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The Political Economy of Middle Class

Politics and the Global Crisis in Eastern

Europe : The case of Hungary and
Romania 1st Edition Agnes Gagyi
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21; Jer. Ribleh, on east
xxxix. 5, 6; bank of the
lii. 9, 10, Orontes, 35
27 miles north-east
of Baalbek.
Handbook to the
RIMMON (1) 1 Chr. vi. Rummâneh 6 A city of Zebulon
(R.V. 77 = Remmon
RIMMONO) Methoar, (Mem.
I. 363; Sh. VI.)
RIMMON (2) Josh. xv. Kh. Umm er 13 Now ‘Umm er
32; xix. 7; Rŭmâmîn? Rŭmâmîn.’ See
1 Chr. iv. En-rimmon.
32 Mem. III.; Sh.
XXIV. (Conder’s
Handbook to the
RIMMON Num. xxxiii. Not identified — One of the
PAREZ 19, 20 camping stations
(R.V. RIMMON of the Israelites
PEREZ) in the Desert.
RIMMON The Judg. xx. Rŭmmôn 10 The rock on
Rock 45, 47; which the six
xxi. 13 hundred
Benjamites took
refuge. Now the
rock and village
Rŭmmon, east
of Bethel. In

RISSAH Num. xxxiii. Not identified — One of the

25 camping stations
of the Israelites.
It has been
(Winer s.v.)
identical with
Rasa in the
Peuting. Itiner.,
32 Roman miles
from Ailah
(ʾAkabeh) and
203 miles south
of Jerusalem. No
site has been
found to suit this.
(Smith’s Bible
RITHMAH Num. xxxiii. Not identified — One of the
18 camping stations
of the Israelites
next to
RIVER OF Num. xxxiv. Wâdy el 19 Generally
EGYPT 5; Josh. ʾArîsh believed to be
(R.V. BROOK xv. 4, 47; ‘Wady el
OF EGYPT) 1 Kings ʾArish’—the
viii. 65; 2 principal
Kings xxiv. watercourse in
7; Is. xxvii. the south
12; Ezek. country. It rises
xlviii. 28; south of ‘Kŭlʾat
Judith i. 9 en Nahl,’ and
has a run of over
120 miles,
receiving many
branches on its
way, before it
enters the
south of Gaza.
ROGELIM 2 Sam. xvii. Not identified — Somewhere in
27; xix. 31 Gad east of
RUMAH 2 Kings Not identified — The position of
xxiii. 36 this place is very
doubtful; thought
to be either the
ruined village
Rûmeh (Sh. V.)
north of
Nazareth, or el
Ormeh (Sh. XV.)
(ʾArumah, Judg.
ix. 41), near

ROME 1 Macc. i.
10; vii. 1;
viii. 17, 19;
xii. 1, 3;
xiv. 16, 24;
xv. 15; 2
Macc. iv.

