Upstream and Downstream Solutions For AA

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Upstream and downstream

solutions for AAV manufacturing
Jessica de Rooij, Jessica DeConto, Gicell
Schaenzler, Darren Bauer, Kyle Barre, Meg
Duskin, Abhijeet Kohli & Kim Watanabe

With the advancement of gene delivery vectors and gene editing tech-
nologies, cell and gene therapies are a very real solution to many pre-
viously untreatable or difficult to treat diseases. With this heightened
interest in cell and gene therapies, the need for powerful, cost-effective,
and scalable methods to deliver these therapies has intensified. Whilst
here are a number of non-viral methods for delivery of gene therapies al-
ready being utilized, viral delivery remains the most commonly employed
method. This article discusses the current AAV manufacuring workflows
and identifies opportunities, both upstream and downstream, for process
optimisation to support the scalable manufacture of viral vectors to sup-
port the increasing demand.

Submitted for Peer Review: 24 Jun 2019 u Published: 8 Aug 2019

Cell & Gene Therapy Insights 2019; 5(Suppl. 5), 1017–1029

DOI: 10.18609/cgti.2019.110

With the advancement of gene add, silence, replace, and edit genes interest in gene therapies has con-
delivery vectors and gene editing to treat diseases like neuromuscular tinued to rise with the number of
technologies, cell and gene thera- disorders, immunodeficiencies, and gene therapy clinical trials steadi-
pies are a very real solution to many ocular and liver diseases as well as ly increasing internationally since
previously untreatable or difficult to develop enhanced cells for the treat- the first approved trial in 1989
treat diseases. It is now possible to ment of diseases like cancer. The (Figure 1A) [1,2]. The FDA alone is 1017

Gene therapy clinical trials by year and delivery mechanism from 1989 through December of 2018.

2000 Adeno-associated virus Naked/Plasmid DNA + Vaccinia virus
1999 Adenovirus Naked/Plasmid DNA + Vesicular stomatitis virus
1998 Adenovirus + Maraba virus Newcastle disease virus
Adenovirus + Modified vaccinia Ankara virus (MVA) Non-viral
1997 Adenovirus + Retrovirus PiggyBacTM (PB) Transposon
1996 Adenovirus + Sendai virus Poliovirus
1995 Adenovirus + Vaccinia virus Poxvirus
Alphavirus (VEE) Replicon Vaccine Poxvirus + Vaccinia virus
1994 Antisense oligonucleotide Retrovirus
1993 Bifidobacterium longum Retrovirus + Lentivirus
1992 CRISPR-Cas9 RNA transfer
E. coli RNA transfer + Naked/Plasmid DNA
1991 Flavivirus RNA virus
1990 Gene gun Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Herpes simplex virus Salmonella typhimurium
1989 Human Rhinovirus (RG-HRV16) Semliki forest virus
0 50 100 150 200 250 Lactococcus lactis Sendai virus
Lentivirus Shigella dysenteriae
Lipofection Simian virus
Listeria monocytogenes siRNA
Live Attenuated Salmonella Sleeping Beauty transposon
Measles virus Streptococcus mutans
Modified Vaccinia Ankara virus (MVA) Vaccinia virus
mRNA Electroporation Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus replicon
Naked/Plasmid DNA Vesicular stomatitis virus
Naked/Plasmid DNA + Adenovirus Vibrio cholerae
Naked/Plasmid DNA + Modified Vaccinia Ankara virus Unknown
Naked/Plasmid DNA + RNA transfer

(A) The number of gene therapy clinical trials approved internationally by year. (B) Breakdown of the different delivery mechanisms
used for gene therapy. ©Journal of Gene Medicine a Wiley Publication.

