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The Climate-Responsive Barangay Development Plan |2

The Climate-Responsive
Development Plan

Table of Contents
MESSAGE OF THE PUNONG BARANGAY............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................0
LEGAL BASIS.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1
SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1
I. Ecological Profile.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
A. Historical Background.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
B. Physiological Profile.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
1. Location.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
2. Land Uses......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
3. Accessibility........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
3. Climate...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
5. Topography........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
C. Demography and Sociocultural Profile.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
1. Population...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
2. Age Distribution................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
3. Civil Status Distribution...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
4. Religion...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
5. Hierarchy of Settlements.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
6. Projections and Estimates...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
D. Economic Profile...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4
1. Source of Livelihood, Locally Produced Products, and Establishments...................................................................................................................................................................................4
E. Infrastructure Utilities..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4
1. Roads, Bridges and Communication Services...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................4
2. Facilities Present in the Barangay....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4
3. Fuel and Energy.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4
F. Environment...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5
1. The Natural Environment...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5
2. The Built-up Environment..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5
3. Sources of water...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5
4. Solid Waste Management...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5
G. Institutional...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
1. Planning Structure.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
2. The Barangay Development Council..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
3. Barangay-Based Institutions............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
H. Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
1. Susceptibility Assessment...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
2. Vulnerability Assessment...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
3. Adaptive Capacity.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
4. Risk Assessment...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
I. Situational Analysis...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7
1. SOCIAL...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7
2. ECONOMIC.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................9
3. INFRASTRUCTURE..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................9
4. ENVIRONMENT.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................10
5. INSTITUTIONAL............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................10
6. Functional Role of the Barangay..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................11
II. BARANGAY DEVELOPMENT PLAN...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
A. Vision...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
B. Mission.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
C. Sectoral Goals, Objectives, and PPAs..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
D. Financial Requirements.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................15
E. The Barangay Development Investment Program.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................20
F. Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................21
I. Barangay Development Council Resolution Approving the BDP................................................................................................................................................................................................22
II. Sangguniang Barangay Resolution Approving The Plan.............................................................................................................................................................................................................22
III. HAZARD EXPOSURE MAPS..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................22
IV. RISK MAPS........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................22
V. BDP EVALUATION SHEET.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................22


plan, there is no basis for the programming of funds and therefore no basis for
LEGAL BASIS budgeting.
Section 109 of RA 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991 provides that
In reality, most rural communities do not have the financial capability to
the Barangay Development Council prepare barangay development plans based on
implement the identified demand-driven programs and projects; hence, the need to
local requirements in order to provide basic services to promote the overall
prioritize the projects in order to maximize the utilization of limited funds.
development of the community and its people. Furthermore, the need to prepare a
Barangay Development Plan is in accordance with the budgeting principle that “local
governments shall operationalize the approved development plans” as mandated under
Section 305 of RA 7160. Without the priority programs and projects embodied in the
I. Ecological Profile
A. Historical Background
Narrate the etymology/history/political milestones of your barangay

B. Physiological Profile
1. Location
Describe location and total land area
Enumerate and describe the boundaries

Attach spot maps, satellite maps, if any

2. Land Uses
SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY Describe total land area and actual land use.
The plan is primarily aimed at presenting and appreciating the existing Describe land areas per purok if available
situation by the barangay people themselves, analyzing the situation using standards Attach maps of land use
and other means of measurement to come up with identification of needs and Provide data on the actual land uses in your barangay and comment on the actual
corresponding interventions. land uses, intensity of utilization.
Enumerate various issues with land utilization if any, such as informal settlers,
The scope and coverage of the plan is limited to Barangay ____________, settlements in forests, houses in high risk zones, etc.
Vintar, for a period of three (3) years. The plan is composed of two (2) parts, the Data may be gathered from the Planning Office
Ecological profile which is the result of the participatory rural appraisal which
defines the collective ideas of the residents in terms of the history, culture and 3. Accessibility
traditions, and resources as well as their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats. The second part is the barangay development plan that starts with the Describe accessibility, distances to terminals, airports, ports, if any
expression of the collective vision and mission and presentation of their sectoral Describe distance from the Municipal urban center
programs and projects. Describe distance from the Provincial urban center

