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Date of Publication: 06/20/2024

Sole Author: Shawn Dexter John

Legal and Political Tenets of Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

(A) Universal Income is a standard pursuit of social liberals, American and the global
community alike. Outside the classical reasons for inducing universal and standard
income in contrasting unregulated capitalism and the consequences of disparities, in
refuting poverty and unemployment due to economic imperfections, and in removing
insecurities reproachable to humanist suppositions, it is clear that money is the root of all
evil. Though bad or wrong is consistently an attribute of common human conduct and
the human psyche when ungroomed (without refuting the core innocence in all), though
wealth and infrastructural growth are positives to the protection of Government and
societal proficiency, money consistently drives bad and/or wrong tendencies into
pathology and consequent evil if money serves as a significant incentive, prize, or goal
per training or custom incentivizing greed and/or apathy. (In a century, universal income
will be standardized and made global thereafter.)


Legal and Political Tenets of relation are as follows:

(1) Any and all laws and policies of Member States of the United Nations (UN) shall support
the proper and ethical treatment of all refugees, migrants, and asylees as a fundamental
and nominal custom of global diplomacy in a paradigm of scientific scrutiny,
comprehensive discourses, and social adjustments to the plights of humanity in its
appreciation of humane protections and securities,
(2) Any and all laws and policies of Member States of the United Nations (UN) shall support
the right of every individual, citizen or otherwise, to seek asylum in any other country in
this world and to publicize the protection, application process, and resources for doing so
in times of war, strife, peace, and stagnation alike,
(3) Any and all laws and policies of the Member States of the United Nations (UN) shall
support (expressly or in providing no opposition) all citizens and non-citizens, including
existent refugees, asylees, migrants, and undocumented immigrants, in their petition to
gain asylee status or stature in any country,
(4) It shall serve as beneficial to all States that all Member States of the United Nations (UN)
allow for non-discriminatory application to asylum stature in their respective country and
to mitigate any overwhelming demand via the comprehensive and clinical development
of diplomatic resolutions not depreciative of the humanitarian and political endeavor of
free and pacifist movement across borders and amongst communities,
(5) All individuals are protected in petitioning for asylum relief in any State in response to
persecution and/or for any other purpose resulting from the condemnation of (or
condemning) any individual or social demographic group toward his/her/its persecution,
(6) Persecution for having intently conducted criminal activity free of assertive coercion,
persecution which only involves the formal due procedures of all relevant legal and
judicial processes, including arrest, prosecution, and rendered judgment and sentencing,
shall not serve as a primary or fundamental purpose for pursuing asylum stature in any
other country; however, no Government or private Actor shall induce or support criminal
activity for targeting any individual toward his/her persecution or deportation,
(7) There shall be no act of any foreign Government which shall demean the constitutional
framework or any legal term of relation which protects and even heightens asylum
protection and immigration benefits supporting social and economic equality amongst all
documented residents, citizens and mere residents alike,
(8) Any and all laws and policies of Member States of the United Nations (UN) shall
demonstrate that immigration laws shall evolve to protect the equal value and powers of
all residents of a country, specifically social, multi-public, and economic value and
powers, whether foreign born or otherwise, citizen or otherwise, that which does not
endure preclusion for any purpose conceivable, national security, defense, or otherwise,
(9) There shall be no abolition of asylum stature, as with all other fundamental principles
upon political and economic integration of the Americas or any other neo-continent, for
protecting emigration from outside the hemisphere in consideration of integration and
jurisprudential consolidation.

CIA-INTERPOL Partnership File Number: W1TBY3254738WBXYT

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