SALCAH or Deut. iii. 10; Salkhad 12 A city in the

SALCHAH Josh. xii. extreme limits of
(R.V. 5; xiii. 11; Bashan. Now
SALECAH) 1 Chr. v. the present large
11 town called
Salkhad, east of
Bashan. For
descriptions see
Will. of Tyre, xvi.
8; Burckhardt
(Syria, Nov. 22,
1810); Porter
(Five Years in
Damascus, ii.
SALEM (1) Ps. lxxvi. 2 Jerusalem — Jerusalem.
SALEM (2) Gen. xiv. 18 Not identified — Jerusalem
and Josephus,
Ant. i. 10, 2; vii.
3, 2). According
to the
Samaritans the
same as
Shalem, which
see. Jerome
states it was a
town near
(Beisan), and
known in his day
as Salem. It is
regarded not as
a town but as a
personal name.
SALEM, Valley Judith iv. 4 Not identified — Mentioned among
the places that
were fortified by
the Jews on the
approach of
(Judith iv. 4).
SALT, City of Josh. xv. 62 Tell el Milh 14 Probably ‘Tell el
(?)* Milh,’ (‘salt
mound’) east of
(Conder). ‘Tell el
Milh’ is generally
identified with
the Biblical
Moladah (Josh.
xv. 26); but there
is an objection to
this on account
of the guttural,
which is not
likely to have
replaced the
dental. (Mem. III.
404, 415; Sh.
SALT SEA, The Gen. xiv. 3; Bahr Lût or 14 Now called ‘The
Num. Baheirat Lût Dead Sea,’ ‘Bahr
xxxiv. 3, Lût,’ 53 miles
12; Deut. long by 8½ miles
iii. 17; broad. In Deut.
Josh. iii. iv. 49; 2 Kings
16; xii. 3; xiv. 25 Sea of
xv. 2, 5; the Plain—the
xviii. 19 Sea of Arabah
(R.V.); Deut. iii.
17; Josh. iii. 16;
xii. 3 Sea of the
Plain—the Salt
Sea (R.V.); Joel
ii. 20; Ezek. xlvii.
18; Zech. xiv. 8
the East Sea—
the East Sea
(R.V.); Ezek.
xlvii. 8 the Sea;
2 Esdr. v. 7 the
Sodomitish Sea.
(See Smith’s
Bible Dictionary.)
SALT, Valley of 2 Sam. viii. 21 Very probably the
13; 2 northern part of
Kings xiv. ‘Wâdy Arabah,’
7; 1 Chr. from where the
xviii. 12; 2 valley suddenly
Chr. xxv. dips 300 feet,
11 and forms a
plain reaching to
the south end of
the Salt Sea.
SAMARIA 1 Kings xiii. es Sebŭstiyeh 10 The present
32; xvi. village and ruins
24, 28, 29, Sebŭstieh, west
32; xviii. 2; of Shechem.
xx. 1, 10, (Mem. II. 211–
17, 34, 43; 214; Sh. XI.
xxi. 1, 18; Robinson’s Bib.
xxii. 10, Res. ii. 127–133;
37, 38, 51; Stanley’s Sinai
2 Kings i. and Palestine,
2; ii. 25; iii. 242–246;
1, 6; v. 3; Smith’s Bible
vi. 19–25; Dictionary.)
vii. 1, 18; Mountains of
x. 1–36; Samaria, Jer.
xiii. 1–13; xxxi. 5; Amos iii.
xiv. 14–23; 9; iv. 1; vi. 1;
xv. 8–27; Ecclus. l. 26.
xvii. 1–28; The hill Samaria,
xviii. 9–34; 1 Kings xvi. 24.
xxi. 13;
xxiii. 18,
19; 2 Chr.
xviii. 2, 9;
xxii. 9;
xxv. 13,
24; xxviii.
8, 9, 15;
Ezra iv.
10, 17;
Neh. iv. 2;
Is. vii. 9;
viii. 4; ix.
9; x. 9–11;
xxxvi. 19;
Jer. xxiii.
13; xxxi. 5;
xli. 5;
Ezek. xvi.
46, 55;
xxiii. 4, 33;
Hos. vii. 1;
viii. 5, 6; x.
5, 7; xiii.
16; Am. iii.
9, 12; iv.
1; vi. 1;
viii. 14;
Ob. 19;
Mic. i. 1,
5, 6; 1
Esd. ii. 16,
Ecclus. l.
26; Judith
i. 9; iv. 4; 1
Macc. iii.
10; v. 66;
x. 30, 38;
xi. 28, 34;
2 Macc.
xv. 1
SAMOS 1 Macc. xv. Samos — An island near
23; Acts Ephesus, off the
xx. 15 west coast of
Asia Minor.
SAMPSAMES 1 Macc. xv. Samsûn (?) — Thought to be
23 Samsûn, on the
coast of the
Black Sea,
between Sinope
and Trebizond.
SANSANNAH Josh. xv. 31 Not identified — Somewhere in the
south of Judah.
Comparing the
parallel lists of
Josh. xv. 31 with
Josh. xix. 5, and
1 Chr. iv. 31.
Hazar-susim or
Susah takes the
place of
Simsim, near
Gaza, has been

SAPHIR Micah i. 11 es Sûâfîr 13 Described by

(R.V. Eusebius and
SHAPHIR) Jerome as being
‘in the mountain
district between
and Ascalon.’
Probably one of
the three villages
Suâfir, near
Ashdod. (Mem.
II. 413; Sh. XVI.)