A participatory approach in plan formulation was used, giving weight to the 4. Climate
data gathered from the Community-Based Management System.
Describe the type of climate. The Climate description for the Municipality of Vintar What ratio/proportion of the total population is the dependent group?
may be adopted since there is little or no variation among local climates among the What ratio/proportion of the total population is the elderly?
barangays Do these figures indicate that the population is young? Old? Etc.

5. Topography Insert Table 2. Population Distribution by Age Group, by Gender

Insert Figure 4. Population Proportion by Age Group
Describe topographical characteristics (mountainous, hilly, etc.) including Insert Figure 5. Age Group Distribution by Sex
soils, slope, etc.
Describe hydrologic characteristics (are there rivers? Creeks? Lakes? Etc.) Insert Table 3. Population Distribution by Broad-Age Group, by Gender
Insert Figure 6. Population Distribution by Broad-Age Group, by Gender
Insert Figure 7. Population Proportion by Broad-Age Group

3. Civil Status Distribution

Describe the characteristics of the population with respect to civil status and
age groups.
Which civil status is more prevalent in the barangay? Why is this?

C. Demography and Sociocultural Profile Insert Table 4. Distribution of inhabitants, 10 years and older, by Age Group, Gender
and Civil Status
Insert Figure 8. Civil Status Distribution of 10 Yrs Old and Above
1. Population
Describe the general population characteristics such as: 1.)Total population, 4. Religion
2.) Gender distribution, 3.) Per purok distribution
Are there Indigenous population? Minorities or tribes? Provide statistics if Describe the distribution of population in terms of religious affiliation.
Which is the most prevalent religious denomination?
Insert table 1. Male and Female Population by Purok Are there churches that cater to each denomination? Where are they located?
Insert Figure 1. Male and Female Population by Purok
Insert Figure 3. Population Distribution by Sex Insert Table 5. Religious Affiliation, by Sex
Insert Figure 9. Religious Affiliation
Insert Figure 10. Religious Affiliation, by Sex
2. Age Distribution
Describe the general population characteristics per age group per sex. 5. Hierarchy of Settlements

Which age groups have more males? Females? Etc Describe the household layout among the puroks
What proportion of the total population is the productive group? What are Which purok has the most number of households? Least?
their characteristics? What is the average household size?
1. Roads, Bridges and Communication Services
Insert Table 6. Number of Household per Purok
Insert Figure 11. . Household Distribution by Purok Discuss the characteristics of road networks, bridges, presence of
communication services.
6. Projections and Estimates
Are there any National, Provincial or Municipal roads in your barangay?
Comment on the projected population in terms of the broad age groups Are there any bridges? What type and where are these located?
What is the expected total population after three years? Five years? Ten Are there any communication facilities such as radio towers and cell sites? Where are
years? Etc. these located?
Are there any road ancillary facilities such as box culverts? Where are these located?
Insert Table 7. Projected Population Per Age Group
Insert Figure 12. Projected Population Per Age group Comment on the physical condition of these public infrastructures as well as any
prevailing issues and opportunities for development.

