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Lockridge, Unleashed!

This is an engineer’s building manual on…

“How to Build an Ideal Transformer”.

© Vinyasi – Monday, July 15th, 2024

Table of Contents
Lockridge, Unleashed! ............................................................................................................................. 1
Warning .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Upgrading our Presumptions ............................................................................................................... 3
The Secret of the Lockridge Device ...................................................................................................... 7
Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Here is a Memorable Quote .................................................................................................................. 10
Building Instructions .......................................................................................................................... 11
Making Comparisons ......................................................................................................................... 13
Mixed Loads ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Mixed Load, v.1 ............................................................................................................................. 19
Mixed Load, v.2 ............................................................................................................................. 23
Mixed Load, v.3 ............................................................................................................................. 25
Mixed Load, v.4 ............................................................................................................................. 26
Mixed Load, v.5 ............................................................................................................................. 30
Mixed Load, v.6 ............................................................................................................................. 32
Mixed Load, v.7 ............................................................................................................................. 37
Mixed Load, v.8 ............................................................................................................................. 42
Mixed Load, v.9 ............................................................................................................................. 44
Mixed Load, v.10 ........................................................................................................................... 45
Mixed Load, v.11 ........................................................................................................................... 47
Mixed Load, v.12 ........................................................................................................................... 49
Mixed Load, v.13 ........................................................................................................................... 60
Review............................................................................................................................................... 94
John Bedini Interview .................................................................................................................... 95
Developing the Lockridge Archetype................................................................................................ 102
1st Attempt at a Lockridge Simulation ......................................................................................... 102
2nd Attempt at its Simulation....................................................................................................... 105
3rd Attempt at its Simulation ....................................................................................................... 106
4th Attempt at its Simulation ....................................................................................................... 108
5th Attempt at its Simulation ....................................................................................................... 111
6th Attempt at its Simulation ....................................................................................................... 117
7th Attempt at its Simulation ....................................................................................................... 119
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 125
A second conclusion…...................................................................................................................... 125
An afterthought… ............................................................................................................................ 125
Bewley’s Archetype ..................................................................................................................... 128
Bedini’s Advice ................................................................................................................................ 137
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................... 138
Directly relevant… ....................................................................................................................... 138
Not directly relevant, but nice to know… .................................................................................... 138
Audio & Videos for Free ................................................................................................................... 139
Videos – DVDs for Sale ..................................................................................................................... 139
Discussions on Forums..................................................................................................................... 139
Attempts at its Replication............................................................................................................... 139
Useful Links ..................................................................................................................................... 139
Endnotes ......................................................................................................................................... 139

Share this with all of your loyal friends whom you can vouch for; the ones who are interested in building
this, or can at least comprehend and appreciate what conventional society is staunchly opposed to, or
merely ignorant of, or misinformed about.

This will not make you any money. You’ll lose your credibility if you promote this.

So, don’t.
All you’ll succeed in doing is attracting the wrong attention, not from “Men in Black”, but from your
peers who would like nothing better than to see you fail.
There are far more “peers” than there are “Men in Black” if such a breed of G-men actually exist and are
not a fictional creation of Hollywood.

They are real. They’re called: studio executives! Howard Hughes is one prime example…i
Upgrading our Presumptions
To know anything is to get into the shoes of that perspective as any good method actor will tell you and
that’s my approach to studying this topic.

Electrical energy is not Energy. It is information. It is no different than a computer virus infecting the
copper wire of a circuit.

The language of that infection is the language of electrical reactance utilizing capacitive reactance ii and
inductive reactance iii and frequency to manipulate kinetic energy to whatever amplitude which we
desire increasing it or decreasing it at will no different than expanding or shrinking the Ant-maniv in
Marvel comics because we are dealing with information — not Energy.

What makes this even more intriguing is that these formulae (used for calculating electrical
reactance) imply that their input capacitances and input inductances become their output
capacitant (dielectric) fields and inductant (magnetic) fields since these fields are equivalent to
their resultant reactances.
Paul Falstad’s software code (for capacitors and inductors) suggests this in so far as the
computation of these reactive formulae are not restricted to merely one use, for that would
restrict us to one moment in time (equivalent to one unit of simulator timeframe). Instead, these
reactant computations are repeated (reiterated) again and again throughout the duration of the
simulator’s runtime.

This suffices to be a reality check to remind us that electrical reactance goes beyond our frozen
images of mere theory to include a dynamic redefinition of our theory to include equivalent
consequences of our theory — in the format of “dielectric and magnetic field theory” —
whenever our theory is applied to the real world.

If we were dealing with Energy, then a coil of copper wire could gain or lose weight. But it does not! That
should tell you something … that the famous physics statement that claims that “energy equals mass
times the speed of light squared” does not apply to the topic of electrical energy.

When you’re dealing with language and information, you’re dealing with a virus that has no physical
existence apart from the materiality of its host. Anything is possible under these circumstances. But if
you don’t believe in, and accept, this reality, then you’re gonna have a tough time understanding
electrical Energy much less free energy.

Paul Falstad utilizes the equations for capacitive reactance and inductive reactance in the software code
within the functions (within the models) for his coils and capacitors processing their input voltage
specifying that they become current sources as a consequence.
Figure 1 – CapacitorElm.javav This method of calculating the internal series resistance of capacitors is wrong. Please, see: Mixed
Load, v.13b.
Figure 2 – Inductor.javavi This method of calculating the internal series resistance of inductors is wrong. Please, see: Mixed Load,

This must be very enlightening, I know it is for me, because it defines the electrical behavior of
conductivity and insulative resistance as the behavior of electrical reactance so that a simple flashlight
circuit is no longer so simple anymore because it contains electrical reactance within itself as an
implication even though nobody assumes it to exist there. In fact, electrical reactance is everywhere in
every single circuit, but most people don’t take advantage of it.

Electrical reactance is the leverage by which we alter kinetic energy without costing us any electrical

But we will succeed in making use of this leverage only if we allow this leverage to flourish because
kinetic energy can suppress and destroy any attempt we make for making use of this leverage if we
allow kinetic energy to get in the way. So, it’s a contradiction in terms that we wish to manipulate
energy, but we don’t want to do so at the expense of allowing Energy to suppress this leveraging that
electrical reactance is capable of.
So, we use environmental levels of voltage rather than standard conventional levels because we no
longer believe that we have to supply the full amount of voltage plus a little extra to cover losses (due to
the inefficiencies within the circuit) because those inefficiencies are not very important.

The Secret of the Lockridge Device

I have concluded that Bedini has given roughly all of the information which is required to build the
device. The result will be a nearly 100% efficient device operating at slightly less than unity.

But, and here's the catch, the anonymous person who handed off his research to Bedini failed to
replicate Lockridge due to having overlooked the resistive load of incandescent lamps as having any
significant contribution to this device.

It turns out, that incandescent light bulbs can generate a small amount of current if they are vacuumed
of their interior atmospheric gases. This was the original invention of Thomas Edison. vii

Unfortunately, its filament easily burns up since 97% of the electrical energy of these lamps is converted
into heat in order to illuminate the light bulb using the remaining 3% of electrical energy. In other
words, a fiery condition of the lamp’s filament is required to glow and emit light. And the lack of gas,
inside of the original Edison design, fails to transfer the energy of the filament to the glass enclosure. So,
all of the energy is sequestered to concentrate at the filament causing it to readily fry itself.

Yet, it is this concentration of energy which motivates the filament to generate a small amount of
current. It is this marginal generation of current which can contribute to any machine which possesses
nearly 100% efficiency since none of this miniscule contribution will be wasted in attempting to bring
the efficiency of that device up to 100% and, instead, will become capable of tipping the coefficience of
performance to slightly greater than unity making it possible for this device to keep supplying enough
power to run itself until it breaks down. And the Lockridge device will generate an extra 300 watts to
power its electrical load – of this unique type of bulb which has since gone out of popular favor.

For whatever reason, Irving Langmuir invented a variation of the Edison device in 1908 by filling his
incandescent bulbs with argon or a combination of argon and nitrogen at ambient (atmospheric)
pressure. This succeeds at transferring most of the excess energy (sequestered at the filament) to the
glass enclosure and preserve the lifespan of the filament for a little while longer at the expense of our
utilization of light bulbs to support this, or any other, overunity device.

The glass enclosure of a light bulb unwittingly serves as the dielectric of a spherical capacitor. The
environment surrounding the glass enclosure is the outer plate of this spherical capacitor which
stretches outwards to an infinite radius. The filament is the inner plate of this spherical capacitor. If
there are any molecules of gas inside of this bulb, it will assist in the transfer of energy away from the
filament and deposit this transfer of energy to the glass enclosure and, thus, lengthen the lifespan of the
filament with the additional side effect of thwarting the filament from generating any appreciable
quantity of current.

The simulated models of Paul Falstad's incandescent lampsviii are of the vacuum variety.ix Their heat
sends a substantial quantity of current (in this example) ...
... back to his transformer model which also has the property of being an "ideal transformer" since it
retains its magnetism and its dielectric charge at a rate of 100%.

His capacitors do likewise. They retain their dielectric force with 100% efficiency.

These lamps, of Paul Falstad's simulated models, produce current all of the time even when they're not
hot and, thus, even when they're not radiating any light. It's just that we can’t see this production of
current until these light bulbs heat up to white hot color index. Then, and only then, do these lamps
contribute a noticeable acceleration of current (due to their escalating temperature) the instant their
Kelvin thermal index reaches white hot status. Then, my initial attempt at crudely simulating a Lockridge
device (Lockridge5, linked-to above) can't help itself but suddenly blow up making its regulation an
impossible affair.

This risk of explosions would not happen in the real world. Or, would they?

Every single detail of the Anthony Craddock interview of John Bedini, concerning the architecture of the
Lockridge device, must be adhered to and you must ignore anyone else's building suggestions no matter
what their credentials (including mine).

…in the form of a letter to a friend…

The Lockridge device may be an ideal transformer conserving against the loss of magnetic
force. Normally, an excessive intensity of magnetic force exits from out of each pole of
conventional transformers (its north and its south magnetic poles). But the Lockridge device
manages to recapture this loss at the trifilar coil and absorb any dielectric loss at the copper
sheeted capacitor immediately surrounding the trifilar coil. This trifilar coil is efficiently capturing
this magnetic field due to the peculiar rearrangement of the inner magnetic field which are
produced by the four stator coils working in conjunction of the two slots down the length of their
outer housing. These conditions reorients these fields at right angles to the outer magnetic field
of the trifilar coil immediately surrounding the housing. The two sheets, of 35 foot length, of
copper capacitor, immediately surrounding the trifilar coil terminates this “reabsorption
procedure” by avoiding any attempt to capture stray magnetism by capturing stray dielectric
force, instead.
The butcher paper, within this copper sheeted capacitor, is a true termination of an open
transmission line because paper is not a dielectric if not for the wax which is coated on one side.
The paper is a true boundary condition. Paper and wood (from which paper products are usually
derived) is a non-conductor of the Odic force according to Baron Karl von Reichenbach.x And
the Odic force is consistent with the five qualities of Prana (another term for the life force).
It probably matters which side of the paper is the wax layered onto it since we’re dealing with,
here, a spherical capacitor. I would imagine that the paper faces OUT and the wax coating
faces IN to allow the wax to store a dielectric charge and, yet, the paper will be allowed to
“capture” this storage and discourage its leakage, outwardly, towards its environment.
The inner magnetic field is the organization of the four electromagnetic poles – the stator coils –
organized into two categorical fields provided by the two slots (along the length of the housing of
the automotive alternator from which this device is modified from) while the outer magnetic field
is the trifilar coil in combination with the dielectric field stored in the capacitor that surrounds the
trifilar coil. The capacitor is fed by one of the coils within the trifilar coil – according to Bedini (in
Anthony Craddock’s interview of John, see below [Audio & Videos for Free]) by being directly
connected to, inline with, its respective coil within the trifilar coil.
That’s why the selection of alternator housing material is so important. It must be able to retain
magnetic memory similar to the materials that are suitable for a Perpetual Motion Holder
experiment which is also the same material used in computer magnetic core memory between
the years of 1955 and 1975. [Endnotes (in Roman numerals): “xiii”, “xiv”, “xv” and “xvi”]
This is my attempt at resolving the Lockridge mystery by drawing a comparison between the
Lockridge device and Paul Falstad’s simulated transformers [Endnotes: “xix”] which are ideal in
the sense that they do not lose energy because they collect their resultant eddy currents (that
would have produced heat). Both types of transformers, the Lockridge device and Paul
Falstad’s theoretical transformers, succeed at collecting their magnetic fields (which emanate
from out of the two north and south magnetic poles of their core material) by reorienting them for
reabsorption at right angles to the electromagnetic fields of their transformer windings. The core
of Paul Falstad’s transformers is the analog of the modified, automotive alternator within the
Lockridge device while Paul’s transformer windings are the analog of the Lockridge trifilar coil
plus its copper capacitor which surrounds its trifilar coil.
To help us visualize this reorientation (within transformer cores)…
Imagine two great circles traversing the surface of a sphere.xi xii One crosses through the
equator while the second great circle is at right angles to the first passing through the north and
south poles (of this imaginary sphere) and crossing the equator at two locations on opposite
sides of this globe…

