to moderate purine diet been used?
B. Intake of more fluid (at least 2 RHEUMATOLOGIST
L/day if without contraindication)
C. Avoidance of alcoholic N
beverages 28
D. Maintenance of appropriate
body mass index
E. Engagement in low-to-moderate • Continue titration of
aerobic exercises at least 45
minutes per day 4 times a week allopurinol
• Maintain colchicine
Indications for starting urate
lowering therapy
Recurrent arthritis, at least 2
Presence of tophaceous deposits
Radiographic evidence of chronic
Recurrent uric acid nephrolithiases

guidelines can soon be found on www.philippinerheu-
Philippine Clinical Practice Guide- matology.org.
lines for the Management of Gout METHODOLOGY
The PRA Gout Steering Committee convened a technical
Objective: review committee to search for and grade the available
Gout is the most prevalent form of arthritis afflicting Filipi- evidence related to the management of all phases of
nos. The diagnosis and overall management need further gout.
improvement especially among medical practitioners.
Our study aims to develop evidence-based guidelines A search for studies published in English between 1980
for general medical practitioners on the management of and 2007 was done: systematic reviews, meta-analysis,
uncomplicated gout with the overall goal of improving the randomized controlled trials (RCTs), open label trials,
standard of care of patients with gouty arthritis. cohort studies on general population, and case reports
on different phases of gouty arthritis. Authors of irretriev-
Methodology: able published articles were contacted. Full articles and
The Technical Review Committee (TRC) of the Philippine abstracts were appraised.
Rheumatology Association (PRA) Gout Special Interest
Group (SIG) conducted a literature search relating to The following electronic databases used included:
management issues on all phases of gout from years PUBMED, METACRAWLERS, GOOGLE SCHOLAR,
1980 to 2007 using databases including Medline, Ovid, OVID, MEDLINE, Cochrane Central Regions of Con-
Lilacs, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials trolled Trials (CENTRAL), the Cochrane Library Issue
(CENTRAL). The GRADE system in rating quality of 3, 2004, LILACS. All related reference lists of retrieved
evidence and strength of recommendation was used. trials/studies were likewise hand-searched. The following
A multidisciplinary panel voted and approved the final search terms were used: asymptomatic hyperuricemia,
recommendations during an en banc meeting. hyperuricemia, allopurinol hypersensitivity, allopurinol
hypersensitivity syndrome, allopurinol, metabolic syn-
Results: drome, cardiovascular events (congestive heart failure,
Nine recommendations for the management of uncompli- hypertension, stroke), diabetes mellitus, renovascular
cated gouty arthritis were developed based on evidence events (end stage renal disease), purine diet, gout/gouty
from the literature and consensus among experts and arthritis, losartan, fenofibrate, colchicine, non-steroidal
key stakeholders. Concerns regarding the initiation and anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), selective cyclo-
maintainance of urate lowering therapy, target serum uric oxygenase 2 (COX-2) inhibitors, tophi, tophaceous gout,
acid levels, treatment of acute gout, lifestyle and dietary intra-articular/oral/systemic corticosteroid/glucocorticoid.
modifications, comorbidities associated with gout such Data abstraction was performed independently by at
as cardiovascular disease were addressed. least 2 separate investigators. Disagreements were
settled through discussions. The GRADE system (7,8)
was utilized in evaluating the quality of evidence and
INTRODUCTION strength of recommendation. Panel members based
their recommendations on the merits of each evidence,
Gout is the most prevalent form of arthritis among the expert opinion, and local applicability and affordability of
Filipinos. The prevalence of gout is 1.6% (1), a distinc- treatment approaches.
tive uptrend compared to 1991 when the prevalence was
0.5% (2), and in 1997 when the prevalence was 0.13% Recommendations were then presented to a multidis-
(3). Despite known quality indicators for treatment of ciplinary panel comprised of representatives from the
gout (4), there is poor adherence of physicians to these Department of Health, and nine other medical societies
indicators (5). Interestingly, inappropriate management (Philippine College of Physicians, Philippine Society of
of gout is a frequent occurrence even with physician Nephrology, Philippine Pharmacists Association, Philip-
consultation (6). pine Heart Association, Philippine Society of Endocrinol-
ogy and Metabolism, Philippine Academy of Family Physi-
The Philippine Rheumatology Association (PRA) sought cians, Nutritionist-Dietitian Association of the Philippines,
to establish evidence-based guidelines with the goal of and Philippine Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine), and
improving the standards of care for patients with gout. a patient with gout. During an en banc meeting, nominal
It is intended to assist medical care providers in making group technique was employed. Panel members cast
decisions on the care of these patients based on the their votes to finalize the recommendations.
best available evidence. Guidelines were specifically
sought to address the following issues: to assess the role, RESULTS
safety and effectiveness of available therapies including
colchicine, corticosteroids, allopurinol; to establish the Nine recommendations were defined by the panel
role of non-pharmacologic measures including dietary (Table 1).
modification, alcohol cessation, ice compress; to define
the importance of addressing hyperuricemia; to address Phase 1: Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia
the role of other hypouricemic agents such as losartan Hyperuricemia is defined as serum uric acid (SUA)
and fenofibrate; to emphasize cardiovascular and renal level exceeding the limit of urate solubility in the
co-morbidities associated with uncontrolled gout and plasma, which is 7 mg/dl (416 umol/L) in men and
hyperuricemia. Issues related to the diagnosis of gout 6 mg/dl (357 umol/L) in pre-menopausal women.
and management of complicated cases of gout are Asymptomatic hyperuricemia is defined as hyperuri-
not included in this guideline. The full-length text of the cemia in the absence of gouty arthritis and uric acid
www.TheFilipinoDoctor.com l Sign up and open your clinic to the world. 79
nephrolithiasis The prevalence of hyperuricemia is Phases 3 and 4: Intercritical Gout and Chronic
37.8% in males and 18% in females (1). Tophaceous Gout

