Tarea Ingles

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Watch the video and answer the next things.

What did you see?

Que viste en el video?

Es una familia afroamericana que está pasando por una situación complicada. Es un día especial
para la niña y quiere verse linda porque visitará a su mamá y quiere aprender a peinarse así como
su mamá arreglaba su cabello, ya que no está presente porque está enfrentando las consecuencias
de padecer cáncer, mientras la hija le pide ayuda al papá solo le coloca un gorro porque se le hace
tarde para la visita, después de varios intentos con mucho miedo aprende a peinar su cabello
rebelde y su hija se siente feliz.

It is an African-American family that is going through a difficult situation. It is a special day for the
girl and she wants to look pretty because she will visit her mother and she wants to learn to comb
her hair just like her mother did her hair, since she is not present because she is facing the
consequences of suffering from cancer, while the daughter asks the child for help. Dad only puts a
hat on her because he is late for the visit. After several attempts with great fear, she learns to comb
her unruly hair and her daughter feels happy.

Which words do you remember from the video?

Que palabras recuerdas del video? Hair- cabello, easy- fácil, confidence-confianza, especial, my
daughter-hija, today-hoy, always-siempre, remember-recordar, love-amar, are you ready- estas
lista, beautiful-hermosa, help-ayuda, clips y happy days – días felices.

Did you like it?

Yes very nice story

Te gustó? Si muy bonita historia


The responsibility lies with both parents where they must consent to their daughter, no matter
how afraid they are, they must learn to solve it and the important thing is to make their daughter
feel special.

Por qué? La responsabilidad es de ambos padres donde deben de consentir a su hija por más
miedo que tengan deben de aprender a solucionar y lo importante hacer sentir especial a su hija.

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