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A “Seller” means New Doors & Floors Ltd.
B “Purchaser” means the person, Firm or Company to whom the order is addressed as appearing on Invoice.
C “Goods” means the Articles or things or any of them described in the Order.
D “Order” means the Order placed by the Purchaser for the supply of the goods, the details of which appear on Invoice.
The Purchaser hereby acknowledges that the supply of the goods by the Seller is subject to the acceptance of these conditions by the Purchaser who is
deemed to accept the goods on this basis.
The Seller shall not be bound by any variation, waiver or addition to these conditions except as agreed in writing by a Director of the Company.
As per our suppliers brochures & documentation.
Storage if required will be provided for 1 month. If greater than 1 month, the goods will have to be paid for in full. Storage beyond 1 month is at the
discretion of the company. The company may charge for storage beyond 1 month at a reasonable rate.
The sale price for the goods is that stated on invoice.
The prices quoted by the Seller to the Purchaser are subject to variation so that the price payable by the Purchaser to the Seller is that applicable on the
date of dispatch of the goods.
Payment in full before despatch.
For goods not paid for by the date of payment as specified on Invoice, interest shall be charged by the Seller at the rate of 20% per annum and such
interest shall be recoverable from the Purchaser as a simple contractual debt.
Goods in transit shall be at the sole risk of the Purchaser.
Any claim regarding any alleged quality defect in the goods, any alleged quantity deficiency or any alleged damage to the goods must be made in writing
by the Purchaser to the Seller within 7 days after the receipt of the goods by the Purchaser. After the expiry of the said period, the Purchaser shall not be
entitled to make any claim with respect to any alleged defect whatsoever with the respect to the goods.
If it should occur that the Seller is unable to fulfil the order by reason of a sufficient quantity of suitable goods being unavailable to the Seller, then the
Seller shall deliver at the Purchaser’s option, such quantity of goods as is available to the Seller or, should the Purchaser so decide this order shall be
deemed to be null and void with respect to those particular goods and neither party shall maintain any claim whatsoever against the other arising
Should the Seller be prevented from delivering the goods at the time provided for delivery by reason of any unexpected or exceptional cause beyond the
control of the Seller or by reason of any industrial dispute involving the Seller in any manner whatsoever, the time for d elivery shall be extended, at the
Sellers option, to such time as it will allow the Seller to effect delivery of the goods. In such event however, the Seller shall have the option to cancel this
contract if it is prevented for the reasons aforesaid from effecting delivery and in this event the Seller shall not be liable to the Purchaser for any loss
sustained by the Purchaser as a result of such delay or cancellation.
Each delivery of goods to the Purchaser shall be deemed to be a separate contract and failure of any particular delivery shall not effect the contract or
conditions thereof as to any other delivery or consignment.
A The goods are sold subject to RETENTION OF TITLE in favour of the Seller until such time as all monies due to the Seller with respect to the goods
are paid and received by the Seller.
B Until such time as the full purchase price is received by the Seller the following provisions shall apply:
i The goods may be disposed of by the Purchaser provided always that in the event of such resale by the Purchaser the Purchaser shall
hold any monies received therefrom in trust for the Seller.
ii In the event that the goods are mixed or fused with material belonging to the Purchaser or to third parties in such a manner as to form
a new inseparable product, ownership in the new product shall be deemed to arise in the hands of the Seller to the extent of the value
of the contribution of the goods supplied by it to the new product.
iii If the goods are processed by the Purchaser so as to form a new product, ownership in the new product shall be deemed to arise in the
hands of the Seller in the proportion of the value of the goods supplied by it.
iv Pending receipt of all monies due to the Seller with respect to the goods, the goods shall be stored by the Purchaser in a manner so as
to make them easily identifiable from other goods stored by the Purchaser at his or its premises.
v Pending receipt of all monies due to the Seller with respect to the goods, the Purchaser HEREBY AUTHORISES the Seller to enter onto
any premises owned or occupied by the Purchaser and at which the goods are stored or kept for the purpose of removing the sa id
vi In the event of the resale of the goods prior to the receipt of all monies due to the Seller with respect to same, the Purchaser shall
notify all subsequent sub-purchasers of the goods of the provisions of this Retention of Title clause.
Should the Purchaser be in breach of any of the conditions herein contained or, if the Purchaser is a limited company, shall go into liquidation or have a
Receiver appointed or, being an individual, shall be adjudicated bankrupt or shall enter into any composition or arrangement with his Creditors, then, in
any such case the Seller shall be absolutely entitled to enter into any premises wherein the goods supplied by it to the Seller are stored for the purpose of
re-possessing such goods without notice to the Purchaser or any person claiming title by or on behalf or in trust for the Purchaser and the Purchaser
hereby agrees to indemnify the Seller in respect of any claim arising from the exercise by the Seller of the powers herein contained.
The proper law of this contract shall be deemed to be law for the time being of the Republic of Ireland. The Parties hereby agree that this contract shall
be deemed to have been entered into at the premises of the Seller.

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