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Potty “Learning”

Clueless -> I Peed -> I’m Peeing -> I have to go pee

1. Peeing/Pooping while naked with or without prompting

2. Peeing/Pooping with clothes on, commando, with or without prompting
3. Peeing/Pooping in different situations or settings with or without prompting
4. Peeing/Pooping with underpants with or without prompting
5. Consistent self-initiation
6. Night time and Nap time

 He/She Doesn’t need to know HOW to pee or poop, but WHERE.

 Ask him/her “where does the pee go” wait for his/her response. Eventually he/she will
respond with the correct answer
 If you miss the pee signal or see its about to happen pick him/her up, “Hold it ___”
 Don’t make the rush to the toilet scary or frantic.
 Never ask. Try assertive phrases like, “Come. It’s time to pee!”
 For poops softly encourage. “It’s coming, you can do it” or “Go ahead __, let it out”
 Encourage don’t pressure
 If he/she cries, keep them on the pot & just hug them or hold their hand
 Have them use encouraging words after the action has been completed like “I did it!”
 Accidents must be seen as learning tools.
1. Have them help clean up
2. Change clothes together
3. No Scolding
4. “You are learning. You ___ on the floor, next time your __ goes in the toilet”
 Never ever should prompting take a begging or negotiation tone. You are promoting to
pee or poop. This can be done firmly without being done meanly.
 It’s okay to hold off on an activity if you know your child has to pee or poop. “Sure, we
can leave for [ the park] as soon as you pee” or “Yes, you can watch [Paw Patrol]. Sit and
Pee first.” Not to be confused by bribery or rewarding such as “I’ll let you watch [] IF you
sit and pee.”
 Use his/her love for helping. “Go sit and pee. Thank you. You’re such a good helper”
 Liquids. Lots and lots of WATER. Milk and juice are okay, but water helps make the poop
come out with ease. This will help in promoting healthy pooping. Be conscious not to be
withholding liquids to avoid accidents.
Nap & Bedtime
They will still be using a pull up of you are not doing all the training at one time. When putting
on the pull up for naps and bedtime tell him/her why. Say “I’m going to put a pull up on you for
__ because you are still learning. You did a great job today. Your ___ is a long time and you will
pee while you sleep. When you wake up we are going to take it off.” Tell him/her what’s being
put on, why, how long it’ll be on, so they know it’s temporary and let them know it will come
off, so they will need to continue using a toilet.

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