expecting to receive over 200 INDs and non-dividing cells, its ability to
per year by 2020 with the approval maintain long-term gene expression,
of 10–20 cell and gene therapies per and increased safety. In fact, AAV
year by 2025 [3]. vectors are particularly safe because
The heightened interest in cell infection is not pathogenic, AAV
and gene therapies has increased cannot replicate on its own, and the
the need for powerful, cost-effec- vector is maintained as an episome
tive, and scalable methods to deliver instead of directly integrating into
these therapies. There exists many a host genome. Furthermore, AAV
non-viral methods for delivery of can target different tissue or cell
gene therapies, including electro- types depending on the composition
poration and chemical-based sys- of its capsid proteins, making it an
tems; however, viral delivery is the attractive candidate for delivery of
most commonly employed method gene therapies in vivo [4]. By con-
(e.g., adenovirus, retrovirus, lenti- trast, lentivirus, retrovirus, and elec-
virus, and adeno-associated virus troporation are often used for ex vivo
[AAV]) (Figure 1B) [1]. AAV stands gene therapies [4]. AAV has already
out for its ability to infect dividing demonstrated efficacy as a method

1018 DOI: 10.18609/cgti.2019.110


of gene therapy delivery in approved and filling constituting the down-

gene therapy products, and at least stream processes (Figure 2). A suc-
238 AAV gene therapy clinical tri- cessful viral manufacturing pipeline
als were approved internationally by must deliver a consistent, pure,
December of 2018 [1,4,5]. and high-titer product that exhib-
With the increased interest in its good safety and efficacy to meet
gene therapy over the past several regulatory expectations.
decades, companies need to consid- Upstream viral production begins
er the cost of bringing a gene thera- by generating cells that express the
py to market. For example, Glybera components necessary to create func-
– an AAV based therapy treating tional viral particles. There are many
patients with familial lipoprotein li- different ways of accomplishing this,
pase deficiency (LPLD) and the first but the most common method for vi-
gene therapy approved in Europe – ruses like lentivirus and AAV involves
had a $1 million price tag per treat- transiently transfecting HEK293T or
ment [6]. Virus production alone HEK293 cells with multiple expres-
can make up 40% of the cost of sion plasmids. AAV production com-
goods, so development of a robust monly makes use of three separate
and cost-effective virus production plasmids: a cis-plasmid that encodes
process is very important not only the AAV inverted terminal repeats
during R&D but also for the clinical ITRs along with the gene therapy of
development and commercial use interest, a trans-plasmid that encodes
of a gene therapy product [7]. Some the AAV rep and cap genes, and a
of the major challenges with virus helper plasmid – commonly encod-
production are the development ing Adenovirus helper genes – which
of technologies and acquisition of AAV is dependent on for viral pro-
knowledge to create a workflow duction. The transiently transfected
that is facile, reproducible, and scal- cells are then allowed to produce
able while maintaining a high viral virus for several days before virus is
titer. Many technological advances harvested by chemical or mechanical
in viral manufacturing now exist to lysis of the producer cells and treat-
help address these challenges, there- ment with a nuclease to remove any
by reducing cost. Additionally, the free DNA [4,8]. The cell lysate is then
expansion of contract development moved to downstream processes for
and manufacturing organizations viral purification.
(CDMOs) like Brammer Bio help Each virus has its own unique
scientists successfully scale up their challenges for process development.
viral production for gene therapies. AAV is no exception, requiring high
viral titers after separation of the
virus from process and product re-
lated impurities, host cell material
AAV MANUFACTURING left over from cell lysis and empty
WORKFLOW AAV capsids respectively, making
Viral manufacturing workflows can purification challenging. Just as
be broken down into upstream and every virus has its own production
downstream processes, with all steps hurdles, each step in the manufac-
requiring cell culture constituting turing process poses its own diffi-
the upstream processes and viral culties. Broadly, the biggest chal-
purification, batch formulation, lenges consist of saving time and

Cell & Gene Therapy Insights - ISSN: 2059-7800 1019


Upstream and downstream processes of the AAV workflow.