Insert Table 11. Road Network in meters by Surface Type and by Administrative
D. Economic Profile Insert Figure 13. Road Network by Administrative Label

Comment on the condition of roads. How many meters still need to be

1. Source of Livelihood, Locally Produced Products, and Establishments
Are there problem areas? Potholes? Dilapidated roads? Roads requiring
Describe the major sources of livelihood in the barangay
rehabilitation? Roads without slope protection or ancillary facilities? Where are these
What is the main source of livelihood?
located? How can the barangay improve these?
Are there any commercial activities in the barangay? Where are these located?
Comment on the road sufficiency.
Are there any industrial activities in the barangay? Where are these located?
Are there any locally produced products?
Insert Table 12a. Road Inventory
Are there any notable businesses in the barangay?
Insert Table 12b. Inventory of Road Ancillary Facilities
Are there any economic investment potentials in the barangay? What are these?
Insert Table 12c. Inventory of Bridges by Administrative Level (in meters)
Insert Table 13. Communications Services
Discuss also possible sources of livelihood and other economic opportunities

Insert Table 8. Agricultural Establishments 2. Facilities Present in the Barangay

Insert Table 9. Industrial establishments
Insert Table 10. Commercial establishments Discuss the existing facilities present in the barangay as well as future plans
for the development of new or existing facilities. What are the existing facilities?
Where are they located? Comment on the functionality of these facilities
E. Infrastructure and Utilities
Insert Table 14. Facility Distribution by Purok
3. Fuel and Energy 3. Sources of water
Discuss the extent of energization of households in the barangay. Describe the availability of water sources in the barangay including the
Include in the discussion any issues regarding the availability and reliability of sources currently used by households. Are there wells and springs that can be
the power supply. Do you experience outages? How often? developed for community use? If so create an inventory of existing water sources
Are there alternative sources of energy in the barangay? Where are these such as springs, deep wells, dug wells, etc. that are used for drinking (potable water)
located? Include sources of water that may be used for irrigation and domestic use
What sort of fuel is used in the barangay? Do households use firewood? (non-potable water)
Charcoal? Electricity? Gas? Etc, for cooking or other domestic activities Include other sources of water that may be developed in the future
Are there alternative sources of fuel in the barangay? Where are these located?
Discuss also opportunities for development of energy sources Insert Table 16. Inventory of Water Sources

Insert Table 15. Households with access to electricity 4. Solid Waste Management
Insert Figure 14. Households with Access to Electricity
Discuss the prevailing practices (good or bad) pertaining to solid waste
F. Environment management and/or liquid waste management, if applicable.
Is the barangay serviced by the Sanitary Landfill?
Describe the natural and built environments in your barangay. Is the barangay serviced by a collecting service? What is the schedule?
What SWM facilities are present in the barangay? Are there MRF?
1. The Natural Environment Does the barangay have composting facilities? etc
Are there forests? Where are these located? What are their characteristics? Are there incidences of burning? Dumping in inappropriate places? Etc.
Are there production areas such as ricefields, orchards, timber plantations? What interventions does the barangay do for solid waste management?
Where are these located? Discuss issues and areas for development.
Are there bodies of water? Where are these located?
Are there unique plants, animals in the barangay? Insert Table 17. Household Waste Disposal Practices
Are there areas with tourism potential? Insert Figure 17. Household Waste Management, By Method

2. The Built-up Environment

Where are the built-up areas such as residences, commercial areas, industrial
areas, institutional areas?
What are the characteristics of these built-up areas?

Attach maps showing the various natural and built-up environment in the barangay.
Maps can be availed from the Planning/DRRM Office
Insert Table 18. Barangay-Based Institutions

H. Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment

G. Institutional
This chapter presents the Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment (CDRA) at
1. Planning Structure the barangay level. The various policies and interventions arising from the barangay
CDRA as well as the Municipal CDRA are integrated into this plan.
a. The Barangay Organizational Structure For the purpose of brevity, only summaries are discussed herein. The
Barangay CDRA is presented completely in Chapter III of the Barangay Disaster Risk
Discuss the organizational structure of the barangay Reduction and Management Plan.
Insert the Organizational Diagram, with names and designations, if any
1. Susceptibility Assessment
Insert Figure 18. Barangay Organizational Structure
Narrate what hazards are present in the barangay. Which hazard ranks first,
2. The Barangay Development Council second?
Which areas of the barangay are vulnerable to flood? Landslide? Etc.
Describe the composition of the Barangay Development Council Did the barangay have cases of COVID 19? Which puroks have been
Insert the Organization Diagram, or the composition of the Barangay vulnerable? Etc.
Development Council Refer to Chapter III of the BDRRMP