Hyperuricemia is a central feature of gout but does not Intercritical Gout, referred to as “interval gout”, applies
inevitably and absolutely cause it. The development to the asymptomatic periods between gouty attacks.
of gout seems to be directly related to the level of Chronic Tophaceous Gout (CTG) occurs in untreated
hyperuricemia however it is not absolute. The cumu- gouty arthritis, characterized by persistent low grade
lative incidences of gout up to 5 years are increased inflammation of joints with sporadic flares. Joint de-
in direct relation to elevated levels of SUA (9,10). formities seen are due to deposition of massive urate
Hyperuricemia is also associated with hypertension crystals forming visible tophi (29).
(11,12,13), obesity (12), and albuminuria in the pres-
ence of renal disease (14). One prospective study did ULT is indicated in the following situations: recurrent
show that allopurinol treatment may result in improve- attacks, radiographic changes, tophaceous deposits,
ments in blood pressure and creatinine clearance but renal insufficiency, nephrolithiases (26). Likewise,
not in proteinuria; however, this study included patients individuals with high serum urate (>13 mg/dl) even
without clinical signs of gout and high renal urate ex-
with normal renal function and allopurinol dose was not
cretion should be candidates for ULT to prevent uric
specified (15). In another trial involving patients with
acid nephrolithiases (31).
chronic kidney disease, allopurinol treatment resulted
in improvements in renal disease but without significant There is considerable data showing a direct benefit in
improvements in hypertension and proteinuria (16). lowering SUA on the course of gout. Fifty-six percent
Further studies are needed to confirm the benefit of of patients who achieved SUA <6 mg/dl had depletion
allopurinol in decreasing cardiovascular and renal risks of urate crystals from their knee joints and experienced
in the general population. less gout flares annually compared to patients unable
to achieve this target (32). In a review of 267 patients
The relative risks (RR) for incident gout and hyperuri- followed up for 3 years, infrequent gouty attacks were
cemia were significantly increased with intake of meat, associated with reduced SUA concentrations (33).
seafood, alcohol especially beer and spirits (17-20). SUA levels between 4.6–6.6 mg/dl is associated with
Low to moderate purine diet may reduce SUA and fewer gout attacks (34) and faster rate of reduction of
risk of gout while moderate consumption of purine- size of tophi (35). Tophaceous deposits were persist-
rich vegetable, low fat dairy products, low fat-yoghurt ent in 37% of those whose urate values remained
were not associated with increased risk of gout (18). >6 mg/dl (35). SUA >6 mg/dl is associated with 59%
High protein intake may increase risk of hyperuricemia higher chances of gout flare (32).
Lowering SUA to <6 mg/dl has likewise shown reduc-
The expert panel further recommended low impact tion of tophi size (35). A prospective study revealed
and aerobic exercises at least 45 minutes 4 times a an inverse relationship of SUA levels and rate of tophi
week, intake of at least 8 glasses of water a day, and reduction (32). Although “normal” ranges of SUA levels
maintenance of appropriate BMI (21). differ among, laboratory facilities across the country,
due to lack of standardization, optimal SUA levels of
Phase 2: Acute Gouty Arthritis gout patients should be kept at <6mg/dl.
Acute gouty arthritis is defined in accordance with
the 1977 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Allopurinol is a xanthine oxidase inhibitor considered to
criteria for the classification of acute attack of primary be the cornerstone of the clinical management of gout
gout (22). and other conditions associated with hyperuricemia. It
is used in both urate overproducers and underexcre-
tors. It is the preferred urate-lowering drug in several