Cell line development Cell culture Purification Formulation


Clone Bioreactors Column

Transfection chromatography
Harvest/cell Bulk drug
removal Virus clearance substance

Harvest media
Finished batch
of active substance
Cell banks


Residual DNA

Viral plasmid

The upstream processes include cell line development, cell culture, and viral harvest. The downstream processes include purification,
formulation, and filling.

money, having confidence in every small and large scale, product release
step through QA/QC protocols, and stability testing, analytical qual-
and generating a pure, high-titer ification, process qualification, and
product. Luckily, advances in the commercial supply. Brammer Bio
technologies used throughout the is therefore able to support compa-
AAV manufacturing process have nies with both their upstream and
greatly improved viral production. downstream AAV manufacturing
Furthermore, CDMOs can help workflow for pre-clinical through to
companies develop an effective vi- commercial-scale production. With
ral production workflow for IND the development of new technolo-
filings. For example, Brammer Bio gies for viral production and puri-
has extensive experience as a viral fication, it is becoming easier and
vector manufacturer for gene ther- more cost-effective to produce virus
apies and provides such services as for gene therapies whether devel-
process and QC analytical valida- oping viral production in-house or
tion, cGMP manufacturing at both contracting out to a CDMO.

1020 DOI: 10.18609/cgti.2019.110


SOLUTIONS TO UPSTREAM source for adventitious agents and

AAV MANUFACTURING cell lines that express large T-an-
CHALLENGES tigen can raise safety concerns
because of the large T-antigen on-
Production of high-titer virus is cogenicity. However, during devel-
important during R&D all the way opment, transient transfection pro-
through commercial manufacturing vides flexibility to easily change the
and requires: 1) effective produc- AAV construct or the transgene.
tion methods that 2) mitigate the One solution is the use of suspen-
risk of adventitious agents in the sion HEK293 cells that do not ex-
final product and 3) are capable press large-T antigen, grow to high
of scaling up through product de- density in serum-free chemically
velopment. A large volume of cell defined medium, and can easily be
culture is necessary to produce gene used during R&D or scaled up for
and cell therapy products that rely use in large bioreactors. Industry
on high-titer dosages. While tran- is looking to help scientists bring
sient transfection is popular in the gene and cell therapies to market,
development space, it tends to be and several products are in devel-
more difficult to scale up. Addition- opment at Gibco™ to help support
ally, the scale up of this process in- this platform, including chemically
creases demand for cGMP plasmids defined medium for serum-free cell
used during transfection, quickly culture.
outpacing current commercial sup-
ply. In order to make this process
commercially feasible, scientists
must painstakingly optimize their
process to maximize productivities,
minimizing further scale up and
relative plasmid consumption. To
address this challenge, scientists can The second half of the virus pro-
transition to other systems such as duction workflow requires the pu-
helper virus–mediated transfection rification of virus particles from
or the insect cell platform. Further- process- and product-related impu-
more, the development of stable rities, including host cell material,
producing cell lines is an ideal solu- plasmid DNA, and empty capsids.
tion, however, there are no com- These downstream processing steps
monly used AAV products in the can make up a large part of the total
market today. cost of virus production, so effective
The HEK293-based transient methods of generating high purity
transfection process is the simplest virus are important.
for most scientists, despite its in- During viral harvest, AAV is
creased cost, difficulty scaling up released from host cells through
and automating, and use of serum physical or chemical cell lysis,
[4,7,9,10]. The increased surface meaning the virus must be separat-
area required for adherent cells as ed from host cell proteins (HCPs)
production increases can make viral as well as host and residual plas-
production unwieldy quickly. Ad- mid DNA. Viral preparations will
ditionally, the use of animal-based often be treated with a nuclease to
products such as serum can be a remove residual DNA. Removal