These two great circles are the spin planes of two electromagnetic fields: one produced by the
trifilar coil and the other produced by the slotted housing organizing and dividing the magnetic
fields of the four stator coils inside of the Lockridge device.
Eddy currents presumably revolve in all kinds of orientations the most extreme of which is at
right angles to the orientation of conventional transformer coils which produce those eddy
currents within the core material of transformers.
I suspect, and without any proof, that the production of heat by the eddy currents – within a
suitable core material for this type of transformer – is the very type of core material that
everybody avoids nowadays (in conventional, transformer core construction) which is exactly
what we want in the Lockridge device!
The boosted current emanating from the magnetic north and south poles of any transformer,
plus the magnetism of these eddy fields, must be stored in a capacitor which is connected in
parallel within one of the trifilar coils. And that capacitor must, also, be wrapped around the
trifilar coil.
The other two coils of the trifilar coil are extensions, connected in series to their predicates.
These predicates are the generator coils and the motor coils, namely: the four stator coils on the
inside of the Lockridge device.
Yet, as far as I can tell (based on my experience with free energy circuit simulations), making a
distinction between a motor coil versus a generator coil (or in the conventional world of primary
versus secondary transformer windings) is no longer valid since there is no longer any
throughput emanating from a source and proceeding towards a load. Instead, the artistry of my
mother kicks into my conscious awareness in which I seek archetypes of symmetry devoid of
any distinction between cause and effect since both causation and its resultant cease to be a
localized event found somewhere in space. Instead, they are exclusively restricted to time.

Here is a Memorable Quote

To think outside “the box” of conditioned thinking, is truly to think in terms of time devoid of
any consideration of space. Space is merely how we materialize free energy processes so
that we may enjoy their benefits. But space is NOT how we think about the structural
processes which are involved. Only time will suffice.

This is why electrical reactance formula merely possess factors of: time (in the form of
frequency), along with capacitive and inductive reactance.

And this is, also, the ONLY way to accurately view so-called Ohm’s Law in terms of time-
varying voltages responding to the application of voltage overcoming time-dependent
impedances of capacitance and inductance in addition to non-varying resistance.

This view of electrical reality obliterates any consideration of current since current is a non-
existential reality. Current is: a fiction; a mathematical shorthand intended to replace this
more complicated version of time-dependent changes in voltage and impedance plus the
distinction between applied voltage and resultant voltage).

It is a shame that this version of electrical reality is not taught to college and university
freshmen who are pursuing a career in electrical engineering. But worse yet … It is a
travesty that it is not taught to advanced students of this major.
When the Lockridge device is looked at in this way, as an embodiment of an ideal transformer,
then the various connections and arrangements among all of the parts becomes very obvious.
But only if we assume that we can capture most of the magnetism which is embodied within a
transformer, or any type of motor or generator, to raise the efficiency of this type of device to
nearly 100%.
The generator commutators have no OFF time since their carbon brushes can straddle, at the
most, two commutator plates at a time while the motor commutators have a much longer OFF
time equivalent to one commutator plate in between two adjacent commutator ON plates.
This makes it possible to maximize sparks at the commutator plates which are associated with
the motor coils. These sparks are oscillatory spike waveforms. They inject oscillations into what
would otherwise be considered a DC device, strictly speaking. These oscillations make it
mandatory to restrict the load to a resistive load devoid of any rectification into direct current by
the action of diodes immediately inline, and adjacent to, the resistive load. So, I doubt a battery
could be another example of a resistive load despite what John Bedini said in his interview with
Anthony Craddock.
To reiterate, the electricity has to be able to oscillate through the entire electric load. It cannot
travel in merely one direction.
So, if any diodes are inserted into this device, they must be able to enhance the spikes
produced in-between the DC pulses by making sure that those oscillatory spikes accumulate
voltage on each half cycle which is going to be blocked by the diodes, because sparks are going
to be created during the OFF time in between the commutator plates motor coils and also
associated with the constant ON state of the commutator plates which are associated with the
generator coil. Those sparks are going to be oscillatory in nature even though they may be spiky
in their shapes.
But ultimately, diodes may not be necessary since the sparking action of the brushes against
the commutator plates may be sufficient to magnify the output of this device.
Despite the pulsed DC nature of this device in its overall intentions, it also has additional
intentions of mixing up and combining oscillatory spikes along with the DC pulses.
I’ve gone through several variations in my attempt to simulate this device.
Here is the one of them … the simplest of them all…
Paul Falstad’s transformer can sometimes escalate its power toward infinite oblivion if we
include a capacitor alongside of it since his entire simulation models zero losses.

Building Instructions
1. Choose a core material that is suitable for a Perpetual Motion Holderxiii experiment
popularized by Edward Leedskalninxiv. This type of material was also used by magnetic
core memories within our computers between the years of 1955 and 1975.xv Both of
these examples exhibit the properties of (magnetic) remanence. xvi
Concrete rebar, if it were to be bent into a toroidal shape and its two endpoints welded
together, is one example of a suitable core for the construction of an ideal transformer.
But it is not suitable for the construction of a Lockridge device if it were not for its
shortcoming of being too slender to satisfy the next step.

2. Hollow out this core material and cut two slots proceeding lengthwise (along this tubular
core) on opposite sides of this shell, almost reaching its two endpoints — but not quite
all the way.

3. This hollowed out shell will form the housing of a four pole, DC brush, electromagnetic,
motor / generator combination which will be placed inside of this housing and form the
basis of this ideal transformer — something which has been unheard of in the practical
realm of electrodynamic theory if it were not for this Lockridge device.

Two, of each of the four, electromagnets will be on either side of the two slots along the
interior of this motor housing. One pair of electromagnets will be magnetized as north
polarity while the other pair will be south polarity. One electromagnet of each pair will be
a generator stator magnet while its partner will be a stator motor magnet (see the two
screenshots, below: Figure 120 and Figure 121). The generator stator electromagnets are
positioned on opposite sides of the interior of this housing and likewise are the motor
stator electromagnets. These stator electromagnets are slightly, not strongly, energized
probably due to their long-term use?

4. Place an armature, in the form of a rotor, inside of this DC motor / generator housing.
And imagine that we must, somehow, effectively provide for two separate rings of
commutators surrounding its circumference without having to severely alter the rotor.
One set of imaginary commutators will make contact with the motor’s carbon brushes
while the other imaginary ring will make contact with the generator’s carbon brushes.
This is accomplished by sanding down the motor’s carbon brushes so that these
brushes will merely make contact with the top-half of each commutator plate (sanded, or
filed, down lengthwise, along the commutator’s length) while the brushes which are
associated with the generator coils are occupying the bottom-half of each commutator
plate (or else, the other way around; whatever works). The surface of each commutator
plate associated with the motor’s brushes will be covered with insulation and another
layer of a conductive material (that will not wear out before the brushes do) and placed
on every other commutator plate so that the motor’s brushes will fail to make an
electrical connection skipping every other electrical connection creating a duty cycle of
50% (in contrast with the brushes which are associated with the generator’s stator coils).
This double layering (of insulation underneath conductance) will ensure that sparking will
occur instead of an electrical connection for the motor’s stator coils with the passage of
every other commutator plate. The commutator plates associated with the generator’s
brushes behave in the normal manner and, thus, remain without modification. Also, each
carbon brush (of both generator and motor coils) will be slightly less than the width of the
commutator plate to which it is associated (along the circumference of the rotor’s axle
and at right-angles to the rotor’s length) so that no more than two commutator plates, at
one time, could ever make contact with each brush.
5. Short out one coil of this nearly, ideal transformer with a capacitor. This additional coil
will be one of three coils wrapped together forming a trifilar coil. Bedini calls this
additional coil the capacitor coil. {But since I take the liberty of adding two additional
capacitors for additional impetus for gaining power, I label this original capacitor with the
tag of: ORIG_CAP} All of the coils within this device regulate the overall escalation (or,
amplification) of power. Smaller inductances among these coils runs the risk of
accelerating the amplification of this circuit’s rate of power gain, yet, are convenient to fit
inside of the tight space within the interior of this automotive alternator from which this
Lockridge device was historically constructed. I arbitrarily select the use of 25 AWG wire
(not too large, nor too small a wire gauge; your guess is as good as mine). Each of the
two other coils (within the trifilar coil) will be electrical extensions of the motor and
generator stator coils (inside of the housing) which are connected to the rotor’s
commutators via the carbon brushes. Each brush is filed down to not exceed the width of
each commutator plate. This trifilar wrapping immediately surrounds the housing. And
around this trifilar coil is wrapped the 35 foot long, copper sheeted, parallel capacitor.

6. As to which way the pull-cord is yanked will determine which pair of electromagnets
become the motor coils and which become the generator coils. It’s quite arbitrary.

A solid state version of this Lockridge device is suggested by an environmental charge

of one micro volt precharged into the original capacitor of these simulations. But in some
of these simulations, a pull cord is represented by a precharged condition of 6V.

7. The light bulbs (acting as a resistive load for this device) must be vacuumed of their
gases. Halogen bulbs are not a satisfactory substitute.xvii Nor are modern-day
incandescent light bulbs which are also filled with a gas. Modern-day incandescent bulbs
are filled with either argon or a combination of argon and nitrogen.

8. But if you can’t find any “old” Edison light bulbs, then substitute triodesxviii in their place
and don’t connect to any electrode of the triode other than the terminal connections for
the triode’s filament. It may not shed much light, but it’ll have characteristics similar to
the original Edison bulb which will ensure that your replication of Lockridge will be an
overunity device.

9. All of the simulations, below, are merely suggestions of what to expect when you
proceed to build them. Simulations are rough approximations. They are not very
accurate unless the simulation is more advanced (which mine, below, are not).

Making Comparisons
Paul Falstad’s simulation of a transformer is an ideal transformerxix. Paul Falstad’s transformers are a
very powerful overunity component whenever they are coupled with capacitances.xx

The Lockridge device is nearly an ideal transformer. Yet, it does not pass DC. Nor does it prevent the loss
of DC, per se. It simply generates DC due to a pulsed, DC motor is inserted into its hollowed-out core
leaving a ferromagnetizable shell (housing) with some very unique magnetic properties. [Figure 120 and
Figure 121]

This makes it possible to do some crazy stuff! xxi

Although, it’s good to keep in mind that anything which I design usually tends towards instability. This is
not limited to simulations of the Lockridge device.

← QR-CODE for this shortened redirect…

… of the following simulation (see, next image). Its text file within my Google Docs account is…

… from which you may download and load it into this simulator…

… on my website.