SARID Josh. xix. Tell Shadûd 10 A place

10, 12 (?)* mentioned on
the boundary of
Zebulon. The
Syriac version
reads ‘Asdod,’
and the LXX
Probably ‘Tell
Shadûd,’ on the
north edge of the
plain of
Esdraelon, 4½
miles west of
‘Chisloth Tabor.’
(Mem. II. 70; Sh.
SCHEDIA 3 Macc. iv. —
SCYTHOPOLIS Judith iii. Beisân 10 Beth-shean,
10; 2 which see. Sh.
Macc. xii. IX.
29, 30
SECACAH Josh. xv. 61 Kh. ed Dikkeh 14 Perhaps the ruin
(?)* ed Dikkeh, also
called Kh. es
Sikkeh, ‘ruin of
the path,’ 2 miles
south of
Handbook to the
Bible.) Was one
of the six cities
of Judah in the

SECHU 1 Sam. xix. Kh. 14 Probably ‘Kh.

(R.V. SECU) 22 Shuweikeh* Shuweikeh,’
south of
‘Beeroth.’ (Mem.
III. 52, 126; Sh.
SEIR, Mount (1) Gen. xiv. 6; 21, The mountainous
xxxii. 3; 28 range of Petra.
xxxiii. 14,
16; xxxvi.
8, 9, 20,
30; Num.
xxiv. 18;
Deut. 1, 2,
44; ii. 1–
29; xxxiii.
2; Josh. xi.
17; xii. 7;
xxiv. 4;
Judg. v. 4;
1 Chr. i.
38; iv. 42;
2 Chr. xx.
xxv. 11,
14; Isa.
xxi. 11;
Ezek. xxv.
8; xxxv. 2–
SEIR, Mount (2) Josh. xv. 10 14 Probably the
ridge north of
Kh. Erma
Handbook to the
Bible, p. 259;
Dictionary to the
SEIRATH Judg. iii. 26 Not identified — In Mount
(R.V. SEIRAH) Ephraim.
SELA and 2 Kings xiv. Petra 28 Judges i. 36, ‘The
SELAH 7; Isa. xvi. rock,’ LXX.
(R.V. SELA or 1; Obd. 3 reads Petra.
PETRA) Now Petra ‘in
the midst of
Mount Seir, in
of Mount Hor’
(Josephus Ant.
iv. 4, 7).

SELA- 1 Sam. Wâdy 14 A rock in the

HAMMAH­- xxiii. 28 Malâky* wilderness of
LEKOTH Maon. Now
‘Wâdy Malâky,’
east of Maon.
(Mem. III. 314;
Sh. XXI.)—

SELEUCIA 1 Macc. xi. es — The seaport of

8 Suweidiyeh Antioch.
SENAAH Ez. ii. 35; Not identified — Eusebius and
Neh. vii. Jerome mention
38 a Magdal-
Senna, 7 miles
north of Jericho
Neh. iii. 3, Has-

SENEH, The 1 Sam. xiv. Wâdy 14 The scene of

Rock 4 Suweinît Jonathan’s
adventure on the
south side of
Wady Suweinît,
in which word
the name seems
to survive.
SENIR 1 Chr. v. Mount — The Amorite
23; Ezek. Hermon name for Mount
xxvii. 5 Hermon, which
SEPHARVAIM 2 Kings Sippara — The town of
xvii. 24; Sippara, on the
xviii. 34; Euphrates above
xix. 13; Is. Babylon.
xxxvi. 19;
xxxvii. 13
SEPHELA 1 Macc. xii. — In Deut. i. 7; Josh.
38 ix. 1; x. 40; xi. 2,
16; xii. 8; xv. 33;
Judg. i. 9; 1
Kings x. 27; 1
Chr. xxvii. 28; 2
Chr. i. 15; ix. 27;
xxvi. 10; xxviii.
18; Jer. xvii. 26;
xxxii. 44, xxxiii.
13; Obad. 19;
Zech. vii. 7,
rendered ‘the
vale,’ ‘the valley,’
‘the plain,’ ‘the
low plains,’ and
‘the low country.’
The lower hills
between the
high range and
plain of Judah.
See Conder’s
Handbook to the
Bible, p. 302.
SHAALABBIN Josh. xix. Selbît (?) 14 Mentioned with
42 ‘Aijalon’ and
allotted to Dan.
Probably the
present village
‘Selbît,’ south-
east of Lydda,
near ‘Aijalon.’
(Mem. III. 52;
Sh. XVII.)