Insert Figure 19. Barangay Development Council 2. Vulnerability Assessment

3. Barangay-Based Institutions Narrate or summarize the vulnerabilities of the barangay based on Chapter III
of the BDRRMP. Which areas are highly vulnerable?
Describe the various institutions established in the barangay. Describe the
membership. 3. Adaptive Capacity
What are the capacities of the barangay in terms of facilities, organizations,
structures, etc. Does the barangay have facilities such as EOC? Evacuation centers?
Early warning system? Responders?
How about institutional capabilities?
How about households? What are their capacities or capabilities?

Briefly summarize them based on Chapter III of the BDRRMP

4. Risk Assessment I. Situational Analysis

Summarize the Risks present in your barangay. Comment on why the 1. SOCIAL
barangay is at (low, medium or high) risk with respect to the hazard (s) in the
a. Food, Health & Nutrition
Discuss issues and concerns on health, malnutrition, diseases and morbidity.
Enumerate the areas of concern (residential areas, production areas, infrastructures
Enumerate areas of concern.
and lifeline utilities.
What are the main causes of mortality and morbidity in the barangay
Highlight the causes of malnutrition, disease and morbidity and how the
Attach Table 19. Risk Assessment
barangay is addressing these.
Discuss current practices pertaining to health management.
Include the availability of health personnel, facilities, etc.
Discuss the barangay’s response to COVID 19. Where there any casualties? Etc.
Discuss also possible emerging areas of concern such as pandemics/epidemics/
disease outbreaks.

Insert Table 20. Nutritional status among children 0-5 years, per purok
Insert Figure 19. Nutritional Status of 0-5 Yrs Old, by sex, by purok
Insert Figure 20. Proportion of undernourished 0-5 Yrs Old

b. Water & Sanitation

1. Access to Improved Water Source

Discuss the status of access to water at the household level.
Discuss the types of water source
Do schools, institutions and facilities also have sources of potable water?
Enumerate various issues and areas of concern including areas for future Insert Table 24. Construction of Walls and Roofing
development. Insert Figure 24. Construction Materials of HHs Walls
Insert Figure 25. Construction Materials of HHs Roof
Relate the discussion to health concerns. Are there cases of water borne diseases such
as diarrhea, gastric diseases due to poor water quality? If so, how will the barangay 2. Household characteristics
address these?
Discuss the characteristics of households such as: 1.) Ownership of houses,
2.) Tenure status, 3. ) Presence of informal settlers, if any.
Insert Table 21. Level of Access to Improved Water source
Insert Figure 21. Access to improved Water Source Insert Table 25. Ownership of House and Lot
Insert Table 22. Level of Access to Improved Water source
Insert Figure 22. Source of Drinking Water d. Peace and Order/Public Safety
2. Access to Sanitary Toilet Facility Discuss prevailing peace, order and public safety issues
What peace-related institutions are present? Are there peace-and-order
Discuss status of access to sanitary toilets. personnel?
Enumerate issues and concerns, as well as potential areas for development. Are there cases of crime in the barangay?
Are there still cases of open defecation? Are there cases handled by the katarungang pambarangay? How many cases
Do toilets have their own septic tanks? are solved? Not solved?
Are there cases where human waste is dumped elsewhere such as canals? Are there cases of insurgency? Terrorism? armed conflict? etc
bodies of water?
Are there cases of sanitation-related diseases? Example, cases of E.coli? e. Education and Literacy
Insert Table 23. Household access to Sanitary Toilets Discuss literacy statistics
Insert Figure 23. Access to Sanitary Toilet Facility, by brgy
Insert Table 23. Type of Toilet Facility, by Barangay Are there children or youth out of school? What are the causes?
Insert Figure 23. Type of Toilet Facility, by Barangay
What are the problem areas? Are there still those who cannot read and write?
c. Housing
How can the barangay address these?
1. Construction of Households Wall and Roof by Material Used
Does your barangay have a school/s?
Discuss the quality of houses in the barangay with respect to the construction
of walls and roofings. Insert Table 27. Children 6-16 Years Old Not Attending School by Purok, by Sex
Discuss any areas for concern such as houses near slopes, bodies of water, Insert Figure 26. Proportion of 6-16 Yrs Old Children Not Attending School
erosion-prone areas, etc. Insert Figure 27. Children Not Attending School, by purok, by sex
Include areas for future development.
Table 28. Illiterate Persons 10 Years Old and Above by Gender, by Purok
Figure 27. Literacy, by Barangay What are the causes of poverty? What are the characteristics of the poorest
Figure 28. Illiterate Persons 10 Years Old and Above by Gender, by Purok households?
What interventions can the barangay effect to improve the poverty situation?

