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- Folded Dipole On-Chip Antennas
- Loop Antennas
- Circuit Integration & Packaging Issues
- Leaky Wave Antennas (LWA)

Dr. Mandeep Singh,

Ph.D. IIT Roorkee, Post doc. IISc Bangalore
Assistant Professor,
Department of ECE,
NITK Surathkal
Folded Dipole On-Chip Antennas
A folded dipole is an antenna, with two conductors
connected on both sides, and folded to form a cylindrical
closed shape, to which feed is given at the center.
Folded Dipole On-Chip Antennas
Loop Antennas

A loop antenna is a radio antenna consisting of a loop or coil of wire,

tubing, or other electrical conductor, that for transmitting is usually fed
by a balanced power source or for receiving feeds a balanced load.
Loop Antennas
Loop Antennas
Loop Antennas
Circuit Integration
Packaging Issues
Packaging Issues
Antenna as part of Packaging
Antenna as part of Packaging
Leaky Wave Antennas (LWA)
Leaky Wave Antennas (LWA)
Uniform LWA :: Single Beam
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