There is no evidence demonstrating benefit with a hi-
countries (36, 37) and is the only drug available in
erarchal order in the use of medications for acute gout.
this class in the Philippines. It has been found to have
The Philippine guidelines recommend that the choice
the lowest incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (38).
of drug for acute gouty arthritis be individualized taking Despite its widespread use, there is a dearth of clini-
into consideration drug efficacy, safety, and cost. cal trials addressing its long term efficacy and safety
for gout. Data from randomized clinical trials showed
Studies comparing indomethacin with other NSAIDs that allopurinol given at a daily dose of 200–600 mg
have shown comparable efficacy in reducing pain for 12-30 months reduced SUA levels by 3.16 to 4.8
(23-25). Etoricoxib, a selective cyclooxygenase—2 mg/dl with consequent reduction in gout flares and
inhibitor, is also effective but with less gastrointestinal resolution of tophi in some patients (39-40). Additional
adverse events (26). “Short course oral steroids” is benefits on renal function among chronic gout patients
defined as 30 mg oral prednisone tapered off over revealed preserved or improved creatinine clearance
6 days. Corticosteroids are useful for patients who after 12-24 months of therapy (39).
have contraindications to therapy with NSAIDs (27,
28). Parenteral corticosteroids may be used among Most clinical studies advocate continuous use over
those who cannot take oral corticosteroids. Colchicine intermittent use of urate-lowering therapies. SUA rise
hastens the resolution of an acute gout attack (29). rapidly to pretreatment levels after drug discontinua-
However due to significant gastrointestinal toxicity, tion with recurrence of gout flares and tophi (41-42).
the expert panel recommends limiting colchicine to One small prospective 5-year follow-up study of gout
0.5mg/tab 1 tab BID-QID. Ice compress along with suggested intermittent therapy could be offered to
corticosteroids and colchicine is also beneficial (30). patients with good SUA control (43).
Recent studies have evaluated the adjunctive benefits and protein intake, and the risk of gout in men. N Engl J Med 2004;
of fenofibrates and losartan among patients with gout. 19. Choi HK, Liu S, Curhan G. Intake of purine rich foods, protein, and dairy
In the absence of large trials, these may be considered products, and relationship to serum levels of uric acid. Arthritis Rheum
for the treatment of concomitant dyslipidemia and 2005; 52:283-9.
hypertension among gout patients. Other uricosuric 20. Choi HK, Atkinson K, Karlson EW, Willett W, et al. Alcohol intake and
risk of incident gout in men: a prospective study. Lancet 2004; 363:1277-
agents (sulfinpyrazone, benzbromarone and probene- 81
cid), are not being dispensed locally. New drugs are 21. The World Health Organization Western Pacific Region, the International
still undergoing clinical trials. Febuxostat, an oral non- Association for the Study of Obesity, and the International Obesity Task
Force. Asia-Pacific Perspective Redefining Obesity and its Treatment.
purine selective inhibitor of xanthine oxidase, as of Sydney Health Communication Australia PTY Limited, 2000.
May 2008 has been approved for use in the European 22. Wallace SL, Robinson H, Masi AT, Decker JL, et al Preliminary criteria
Union, and is currently undergoing further evaluation in for the classification of the acute arthritis of primary gout. Arthritis Rheum
the United States by the Food and Drug Administration 1977; 20:895-900
23. Shrestha M, Morgan DL, Moreden JM, Singh R et al. Randomized
(FDA). PEG-uricase, a recombinant mammalian urate double-blind comparison of the analgesic efficacy of intramuscular
oxidase, also shows promise in treating gout-related ketorolac and oral indomethacin in the treatment of acute gouty arthritis.
hyperuricemia., Ann Emerg Med 1995; 26:682-6.