Cell & Gene Therapy Insights - ISSN: 2059-7800 1021


f FIGURE 3 labor-intensive steps that lead to

Final percentage product yield expected with increasing number of loss of viral yield as well as possi-
process steps. ble delays in process development
timelines. Traditional down-
stream workflows require the
90 use of many different processing
80 Step yield
steps, including cesium chloride
or iodixanol gradients as well as
95% multiple chromatography steps.
Product yield %

60 This is not ideal, as even pro-

50 cess steps with high yields result
90% in a significant reduction in the
final yield when a large number
of steps are required (Figure 3). To
20 address this challenge, recent ad-
80% vances in affinity chromatography
75% have reduced the number of steps
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 required to purify AAV, boosting
Number of process steps yield and reducing process lead
times. Furthermore, iodixanol
Even steps with a high percent yield, shown in green (95% yield/step), result in a
and cesium chloride gradient pu-
significant decrease in product the more steps that are required. rification are non-scalable puri-
fication steps to separate empty
from full capsids, which can be
of HCPs is a more involved pro- replaced with high-resolution ion
cess and often requires many long, exchange chromatography.

Percentage binding of different AAV serotypes using
the AAVX resin in a static binding assay.
POROS™ CaptureSelect™ AAVX resin.
AAV serotype Binding % (in eluate)
AAV1 99.63
AAV2 97.8
AAV2_HSPG 98.33
AAV4 98.05
AAV5 97.88
AAV6 97.45
AAV6.2 98.93
AAV7 98.37
AAV8 97.76
AAV9 98.43
AAVrh10 96.28
AAVrh32.33 99.29
AAV9PHPB 98.51
AAV7m8 98.39
Clarified lysates containing AAV was mixed with AAVX resin for ten minutes. AAV was
then eluted using acidic elution buffer at pH 2 (0.1M citric acid). Percentage binding
was determined by qPCR. Data kindly provided by Genethon.

1022 DOI: 10.18609/cgti.2019.110


A major hurdle in the current to perform well in the strenuous

market is the lack of an industri- conditions encountered during
alized platform to effectively and column chromatography. Further-
consistently purify AAV from more, these VHH domains are pro-
large volumes of cell lysate. Sci- duced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
entists have started turning to af- rendering them animal-origin free.
finity chromatography to fill this These VHH domains are tethered
need. Initially affinity resins were to 50 µm POROS polystyrenedi-
developed against individual or a vinylbenzene beads that allow for
subset of AAV serotypes, so a true large volumes of cell lysates to be
pan-AAV affinity chromatogra- purified quickly because of their
phy platform did not exist until large through pore size [11–13].
the development of the Thermo The POROS CaptureSelect AAV
Scientific™ POROS™ CaptureSe- resins can be used at different flow
lect™ AAVX Affinity Resin (Table 1 rates without compromising ca-
& Figure 4). For example, the AVB pacity, resolution, and purity. This
Sepharose™ High Performance results in a high degree of flexibil-
(GE Healthcare™) resin performs ity in designing a process (Figure
well for a variety of AAV capsids, 5) [13]. With all these features, the
but performs poorly when at- POROS CaptureSelect AAV affin-
tempting to purify AAV9 and cer- ity resin is a simplified and robust
tain synthetic capsids (Figure 4). platform for the generation of
The CaptureSelect AAVX affinity high-purity virus.
resin consists of the single-domain While affinity chromatogra-
heavy chain (VHH) fragment of phy is capable of generating high
the heavy chain–only antibodies yields of purified AAV, it cannot
normally produced by Camelids. discriminate between empty and
This VHH fragment is both highly full viral capsids. It can be import-
specific and compact, allowing it ant to separate out empty capsids

Comparison of the AVB Sepharose High Performance resin with the POROS CaptureSelect AAV8, AAV9,
and AAVX resins.
Percentage of binding for several AAV serotypes on 4 affinity resins

90 AVB Sepharose
80 (GE Healthcare)
Binding efficiency (%)

AAV8 AAV9 Rh10 Synth 1 Synth 2 Synth 3 Synth 4 Synth 5 Synth 6 Synth 7 Synth 8
AAV serotypes