In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.0003+10.20027730826997+50+5+50%0Ac+624+240+624+144+0+0.00001+6+0.01+1+1%0Al+544+240+544+144+0+3+0+25%0Aw+544+144+624+144+0%0Aw+544+240+624+240+0%0Aw+62
Figure 3 – Simple instability is encouraged, rather than discouraged, to implore electrical reactance to magnify the perception of
energy which this circuit is endowed with. So, rather than letting ourselves misinterpret these oscilloscope tracings to conclude
that energy is increasing (despite this is what these tracings are literally telling us), the leverage of electrical reactance makes it
possible for the circuit (and ourselves) to alter our perception of how much energy exists within this circuit from one moment to
the next. In other words, energy has not altered its amplitude. Rather, the perception of energy has become altered which, for
all practical purposes, is not the same as erroneously assuming that some Law – or another – of physics has been violated. In
other words, energy is not the only thing to consider. What’s just as important is how much work is performed per unit of
energy. For, if we get more work accomplished per unit of energy, then we may be tempted to conclude that “overunity” has
occurred. This requires that we redefine what overunity actually means.

To do this, requires that we conclude that...

Energy is elastic in so far as it is not the end-all, nor is it the be-all, of materialistic dynamics. For,
electrical reactance pervades all circuitry even if we don't voluntarily include it (such as within a
flashlight circuit without a switch). Thus, Ohm's Law is a lie because it is a half-truth.

𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑠 ≠ 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 × 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡

Watts is not equal to voltage times current since current is a fictional mathematical shorthand notation
substituting for something much more complicated.

We're told that current is equal to volts divided by resistance.

Substituting this in place of the symbol for current, in Ohm's Law, we derive that ...

𝑉𝑥𝑉 𝑉 2
𝑊= =
Watts = (Voltage x Voltage) ÷ Resistance = V2 ÷ R

From this revelation it is possible to conclude that: the amperage traveling down a transmission line is
also a fiction since we can derive wattage without recourse to any existence of current, fictional or not.
All we need is voltage and resistance (according to this interpretation of Ohm’s Law).
Our experience from real-life supports this view. xxii

But even this is not true since it is (also) an over-simplification.

It's not voltage, squared, since those two voltages do not represent the same voltage. Instead, the first
voltage represents Applied Voltage while the second voltage represents Resultant Voltage (which may
be Real, or Imaginary, or Complex).

And it's not simple resistance underneath those two voltages in the denominator. Along with simple
resistance, we must also consider the coexistence of two impedances (which are time-dependent),
namely: inductive and capacitive impedance.

So, now, Ohm's Law becomes...

𝑉𝑎 𝑥𝑉𝑟
𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 = ( )⁄𝑡
Energy (measured in Joules) = { (Applied Voltage x Resultant Voltage) divided by (Simple Resistance,
Inductive Impedance and Capacitive Impedance) } per unit of time


Energy is measured in Joules per unit of time.

Va = Applied Voltage

Vr = Resultant Voltage

Z = Capacitive Impedance + Inductive Impedance + Simple Resistance

t = units of time

This complexity makes our shift in perception possible since a mere alteration of frequency, alone, could
alter the energetic outcome.

So, to conclude, electrical reactance can alter our illusory perception of watts into deluding ourselves
into assuming that energy is – or must be – conserved at all times. Only watts is capable of this
(conservation) since watts is a fiction (a misrepresentation) due to an over-simplification of energy.

Do we teach this more complicated version to freshmen who have recently begun their study of
electrodynamic theory? No, we're told, because it would be too much for them to understand.


But, do we teach this more complicated version to advanced students of electrical engineering? ......... I
am still waiting for someone to break the silence of my question posed on Quora and StackExchange.

Here’s another example…

Figure 4 –
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In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+1.1e-
+14+64+0+12549+0.0001+0.0001+3+2+14+3%0Ao+22+64+0+4098+0.0001+0.0001+4+2+22+3%0Ao+22+64+0+12289+0.0001+0.0001+5+2+22+3%0Ao+22 +64+1+12551+0.0001+0.0001+6+1+0.0001%0A

Mixed Loads
Bedini mentioned in his interview, with Anthony Craddock, that it could be possible to use batteries as
resistive loads. He did not make any other distinction. [Audio & Videos for Free]

I believe another distinction is required to enable its simulation to succeed.

That is, that the load is mixed… a combination of one or more lamps and one or more batteries. That
way, the diodes (placed on the batteries which are intended to be recharged) are protected from
reverse current to ensure that they are recharged – not discharged, nor oscillated (batteries don’t like to
be subjected to oscillations). The lamp will serve as a short allowing oscillations will be allowed to pass
through themselves while the diode/battery pair will be restricted to a unidirectional flow of current.
In fact, I dimly recall Bedini mentioning (on some other occasion) the requirement to include a small
(neon) bulb in some of his circuits and connected (to those circuits) at all times to ensure that the circuit
always perceives a load to prevent “toasting” itself.

Here are five versions of mixed loads…

Mixed Load, v.1

Figure 5

Figure 6
Figure 7

Figure 8
Figure 9

Figure 10
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In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.0003+10.20027730826997+50+5+50%0Ac+512+224+512+128+2+0.00001+0+0.01+1+1%0Al+432+224+432+128+2+3+0+25%0Aw+512+128+704+128+0%0Aw+624+400+704+400+0%0AT+624
336+0+0.1%0Ar+800+400+864+400+0+0.1%0Aw+864+336+880+336+0%0Aw+864+400+880+400+0%0Aw+800+336+768+336+0%0Aw+768+400+800+400+0%0 Ar+880+128+880+208+0+100000000%0Ax+563+156+769+159+4+15+
32+240+0%0Ao+13+64+0+12546+0.0001+0.0001+0+2+13+3+DISCHARGE%0Ao+13+64+0+12545+0.0001+0.0001+1+2+13+3+DISCHARGE%0Ao+22+64+0+12 546+0.0001+0.0001+2+2+22+3+RECHARGE%0Ao+22+64+0+12545+0.0001
Mixed Load, v.2

Figure 11

Figure 12
Figure 13

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In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.0003+10.20027730826997+50+5+50%0Ac+512+224+512+128+2+0.00001+0+0.01+1+1%0Al+432+224+432+128+2+3+0+25%0Aw+512+128+704+128+0%0Aw+624+400+704+400+0%0AT+624
d+880+400+880+368+1+0.805904783%0Ar+704+128+800+128+0+0.1%0Ar+704+240+800+240+0+0.1%0Ar+432+128+512+128+0+0.1%0Ar+432+240+512 +240+0+0.1%0Ar+512+240+624+240+0+0.1%0Ar+704+336+768+336+0+0.1
00+240+800+208+0%0Aw+432+224+432+240+0%0Ac+880+336+880+368+2+12+0+0.01+1+1%0Ax+931+352+1021+355+4+19+CAPLOAD%0Ax+913+379+1024 +382+4+17+V%5Csto%5CsI%5Cs%5Cq%5Cs1%5Csto%5Cs20%0Ax+915+

Mixed Load, v.3

Figure 14

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… from which you may download and load it into this simulator…
… on my website.

In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.0003+10.20027730826997+50+5+50%0Ac+512+224+512+128+2+0.00001+0+0.01+1+1%0Al+432+224+432+128+2+3+0+25%0Aw+512+128+704+128+0%0Aw+624+400+704+400+0%0AT+624
d+880+368+880+336+1+0.805904783%0Ar+704+128+800+128+0+0.1%0Ar+704+240+800+240+0+0.1%0Ar+432+128+512+128+0+0.1%0Ar+432+240+512 +240+0+0.1%0Ar+512+240+624+240+0+0.1%0Ar+704+336+768+336+0+0.1
0%0Aw+864+416+928+416+0%0Aw+928+416+928+368+0%0Aw+928+368+912+368+0%0Aw+912+336+960+336+0%0Ao+13+64+0+12546+0.0001+0.0001+0+2 +13+3+DISCHARGE%0Ao+13+64+0+12545+0.0001+0.0001+1+2+13+3+

Mixed Load, v.4

Figure 15
Figure 16

Figure 17
Figure 18

Figure 19
Figure 20

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In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.0001+3.046768661252054+50+5+50%0Ac+512+224+512+128+2+0.00001+0+0.01+1+1%0Al+432+224+432+128+2+3+0+25%0Aw+512+128+704+128+0%0Aw+624+400+704+400+0%0AT+624
d+880+368+880+336+1+0.805904783%0Ar+704+128+800+128+0+0.1%0Ar+704+240+800+240+0+0.1%0Ar+432+128+512+128+0+0.1%0Ar+432+240+512 +240+0+0.1%0Ar+512+240+624+240+0+0.1%0Ar+704+336+768+336+0+0.1
%0Ar+704+400+768+400+0+0.1%0Ar+560+400+624+400+0+0.1%0Ar+560+336+624+336+0+0.1%0Ax+916+246+1026+249+4+19+%22discharging%22%0Ar+800+128+800+208+0+0.1%0Ar+800+336+864+336+0+0.1 %0Ar+800+400+

Mixed Load, v.5

Figure 21

Figure 22
Figure 23

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In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.0001+3.046768661252054+50+5+50%0Ac+512+224+512+128+2+0.00001+0+0.01+1+1%0Al+432+224+432+128+2+3+0+25%0Aw+512+128+704+128+0%0Aw+624+400+704+400+0%0AT+624
44+336+944+368+1+0.805904783%0Ad+880+448+880+416+1+0.805904783%0Ad+944+416+944+448+1+0.805904783%0Aw+992+368+992+464+0%0Aw+86 4+336+864+368+0%0Aw+864+368+880+368+0%0Aw+864+464+992+46
4+0%0Aw+992+368+944+368+0%0Ar+880+336+944+336+0+0.1%0Ar+880+448+944+448+0+0.1%0Ar+880+368+880+416+0+0.1%0Ar+944+368+944+416+0 +0.1%0Ar+944+336+1024+336+0+0.1%0Ar+1024+400+1024+448+0+0.1%

Mixed Load, v.6

Figure 24 – I couldn’t take this screenshot fast enough to capture the full flavor of what initially happens. The so-called, “dead”
battery (of one femto volt = 0.000000000000001V = 1e–15V) instantly surges and, then, almost as quickly dies down to this level
of amplitude.

Figure 25
Figure 26

Figure 27
Figure 28

Figure 29
Figure 30

Figure 31 – Eventually, it settles down into a rhythmic routine of pulses every 11 seconds with spikes on the Motor Load and on
the amperes of the Capacitor Load. Meanwhile, the voltage on the Capacitor Load gradually increases its voltage in stepwise
fashion. And the lamp remains lit!
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In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.00005+10.20027730826997+50+5+50%0Ac+512+224+512+128+2+0.00001+0+0.01+1+1%0Aw+512+128+704+128+0%0Aw+624+400+704+400+0%0AT+624+240+704+336+2+1+1+0+0+0.99+
0+208+0+0.1%0Ar+800+336+864+336+0+0.1%0Ar+800+400+864+400+0+0.1%0Aw+864+336+880+336+0%0Aw+800+336+768+336+0%0Aw+768+400+800+4 00+0%0Ar+880+144+880+240+0+100000000%0Ax+562+163+768+166+
0+64+0+12545+0.0001+0.0001+1+2+10+3+DISCHARGE%0Ao+34+64+0+12546+0.0001+0.0001+2+2+34+3+CAPLOAD%0Ao+34+64+0+4353+0.0001+0.0000 5508605673032463+3+2+34+3+CAPLOAD%0Ao+39+64+0+4354+0.0000639
1112779495958+0.0001+4+2+39+3+MOTORLOAD%0Ao+39+64+0+4353+0.0001+0.00006671047935169356+5+2+39+3+MOTORLOAD%0Ao+39+64+1+4355+5+0.1+6+1+0.0000762939453125+MOTORLOAD%0Ao+34+64+0+416 3+5
Mixed Load, v.7

Figure 32 – This variation of [Mixed Load, v.6] doesn’t even require an input source. It’s “dead” battery is sufficient enough
voltage (assuming one femto volt of lingering charge) to initiate this circuit in an initial surge that immediately lights up the

Figure 33
Figure 34

Figure 35
Figure 36

Figure 37 – Periodic spikes is the essential nature of this type of circuit.

Figure 38

Figure 39
Figure 40 – 60V has accumulated on the battery equivalent to about 20% state of charge for a battery pack within a RAV4 EV
from 2002 with a total voltage of 288V, 24 count of 12V each, capable of 95 amp-hours within each 12V battery.

