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L-8 eae “nae “arerat Divison DATE 23 tetas | PY | PROCESS SPECIFICATION |RELEASE EO__#13597 £008 HEN Ho. 2829 Revision TITLE: METAL WORKING LUBRICANTS FOR TYTANTUM (ants revision supersedes Process Specification 1-8, Revision G, dated 4-3-73, and inco: £0°D84512. "Changes from the previous issue, orher than editorial changes, are shom by 9 bar (BD in the outer margin.) 1. SCoPE . 1.1 This lepectficatton establishes che lubricants and coolants used for machining and forming i parta nade of titeniun or eitanium alleys (y 1.2 omy those materials Listed herein are approved for use. 1.3 Provisions for handling and use of hazardous materials Listed herein ave specified in UP-1 2. qPpLTéasLe poco 2.1 The following dociments of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bide or request Tor proposal, form's pare of this specification ro the extent specified herein 2.1.1 P-p-680 Dry Cleaning Solvent 2.2 Wek-2L Kerosene 2.13 waL-P-17667 Paper, Wrapping, Chemically Newtval 3. Regurnenens 3 3 S.LLa Te75 Mobt1 O11 Co. af Gheveron White O11, Standard 011 60. ce ee , ehh? Norske 4 wer 7) 2:1.1.3, sodium witeite 2) commeretat ae Butyl Cellosolve \ Union Carbide Corp. Freon TF \e DuPont, Tne. Freon TB ee Duront, tne Flutd, Gueting, Merocut, 26, Quaker Chentcal Co. 31.8 Fluid, Cutting, Mierocut Bi Quaker Chemical Co." Fluid, cutting,- Hocut 297, BF, Houghton Co. watersol 3.11.10 Tapeol 410-FL-A ust-Liek, Ine 3.1.2 Forming Lubricants: 7-50 Everlube Corp. (27-26-26-1255)+ Pretreat ‘rurco Products Wax Draw 700 8. C. Johnson Co. . 7) 354.206 O81, Ligne, OTE Mobi1 041 co " #Atverafe Division Industrial Supplies and Equipment Code Humber | 7 PAGE 1 of & a 5 E L all NORTHROP PRoctss SPHCHFICATION: |B a Neaierenblaaion OvTE__25 February 1976 3.1.2 Solvent Solvent, Dry Cleaning, P-p-680 (27-26-34-1210) ype 1 3.2 Kerosene W-Ke2L1 arn 3.1.4 Bactericidal Cleaner 1 Cleaner, 211 1, or Leeder Chemical Co. % equivalent Miscellaneous S.L5.1 Paper, Chenteally MIL-P-17667 (06-36-60-1:380) Neutral, Type 1 3.2 Pro 3:21 Selection of Goolante and Lubricante - Table 1shall be ued as & guide to determine fhe material fo be used when performing any machining oz forming operations. ite 3.2.2 Use of Coolants 3,2.2.1 Coolants shall be used at the concentrations shown in Table 1. Sumps aa fluid Lines shall be cleaned and flushed with bactericidal cleaner before Techarging with now coolant. Machine oxterdore shall be viped down with @ bactericidal cleaner before recharging with new coolant. ‘The Tiliers shall be changed at this tine. Filters mut be maintained in = clean condition to provide free flow of coolant throughout the eyaten. Coolants shall be changed before they turn rancid. 3.2.3 Application of Wubricunts for Cold Forming " tho lubricent shall be applied only to clean parts. - a Untego otherwise specified, the surface of the tooling shall ve tive of excessivoly" thick, lubricant and foreigh saterial such as ubrasive-iike particles, turra, chip” - and other iaterials vhich could danage the part during the forming operation. Tooling shall be cleaned by solvent wiping with a nonchlorinated solvent (3.1/3), Abply e thin uniform £12m of cold foreing lubricant (ece Table 1) by voller, epray, hrueh, sponge, or dipping. Depending on the forming operation, the lubricant may’be applied to the tool, ‘the part, or both, . “For ease of Cleaning, tho, lubricant shall be removed from the part as soon ae. practicable after forming. The lubricant shall be renoved by olvent wiping with ary cleaning solvent ( or an equivalent safely golrent, An alternate Frocedure 1g.ta use emulsion cleaning, Tolloved by alkaline cleaning and rinse. The combination for hot forming in 3.2.4 may bé used for oold forming oporationo. PROCESS SPECIFICATION: L-s NORTHROP Revision 9 aD agar, Saipan, ave __25 February 1976 H TABLE 1, APPLICATTONS OF COOLANTS AND WIBRICANTS Coolants oF lubricant Operation : sotution — [auitine cola | ae Piasa type | coneentzation |" and” | Driauing | Grinaing | eapping | Porains | 790% Rout ing. 4) fs. TT-73 [Watersot [20 parte water | __x x i tusting [to fbase hua Freon 9-81 | volatiie [as received x x @"G) Cheveron Ps wnive oi, te Pate Wo, 5, HP, Jsotsum | watorsot @ x Mierice | cutcing Solution | fluid — 1 Hocut 257 [Wateraot [40 parte water | x ¥ x cutting [to 