Insert Table 32. Poverty by Purok

2. ECONOMIC Insert Figure 33. Poverty Threshold
Insert Figure 34. Poverty by Purok
a. Employment
2. Households with Income below Food Threshold
Discuss employment statistics in your barangay
What are the most common areas of employment? Discuss the food poverty threshold in the barangay.
How many are employed in each type of business or industry? What are the characteristics of households below the food threshold?
How can the barangay improve the employment status in the barangay? What interventions can the barangay effect to improve the subsistency
situation in the barangay?
Insert Table 29. Employment Status
Insert Figure 29. Employment Status Insert Table 33. Subsistence by Purok
Insert Table 30. Employment per type of Industry Insert Figure 35. Subsistence Level

b. Nature of Employment
*Households with income below food threshold. Current thresholds are estimated, when the
official is not applicable to the reference period, by projecting the official NSCB thresholds
Discuss the nature of employment of the labor force
prevailing prices. The currently used food thresholds are: 14760 (Rural) and 15381 (Urban).
As to the nature of employment of labor force, of the 354 employed members, 280
**Number of households with income below food threshold over total number of households
(79.10%) are permanent, 67 (18.93%) are short term or seasonal, and 7 (1.98%) are
Source: CBMS Census 2016-2017
working on different jobs on day to day or week to week basis.

Insert Table 31. Table. Employed Labor Force by Nature of Employment d. Trade, Commerce, Markets
Insert Figure 31. Employed Labor Force by Nature of Employment
Insert Figure 32. Nature of Employment, by Sex Describe the characteristics of commercial activities. Refer to Chapter I,
Section D for the commercial, industrial areas
Describe local trade or industry practices if any.
c. Income
Is there an existing public market in the barangay?
What products are usually sold?
1. Households with Income below Poverty Threshold What products are in demand?
What products are sold outside the barangay?
Discuss income and poverty statistics
Is there a One Town One Product concept and how can this be developed?
Compare degrees of poverty among puroks
3. INFRASTRUCTURE How does climate change currently affect the natural and built-up
a. Transport Services environment?

Describe the status of transportation in the barangay b. Solid Waste Management

How do inhabitants move about in the barangay?
Is there a system of public transport? Do households dump solid waste in inappropriate areas? Household effluent
Are there facilities such as terminals? sewage and liquid waste in canals?
Are there public transport routes that pass through the barangay? What are Are there incidences of burning in households and in ricefields?
these? How many units service that particular route?
Is there heavy traffic? Which areas can we find these? 5. INSTITUTIONAL
What is the dominant mode of transportation? What modes of transport are a. People’s Participation
preferred by passengers?
Create an inventory of existing public transport, e.g. jeeps, tricycles, vans for Are there CSOs in your barangay? What are these? How many are members
hire, truck, etc. in your barangay?
What roles do these CSOs play?
Insert Table 34. Inventory of Public Transport
Insert. Table. Inventory of CSOs/NGOs and POs
b. Vehicle Ownership
Discuss ownership statistics of private vehicles. Describe the voting profile (if applicable. May be omitted if data is not
What vehicles are commonly owned by private households? available)

