Configuration Steps For Automatic Packaging

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ConfIguratIon steps for automatIc packagIng

Automatic packing has some typical configuration and master data settings, see below:
1.aintain number ranges for handling units, menu path SPRO Logistics Execution Shipping Packing Define
number ranges for Handling Units.
2.Delivery type should be activated with Automatic Packing, menu path SPRO Logistics
Execution shipping Deliveries define delivery types

3.Define packaging material types enu Path SPRO Logistics Execution Shipping Packing Define packaging

4.Define material groups for packaging materials, menu path: SPRO Logistics
Execution Shipping Packing Define material groups for packaging materials.
.Define allowed packaging materials, menu path: SPRO Logistics Execution Shipping Packing Define allowed
packaging materials.
AIong with these basic settings we aIso need to configure in handIing unit management moduIe for automatic
6.aintain packing transaction profile, menu path: SPRO Logistics General Handling Units
anagement Automatic Packing aintain packing transaction profile. "T code: '&
Select the transaction profile " - utbound DeIivery and go for details. Check "start automaticaIIy" in the
details screen as shown below.

Also maintain the determination procedure for packing instructions as shown in the above screen.
7.Determination procedure for Packing nstructions. enu path SPRO Logistics General Handling Units
anagement Automatic Packing determination of packing instructions.
Handling units work based on the condition technique, configure all necessary config settings for condition technique
to work appropriately.
used the procedure as "A& - Auto Pack Ref MateriaI" and determination type as "$P - Auto Packing Ref
Access sequence that used is ZSHP with a condition table "499 - Reference materiaI for materiaIs packed in
same way"
8.aintain the master data for the packing instructions "t code: PP", menu path: SAP Easy
Access Logistics Central functions Handling Unit anagement aster data Packing
nstructions Create/change/display.
9.urther maintain packing instruction determination record. "T code: P", enu path: SAP Easy
Access Logistics Central functions Handling Unit anagement aster data packing instruction determination
record create/change/display.
10.inal master data settings need to be done in material master data under basic data tab and plant/general data tab
for finished goods and also for packaging materials.
These are the important steps to configure automatic packing during deIivery processing.

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