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In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.00005+10.20027730826997+50+5+50%0Ac+512+224+512+128+2+0.00001+0+0.01+1+1%0Aw+512+128+704+128+0%0Aw+624+400+704+400+0%0AT+624+240+704+336+2+1+1+0+0+0.99+
3E%3E%3E%0Ac+560+336+560+384+2+0.00001+0+0.01+1+1%0Ad+864+400+896+400+1+0.805904783%0Ar+704+128+800+128+0+0.1%0Ar+704+240+800 +240+0+0.1%0Ar+512+240+624+240+0+0.1%0Ar+704+336+768+336+0+0.
Ar+896+400+960+400+0+0.1%0Aw+1072+336+1072+400+0%0Al+880+336+944+336+0+1+0+25%0Aw+560+384+560+400+0%0Ax+863+356+943+359+4+12+MOTOR%5CsLOAD%0Av+1008 +336+1072+336+0+0+60+1e-

Mixed Load, v.8

Figure 41 – Installing a switch helps make it possible to turn OFF the slight overunity which this circuit possesses and relegate
the output of this circuit to entropy. The switch also makes it super easy to turn this circuit OFF versus ON multiple times.

Figure 42
Figure 43

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In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.00005+10.20027730826997+50+5+50%0Ac+512+224+512+128+2+0.00001+0+0.01+1+1%0Aw+512+128+704+128+0%0AT+624+240+704+336+2+1+1+0+0+0.99+25 %0Ax+723+297+961+300+
%0Ac+560+336+560+384+2+0.00001+0+0.01+1+1%0Ad+912+400+944+400+1+0.805904783%0Ar+704+128+800+128+0+0.1%0Ar+704+240+800+240+0+0 .1%0Ar+512+240+624+240+0+0.1%0Ar+704+336+816+336+0+0.1%0Ar+56
0+400+624+400+0+0.1%0Ar+560+336+624+336+0+0.1%0Ar+800+128+800+208+0+0.1%0Ar+848+336+912+336+0+0.1%0Ar+848+400+912+400+0+0.1%0 Aw+912+336+928+336+0%0Aw+848+336+816+336+0%0Aw+816+400+848+

Mixed Load, v.9

Figure 44 – Installing a neon bulb, spark gap in parallel with the lamp accentuates the amplitude of each spike at the cost of
slowing down the frequency of spikes for this entire circuit.

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In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.00005+10.20027730826997+50+5+50%0Ac+512+224+512+128+2+0.00001+0+0.01+1+1%0Aw+512+128+704+128+0%0AT+624+240+704+336+2+1+1+0+0+0.99+25%0Ax+837+301+1075+304
0+208+0%0Ac+1152+400+1104+400+2+12+0+0.01+1+1%0Ax+1104+372+1164+375+4+12+CAP%5CsLOAD%0Ar+1088+336+1152+336+0+0.1%0Ar+1040+400 +1104+400+0+0.1%0Aw+1216+336+1216+400+0%0Al+1024+336+1088+

Mixed Load, v.10

Figure 45 – Installing an air gap, spark gap adjacent to the neon bulb and in parallel with it (and the lamp) quadruples the
accentuation of spike amplitude slowing down the frequency of spikes to nine tenths of a cycle per second, also known as: Hz.
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In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.00005+10.20027730826997+50+5+50%0Ac+512+224+512+128+2+0.00001+0+0.01+1+1%0Aw+512+128+704+128+0%0AT+624+240+704+336+2+1+1+0+0+0.99+25%0Ax+860+282+1097+285
E%3E%0Ac+560+336+560+384+2+0.00001+0+0.01+1+1%0Ad+1040+400+1104+400+1+0.805904783%0Ar+704+128+800+128+0+0.1%0Ar+704+240+800+240+0+0 .1%0Ar+512+240+624+240+0+0.1%0Ar+704+336+816+336+0+0.1%
isible%5CsFootprint%0Ax+902+324+926+327+4+12+VVV%0Ao+24+64+0+12546+0.0001+0.0001+0+2+24+3+CAPLOAD%0Ao+24+64+0+4353+0.0001+0.9025299534696387+1+2+24+3+CAPLOAD%0 Ao+29+64+0+4354+17156.01273
+160A_SPIKES%0Ao+0+64+0+4353+5+102.4+10+2+0+3+160A_SPIKES%0Ao+51+64+0+4354+20480+0.1+11+2+51+3+AIRGAP%0Ao+51+64+0+4353+5+12.8 +12+2+51+3+AIRGAP%0A
Mixed Load, v.11

Figure 46 – (initial surge upon startup) … Reducing the inductance of both sides of the transformer (in the upper left) to 5mH and
reducing its magnetic coupling to a more reasonable (more realistic) 70% and increasing the lamps to four…

Figure 47 – (dissipation prior to pulsations)

Figure 48 – … puts the frequency of pulses at about 5/3 of a cycle per second allowing the lamps to cool down between pulses
and strobe.

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In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.00005+10.20027730826997+50+5+50%0Ac+512+224+512+128+2+0.00001+0+0.01+1+1%0Aw+512+128+704+128+0%0AT+624+240+704+336+2+0.005+1+0+0+0.7+25%0Ax+983+268+1221+

Mixed Load, v.12

The following 12th version is very unusual. In the course of succeeding at safeguarding its pair of 100W
incandescent lamps from excessive surges with the use of a variable resistor, out of curiosity, I stumbled
upon two variations of another version in which the coils and capacitors do not possess any simple
resistance. So, the coils fail to possess series resistance while the capacitors fail to possess equivalent
series resistance. Series resistance is a standard feature within all spinoffs of the Berkeley SPICE family
of simulators, such as: LTSpice xxiii and Micro-Cap,xxiv yet is lacking within Paul Falstad’s simulator.xxv In
these versions, I had to increase the magnetic coupling of the transformer from 75% to a whopping
140% to render appropriate results, which is: the ability for this circuit to run off of a single femto volt
battery (1e–15V). The initial variation, of these three versions, is hosted on my website which programs
resistance into caps and coils. Or, at least I think I did an accurate job, but I’m not sure of that. Here is…

Mixed Load, v.12a

Figure 49
Figure 50

Figure 51
Figure 52

Figure 53
Figure 54

Figure 55
Figure 56

Figure 57
Figure 58

Figure 59
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In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.00005+16.817414165184545+50+5+50%0Ac+336+224+336+128+2+0.00001+0+0.01+1+1%0Aw+336+128+528+128+0%0AT+448+240+528+336+2+0.005+1+0+0+0.75+25%0Ax+341+281+463
384+720+384+656+0%0Aw+816+384+816+336+0%0Aw+816+672+816+720+0%0Ar+816+384+720+384+0+650%0Ar+816+384+912+384+0+280%0Aw+720+672 +816+672+0%0Aw+816+672+912+672+0%0Ar+816+432+816+384+0+
Mixed Load, v.12b

Figure 60

Figure 61
Figure 62 – Nice pure since waves at this point.

Figure 63 – Then, things start getting hairy…

Figure 64 - … wacky …

Figure 65
Figure 66 - … and pretty much continues in this vein …

Figure 67
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In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.00005+16.817414165184545+50+5+50%0Ac+336+224+336+128+2+0.00001+0%0Aw+336+128+528+128+0%0AT+448+240+528+336+2+0.005+1+0+0+1.4%0Ax+341+281+463+284+4+17+5mH,%5
384+720+384+656+0%0Aw+816+384+816+336+0%0Aw+816+672+816+720+0%0Ar+816+384+720+384+0+650%0Ar+816+384+912+384+0+280%0Aw+720+672+816+672+0%0Aw+816+672+912 +672+0%0Ar+816+432+816+384+0+

Mixed Load, v.13

This version is simplified getting rid of anything extraneous to the successful operation of this circuit.

By the way, increasing the parallel lamp loads increases power gain requiring more total series
resistance to reduce an out-of-control explosion. Increasing the series lamp load reduces the power
gain. Hence, it would appear that this type of circuit is limited in how much voltage it can produce while
possessing no limitation as to its production of amperage.

Mixed Load, v.13a

Hosted on my website…
Figure 68

Figure 69
Figure 70

Figure 71
Figure 72

Figure 73
Figure 74

Figure 75
Figure 76

Figure 77
Figure 78

Figure 79
Figure 80

Figure 81
Figure 82

Figure 83
Figure 84

Figure 85
Figure 86

Figure 87
Figure 88

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In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.00005+7.010541234668786+50+5+50%0Ac+448+176+528+176+2+0.00001+0+0.01+1+1%0AT+448+240+528+336+2+0.005+1+0+0+0.75+25%0Ax+385+269+467+272+4+16+5mH,%5Cs1%5Cst
o%5Cs1%0Ac+384+336+384+400+2+0.00001+0+0.01+1+1%0Ar+528+240+528+176+0+0.1%0Ar+448+176+448+240+0+0.1%0Ar+384+400+384+464+0+0.1 %0Ar+448+336+384+336+0+0.1%0Ax+546+248+838+251+4+21+No%5CsTra
64+0%0Ar+784+336+848+336+0+0.1%0A181+784+336+784+464+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+656+464+720+464+0+0.1%0A181+720+336+720+464+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+720+3 36+784+336+0+0.1%0Ar+720+464+784

Mixed Load, v.13b

Series resistance for capacitors and coils has been added adjacent to each component (within the
simulation for the following circuit in this section, Mixed Load, v.13b) to correctly mimic real caps and

This simulation, and the subsequent simulations within the “Mixed Load” series of simulations, unlike
any of the others posted throughout this essay, are the only simulations which possesses accurate
behavior with regard to its series resistance of its caps and coils.

Sorry, I made a mistake within… and and

…in that I mistakenly put their internal resistances for their caps and cols in the wrong mathematical
position. I put their series resistance for their inductors in their numerators when they should have been
placed in their denominators when calculating their current output from the voltage difference between
their two inputs (their two terminals). Likewise, I put the series resistance for capacitors in their
denominators when they should have been placed in their numerators when calculating their current
output from their voltage inputs across the two terminals of each component.

I should have used the mathematical placement of resistance (for resistors) as my guide for calculating
the resistance of inductors since they’re also conductors…

Figure 89 – The difference between the measurement of the two voltages on each of the two terminals of a resistor, when
subtracted from each other (volts[0] – volts[1]), is divided by resistance to assess the output of the current of a resistor. [This
screenshot was downloaded and excerpted from:]xxvi

Alas, I did not!

If I had, then the computation for the internal resistance of coils would not have looked like Figure 2…

Figure 90 – This is the wrong way to calculate the internal series resistance of coils.
Instead, it would have looked like this (for trapezoidal approximations)…
2 × 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 =
𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 × 𝑠𝑖𝑚. 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑝

Or, like this (for backwards Euler approximations)…

𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 =
𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 × 𝑠𝑖𝑚. 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑝

Likewise, the internal resistance for capacitors would not have looked like Figure 1…

Figure 91 – This is the wrong way to calculate the internal series resistance of capacitors.