Insert Table 35. Inventory of Private Transport Insert Figure. Registered Voters Participation Rate CY 2022 Election (may be omitted
if data is not available)
a. Environmental Concerns b.Functionality of Local Councils

Relate this section to Chapter I Section F. Discuss the various environmental Describe the functionality of local councils
concerns within the natural and built-up environments. What roles do they play?
For example, does the barangay experience flooding? (You may also refer to How often do they meet?
the BDRRMP) What programs have been proposed, approved and implemented by the
Are there deforested areas? local councils?
Are there endangered species of plants or animals? Are there problem areas?
Are there households in risk areas? Households in no-build zones? Houses
in forests? c. Fiscal Capability
Are there illegal settlers? Are there structures that have no building permits?
Is there adequate space to accommodate more houses in the future?
Are there areas that are prone to disasters?
1. Income of the Barangay
Describe the sources of revenue as well as the trends

Insert Table 36. Barangay Revenue Sources, past three years

Figure 36a. , 36b and 36c - Barangay Revenue Soures for the past three years
Insert. Table 29. Sources of Income (past three years)
Insert corresponding charts for the past three years

2. Actual Expenditures of the Barangay

Describe statistics and trends in barangay expenditures
Comment on the trends

Insert Table 37. Actual Expenditures

Insert Figures 37a, 37b, 37c and 37d

6. Functional Role of the Barangay

Describe the functional role of the barangay. The role of the barangay is its
significance within the municipality and/or the province.
For example, is the barangay a food producer?
Is the barangay an energy producer?
Is the barangay known for some unique product? For its culture? Unique
Has the barangay forged sisterhood agreements with other barangays in the
municipality or other places outside the municipality?
How does this role contribute to the overall role of the municipality and the
province? How does this role related to the roles of its adjacent barangays? Does it
compete with others? Does is complement a role of a certain barangay?
What aspects of this role can be improved?
State the Mission Statement


A. Vision
State the vision statement

B. Mission

C. Sectoral Goals, Objectives, and PPAs

To decrease the number of malnourished Provision of supply of multivitamins to
Vision: e.g. a healthy community Zero cases of malnutrition
children by 3 every year for three years malnourished children
Food supplementation program
To enroll at least 5 pregnant mothers to Partnership with MHO in the conduct of
Mother’s Classes every month Mothers’ Classes
PPA2, etc.


















D. Financial Requirements
2023 2024 2025
Committee on
Provision of various multivitamins to
Provision of multivitamins 5,000.00 5,000.00 GF Health and 5 recipients
identified malnourished children
Sanitation, BNS
















E. The Barangay Development Investment Program
For Planning Period: ___________________
Years Covered: __________________

Barangay _______________ Province of _________________

City/Municipality of _______________

AIP Program/ Schedule of Implementation
Respon Fund (in thousand pesos)
Referenc Project/ Expected Outputs
sibility Completion Source
e Code Activity Description Start Date PS MOOE CO Total
F. Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
How when and how often will the plan be updated?
Discuss how the Programs, Projects, Activities in the plan will be monitored.
Which individuals or offices will monitor?
How, when and how often will findings be reported?

Development Area Program, Project, Activity Indicator (What to monitor) Source of Data Responsible Office
Provision of multivitamins Amount of medicines procured Brgy. Treasurer Committee on Health and Sanitation
Amount of medicines distributed
Number of beneficiaries /recipients
Amount of materials procured and
Food supplementation program Brgy. Treasurer Committee on Health and Sanitation
Number of beneficiaries/recipients

I. Barangay Development Council Resolution Approving the BDP

II. Sangguniang Barangay Resolution Approving The Plan




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