These data were generated from purification of AAV8, 9, 10, and 8 synthetic capsids using 25 µL of resin in a 96-well plate format.
Data kindly provided by Genethon

Cell & Gene Therapy Insights - ISSN: 2059-7800 1023


f FIGURE 5 are able to separate AAV from

Elution recovery and purity both process- and product-re-
of the viral capsids using the lated impurities. These resins
POROS Capture Select AAV can be easily incorporated into
resins is not influenced by flow large-scale production platforms,
rate. thereby reducing the number of
Elution of AAV8 at different processing steps required for AAV
flow rates
purification to save time and in-
Elution recovery at different flow rates
crease product yield.
Elution recovery ANALYTICS
150cmh 300cmh 450cmh Once a group is ready to scale up
to clinical manufacturing, many




QA/QC protocols must be imple-
mented to help ensure the regula-
tory approval of the cell or gene
therapy. Two such regulations,
important for the viral production
process are the absence of Myco-
plasma in the cell culture and the
absence of residual DNA follow-
ing virus harvest and purification.
New analytics to ensure regulato-
ry compliance were required with
(A) Percentage elution recovery for each the advent of gene therapies. For
of the different flow rates. (B) SDS-PAGE example, traditionally, Mycoplas-
gel indicating AAV purity. The three
strong bands indicate each of the three ma detection required a 28-day
viral capsid proteins. (cmh = cm/hr) culture-based test; however, fast-
er detection methods are needed
as they contribute no benefit to because of the quick turnaround
the therapy and may even increase times required for cell and gene
the immunogenetic potential [14]. therapies. To fill this need, rapid,
The separation of empty and full qPCR-based tests were developed
capsids can be accomplished by a by a number of different compa-
separate polishing step following nies. Therefore, to identify the best
affinity chromatography. Since kit on the market, Duguid et al.
empty and full viral capsids have reviewed 21 different commercial
only a slight difference in isoelec- kits and ranked them based on
tric points (pIs), only high-reso- critical risk attributes. They used
lution anion exchange resins can their ranked list to select three kits
effectively separate empty and full to test for specificity, sensitivity,
capsids (e.g., Thermo Scientific™ and ease of use and identified the
POROS™ HQ (Figure 6) [11,15– Applied Biosystems™ MycoSEQ™
17]. Together the POROS Cap- Mycoplasma Detection Kit as the
tureSelect AAVX Affinity Resin best kit according to all three met-
and POROS ion exchange resins rics (Table 2) [18].

1024 DOI: 10.18609/cgti.2019.110


The MycoSEQ Mycoplasma Residual DNA Quantitation Kit was

Detection Kit is a straightforward created to accurately quantify resid-
method to specifically recognize ual DNA in a sample in as few as
Mycoplasma in accordance with five hours. The resDNASEQ system
regulatory compendia. The kit uses includes the Applied Biosystems™
31 Mycoplasma-specific primers to PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample
identify >90 different species, in- Preparation Kit which can be used
cluding those recommended for either manually or with automation
testing and validation. This allows to consistently recover DNA from
for the sensitive detection of My- challenging matrices. This means
coplasma in a sample – complying that residual DNA can be assessed
with regulations requiring a limit during the early stages after viral
of detection of at least 10 CFU/ harvest through to final lot release
mL – with no cross-reactivity (Table (Figure 2). When used together, the
2). This kit is easy to use with such resDNASEQ and PrepSEQ kits are
features as a positive control with a able to reliably detect residual DNA
modified melting temperature com- across a broad dynamic range with a
pared to the naturally occurring limit of quantitation of 1.5 pg/mL
Mycoplasma amplicons to help re- and a low coefficient of variation
duce the risk of false positives (Fig-
ure 7 & Table 2). Furthermore, The f FIGURE 6
MycoSEQ kit is paired with the Chromatogram of an AAV mixture of empty and full particles.
Applied Biosystems™ PrepSEQ™
1-2-3 Mycoplasma Nucleic Acid 254 nm
Extraction Kit to quickly isolate 280 nm
Conductivity (mS)
genomic DNA (gDNA) from cell
culture samples. The PrepSEQ kit
allows for high recovery of gDNA 0.022 50
using both automated and manu- Empty
al methods, generating flexibility
in the workflow. These kits make 40
Mycoplasma detection for R&D or
Conductivity (mS)