Instead, it would have looked like this (for trapezoidal approximations)…

𝑠𝑖𝑚. 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑝 × 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 =
2 × 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

Or, like this (for backwards Euler approximations)…

𝑠𝑖𝑚. 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑝 × 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 =
Since I can no longer recompile those JavaScript platforms for my 2017 downloaded edition of my
mirrored copy of Paul Falstad’s simulator,xxvii I could make do by placing resistors alongside of caps and
coils by calculating what should go there using the following set of formulae…

For inductors…xxviii
Series Resistance = Inductance × 0.003125 × 10( 10

For capacitors…xxix

Series Resistance = 1 ÷ Equivalent Series Resistance

After I’ve calculated these resistances and placed these resistors into the circuit, the circuit must be
simulated at…

By the way, I learned about the fudge factor of 0.003125 for wire gauges from reading chapter 6 of the
8th edition of Joseph Newman’s book xxx (describing his device) in which Dr. Hastings (the physicist who
analyzed Joseph’s “table model”) found that it possessed an inductance of 16kH and a coil resistance of
50kΩ utilizing a wire gauge of 30 AWG. From those three figures, I deduced that…
50k ÷ 16k = 3.125
And, since wire gauge numbers are logarithmic (much like the Richter scale of earthquakes) predicated
upon a base of the powers of ten, then…
𝐹𝑢𝑑𝑔𝑒 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎 30 𝐴𝑊𝐺 𝑤𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 = 0.003125 × 10( 10

3.125 = 0.003125 × 10(10) = 0.003125 × 1000
But this is the wrong way to solve this dilemma since it does not alter the fundamental behavior of my
erroneous software modifications (please see the “caption” within Figure 116)…

Figure 92 – Just starting out with the “regulator” resistor preset to 142Ω of resistance to minimize the damaging effects of
surges which could burst the lamps if we’re not careful.
Figure 93

Figure 94
Figure 95 – Now, I begin to reduce the resistance of the “regulator” down to 138Ω. The subsequent surge doesn’t reach beyond
58V and 2A.

Figure 96 – I reduce the resistance of the “regulator” to 130Ω and the subsequent surge stays within 108V and 2.1A.
Figure 97 – Here, the resistor (acting as a “regulator”) has been reduced to 120Ω. Yet, these surges don’t reach beyond 256V
and 3.21A.

Figure 98 – The lamps begin to light up with the “regulator” at 118Ω and surges within 193V and 2.31A.
Figure 99 – With the “regulator” at 112Ω, the surges don’t top above 213.04V and 2.01A.

Figure 100 – The “regulator” has been reduced to 105Ω. Surges stay below 325.51V and 2.56A.
Figure 101 – The “regulator” has reached its final target of 100Ω. Surges, at this point in time, top off at considerably less than
399V and far less than 3A.

Figure 102 – This is a screenshot of an overunity circuit which continues to require an excessive mutual inductance (a magnetic
coupling of 188.2%) among its transformer coils to override entropy.
Figure 103 – At nearly 25 seconds of simulator runtime, the voltage of the left-most lamp has settled down to a mild 132V versus

Figure 104
Figure 105 – Once the waveform for the watts settles down a bit, it becomes obvious that the peaks are apart from the troughs
by one-half cycle of separation indicating the generation of power rather than its consumption and without a prime mover. It’s
also obvious that a parasitic waveform develops which is much faster than the sine wave in Figure 102 and Figure 103.

Figure 106 – Here’s the parameters of the right-most lamp listed in the lower-right corner of the “black” canvas. I try to stay just
above a Kelvin color index “temperature” of 2.7k degrees to achieve maximum luminosity.
Figure 107 – Here’s the parameters of the middle lamp listed in the lower-right corner of the “black” canvas.

Figure 108 – And here’s the parameters of the left-most lamp listed in the lower-right corner of the “black” canvas.
Figure 109 – The circuit has stabilized at a little over 42 seconds.

Figure 110
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Here is this simulation’s text file within my Google Docs account…

… from which you may download and load it into this simulator…

… on my website.

In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.00005+7.010541234668786+50+5+50%0Ac+448+176+528+176+2+0.00001+0%0AT+448+240+528+336+2+0.005+1+0+0+1.882%0Ax+382+266+464+269+4+16+5mH,%5Cs1%5Csto%5Cs1%0Ac+384
+336+384+400+2+0.00001+0%0Ar+528+240+528+176+0+0.104941%0Ar+448+176+448+240+0+100.104941%0Ar+384+400+384+448+0+0.1%0Ar+448+33 6+384+336+0+100.1%0Ax+547+244+839+247+4+21+No%5CsTrapezoidal%5
448+0%0Ar+784+336+848+336+0+0.1%0A181+784+336+784+448+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+656+448+720+448+0+0.1%0A181+720+336+720+448+0 +300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+720+336+784+336+0+0.1%0Ar+720+448+78

Mixed Load, v.13c

It’s possible to compensate the inverse error which I had programmed into my mirrors of Paul Falstad’s
simulators (which were intended to exhibit series resistance in their capacitors and coils) by calculating
their inversions and inputting these corrections into their components.

So, if a capacitor had originally possessed 10mΩ of equivalent series resistance (ESR), then replace that
parameter with its multiplicative (reciprocal) inverse of…
100Ω =
Calculating the inverse resistance for inductors, such as: the coils of transformers, is a little trickier since
that will require performing a little mathematical acrobatics to determine how much wire gauge to
insert into coils to replicate that inverted resistance.
So, if the prior wire gauge was 25 AWG inducing approximately 5mΩ of series resistance for a 5mH coil,
then we have to somehow calculate the correct wire gauge (in AWG) – at 5mH of inductance – that will
produce the multiplicative inverse of 5mΩ of resistance, namely: produce around 200Ω of resistance in
that coil. Hence, the following equation for calculating the…
𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 = 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 × 0.003125 × 10( 10

…would have been correct I had inserted that correct modification (for calculating the inclusion of series
resistance) into all inductors. But I didn’t. So, we must compensate my error by calculating its inversion,

𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 = 𝑙𝑜𝑔10 ( AWG
) × 10
2 2
𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 × 0.003125 × 10 10
…and insert this new wire gauge into “Edit” dialog box for coils and transformers. You may view the
formula, above, at Wolfram Alpha in which I have substituted the variables of ‘x’ for Inductance (in
Henrys) and ‘y’ for wire gauge (in AWG)…

Wolfram|Alpha (

I have taken the liberty of constructing a webpage which will perform this calculation for you at…

Corrections to Compensate for my Erroneous Mirrors of Paul Falstad’s Electronic Simulator (

Its plain-text URL is…

Here are a couple of screenshots of a derivation from Mixed Load, v.13b using these corrections…
Figure 111

Figure 112
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Here is this simulation’s text file within my Google Docs account…

… from which you may download and load it into this simulator…

… on my website.

In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.00005+7.010541234668786+50+5+50%0Ac+448+176+528+176+2+0.00001+0+100+1+1%0AT+448+240+528+336+2+0.005+1+0+0+216+71.1235994797%0Ax+382+266+464+269+4+16+5mH,
448+0%0Ar+784+336+848+336+0+0.1%0A181+784+336+784+448+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+656+448+720+448+0+0.1%0A181+720+336+720+448+0+300+100+120+0.4+0 .4%0Ar+720+336+784+336+0+0.1%0Ar+720+448+78

Mixed Load, v.13d

After putting the parameters of all of the caps and coils through the correction formulae at…

…whose shortened redirect is…

…I found it possible to reduce the ridiculous magnetic coupling of the transformers in Mixed Load, v.13b
and Mixed Load, v.13c to become less than 100%. Unfortunately, I’m not yet able to get this to self-
regulate by self-generating periodic pulses in a manner similar to the earlier versions in this “Mixed
Load” series. Instead, it merely wants to surge to infinite oblivion or undergo entropic loss depending
upon the value of a single resistor whose largess of resistance induces growth rather than getting in the

But, I did discover (to my surprise) that the inclusion of an air-gap spark gap stabilized its behavior and
made it easier to quickly raise its amplitude of kinetic energy to a minimal value wherein it attempts to
hover there unless the regulating resistor is slightly raised to induce the escalation of kinetic amplitude.

Figure 113

Figure 114
Figure 115

← QR-CODE for this shortened redirect…

Here is this simulation’s text file within my Google Docs account…

… from which you may download and load it into this simulator…

… on my website.

In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.00005+7.010541234668786+50+5+50%0Ac+448+176+528+176+2+0.000045+0+100+1+1%0AT+448+240+528+336+2+0.00012+1+0+0+0.67+108.519%0Ax+376+267+466+270+4+15+120%5Cc

Mixed Load, v.13e

Preliminary testing of the following circuit shows some promise at regulating its output of amplitude…

Figure 116 – Hint… I claim that the wire gauge is 20 AWG on the two coils of the transformer in the upper left-hand corner. But
that’s what we will pay attention to if we should build this. Unfortunately, I must deviate from that parameter – using the
webpage at: – to convert that parameter into a value that will compensate for my erroneous
modifications of Paul Falstad’s electronic simulator (in my attempt a few years ago of inserting series resistance into all of its
capacitors and inductors). So, I presently use a compensation of 108.5193746454 AWG which is not supposed to look anything
other than ridiculous if you were to take this literally. But you won’t since you know, now, from the previous text (up, above)
that this value satisfies the erroneous mathematical modifications which I made a few years ago to Paul Falstad’s simulator so
that it will behave as if it had both the correct software code and the AWG wire gauge parameter of 20.
← QR-CODE for this shortened redirect…

Here is this simulation’s text file within my Google Docs account…

… from which you may download and load it into this simulator…

… on my website.

In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.00005+0.575460267600573+50+5+50%0Ac+208+112+288+112+2+0.000045+0+100+1+1%0AT+208+176+288+272+2+0.00011999999999999999+1+0+0+0.66735007402+108.5193746454%0
0Ar+640+272+704+272+0+0.1%0Ad+576+272+640+272+3+0.805904783%0Ar+496+272+576+272+0+0.1%0A187+208+576+272+576+0+1000+1000000000 +1000+0.001%0Ar+272+576+272+624+0+0.1%0A187+208+624+272+624+
0+1000+1000000000+1000+0.001%0Ar+208+576+208+624+0+0.1%0Ar+288+272+400+272+0+0.1%0Ar+1344+480+1376+480+0+0.1%0Ar+896+272+864+272+0+0.1%0A18 1+816+272+864+272+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+1
0A181+1088+272+1136+272+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+1376+480+1376+528+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+1376+528+1376+576+0+0.1%0A181 +1280+272+1328+272+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+1328+272+1376+272
1+1136+480+1184+480+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+1056+480+1104+480+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+1104+480+1136+480+0+0.1%0Ar+1024+480+1056+480+0+0.1%0A181+976+480+1024 +480+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.
+0.1%0A181+496+480+544+480+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+416+480+464+480+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+464+480+496+480+0+0.1%0Ar+38 4+480+416+480+0+0.1%0A181+336+480+384+480+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.
384+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+272+384+304+384+0+0.1%0Ar+352+384+384+384+0+0.1%0A181+304+384+352+384+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A1 81+464+384+512+384+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+512+384+544+384+0
+0.1%0Ar+432+384+464+384+0+0.1%0A181+384+384+432+384+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+704+384+752+384+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+75 2+384+784+384+0+0.1%0Ar+832+384+864+384+0+0.1%0A181+784+384+83
181+1264+384+1312+384+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+1376+576+1328+576+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+1296+576+1328+576+0+0.1%0Ar+121 6+576+1248+576+0+0.1%0A181+1296+576+1248+576+0+300+100+120+0.4
6+1008+576+0+0.1%0A181+1056+576+1008+576+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+736+576+688+576+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+656+576+688+57 6+0+0.1%0Ar+576+576+608+576+0+0.1%0A181+656+576+608+576+0+300
+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+496+576+448+576+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+416+576+448+576+0+0.1%0Ar+496+576+528+576+0+0.1%0A181+576+57 6+528+576+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+416+576+368+576+0+300+10
0+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+464+224+464+272+0+0.1%0Ar+400+224+400+272+0+0.1%0As+400+224+464+224+0+1+false%0As+208+528+272+528+0+1+false%0Ar+208+528+208+576+0+0.1%0Ar+272+528+272+576+0+0.1 %0Ar+768+272

Mixed Load, v.13f

The following circuit is almost the same as the prior circuit, Mixed Load, v.13e, in which it manages to
achieve the growth of its kinetic amplitude without recourse to any sort of “fantasia fudge” probably
due to their double use of air-gap style spark gaps, each pair of spark gaps are connected in parallel with
each other. This manages to keep the magnetic coupling of the transformer down to a reasonable
percentage between 65% and 70%.

The difference with this circuit is that I don’t ask, or expect, you to regulate its ON versus OFF states of
kinetic growth by altering the magnetic coupling of the transformer. Instead, I have designed this circuit
simulation to have its parameter of capacitance toggle into, or out of, its growth phase with the use of a
switch which toggles the capacitance in the upper left-hand corner of this circuit out of its initial growth
state of 45µF versus its entropic loss of energy state governed by a capacitance of 46µF.


