3er A-O Unit Seven

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3er año

Dar indicaciones en inglés y español

Seguir recto: go straight

Sigue derecho en la calle principal – Go straight on Main Street

Girar a la izquierda: turn left

Gira a la izquierda en el supermercado – Turn left on the supermarket
Girar a la derecha: turn right
Gira a la derecha en la próxima esquina – Turn right on the next corner

Pasar de largo: go past

Pasa el cine y encontrarás la biblioteca – Go past the cinema and you’ll
find the library.

Cruzar: cross
Si cruzas la calle, encontrarás la tienda de libros allí – If you cross the
street, you’ll find the bookstore there.

● Avanzar: go along
Avanza por la vía principal hasta que veas la estación de gasolina – Go along the
main road until you find the gas station.

● Al cruzar la esquina – around the corner

El museo está al cruzar la esquina – The museum is just around the corner

● Entre: between
Encontrarás la cafetería entre el edificio de oficinas y el cine – You can find the
coffee shop between the office building and the movie theater

● Detrás: behind
Hay un parque muy bonito detrás del estacionamiento – There’s a nice park
behind the parking lot

● Dar la vuelta / devolverse: turn back / go back

Si llegas al puente te has pasado, tendrás que volver – If you get to the bridge,
you went too far. You’ll have to turn back.

● Bajar: go down
Baja la colina y encontrarás la entrada al parque – Go down the hill and you’ll find
the entrance to the park

● Ir (sobre algo): go over

Para llegar al edificio, tienes que ir por la pasarela – To get to the building, you
have to go over the walkway

● Atravesar: go through
Toma el atajo a la escuela atravesando el parque – Take the shortcut to the
school going through the park
● Subir: go up
Sube la colina y encontrarás la parada del autobús – Go up the hill and you’ll find
the bus stop

● Frente a/en frente de: in front of

El mercado está frente al Ayuntamiento – The market is in front of the City Hall

● Al lado: beside / next to

Mi escuela está al lado de un pequeño parque – My school is beside a small park

● Cerca: near
Vivo cerca del bosque – I live near the forest

Como pedir indicaciones de lugares en inglés ❓

● Perdone, ¿dónde está…? – Excuse me, where is the…?
● Perdone, ¿cómo llego a…? – Excuse me, how do I get to…?
● Perdone, ¿hay algún/a ____ cerca? – Excuse me, is there a ______ near here?
● ¿Cómo llego hasta…? – How do I get to…?
● ¿Cuál es el camino hasta…? – What’s the way to…?
● ¿Dónde se encuentra…? – Where is _____ located?

According with the map

1. True or false.

a) The jewelry store is behind the Italian restaurant

b) The bar is on Second Avenue
c) The police station is on the left from Fire Department
d) The toy store is across from the Chinese restaurant
e) The movie theater is opposite the Book store
f) The sporting goods store is behind the Furniture store
g) The bar is next to the Chinese restaurant

2. Look at the map. Choose the correct name of the building!

● Take the first street on the left. Take the next street on the right. Go straight on and cross
the road. It's on the left. ______________________________

● Take the first street on the left. Go down the street. Turn on the right. Take the next street
on the right. Go straight on and cross the road. Go straight on. It's in front of you on the
other side of the road. _______________________________
● Take the first street on the left. Take the next street on the right. Take the next street on the
right. Pass the Fire Department. It's on your left. ______________________________
3. Fill in the missing preposition.

● The Women's wear is _____________________ the Jewelry Store.

● The Movie Theater is ______________________ the Book Store.
● The Women's wear is _____________________ the Jewelry Store and the Bar.
● The Toy store is __________________________ of Main Street and Forest Street.
● The Jewelry Store is _______________________ the Italian Restaurant

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