Conductivity (mS)
Absorbance (AU)

lot release possible in hours instead

of 28 days. A variety of companies
have now successfully used the
MycoSEQ kit for compendial test- Full 20
ing of their gene and cell therapy 0.006
products for regulatory approval by
0.002 10
both the FDA and EMA.
Gene therapy products must
also be tested for residual DNA for -0.002 0
lot release, with the FDA requiring 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
<10 ng of residual DNA per dose Volume (mL)
[10]. Residual DNA testing requires
Empty capsids were separated by CsCl gradient ultrafiltration and mixed together with
methods that are able to reliably re- vector in a ratio of 16:1. The AAV mixture was applied onto a POROS HQ50 column
cover DNA and specifically asses and demonstrates excellent separation of the empty from the full AAV particles. The
larger peak had an A254/A280 ratio <1, while the smaller peak had an A254/A280 ratio >1,
the amount of residual DNA with indicating that the larger peak was enriched for empty capsids and the smaller peak
high sensitivity. The Applied Bio- was not. Further validation of the smaller peak was performed by ELISA and qPCR,
and the ratio of empty capsid to vector was 0.9 [15].
systems™ resDNASEQ™ Human

Cell & Gene Therapy Insights - ISSN: 2059-7800 1025


Results of a side-by-side study of three different qPCR kits for the detection of
Criteria qPCR Kit 1 qPCR Kit 2 qPCR Kit 3
Specificity Un-spiked samples Negative Negative Negative
PC-spiked samples Positive Mixed Mixed
Organisms Wide range Wide range 8
Cross-reactivity None detected S. pyogenes N/A
Sensitivity Minimum detected 4 copies 0.016 mL PC 50 copies
(0.004 mL PC) (0.25 mL PC)
Minimum 8 copies 0.03 mL PC 50 copies
reproduced (0.008 mL PC) (0.25 mL PC)
Other Sample preparation Optimized None <5% recovery
Kit Stability >1 month >1 month <1 month
Complexity Least Most N/A
Optimized for vari- Yes Yes No
ous instruments
Delivery TBD 2 wk – 2+ 1 day
Logistics None Difficult None
Issues are in bold.

(Figure 8 & Table 3). The resDNA- that efficient and cost-effective
SEQ kit can therefore be used to strategies for viral production are
qualify products for lot release. necessary to meet market needs.
Recent technological advances
have significantly improved the
AAV production workflow. This
CONCLUSIONS includes technologies like se-
With the increased interest in gene rum-free HEK293 cell lines capa-
and cell therapies, it is apparent ble of growing to high confluency

DNA quantitation by the resDNASEQ Human DNA Residual DNA Quantitation Kit
from samples prepared using the PrepSEQ Residual DNA Sample Preparation.
Test sample 100 pg Spike 10 pg Spike 1 pg Spike
Buffer pg DNA % CV pg DNA % CV pg DNA %
recovered recovered recovered CV
Assay 1 75.2 11% 7 7% 0.65 5%
Assay 2 65.4 6.2 0.69
Assay 3 61.9 6.1 0.63
Assay 4 58.3 6.3 0.63
Assay 5 55 5.9 0.66
Assay 6 60 7.1 0.72
Average 62.63 6.43 0.66
Six samples were spiked with 100 pg, 10 pg, and 1 pg of human standard DNA respectively. The average and percent coefficient of
variation (%) were calculated for each DNA amount tested.