24. Maccagno A, Di Giorgio E, Romanowicz A. Effectiveness of etodolac
(‘Lodine’) compared with naproxen in patients with acute gout. Curr
Conclusions Med Res Opin 1991; 12:423-9.
25. Altman RD, Honig S, Levin JM, Lightfoot RW. Ketoprofen versus
We have developed the first clinical practice guidelines indomethacin in patients with acute gouty arthritis: a multicenter, double
blind comparative study. J Rheumatol 1988;15:1422-6.
in the Philippines for management of uncomplicated 26. Schumacher HR Jr, Boice JA, Daikh DI, Mukhopadhyay S et al.
gouty arthritis based on best available evidence and Randomised double blind trial of etoricoxib and indomethacin in
best clinical practice. Nine key recommendations were treatment of acute gouty arthritis. BMJ 2002; 324:1488-92.
27. Werlen D, Gabay C, Vischer TL. Corticosteroid therapy for the treatment
extensively evaluated. Updates in management issues of acute attacks of crystal-induced arthritis: an effective alternative to
will be integrated as deemed necessary in the next 3 or nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs. Rev Rheum Engl Ed 1996; 63:248-
more years. 254.
28. Alloway JA, Moriarty MJ, Hoogland YT, Nashel DJ. Comparison of
triamcinolone acetonide with indomethacin in the treatment of acute
References gouty arthritis. J Rheumatol 1993; 20:111-3.
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Group. National Nutrition and Health Survey (NNHeS) : Prevalence of work? The results of the first controlled study in acute gout. Aust NZ J
rheumatic diseases among adult Filipinos. Phil J Int Medicine 2006; Med 1987; 17:301-4.
44:297-303. 30. Schlesinger N, Detry MA, Holland BK, Baker DG, et al. Local ice therapy
2. Wigley RD, Manahan L, Muirden KD. Rheumatic Disease in a Philippine during bouts of acute gouty arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2002; 29:331-4.
Village II: A WHO-APLAR COPCORD study, Phase II and III. Rheumatol 31. Willburger RE, Mysler E, Derbot J, Jung T et al. Lumiracoxib 400 mg
Int 1991;152-61. once daily is comparable to indomethacin 50 mg three times daily for
3. Dans LF, Tankeh-Torres S, Amante CM, Penserga EG. The prevalence the treatment of acute flares of gout. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2007;
of Rheumatic Diseases in a Filipino Urban Population: A WHO-ILAR 46:1126-32.
COPCORD Study. J Rheumatol 1997; 24:1814-9. 32. Li-Yu J, Clayburne G, Sieck M, Beutler A, et al. Treatment of Chronic
4. Mikuls TR, MacLean CH, Olivieri J, et al. Quality of care indicators for Gout. Can we determine when urate stores are depleted enough to
gout management. Arthritis Rheum. 2004; 50:937-43. prevent attacks of gout. J Rheumatol 2001; 28:577-80.32,
5. Hamijoyo L, Li-Yu J, Torralba TP. A Survey of clinical management of 33. Shoji A, Yamanaka H, Kamatani N. A retrospective study of the
gout among Filipino physicians. Phil J Int Med 2008; 46:51-5 relationship between serum level and recurrent attacks of gouty arthritis:
6. Neogi T, Hunter DJ, Chaisson CE, Allensworth-Daview D, Zhang Y. evidence for reduction of recurrent gouty arthritis with antihyperuricemic
Frequency and predictors of inappropriate management of recurrent therapy. Arthritis Rheum 2004; 51:321-5.
gout attacks in a longitudinal study. 2006; 33:!04-9. 34. Kramer et al. The association between gout and nephrolithiasis: The
7. GRADE Working Group. Grading quality of evidence and strength of NNHeS III, 1988-1994. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2002;
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the quality of evidence and the strength of recommendations II: Pilot of urate-lowering therapy on the velocity of size reduction of tophi in
study of a new system. BMC Health Services Research 2005; 5:25- chronic gout. Arthritis Rheum 2002; 47:356-60.
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18. Choi K, Atkinson K, Karlson EW, Willett W, et al. Purine-rich foods, dairy