Don’t wait until you reach your target of 100W on one, or another, lamp.

Prematurely toggle OFF the growth of kinetic amplitude, and then toggle the switch to reinstate a
growth rate at a much slower, smoother rate of escalation so as to make your regulation of this circuit
much easier.

Figure 117
Figure 118

Figure 119
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Here is this simulation’s text file within my Google Docs account…

… from which you may download and load it into this simulator…

… on my website.

In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.00005+0.575460267600573+50+5+50%0Ac+208+112+288+112+2+0.000045+0+100+0.000046+0.000045%0AT+208+176+288+272+2+0.00012+1+0+0+0.6674+108.519374645 4%0Ax+136+20
.805904783%0Ar+576+656+512+656+0+0.1%0Ar+944+272+992+272+0+0.1%0Aw+1440+208+1440+656+0%0Aw+816+656+1440+656+0%0Ar+736+656+656 +656+0+1000000000%0Aw+208+576+144+576+0%0Ar+1376+208+1440
+1000+1000000000+1000+0.001%0Ar+208+576+208+624+0+0.1%0Ar+288+272+400+272+0+0.1%0Ar+1344+480+1376+480+0+0.1%0Ar+896+272+864+272 +0+0.1%0A181+816+272+864+272+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+12
0+0.1%0Ar+1232+272+1280+272+0+0.1%0A181+1184+272+1232+272+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+1216+480+1264+480+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4 %0Ar+1264+480+1296+480+0+0.1%0Ar+1184+480+1216+480+0+0.1%0A18
1+1136+480+1184+480+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+1056+480+1104+480+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+1104+480+1136+480+0+0.1%0Ar+1024+480+1056+480+0+0.1%0A181+9 76+480+1024+480+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.
+0.1%0A181+496+480+544+480+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+416+480+464+480+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+464+480+496+480+0+0.1%0Ar+38 4+480+416+480+0+0.1%0A181+336+480+384+480+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.
4%0A181+256+480+304+480+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+304+480+336+480+0+0.1%0Ar+224+480+256+480+0+0.1%0A181+224+480+224+432+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+224+384+224+432+0+0.1%0A18 1+224+384+272+
+0.1%0Ar+432+384+464+384+0+0.1%0A181+384+384+432+384+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+704+384+752+384+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+75 2+384+784+384+0+0.1%0Ar+832+384+864+384+0+0.1%0A181+784+384+83
2+384+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+624+384+672+384+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+672+384+704+384+0+0.1%0Ar+592+384+624+384+0+0.1%0 A181+544+384+592+384+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+864+384+912+3
181+1264+384+1312+384+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+1376+576+1328+576+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+1296+576+1328+576+0+0.1%0Ar+121 6+576+1248+576+0+0.1%0A181+1296+576+1248+576+0+300+100+120+0.4
+0.4%0A181+1136+576+1088+576+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+1056+576+1088+576+0+0.1%0Ar+1136+576+1168+576+0+0.1%0A181+1216+576+1168+576+0+300+100+120 +0.4+0.4%0A181+896+576+848+576+0+300+100+1
6+1008+576+0+0.1%0A181+1056+576+1008+576+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+736+576+688+576+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+656+576+688+57 6+0+0.1%0Ar+576+576+608+576+0+0.1%0A181+656+576+608+576+0+300
+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+496+576+448+576+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+416+576+448+576+0+0.1%0Ar+496+576+528+576+0+0.1%0A181+576+57 6+528+576+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+416+576+368+576+0+300+10

Let’s review the internal wiring diagram of modern automotive alternators…xxxi
This image, above, is not how the Lockridge device operates. But this comparison is good for contrast.

Next, let’s review the alternator as it existed back in the days of the invention of the Lockridge device,
back in the 1930s if you pursue this endnote…xxxii

John Bedini Interview

Now, let’s review Anthony Craddock’s interview of John Bedini…xxxiii Or, just its audio (MP3)…xxxiv

And review some screenshots from the video…

Figure 120 – Drawing the magnetic fields per half cycle.

Figure 121 – Although this image was drawn by John Bedini to illustrate the very first occurrence of a second half cycle (after the
very first occurrence of the first half cycle), it also depicts every subsequent half cycle implying a continuation of the status of the
second half cycle for as long as this device is running.
Figure 122 – Bedini points out how narrow is each carbon brush filed down from its original width to prevent it from making
contact with more than two commutator plates at one time and no less than one commutator plate. This provides for pulsations
of a DC character. [Echoes of the EV Gray motor design.]

Figure 123 – Ditto, from Figure 122.

Figure 124 – One of the two slots along the length of the housing.

Figure 125 – Bedini draws (on his blackboard) the two sheets of 35 foot length copper conductor plates for the parallel capacitor
which will be wrapped on top of the trifilar coil. The trifilar coil will surround the housing underneath. Allowance should be made
for all of this to fit along most of the length of the housing.
Figure 126 – Trifilar coil is on the left. Motor–Generator housing is on the right.

Figure 127 – Diagram of the four poled armatures within the housing.
Figure 128 – Ditto, from Figure 127.

Figure 129 – Rotor armature is on the left side of this shaft (underneath Bedini’s hand) with commutators on the right
(underneath his index finger).
Figure 130 – Close-up of the interior of the housing with the brushes facing us.

Figure 131 – Carbon brushes have been sanded down to fit exactly within the space of a single commutator plate.
Figure 132 – The armature in all of its glory!

Developing the Lockridge Archetype

Let’s play around a bit…

1st Attempt at a Lockridge Simulation

← QR-CODE for this shortened redirect…

Here is this simulation’s text file within my Google Docs account…

… from which you may download and load it into this simulator…

… on my website.

In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.0003+10.20027730826997+50+5+50%0Ac+624+240+624+144+0+0.00001+6+0.01+1+1%0Al+544+240+544+144+0+3+0+25%0A181+768+336+768+400+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Aw+544+1
44+624+144+0%0Aw+544+240+624+240+0%0Aw+624+144+800+144+0%0Aw+624+400+704+400+0%0AT+624+240+704+336+4+1+1+0+0+0.999+25%0Aw+704 +336+768+336+0%0Ax+664+172+760+175+4+19+precharged%0Aw+7

That was nice, but we can get a faster power gain if we add diodes…
2nd Attempt at its Simulation

← QR-CODE for this shortened redirect… = Hints… Step (1) Run the circuit. It will freeze up with an error
message of, “Convergence failed!” Step (2) Right-click (in Windows OS) on any component and select
‘Edit’. Step (3) Click ‘OK’ at the bottom of the ‘Edit’ dialogue box or depress the ‘Enter’ key, aka: carriage
return, on your keyboard. Step (4) Click on the Run / STOP gray button in the upper right-hand corner
of this simulator. Or else, tap on your keyboard’s SPACE bar. The gray Run / STOP box will turn red
(Run / STOP) indicating that it is OFF.

CONCLUSION… Notice how the error message, now, reads: “nan/Infinite matrix!” in the lower left-hand
corner of the black canvas. You have just authenticated INFINITE OVERUNITY despite having already
achieved it at the first step. This authentication results from deleting the prior error message off the top
of the stack of error messages so that you can read the next message in the stack.

Here is this simulation’s text file within my Google Docs account…
… from which you may download and load it into this simulator…

… on my website.

In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.0003+10.20027730826997+50+5+50%0Ac+624+240+624+144+0+0.00001+6+0.01+1+1%0Al+544+240+544+144+0+3+0+25%0A181+768+336+768+400+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Aw+544+2

This circuit engages series resistance within its coils and equivalent series resistance within its
capacitors. Paul Falstad’s simulator does not possess any resistance within any of its reactive elements
(caps and coils), nor does my original mirroring of his software possess any similar type of simplistic

It is this internal resistance which makes this attempt at simulating overunity possible.
But that’s too fast! Let’s slow it down…way down…with resistances placed in parallel with the coils on
the transformer…

3rd Attempt at its Simulation

← QR-CODE for this shortened redirect…

Here is this simulation’s text file within my Google Docs account…

… from which you may download and load it into this simulator…

… on my website.

In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+200000+10.20027730826997+50+5+50%0Ac+544+240+544+144+0+0.00001+0.000001+0.01+1+1%0Al+464+240+464+144+0+3+0+25%0A181+864+336+864+400+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A
0A181+928+336+928+400+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+992+336+992+400+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Aw+928+336+992+336+0%0Aw+928+400+992 +400+0%0Aw+992+400+1056+400+0%0Aw+992+336+1056+336+0%0A18

Now, let’s place a two-state, manual switch on the lower left corner of this circuit.

State 1, is the growth stage in which we considerably interfere with the circuit’s tendency to accelerate
its growth rate by allowing a mere 25% duty cycle of growth in a cycle whose frequency is 10k Hz. We
use a clock timer to regulate this switching action.

State 2, is a state of decay in which we drain the circuit (to ground) of its accumulated power using a
manual switch of 100% duty cycle (without a clock timer; just a simple ON versus OFF switch).

4th Attempt at its Simulation

Figure 133 – Be careful. Don't wait until the lamps get white hot before switching over to 100% duty cycle to drain this circuit’s
accumulation of growth since they may suddenly explode.

Figure 134 – Let it decay a little before initiating a subsequent period of growth…
Figure 135 – It's safer this way!

← QR-CODE for this shortened redirect…

Here is this simulation’s text file within my Google Docs account…

… from which you may download and load it into this simulator…

… on my website.

In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.00001+0.8031194996067259+50+5+50%0Ac+400+304+400+240+0+0.00001+0.00001+0.01+1+1%0Al+224+320+224+240+0+3+0+25%0A181+864+416+864+480+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A
+528+544+560+544+1+20+10000000000%0A160+400+240+400+208+1+20+10000000000%0A160+400+304+400+336+1+20+10000000000%0Aw+416+208+4 16+192+0%0Ag+352+192+320+192+0%0Ag+560+560+560+592+0%0Ag
0+224+352+1+20+10000000000%0Aw+240+336+256+336+0%0Aw+256+336+256+320+0%0Aw+256+320+288+320+0%0A160+496+352+528+352+1+20+10000 000000%0Ag+528+368+528+384+0%0Aw+416+320+480+320+0%0Aw
+512+320+512+336+0%0A160+496+448+528+448+1+20+10000000000%0Ag+528+464+544+464+0%0Aw+480+320+480+432+0%0Aw+480+432+512+432+0%0Aw+480+320 +512+320+0%0A160+640+432+672+432+1+20+1000000

5th Attempt at its Simulation

Figure 136 – The initial state of surging towards infinity has been terminated by turning OFF this simulation. I will, now, flip the
switch on the lower left to toggle from its present position labeled, "Warm Up Mode", to its next position labeled, "Operational
Mode." Unfortunately, it's not exactly operational!
Figure 137

Figure 138
Figure 139

Figure 140
Figure 141

Figure 142
Figure 143 – Despite the drop in its surging peaks, and against the best of my intentions, the power level of the lamps, as well as
all of the other components (especially the transformer in the next Figure 144) continues to slowly rise as indicated in these
previous seven figures, Figure 138 to this Figure 143, inclusive). This archetype requires more development or else a better
understanding of “from where does its overunity arise?” [Figure 146]

Figure 144
Figure 145

← QR-CODE for this shortened redirect…

Here is this simulation’s text file within my Google Docs account…

… from which you may download and load it into this simulator…

… on my website.