1026 DOI: 10.18609/cgti.2019.110

Melting curves of qPCR amplicons using Mycoplasma specific
Dissociation curve




M. arginini


60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95

Temperature (C)

Melting curves for Mycoplasma arginini and an unaltered positive control are shown
in blue and red respectively. The melting curve for the modified positive control is
shown in green.

in optimized medium to improve throughout manufacturing with

safety, help with downstream pro- process optimization and analytics
cessing, and easily scale up manu- to help ensure successful IND fil-
facturing. Additionally, the affinity ings. Significant improvements to
chromatography-based pan-AAV the traditional AAV manufactur-
CaptureSelect AAVX affinity res- ing process now exist, so high-pu-
in allows for the development of rity, high-titer virus is possible with
a robust platform for downstream lower costs and shorter lead times.
AAV purification with increased
yields and less processing time.
Furthermore, qPCR-based assays
like the MycoSEQ and resDNA-
SEQ kits meet regulatory require-
ments for specificity and sensitivity
and can be performed in under five
hours to accommodate the short This work is licensed
shelf life of gene and cell therapies. under a Creative Com-
These kits are also automatable, re- mons Attribution – NonCommercial –
ducing labor time. Last, CDMOs, NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
such as Brammer Bio, can help

Cell & Gene Therapy Insights - ISSN: 2059-7800 1027


Amplification plot of a 10-fold serial dilution of human DNA using the resDNASEQ Human DNA Residu-
al DNA Quantitation Kit.

DNA per rxn

1 3 ng
2 300 pg

3 30 pg

0.01 4 3 pg

0.001 5 300 fg
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40



Contributions: All named authors take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, and have given their approval
for this version to be published.

Acknowledgements: The authors wish to thank Genethon for the provision of data contained within this article.

Disclosure and potential conflicts of interest: The authors are employees of Thermo Fisher Scientific. The authors declare
that they have no conflicts of interest.

Funding declaration: The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article.


Copyright: Published by Cell and Gene Therapy Insights under Creative Commons License Deed CC BY NC ND 4.0 which
allows anyone to copy, distribute, and transmit the article provided it is properly attributed in the manner specified below.
No commercial use without permission.

Attribution: Copyright © 2019 Poling B & Kate G. Published by Cell and Gene Therapy Insights under Creative Commons
License Deed CC BY NC ND 4.0.

Article source: Invited; externally peer reviewed.

Submitted for peer review: 24 June 2019; Revised manuscript received: 26 July 2019; Publication date: 7 August 2019.

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Adeno-associated Virus Vectors Us- virus type 2 empty particles from ge- Technical Product Manager Phar-
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Continuous Harvest of Vector from change column chromatography. J. Kyle Barre
the Culture Media for GMP FIX Virol. Meth. 2007; 140(1–2): 183–92. Market Development Manager
and FLT1 Clinical Vector. Mol. Ther. Cell Biology
16. Kai G, Li M, Zhong L et al. Empty
2016; 24(2): 287–97.
Virions In AAV8 Vector Prepara- Meg Duskin
9. Kotin RM. Large-scale recombinant tions Reduce Transduction Efficiency Market Development Manager
adeno-associated virus production. And May Cause Total Viral Particle Cell Culture & Cell Therapy
Hum. Mol. Genet. 2011; 20: R2–R6. Dose-Limiting Side-Effects. Mol.
Abhijeet Kohli
Ther. Meth. Clin. Dev. 2014; 1(9):
10. US Food and Drug Administration. Product Manager Cell Culture &
“Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Cell Therapy
Control (CMC) Information for Hu- 17. Xiaolei P, Earley LF, He Y et al. Ef- Kim Watanabe
man Gene Therapy Investigational ficient Capsid Antigen Presenta- Sr. Product Manager Cell Biology
tion From Adeno- Associated Virus

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