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Greetings and Introduction

Time: 20 min
Audience: 5th grade
Resources: computer, Google Slides and Microsoft Teams

Presentation of the Content

The class starts presenting the greetings vocabulary, with the diverse ways of announcing
your arrival. The vocabulary is presented and repeated out loud with all the classroom.
Ask the difference between “good evening” and “good night”. If any student knows, they can
explain. If not, explain that “good evening” is to greet and “good night” is to say farewell.

After, this is time to present the “how are you” questions and the answers. The teacher will
read all of them, explain the difference and ask the classroom to repeat together. Always
checking if some student is difficult to pronounce and make the correction together, if it is the
A random student will be selected to choose any option of answer, asked “how are you?” and
will pronounce the answer to all the class.

The same process will be followed with Introduction and Farewell.

The last part is a conversation. Three students will be chosen to be a character of the

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