In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.00007+1.4391916095149893+50+5+50%0Ac+400+304+400+240+0+0.00001+0.00001+0.01+1+1%0Al+224+320+224+240+0+3+0+25%0Aw+240+352+272+352+0%0Aw+384+176+608+176+0
16+656+416+0%0A160+656+304+656+336+1+20+10000000000%0Aw+608+304+608+336+0%0Aw+624+496+720+496+0%0Aw+720+448+720+320+0%0Aw+720+320+672+320+0%0AR+352+512+288+512+1+2+1 0000+2.5+2.5+3.1
Aw+624+304+608+304+0%0A159+656+304+624+304+1+20+10000000000%0Aw+672+320+672+288+0%0Aw+672+288+640+288+0%0Aw+560+560+496+560+0 %0Ag+1008+336+1024+336+0%0Ar+832+336+880+336+0+1%0A181+
944+336+880+336+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A207+832+336+800+336+0+G3%0A207+496+560+464+560+0+G3%0A207+832+416+800+416+0+G4%0A181+944+416+880+416+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+832 +416+880+416+0
528+0+1%0A181+880+528+944+528+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A207+832+528+800+528+0+G5%0A207+352+192+352+176+0+G5%0A207+832+608+800+6 08+0+G6%0A181+880+608+944+608+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Ar+83
3%0Ao+139+64+0+4099+327680+1638.4+3+2+139+3%0Ao+124+64+0+4099+327680+1638.4+4+2+124+3%0Ao+126+64+0+4099+327680+1638.4+5+2+126 +3%0Ao+136+64+0+4099+327680+1638.4+6+2+136+3%0A

6th Attempt at its Simulation

Figure 146 – I finally figured out what the mystery is concerning these six attempts at simulating a Lockridge device on Paul
Falstad's simulator. The problem is using any magnetic coupling coefficient at the transformer less than 99%! The other
possibility is that we don’t use vacuum tube, light bulbs anymore. After 1913, non-vacuum tube incandescent light bulbs were
invented by Irving Langmuir which were filled with a mixture of argon and nitrogen gases. This slowed down the rate of
degradation of the tungsten filaments inside of these bulbs, but it also increased their leakage of energy away from the filament
and towards the glass enclosure, thus, reducing the bulb’s ability to generate current. It was this production of current which
excessively heats up the filament within the vacuum tube variety of incandescent bulbs and shortens their lifespan. But it also
gives a better overunity response for inclusion in a Lockridge device. Regardless, the overall magnetic coupling of: the trifilar coil,
the ferromagnetic slotted housing, the rotor armature, and the motor and generator stator coils surrounding the rotor must all
possess a 99% or better magnetic coupling according to these simulations to be capable of achieving overunity.
← QR-CODE for this shortened redirect…

Here is this simulation’s text file within my Google Docs account…

… from which you may download and load it into this simulator…

… on my website.

In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.00001+10.20027730826997+50+5+50%0Ac+624+240+624+144+2+0.00001+6+0.01+1+1%0A181+768+336+768+400+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Aw+624+144+800+144+0%0Aw+624+400+70
0A181+832+336+832+400+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0A181+896+336+896+400+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Aw+832+336+896+336+0%0Aw+832+400+896 +400+0%0Aw+896+400+960+400+0%0Aw+896+336+960+336+0%0A181+
7th Attempt at its Simulation

Figure 147 – In these series of screenshots, I have taken the time to label almost everything (I forgot to label the oscilloscope
tracings). And I tried to adhere to be accurate to John Bedini’s description of the Lockridge device. Yet, I took the liberty of
adding two capacitors by each half of the resistive Lamp loads. I also include four spark gaps (modeled off of a spark gap in air).
I also added two clock timers to represent the timing of the two stator coils of the motor commutators versus the two stator
coils of the generator coils. Bedini said that the motor coils alternate their ON state versus their OFF state every other
commutator contact while the generator coils do not. The generator coils are ON with each commutator contact. Since Paul
Falstad’s simulator does not give us a transformer model with three distinct coils (his split transformer does not since two of its
coils are connected in series), I had to come up with what I took a guess at what would be an electrical equivalency. Please
forgive me if I am wrong. And lastly, I reduced the voltage on the light bulbs to 6V and 150 watts, each, to represent numerous
bulbs whose total wattage will, each, be one-half of the tolerance of the Lockridge device for supporting a resistive load
assuming that each half of these numerous bulbs are wired in parallel with each other to maintain a consistency of their
individual voltages while dividing their current.
Figure 148 – This screenshot focuses on the output of the upper lamp (when it is OFF) giving us its resting parameters of: current
(“I”), voltage differences between its two terminals (“Vd”), its internal resistance (which changes due to its temperature) (“R”),
its power in watts (“P”), and its temperature as measured in standard Kelvin (“K”) units of color index. Notice how little
amperage (206 mA) and voltage (62mV) is required to heat up the color index of this bulb to nearly 22 million degrees Kelvin! Its
power level is a mere 12.8 watts! That’s because this screenshot was taken AFTER I shut down the simulator. The following four
images (Fig. 30 through Fig. 33) depict a reenactment with the simulator left ON. Immediately after these four images, the
simulator returns to an OFF condition to continue with its analysis.

Figure 149
Figure 150 – Blast, away!

Figure 151
Figure 152

Figure 153 – This screenshot focuses on the internal parameters of the left-hand transformer. So, to recapitulate, the left coil of
this transformer is modeling one-half of the original capacitor (ORIG CAP) coil. This coil is connected in parallel to each half of
these two motor coils. The right coil of this transformer is modeling the motor coil. By the way, the so-called motor coil is
actually two coils in one (according to John Bedini). One is the motor stator coil inside of the Lockridge device while the other is
the motor coil among the two other coils of the trifilar coil which is wrapped directly around the motor/generator and directly
underneath the hand-made original capacitor (constructed of butcher paper and two copper sheets whose length is
approximately 35 feet). Likewise, the so-called generator coil (in this simulation) is actually two coils, one of which is the internal
pair of generator stator coils plus one coil within the trifilar coil.
Figure 154 – This screenshot focuses on the output parameters of the transformer on the right. The left-hand coil of this
transformer is modeling the generator coil while the right coil is modeling the second-half of the original capacitor (ORIG CAP).
This original capacitor is connected in parallel to each half of the two motor coils.

Figure 155 – This screenshot focuses on the output parameters of the spark gap in the upper right. It is necessary to include
spark gaps in this simulation since they will occur whenever each carbon brush slides along the surface of each commutator. This
sparking activity is not an accident. It is intrinsic to the design of this device.
Figure 156 – This screenshot focuses on the output parameters of the original capacitor. But, unlike the Lockridge device, I find it
unnecessary to apply 6V or something similar to represent the initial action of the pull-cord since its overall energy grows to
infinite oblivion regardless of how much voltage I begin this simulation with. Instead, I precharge the original capacitor with one
micro volt (one millionth part of a volt) which is about equal to the background voltage within our environment at ground level
and sufficient to power a crystal radio from over a hundred years ago.

Figure 157 – This screenshot focuses on the output parameters of the upper-most capacitor to the immediate right of the upper-
most group of resistive lamp loads.
← QR-CODE for this shortened redirect…

Here is this simulation’s text file within my Google Docs account…

… from which you may download and load it into this simulator…

… on my website.

In case TinyURL should ever delete, or block, their record of this redirect, here it is in full…$+1+0.00001+10.20027730826997+50+5+50%0Ac+624+240+624+144+2+0.00001+6+0.01+1+1%0A181+768+336+768+400+0+300+100+120+0.4+0.4%0Aw+624+144+800+144+0%0Aw+624+400+70

Sometimes, impedance can be our friend.

A second conclusion…
…is that all of my simulations, on my three variations of Paul Falstad’s simulator,xxxv are nothing other
than extentions of the Lockridge device, because all of these simulations make use of Paul Falstad’s
mathematical model of an ideal transformer which is at the basis of this exposé.

An afterthought…
The Lockridge device is not a sophisticated device by any means. It’s quite simple and elegant in its
simplicity. But it has its limitations, namely: its upper boundary of power magnification.

With that in mind, I wish to share with you a few circuit simulations which I fabricated a few years ago
which are far more sophisticated since they are derived from the diagrams of a seasoned electrical
engineer by the name of L.V. Bewley.
Eric Dollard spoke of Bewley as being what really initiated Eric’s interest in electrical engineering at the
tender age of 16 years. It was not due to reading his father’s textbooks, conveniently located on the
shelves of his family home, instead of reading conventional children’s books when Eric was just
beginning to learn to read and write when still a toddler. No.

Bewley wrote only one book, which Eric refers to, on the subject of: “Transmission Line, Wave
Propagation” (to paraphrase his actual title; please see: [Bewley’s Archetype], below).

It was way over my head.

No surprise! It’s written by, and for, engineers who are formally trained and educated in their craft.

But nonetheless, I benefited by studying Bewley’s diagrams and deriving what I like to call a: “Bewley
Archetype” since this archetype is a foreshadowing of Eric’s “analog computer” of transmission

Eric has stated, in a letter to me ten years ago, that some networks he will never disclose to anyone
while some others he will eventually share with us.

My archetype of a Bewley network is very similar to Eric’s “analog computer”xxxvi but with the additional
distinction of encouraging the formation of the rise in amplitude of kinetic energy should the circuit to
which it is attached be impeding this escalation of overall power whose end result we know as the
colloquial expression of: “free energy” or what I like to describe and define as: “getting more from less”.

Gabriel Kron boasted he could get “more energy from less energy” or “get less energy from more
energy” and without recourse to entropy in the latter case.xxxvii

I just want to get more.

This does not defy physics since the initial energy need not be large enough in amplitude to be
measurable. Thus, it will appear that “energy was created” or “appeared from out of nowhere” when
such is not the case. It’s just that the initial amount is too small for us to measure much less account for.

This ability for the expansion or contraction of energy is not unlike the ability for the “Ant Man”
character in Marvel comics to shrink or enlarge his size. [See Endnotes, “iv”] And this is totally legitimate
in the realm of electrodynamics since electrical energy is not energy. The mass of a coil of wire does not
change whenever that coil gains or loses electrical charge any more than a capacitor could do likewise.

So, 𝐸 = 𝑀𝐶2 has nothing to do with electricity, yet, has everything to do with nuclear power since the
radioactive energy which radiates away from radioactive materials, such as: uranium, diminishes the
mass of that radioactive material while a coil or a capacitor suffers no alteration of its mass while it
undergoes magnetic or dielectric, charge versus discharge, states of change.

In short, what we call electrical energy is merely a byproduct of our brains mistaking a material
existence for a pattern not unlike assuming that a computer virus is an existential reality existing
independently of its host-computer. That virus (infecting our computer technology) is merely composed
of information. Nothing more.

Check out this video of a “Mexican Wave”, also known as simply, the “Wave”... [See, Endnotes, “xxii”]

Do you see a single person running around the stadium?

Do you see anyone lean over to touch his/her neighbor?



Because, at a distance, it looks like a ripple is traversing around the stadium. And we give it more import
that it deserves when it is merely a pattern of people doing a sequential series of up and down
movements whose sequence of change traverses around the stadium while the actual movements of
each individual is merely up and down.

That’s an illusion brought on by the distance between ourselves and the wave occurring on the opposite
side of the stadium.

If we focus on the wave as it approaches us, we realize that it is merely an illusion, because we know for
certain that no one is running around the stadium.

Check out this video, on YouTube, for a more thorough explanation…xxxviii

Because of this – and another way of describing this illusion involving the non-existence of what
engineers like to call: “current”, photons do not exist, per se. They are not unlike a lawyer’s catch phrase
for my use of the term of: “information”, because it is only information which can be without any mass.
And it is only by virtue of everything in Creation possessing consciousness which facilitates the
transference of information among every atom of the materials of construction of an electrical device
and also be capable of resulting in a response by those atoms.

There’s some freedom of individuality in how an atom chooses to express itself. But, by and large, when
considered “en masse”, the collective response takes on the characteristics we associate with the “laws
of electrical engineering” epitomized by its mathematical equations, such as: “Ohm’s Law”, etc.

These so-called laws are not describing atomic behavior. They are generalizing, and approximating, the
collective behavior of the individual atoms’ valence shell electrons.

So, there is some room for each atom, or each electron within each atom, for varying its conscientious
self-expression in an intelligent fashion without violating, nor deviating, from the collective states of
change of the aggregate of atoms and electrons forming a copper wire within a coil, for instance.

But the empty space between each atom necessitates some other method of transfer other than the
transfer of energy down a wire since magnetism – which is what current is composed of – cannot
possible travel through space. It can only travel around an atom as its electron shell. It’s their collective
pattern of movement which Eric Laithwaite refers to during his demonstrations in the YouTube video
noted, previously.