1 base i fad : Tapeot | 012 fas received x BOFL-a ‘ i Wox Draw | Wax jas received x i 108, i © ; yee on, [ou Jon reggsvea x } dent ' 6 : j 159 so1ia tiim [an reooivea x x oH Turi cant — EP ara | goivent (2) Jrottrent | {Tafebees } Msoroout | vateraor [20 verve water |= x x 4 2 butting °| #0 2. base fua™™ f Miorocut | Watersot [20 parte water | © x x i 3685 guiting [to fbase fini NOTES: 1. Cold forming will cover a temperature range of oom temperature to 400 F (204 C) extn ' 2, atornate uaterial 10 composté of 40 parte Preon OF ant one part butyl cellosoive. GHUBION: oe hie fluid only In well vents “Avoid breathing # Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing 4, Mule solution te 5 to 10 percent sodium nitrite in water. 5+ Mais material shall not ve used above 450 F (232 6) 6, This materiel may be out with kerosene to apply @ thin fin, 7. This material shall not de used above 1450 7 (788 C) : aD 8. These materials aze applied in two separate coats as detailed In 3.2.4. ‘ PAGE 3 of saat atlil PROCESS SPECTFICATION: 1-8 NORTHROP Revision D Northrop Corporation ‘Aircrait Division DATE 25 February 1976 __ 3.2.4 Application of Lwhricants for Hot Forming. The lubricants shall be applied only to ol n parte. 3.24.2 Unless otherwise specified, the surface of the tooling shall be free of ofl, grease, | scale, uneven hot forning iubrieante, burrs, chips, or other foreign macerials chick Sovld damage the part during the forming operation’ “Tooling shall’be cleaned by solvent wiping with a nonchlorinated solvent (3.1-3), followed by abrasive oe bechanteal Sescaling, if necessary to renove scale and old iubricase Care must be exercised during hi onto reseve only old lubricant 3:2-4.3 Mithin 2 hours after cleaning, spraya single coat of Turco Pretreat to a dry film thickness of 0.1 €0 0:3 mil” 'Do' nee overceas, if 32.4.4 Follow immediately after thinner flashoff by spraying 2 single coats of Everlube 7-50 from opposite directions or one coat with a 50k overlap to sli surtaces of the gare Total dry film thickness including the Pretreat shall be 0.1 to's saris CT) Moen the lubricant cannot he applied within 2 hours after cleaning, protect from Fecontamination by wrapping in chemically neutral paper (31.3 1) 3:2-4.6 Reclean the parts 1f they become contaminated between cleaning and application of the jubrieant The lubricant shall be dry before forming 3:2,4.8 Formed parte and tooling may be wiped with a clean, dry cloth to renove loose particles yam additional coat of lubricant applied, if further forming operations are’ segeieeh. TZ ayuniforn coating of lubricant below the maximum anount (3.404), connor be otshecd, the lubricant must be renoved and reapplied | Lubricants will be removed during subsequent descaling operations 5 e “e.. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS: » 4.1 Responsinsiity tor Tnapection ¥ / 41.1 Unlees othertlee, specified on the contract or, purchase order, the processing supp: shall Be reoponsible for the performance of all inspection reqiizemenes as spect rice Uevein. Bxcept as otherwise specified in the contract or purchase erder, the sup: plier Gay use his om facilities or any commercial laboratory acceyeabie’ to the Aircraft ivision. The Airerart Division reserves the right’ to pester any nell Gf the Inspections set forth horein where such inspections are deemed neocosary t2__ asoure that the processing conforns to the preseribed requirements, ~ 4-1.2 Inspection records shall be kept complete and available to the Aireraft Divisionin Ascordence with contract or purchase order. These records shell contain ala datd necessary to determine complimes with the requirenents of this opceification, 4.2 Inspection - During fabrication Quality Assurance shall assure compliance with all Fo- 6.2 Information pertaining to this specification may be obtained from Matersils Bugi= neering (3495/31), Airoratt Division. 6.2 Suppliors nay obtain information pertaining to, or additional copies of, thie specifi cation fron Hortnrop Corporation, aircraft Division, Materiel and Procurement Department (6000/71), 2031 EB. Mariposa Ave. El Segundo, California 90243 uincntd aa apelbchebtts ie ; | 5+ pampnuasion vor oucrveny This section te ot appiichte to’ this epettication, : | 6. somes | | PAcE 4 of & = a ang |

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