SHAALBIM Judg. i. 35; — See Shaalabbin.

1 Kings iv. Another form of
9 name.
SHAARAIM Josh. xv. Kh. Sʾaîreh 14 Mentioned in the
36; 1 (?) group of towns
Sam. xvii. allotted to Judah
52; 1 Chr. as being in ‘the
iv. 31 valley’
(Shefelah) along
with ‘Adullam’
Socoh, etc.
Probably the
ruins ‘Sʾaîreh,’
west of Beit
ʾAtâb (Etam).
Josh. xv. 36
‘Sharaim’ (R.V.
(Mem. III.; Sh.
SHAHAZIMAH Josh. xix. Not identified — One of the towns
(R.V. 22 allotted to
SHAHA­- Somewhere
ZUMAH) between Mount
Tabor and the
SHALEM Gen. xxxiii. Sâlim 10 The village Sâlim,
18 4 miles east of
(Mem. II. 230;
Sh. XII.) R.V.
has ‘in peace’ for
Shalem, which
appears only in

SHALIM, The 1 Sam. ix. 4 Not identified — The district

Land of through which
(R.V. Saul passed in
SHAALIM) search of his
father’s asses,
i.e., ‘the land of
thought to be
identical with the
land of Shual,
which see.

SHALISHA, 1 Sam. ix. 4 Not identified — Next to the land

Land of of Shalim. See
(R.V. Baal-shalisha.
SHALLECHETH, 1 Chr. xxvi. Not identified 14 Has been thought
The Gate 16 identical with the
‘Bab Silsileh’ in
the west wall of
the Haram area
at Jerusalem,
but the names
have no
SHAMIR (1) Josh. xv. 48 Kh. Sômerah 14 Mentioned in the
(?)* group of ‘Jattir,’
‘Socoh,’ ‘Debir,’
etc. Probably the
ruin Sômerah,
west of Debir.
(Mem. III. 262;
Sh. XX.)—

SHAMIR (2) Judg. x. 1, Not identified — In Mount

2 Ephraim.
SHAPHER, Num. xxxiii. Not identified — One of the
Mount 23 camping stations
of the Israelites
in the desert.
SHARON 1 Chr. v. 16 Not identified — Either a town or a
district in the
of Gilead and
Bashan, east of
Jordan. Possibly
a synonym for
the Mishor.
(Stanley, Sinai &
P. App. § 7.)

SHARON, Plain 1 Chr. xxvii. — The great and

of 29; Is. fertile plain
xxxiii. 9; extending from
xxxv. 2; near Joppa on
lxv. 10; the south to
Cant. ii. 1 Mount Carmel
on the north, and
bounded on the
west by the
and on the east
by the hills of
Samaria, etc.
SHARUHEN Josh. xix. 6 Tell esh 13 A town allotted to
Sherîʾah (?)* Simeon in the
south. (?)
Another name
for ‘Shilhim’ of
Josh. xv. 32, and
Shaaraim of 1
Chr. iv. 31. Very
probably the
large ruin ‘Tell
esh Sherîʾah,’
12 miles north-
west of
(Mem. III. 399;
Sh. XXIV.)