And the fact that Ohm’s Law can be restated without any occurrence of current within its equation, and
remain valid, further lends credibility to my assertion that: “current does not exist” except as a
mathematical shorthand notational substitute for something far more complex, namely…
Reactive Voltage (resulting from the Application of – its Multiplication by –
Real Voltage) divided by Various Impedances (plus Resistance) within a
Framework of (per units) Time.

Thus, Ohm’s Law loses its association with the formation of power (measured in Watts) and becomes
energy (measured in Joules).

With these, and other revelations which I have been subjected to by my “trial and error” self-guided
method of learning about this topic, it’s no small wonder that we don’t understand energy much less
understand free energy.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into Bewley’s Archetype with nine deviations (many more are

Bewley’s Archetype
Some of my favorite circuit simulations are these Bewley Archetypes…xxxix

Figure 158 – This image is contained within this folder...

… on my website. Their menu is located underneath the cascading

heading of, “Vinyasi.Cts” | “Inventor’s Corner” | “Eric Dollard’s LMD” | “Bewley’s Transmission
Line” | [nine circuits, follow]…
Figure 159 – This circuit… “@❆∞ Single Phase, AC Output” …is precharged with sufficient energy to power a first generation,
Toyota, RAV4 EV, from 2002 –

Figure 160 - Click on the switch in the upper-left corner to warmup this circuit. Then, click the +2.5V switch on the mid-left side
and hold it down for as long a duration in which you want this circuit to surge towards infinite gain of mostly current with very
little buildup of voltage. This figure is the stable state upon releasing your having depressed the +2.5V switch whose outcome is
located at the following Figure 161. This circuit, “@❆∞ Voltage Limited w/DC Output”, is found here…
Figure 161 – Here's an example of Figure 160, but in a state of surge.

Figure 162 – This circuit, "@❆∞ Three Phase, AC Output", will continue to surge its power gain upwards towards infinity until
you tell it to stop and stabilize (captured with a screenshot at the following Figure 163) by selecting one of the switches on the
left-hand side of this circuit. Many of these circuits are initiated from a cold start from a so-called dead battery of 1 femto volt
(which is 1k times less than a pico volt, which is one million times less than a nano volt, which is one billion times less than a
micro volt, which is one trillion times less than a milli volt, and one quadrillion times less than one volt! This circuit is found
Figure 163 – A/C power of any quantity which is desired from a dead battery! This surge took five and a half seconds to build
itself up to this point. There are three selections of toggling switches which are available for this circuit (located on the left-hand
side): the default condition is to surge at a moderately fast pace. Then, there are two more selections of: slow decline or slow

Figure 164 – Then, there is this precharged circuit, “@❆∞ Battery Spikes: 90V & 9A @ 7sec”, which is designed to recharge half
of the two dozen 12V batteries of a Toyota, RAV4 EV from 2002. These 12 batteries have been subdivided into two groups of 6
batteries, each, possessing one-quarter of the RAV4 EV’s total voltage which is 72V when they’re fully charged making a total
charge throughout half of the entire pack of 144V. [Reference number “xl” from this document’s Endnotes.] This circuit may be
found here…
Figure 165 – This circuit, "Motor Coils Stabilized with a Bewley Archetype", is intended to directly empower two motor coils each
of which are rated at 1H of inductance and possessing a wire gauge of 100 AWG. It can be found here...

Figure 166 – This circuit, "@❆∞ Battery Spikes: 12V & 1A @ 7sec", is intended to recharge two 9V batteries with appropriately
proportioned spikes of power designed for this battery’s tolerances in mind. It can be found here...
Figure 167 – This circuit, "@❆∞ Bewley w/Poor Solder Joints", quickly surges towards infinity unless this simulation is halted by
depressing the "RUN / Stop" button in the upper right-hand corner of this simulator. Then, close all of the connections to ground
and restart this simulation (depicted in the following Figure 168)…

Figure 168 – This circuit has been updated and corrected (See, Mixed Load, v.13c). It may be found, here...
Figure 169 – This circuit, "@❆∞ Single Phase, AC w/Iron Mass", has been precharged to exhibit waveforms whose amplitudes
are capable of powering a RAV4 EV from 2002. Yet, it does this by possessing a very bizarre mutual inductance (aka, a magnetic
coupling coefficient) of a whopping 2,000,000,000 times 100% (i.e., 200 billion percent). If you can figure out what this means
when this is translated into the “real world” of physical materiality, then “more power to you, buddy”. You may have noticed
that a numerous quantity of these Bewley circuits are not simulated by the use of “trapezoidal approximations” which are prone
to skew power amplification circuits into false positives. But these circuits do not possess that hazard. This circuit can be found,

Figure 170 – This circuit, "@❆∞ Return Unlimited Current to the Grid !!!", is precharged but is also capable of surging rather
slowly towards infinite gain. It is intended to feed A/C back into the grid to reverse your meter. Beware of actually trying to do
this since the power company will not take kindly to any abnormality of waveforms which you may contribute to the grid if this
circuit is not “perfectly safe”. It may not be safe, but I don’t know. It looks safe? It can be found here…
Figure 171 – Up close and personal. This is an improved version, lacking spikes, by comparison to the version videotaped from
my computer screen in the Vimeo movie which is linked-to, down below, called: “Sight Unseen, part 2”. Watch part 2.
Apparently I didn’t care much for the outcome of making part one, so, you can avoid that video if you like.

Figure 172 – It took a while, over 4 seconds of simulator run-time, but I managed to increase its feedback, slightly. Please review
this circuit’s companion videos, and

These nine circuit simulations were inspired by the following information. Click the “Circuit Information”
gray button below the “RUN/Stop” button in the upper right-hand corner of this browser-based,
JavaScript simulator…
Transformation of Bewley's analog of a transmission line into a variation of Eric Dollard's LMD analog
computer derived from L.V. Bewley's treatise on this subject, in both paper, power point
presentation and book format, from which Eric cites in response to a letter I sent him which I posted on
Energetic Forum. In other words, the evolution of an LMD analog computer from an idealized
transmission line. – CITES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. The location of these 6 citations have been moved to…xl

Screenshot of circuit simulation and excerpts from Bewley's texts, below...

Figure 173

This archetype is derived from Bewley’s schematics from his book, etc, in the following manner…xli
Figure 174 – This image can be extracted from a ZIP file located here... …within its parent folder… …and archived here.

Bedini’s Advice
What has John Bedinixlii repeatedly asked us?

“Don’t alter my original design thinking you know better than I do. Make it exactly the way I specify and,
then, only after you get it working should you alter its design.” Few, if anyone follows his advice.

Why should we wrap the copper sheet capacitor around the motor housing in order to maintain the
original intention of the unknown German inventor who designed this device?
Because in Anthony Craddock’s interview of John Bedini, [Audio & Videos for Free and Videos – DVDs for
Sale] Bedini spends a good deal of time explaining what the slots (which the original German inventor
had cut lengthwise into the motor housing) were for (at 4 minutes and 15 seconds into the video). He
compares them to how he often uses two magnets with their north poles facing each other to create a
very strong flow of magnetism coming out from between their north poles at right angles to their

The two copper sheets of the Lockridge capacitor absorbs this magnetic stream and converts it into a
heightened charge of voltage within its dielectric butcher paper since each plate of the copper sheeted
capacitor is endowed with conductivity and, hence, inductivity as well.

And since the capacitor can only register the maximum voltage which is translated from the
concentrated stream of magnetism emanating from between the pair of north magnetic poles, this
translates into a heightened dielectric charge and prevents wastefully ignoring this concentrated stream
of magnetism by collecting it and storing into the dielectric of this capacitor’s butcher paper.

Directly relevant…
Lockridge, Unleashed - Kindle | PDF | Incandescent Light Bulb | Electric Motor ( – in case you
want a more recent version of this text.

The Lockridge Device ( – essay = archived

Not directly relevant, but nice to know…

Vinyasi's answer to What is electrical energy? - Quora

Electrical Surges in Paul Falstad's Simulator and LTSpice: How to Suppress a Surge and Avoid the
Creation of Free Energy (

Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter Simulated by Eric Dollard's LMD: Utility Companies Defy Speed of Light
by placing Capacitors on the Trans... (

Harmonics of Ring Capacitance, by Vinyasi – on Github but missing its images. A search yielded this
warning that “overloading” could occur (yeah, free energy, aka. overunity)! Ha!

First-Hand: The Story of the Automobile Voltage Regulator - Engineering and Technology History Wiki
( = archived

Institute - History - The invention of the electric motor 1800-1854 ( = archived

Direct Current (DC) Generators | How it works, Application & Advantages ( =

Shunt generator - Wikipedia = archived

The Principles of the Dynamo ( = archived

Magneto Ignition System - Parts, Diagram, Working, Advantages ( = archived

Audio & Videos for Free
Energy From The Vacuum #14 – The Lockridge Device – Internet Archive – interview with John Bedini –
direct download link

Lockridge - Bedini Interview | Magical Me ( – audio MP3 recording converted from its
archive, above.

Energy From The Vacuum - Episode 14 - Lockridge Device - John Bedini on Vimeo – mirrored copy of
Internet Archive.

Energy From The Vacuum 14 - Lockridge Device - ( – mirrored copy of Internet Archive.

Videos – DVDs for Sale

Energy From the Vacuum - The Lockridge Device ( – interview with John Bedini (same as

Discussions on Forums
Bedini & The Lockridge Device - Energetic Forum

Lockridge, Unleashed! - Energetic Forum – my unabashed advertisement for the sale of this text.

Attempts at its Replication

My Lockridge device build - video Dailymotion

Lockridge test 1 (

Useful Links
MP4 to MP3 Converter -

Free QR Code Generator: Create Perpetual URL QR Codes (

Web Page to PDF - Convert Web to PDF Online Free

Character Counter -

Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support

Photo Editor - Canva

RANDOM.ORG - String Generator

PDF to PNG – Convert PDF to PNG Online (

In Defense of Jodie Foster - Quora
Electrical reactance | Capacitive Reactance - Wikipedia
Electrical reactance | Inductive Reactance - Wikipedia
Ant-Man - Wikipedia
v – (
vi – (
Incandescent light bulb - Wikipedia
viii (
Intusoft Newsletter, Oct. 1988 | A Tungsten Lamp Model
Odic force - Wikipedia
Spherical variables consisting of latitude denoted by θ and longitude... | Download Scientific Diagram
Great Circle -- from Wolfram MathWorld
perpetual motion holder - Search (
Edward Leedskalnin - Search (
Magnetic-core memory - Wikipedia
Remanence - Wikipedia
How does a halogen light bulb work? | HowStuffWorks
triode - Search (
Transformer with DC (
Full Stadium Wave at Real Madrid vs ManU Game - Largest Attended Match in the United States 2014
LTspice Information Center | Analog Devices
micro-cap 12 - Search (
xxvi (
GitHub – pfalstad / circuitjs1 – Electronic Circuit Simulator in the Browser
Vinnie’s Erroneous Theory for Including Series Resistance within Inductors (
Equivalent series resistance - Wikipedia
the energy machine of joseph newman 8th edition - Search (
Alternator Function and Alternator Wiring Diagram in Car - ETechnoG & archived
First-Hand: The Story of the Automobile Voltage Regulator - Engineering and Technology History Wiki
Energy From The Vacuum #14 : The Lockridge Device : Internet Archive
Lockridge - Bedini Interview | Magical Me ( – audio MP3 recording converted from its archive,
above, at endnote “xxxiii”.
xxxv & &
youtube eric dollard analog computer - Search (
The Tom Bearden Website ( – homage to Gabriel Kron
Professor Eric Laithwaite: Magnetic River 1975 – poised to begin this video at 10 minutes and 11 seconds.
Bewley's Archetype.jpg (644×441) (
2002_rav4ev (
Electrical Surges in Paul Falstad's Simulator and LTSpice: The Derivation of Bewley's Archetype
Google search >>> John Bedini

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