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Table 1.

Philippine Rheumatology Association Guidelines for the management Level of Evidence

of the different phases of Gout
Phase 1: Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia
1. In the general population, asymptomatic hyperuricemia should not be routinely treated C
with allopurinol. Well-known associated risk factors of hyperuricemia, ie. dyslipidemia,
obesity, metabolic syndrome, psoriasis, malignancies, congestive heart failure, should
foremost be addressed.
2. Lifestyle changes recommended include the following:
Adherence to animal or vegetable protein diet as well as intake of dairy products is C
Avoidance of a high meat and seafood diet and alcoholic beverages most especially
beer should be prescribed.
Low impact and aerobic exercise at least 45 minutes 4 times a week, intake of at least C, expert opinion
8 glasses of water a day, and maintenance of appropriate BMI, are likewise advised.
Phase 2: Acute Gout
3. In the absence of contraindications , i.e. gastrointestinal ulcers or renal impairment,
the use of colchicine, traditional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
OR selective cyclo-oxygenase 2 (COX-2) inhibitors is recommended for the treatment
of acute gouty arthritis.
The expert panel recommends that colchicine should not exceed 4 tablets in divided
doses per day.
Prednisone, initially at 30 mg and rapidly tapered over 6 days, can be given as
alternative if colchicine, traditional NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors are contraindicated or
not tolerated by the patient.
Absence of response after a week should prompt reevaluation of the diagnosis and
referral to a rheumatologist.
4. Ice compress is recommended in combination with pharmacologic agents for relief of
joint pain and swelling of acute gouty arthritis.
Phases 3-4: Intercritical Gout and Chronic Tophaceous Gout
5. Serum uric acid (SUA) level should be reduced to and maintained at <6 mg/dl
(0.36 mmol/L). B
6. Continuous long term therapy with allopurinol is advised to achieve a target serum
uric acid level of <6 mg/dl.
7. Allopurinol should be started at 100 mg/day 2 weeks after the pain and swelling of gouty C
arthritis has subsided. The dose is titrated by 50-100 mg/day every 2 to 4 weeks to
achieve serum uric acid <6 mg/dl. The maximum dose of allopurinol is 300 mg/day.
Referral to rheumatologist is recommended if SUA persistently remains >6 mg/dl
despite maximum dose of allopurinol. SUA and serum creatinine should be periodically
8. Colchicine should be used at 0.5 mg/tab OD – BID to prevent gout flares when initiating A
allopurinol. This should be maintained for 3-6 months from the last occurrence of gout
flare and after the optimal SUA target is achieved. In the event that adverse events like
diarrhea occur, a lower dose of colchicine should be used. NSAIDs should not be used
for prevention of gout flares.
9. Dietary modification (to promote weight loss) and avoidance of alcohol should be
prescribed. B
Low impact exercises (walking, biking, swimming, ballroom dancing) may also be
advised. C

A - high level of evidence; B - moderate level of evidence; C - low level of evidence

Arroyo C (PRA), Barba M (PRA), Lucero A (PRA), Saguil-
Sy R (PRA), Torralba TP (PRA), Alvarez V (PSHP),
Calalay E (patient), De Castro J (PARM) Dimacali CL
(PSN), Feliciano E (NDAP), Fojas M (PSEM), Joves P
(PAFP), Reyes E (PHA/PCP), Vinluan RM (DOH)

Technical Review Committee Members:

Li-Yu J1, Salido EO2, Manahan S3, Lichauco JJ4, Lorenzo
JP3, Torralba KT5, Raso AA6, Roberto LC6, Santos Estrella
P4, Maceda LM7 in behalf of the Philippine Rheumatol-
ogy Association
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Santo
Tomas, Philippines
Clinical Associate Professor, University of the Philippines College of
Medicine, Philippines
Section of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, University of the
Philippines, Philippines
Assistant Professor, St. Luke’s College of Medicine-William H. Quasha
Memorial, St. Luke’s Medical Center, Philippines
Assistant Professor, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Section of Rheumatology, Clinical Immunology, and Osteoporosis,
Department of Medicine, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
Section of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, St. Luke’s Medical
Center, Philippines

The Steering Committee would like to thank Dr. H Ralph
Schumacher Jr for providing helpful comments on the

Address correspondence to:

Julie Li-Yu, MD
Philippine Rheumatology Association
Rm 1408 Cathedral Heights Bldg Complex,
St. Luke’s Medical Center, E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue,
Quezon City 1002,
Email: pra@pacific.net.ph
PRA Contact number: (+632) 726 8875


JLY serves as consultant to Novartis and trial investiga-

tor for Pfizer. EOS and JJL serve as trial investigators
for Pfizer. Other members of TRC have nothing to

www.TheFilipinoDoctor.com l Sign up and open your clinic to the world. 83

Recommended Therapeutics
The following index lists therapeutic classifications as recommended by the treatment guideline. For the prescriber's
reference, available drugs are listed under each therapeutic class. For drug information, please refer to the Philippine
Drug Directory System (PPD, PPDr, PPD Text, PPD Tabs).

Drugmaker's Biotech Allopurinol
Rhea Colchicine

Drugmaker's Biotech Indomethacin
Vigel Cream
Arcoxia/Arcoxia AC


Adrenocorticosteroid Hormones
Drugmaker's Biotech Prednisone
Prednisone Organon


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