SHAVEH, Gen. xiv. Not identified — In the

Valley of 17; 2 neighbourhood
(R.V. SHAVEH, Sam. xviii. of Jerusalem.
Vale of, or 18
‘King’s Vale’)
SHAVEH Gen. xiv. 5 Not identified — A valley or plain
KIRIATHAIM near Kiriathaim.
SHEARING- 2 Kings x. — Beth-achath,
HOUSE, The 12, 14 which see.
SHEBA Josh. xix. 2 Tell es Sebʾa 13 Allotted to
(?) Simeon,
between Beer-
sheba and
Moladah. Very
probably ‘Tell es
Sebʾa,’ 2½ miles
east of Bir es
Sebʾa. (Mem.
III.; Sh. XXIV.)—
SHEBAH Gen. xxvi. — See Beer-sheba.
(R.V. SHIBAH) 33
SHEBAM Num. xxxii. — Mentioned
(R.V. SEBAM or 3 between
SIBMAH) ‘Elealeh’ and
‘Nebo.’ Another
form for
‘Shibmah’ and
SHEBARIM Josh. vii. 5 Not identified — In the
of ‘Ai.’
SHECHEM Gen. xii. 6; Nablûs 10 The present city
xxxiii. 18; Nablus,
xxxv. 4; Neapolis, in the
xxxvii. 12, valley between
14; Josh. Mounts Ebal and
xvii. 7; xx. Gerizim. One of
7; xxi. 21; the six cities of
xxiv. 1, 25, refuge. (Mem. II.
32; Judg. 293; Sh. XI.)
viii. 31; ix.
1–57; xxi.
19; 1
Kings xii.
1, 25; 1
Chr. vi. 67;
vii. 28; 2
Chr. x. 1;
Ps. lx. 6;
cviii. 7;
Jer. xli. 5
SHEEP GATE, Neh. iii. 1, Not identified — One of the gates
The 32; xii. 39 of Jerusalem,
rebuilt by
SHEN 1 Sam. vii. Not identified — Mentioned with
12 Mizpah.
Mizpah and
Shen’ the stone
Eben-ezer was
set up by
the rout of the
Three miles west
of Jerusalem
and 1½ miles
north of ‘ʾAin
Karim’ is Deir
Yesin. This will
not suit if the
identification of
Deir Aban with
Eben-ezer be
right; which see.
SHEMA Josh. xv. 26 Not identified — Named between
ʾAmam and
Moladah—in the
south. Allotted to
Judah. In Josh.
xix. 2, Sheba
takes the place
of Shema.

SHENIR Deut. iii. 9; — Another form of

Cant. iv. 8 Senir; which
SHEPHAM Num. xxxiv. Not identified — A place
10, 11 mentioned as on
the eastern
boundary of the
Promised Land,
between Hazor-
enan and Riblah.
north of Riblah.

SHIBMAH Num. xxxii. — = Sibmah, which

(R.V. SIBMAH) 38 see.
SHICRON Josh. xv. 11 Not identified — Between Mount
(R.V. Baalah (not
SHIKKERON) identified) and
Ekron (Akir),
(Sh. XVI.), in the
corner of Judah.
(Mem. II. 417;
Sh. XVI.)

SHIHON Josh. xix. ʾAyûn es 6 ‘ʾAyûn es Shʾaîn,’

(R.V. SHION) 19 Shʾaîn (?)* north of Tabor.
This site
appears to
represent the
Seon of the
mentioned by
Jerome as near
Tabor, and
identified by him
with Shihon of
Issachar, an
possibly correct.
In the Talmud
Shihin is
mentioned as
near Sepphoris.
(Mem. I. 370;
Sh. VI.)—
SHIHOR OF 1 Chr. xiii. W. el ʾArîsh — ‘The Brook of
EGYPT 5; Num. Egypt’ (R.V.) In
xxxiv. 5; Num. xxxiv. 5,
Josh. xiii. River of Egypt
3 (A.V.); Brook of
Egypt (R.V.);
Josh. xiii. 3,
Sihor; Shihor
(R.V.) Wâdy el
ʾArîsh. See
River of Egypt.

SHIHOR- Josh. xix. Nahr 6 One of the names

LIBNATH 26 Nʾamein? on the boundary
of Asher—
rendered by
some ‘River of
Glass.’ Thought
to be the Belus
(Nahr Nʾamein
S. of ʾAkka) from
whose bed,
according to
tradition, the fine
sand was
obtained by the
Phœnicians for
the glass they
first made.
(Pliny, H. N.,
Book xxxvi. ch.
26). Mem. I. 268;
Sh. V.

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